public bool CanFind(int startingVertex, int goalVertex)
            if (startingVertex > GraphToSearch.NumberOfVertices || goalVertex > GraphToSearch.NumberOfVertices)
                throw new InvalidOperationException();

            StartingVertex = startingVertex;
            Goal           = goalVertex;

            //ideally this should be a priority queue
            var priorityQueue = new List <Tuple <int, int> >();

            //list of visited
            var dictionaryOfVisited = new Dictionary <int, int>();

            var cummulativeDistance = 0;

            //Initially start with 0 weight - sorted dictionary sorts the values based on keys
            priorityQueue.Add(new Tuple <int, int>(startingVertex, cummulativeDistance));

            while (priorityQueue.Count != 0)
                var node = priorityQueue.OrderBy(n => n.Item2).First();

                if (node.Item1 == goalVertex)

                //Have we seen this node before, if so unwind the stack as we do not want to explore this node again
                if (dictionaryOfVisited.ContainsKey(node.Item1))

                //Otherwise update distance and add to visited
                cummulativeDistance = cummulativeDistance + node.Item2;
                dictionaryOfVisited.Add(node.Item1, node.Item1);
                //search for neighbours
                var listOfNeighbours = GraphToSearch.GetNeighbours(node.Item1);
                foreach (var neighbour in listOfNeighbours.Where(n => !dictionaryOfVisited.ContainsKey(n)))
                    priorityQueue.Add(new Tuple <int, int>(neighbour, GraphToSearch.GetEdgeWeight(node.Item1, neighbour) + cummulativeDistance));
                    ParentMap.AddOrUpdate(neighbour, node.Item1);
