/// <summary> /// Reset the text annotation position. /// </summary> public override void Reposition() { if (horizontalAxis != null && verticalAxis != null) { textRectangle.X = (int)(Position.X * horizontalAxis.WidthRate + ParentControl.Padding.Left + horizontalAxis.Center); textRectangle.Y = (int)(-Position.Y * verticalAxis.HeightRate + ParentControl.Padding.Top + verticalAxis.Center); } else { if (IsRelativePositionX) { textRectangle.X = (int)(relateRateX * ParentControl.Width); // (int)position.X; } else { textRectangle.X = (int)position.X; } if (IsRelativePositionX) { textRectangle.Y = (int)(relateRateY * ParentControl.Height); // (int)position.X; } else { textRectangle.Y = (int)position.Y; } } textRectangle.Height = (int)rSize.Height; textRectangle.Width = (int)rSize.Width; ParentControl.ReDrawLayer(DrawingLayer); }
public MultiDiagramDocViewControl(MultiDiagramDocView docView) { DocView = docView; Control parentControl = new ParentControl(this); parentControl.SuspendLayout(); base.SuspendLayout(); parentControl.Controls.Add(this); base.SetStyle(ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint | ControlStyles.OptimizedDoubleBuffer | ControlStyles.SupportsTransparentBackColor | ControlStyles.UserPaint, true); base.SetStyle(ControlStyles.Selectable, false); base.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; base.Alignment = TabAlignment.Bottom; base.DrawMode = TabDrawMode.OwnerDrawFixed; base.Padding = new Point(TabOutsideBorderLength + TabInsideBorderLength, TabOutsideBorderLength + TabInsideBorderLength); base.HotTrack = false; base.TabStop = false; Microsoft.Win32.SystemEvents.UserPreferenceChanged += SetFonts; SetFonts(null, null); base.AllowDrop = true; Timer activateTimer = new Timer(); activateTimer.Interval = SystemInformation.DoubleClickTime; activateTimer.Tick += new EventHandler(ActivateTimer_Tick); myDragActivateTabIndex = -1; myDragActivateTimer = activateTimer; base.ResumeLayout(false); parentControl.ResumeLayout(false); }
/// <summary> /// Reset the annotation position. /// </summary> public override void Reposition() { if (horizontalAxis != null && verticalAxis != null) { rectangle.X = startValuePoint.X * horizontalAxis.WidthRate + ParentControl.Padding.Left + horizontalAxis.Center; rectangle.Y = -startValuePoint.Y * verticalAxis.HeightRate + ParentControl.Padding.Top + verticalAxis.Center; rectangle.Height = -(endValuePoint.Y - startValuePoint.Y) * verticalAxis.HeightRate; rectangle.Width = (endValuePoint.X - startValuePoint.X) * horizontalAxis.WidthRate; } else { rectangle.X = startValuePoint.X * ParentControl.DrawWidth + ParentControl.Padding.Left; rectangle.Y = (1 - startValuePoint.Y) * ParentControl.DrawHeight + ParentControl.Padding.Top; rectangle.Height = -(endValuePoint.Y - startValuePoint.Y) * ParentControl.DrawHeight; rectangle.Width = (endValuePoint.X - startValuePoint.X) * ParentControl.DrawWidth; } if (rectangle.Width < 0) { rectangle.Width *= -1; rectangle.X -= rectangle.Width; } if (rectangle.Height < 0) { rectangle.Height *= -1; rectangle.Y -= rectangle.Height; } ParentControl.ReDrawLayer(DrawingLayer); }
public void Adding_Child_Should_Call_PropertyChanged_If_Parent_Value_Changed() { bool called = false; string oldValue = null; string newValue = null; ParentControl parent = new ParentControl(); parent.Test = "bar"; ChildControl child = new ChildControl(); propertyChangedCallback = (s, o, n) => { called = s == child; oldValue = o; newValue = n; }; parent.Children.Add(child); Assert.IsTrue(called); Assert.AreEqual(oldValue, "foo"); Assert.AreEqual(newValue, "bar"); }
private void NetworkHandler_NetworkInitializingFinished(InitializeNetworkHandler handler) { try { handler.NetworkInitializingFinished -= NetworkHandler_NetworkInitializingFinished; ConnectionLobby.Status = handler.Message; if (!handler.Error) { Network = handler.Network; SessionInformation = new SessionConnectParameters(handler.ConnectParameters.ServerIP, ParentControl.NetworkDeathHandler, Network.ClientSession); ShowReconnectOptions(); if (handler.ConnectParameters.GameReconnect) { ParentControl.StatusControl.SetReconnecting(); ParentControl.SwitchMode(GameMode.Status); } else { ParentControl.OptionControl.SetServerIP(handler.ConnectParameters.ServerIP.ToString()); ParentControl.SwitchMode(GameMode.Options); } } } finally { Connecting = false; } }
public void CancelBtnClicked(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (ChangesMade() == false) { // No edit is done. // No need to show messageBox. ShowSelectionGroupBox(); return; } var result = ParentControl.ShowDialog( "Discard the changes to config?", MsgBoxIcon.Warning, "", DefaultButton.Button1, "Discard", "Save", "Cancel"); if (result == MsgBoxResult.Button1) { ShowSelectionGroupBox(); } else if (result == MsgBoxResult.Button2) { SaveConfig(this, EventArgs.Empty); } }
public void DeleteConfig(object sender, EventArgs e) { var reg = SelectedRegistration; if (reg == null) { return; } var configs = profiles.AcConfigs; var item = configs.Find(reg); var path = item.FilePath; var ac = item.Config.AC; var result = ParentControl.ShowDialog( $"Permanently delete {reg} ({ac}) ?", MsgBoxIcon.Warning, "", DefaultButton.Button2, "Delete", "Cancel"); if (result == MsgBoxResult.Button1 && TryDeleteConfig(path)) { configs.Remove(reg); AddToDeletedDefaultAc(path, reg); ReadShadowedProfile(reg); RefreshListView(); AircraftsChanged?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty); } }
/// <summary> /// Re draw the parent chart area. /// </summary> protected void ReDraw() { if (ParentControl != null) { ParentControl.Draw(); } }
private void IntiializeDelayedCancel() { StatusLobby.SetError(); Timeout.Reset(); CancelTimer.Restart(); ParentControl.Disconnect(); }
public void FinishEdit() { if (Node != null) { var oldName = Text; var newName = Editor.UIText; if (!oldName.Equals(newName)) { Node.Name = newName; ((INodeProperties)Node.NodeProperties).EndEdit(); if (Node.Name == null) { ParentControl.NodeText.Text = newName; } } if (ParentControl.ParentSurface.Selector.NodeControls.Any() && !ParentControl.ParentSurface.Selector.IsMultiSelect) { ParentControl.ParentSurface.Selector.NodeControls.First().Focus(); } else { ParentControl.Focus(); } UnlinkNodeControl(); } }
internal void Invalidate(int x, int y, int w, int h) { if (!OutputSuspended) { ParentControl.GuiInvalidate(x - WindowLeft, y - WindowTop, w, h); } }
/// <summary> /// When the find form is being closed we record the user-changable settings for later restoration /// </summary> private void findForm_Closing(object sender, CancelEventArgs e) { formRestoreData = new MemoryStream(); findForm.GetRestoreData(formRestoreData, new BinaryFormatter()); findForm = null; ParentControl.Focus(); // This is required if an InforForm has been shown. // Otherwise, focus is orphaned. I am not sure why. }
//public static TextPointer GetTextPointAt(TextPointer from, int pos) //{ // TextPointer ret = from; // int i = 0; // while ((i < pos) && (ret != null)) // { // if ((ret.GetPointerContext(LogicalDirection.Backward) == TextPointerContext.Text) || (ret.GetPointerContext(LogicalDirection.Backward) == TextPointerContext.None)) // { // i++; // } // if (ret.GetPositionAtOffset(1, LogicalDirection.Forward) == null) // return ret; // ret = ret.GetPositionAtOffset(1, LogicalDirection.Forward); // } // return ret; //} //private void AddNoteAfterOpenFile() //{ // foreach (var note in ParentControl.NotesBrowser.Notes) // { // int start = note.Value.OffsetStart; // int end = note.Value.OffsetEnd; // int dif = 0; // foreach (var not in ParentControl.NotesBrowser.Notes) // { // if (not.Key == note.Key) { break; } // if (not.Value.OffsetStart < start) dif++; // } // start += dif; // end += dif; // TextPointer startPointer = ParentControl.TextBox.MainControl.Document.ContentStart; // TextPointer startPos = GetTextPointAt(startPointer, start); // TextPointer endPos = GetTextPointAt(startPointer, end); // new TextRange(startPos, endPos).ApplyPropertyValue(TextElement.BackgroundProperty, System.Windows.Media.Brushes.PaleGreen); // var tempImage = Properties.Resources.noteFlag; // var ScreenCapture = System.Windows.Interop.Imaging.CreateBitmapSourceFromHBitmap( // tempImage.GetHbitmap(), IntPtr.Zero, Int32Rect.Empty, BitmapSizeOptions.FromWidthAndHeight(20, 20)); // System.Windows.Controls.Image image = new System.Windows.Controls.Image(); // image.Source = ScreenCapture; // image.Stretch = Stretch.Fill; // image.Cursor = Cursors.Hand; // image.Height = 14; // image.Width = 14; // image.Tag = note.Key; // image.MouseUp += NoteFlag_MouseUp; // TextPointer p = startPos; // ParentControl.TextBox.MainControl.BeginChange(); // InlineUIContainer imageContainer = new InlineUIContainer(image, p); // ParentControl.TextBox.MainControl.EndChange(); // ParentControl.TextBox.MainControl.Focus(); // } //} private void NoteFlag_MouseUp(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e) { var item = sender as System.Windows.Controls.Image; if (item != null) { ParentControl.ClickOnFlag(item.Tag.ToString()); } }
public void Refresh() { if (!OutputSuspended) { ParentControl.GuiInvalidate(); ParentControl.GuiUpdateVertScrollBarPos(); ParentControl.GuiUpdateHoriScrollBarPos(); dirty = false; } }
public bool ParentExpended() { if (ParentControl != null) { return(ParentControl.isExpanded && ParentControl.ParentExpended()); } else { return(true); } }
private void TextEditor1_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (_isChange) { return; } if (null != ParentControl) { ParentControl.RaiseTextChanged(); } }
private void AddToDeletedDefaultAc(string path, string reg) { if (Paths.PathsAreSame(Path.GetDirectoryName(path), ConfigLoader.DefaultFolderPath)) { var deleted = new DeletedDefaultAc(); var succeed = deleted.Add(reg); if (!succeed) { ParentControl.ShowError(deleted.ErrorMessage); } } }
private AircraftConfigItem TryValidate() { try { return(new AcConfigValidator(elem).Validate()); } catch (InvalidUserInputException ex) { ParentControl.ShowWarning(ex.Message); return(null); } }
private void HandleInitResponse(ServerInitializeGameResponse initResponse) { if (initResponse.m_players == null || initResponse.m_ball == null || initResponse.m_field == null) { IntiializeDelayedCancel(); StatusLobby.SetStatus("Invalid server response!"); return; } ParentControl.GameControl.InitializeGame(initResponse.m_players, initResponse.m_field, initResponse.m_ball); ParentControl.SwitchMode(GameMode.Game); }
private void LabeledRevisionsLV_onMaxScroll(object sender, ScrollEventArgs e) { if ((maxItems > 0) && (LabeledRevisionsLV.Items.Count >= maxItems)) { maxItems += (int)Preferences.LocalSettings.GetInt("Number_specs", 100); if (ParentControl != null) { ParentControl.setFiles(); } } }
private string TryGetFileName() { try { return(GetFileName()); } catch (NoFileNameAvailException) { // FileNameGenerator cannot generate a file name. ParentControl.ShowError("Failed to save config file."); return(null); } }
private bool TryDeleteConfig(string path) { try { File.Delete(path); return(true); } catch { ParentControl.ShowError("Failed to delete the selected config."); return(false); } }
/// <summary> /// Called when the toolbar overflow button is unchecked. /// </summary> /// <param name="sender">The button object.</param> /// <param name="e">This parameter is not used.</param> protected virtual void OnOverflowButtonUnchecked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (sender is ToggleButton OverflowButton) { if (OverflowButton.Parent is FrameworkElement ParentControl) { if (ParentControl.FindName("AddRemoveButton") is ToggleButton AddRemoveButton) { AddRemoveButton.IsChecked = false; AddRemoveButton.IsEnabled = true; } } } }
private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string type = cmbType.SelectedItem.ToString(); string prefix = txtPrefix.Text.Trim(); string name = txtName.Text.Trim(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name)) { MessageBox.Show("Name cannot be empty.", "Cannot Save Functiond Id", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); txtName.Focus(); return; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(prefix)) { MessageBox.Show("Prefix cannot be empty.", "Cannot Save Functiond Id", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); txtPrefix.Focus(); return; } if (this.Model.FunctionalIds.FunctionalId.Any(functionalId => functionalId.Name == name)) { MessageBox.Show($"Name \"{name}\" already exists.", "Cannot Save Functiond Id", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); txtName.Focus(); return; } if (this.Model.FunctionalIds.FunctionalId.Any(functionalId => functionalId.Value == prefix)) { MessageBox.Show($"Prefix \"{prefix}\" already exists.", "Cannot Save Functiond Id", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); txtPrefix.Focus(); return; } FunctionalId funcId = new FunctionalId(Model); funcId.Type = type; funcId.Value = prefix; funcId.Name = name; funcId.Guid = Model.GenerateGuid(name).ToString(); this.Model.FunctionalIds.FunctionalId.Add(funcId); string displayName = string.Concat(string.Concat(name, " - "), prefix); ParentControl.RefreshEntity(); ParentControl.FunctionalIdComboBox.SelectedIndex = ParentControl.FunctionalIdComboBox.FindStringExact(displayName); this.Close(); MessageBox.Show("Functional Id saved in memory.", "Saved", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); }
void SetLabelsSize() { string str = " "; foreach (AxisLabel aL in labelsCollection) { if (aL.Text[0].Length > str.Length) { str = aL.Text[0]; } } SizeF sf = ParentControl.CreateGraphics().MeasureString(str, Font); labelSize = new Size((int)sf.Width, (int)sf.Height); }
private void DeleteCurrentConfigFile() { var file = currentConfig.FilePath; try { File.Delete(file); } catch (Exception e) { LoggerInstance.Log(e); ParentControl.ShowWarning("The config was saved but the old config cannot" + $"be deleted. Please manually delete {Path.GetFullPath(file)}."); } }
public KeyInfo ReadKey(bool echo) { if (dirty) { Refresh(); } while (true) { var info = ParentControl.ReadKey(); if (info == null) { continue; } object handler; if (scrollHandlers.TryGetValue(info.KeyData, out handler)) { if (handler is ScrollHandler) { var handled = ((ScrollHandler)handler)(); if (handled) { continue; } } else if (handler is MouseHandler) { var handled = ((MouseHandler)handler)(info.MouseCol, info.MouseRow, info.MouseWheel); if (handled) { continue; } } } if (echo && info.KeyChar != 0) { ScrollIntoView(false); Write(info.KeyChar); return(info); } else { return(info); } } }
private void ApplyConfiguration() { switch (GameOptionLobby.SelectedOption) { case RequestOptions.Matchmaking: ParentControl.RegistrationControl.MaxPlayers = GameOptionLobby.PlayerCount; ParentControl.RegistrationControl.ResetSelection(); ParentControl.SwitchMode(GameMode.Registration); break; case RequestOptions.Observe: Network.SendClientObserve(GameOptionLobby.PlayerCount); ParentControl.SwitchMode(GameMode.Status); break; } }
public void UpdateRangeOnNotes() { foreach (var note in ParentControl.NotesBrowser.Notes) { var end = ParentControl.TextBox.MainControl.Document.ContentStart.GetPositionAtOffset(note.Value.OffsetEnd); note.Value.Range = new TextRange( ParentControl.TextBox.MainControl.Document.ContentStart.GetPositionAtOffset(note.Value.OffsetStart), end != null ? end : ParentControl.TextBox.MainControl.Document.ContentEnd); var pointer = ParentControl.AddFlag(note.Value.Range, note.Value.Name); if (note.Value.Range.Start != pointer) { note.Value.Range = new TextRange(pointer, note.Value.Range.End); } } //byte[] flag = NotesBrowser.getJPGFromImageControl(Properties.Resources.noteFlag); //for (TextPointer position = note.Value.Range.Start; position != null && position.CompareTo(note.Value.Range.End) != 1; position = position.GetNextContextPosition(LogicalDirection.Forward)) //{ // InlineUIContainer element = position.Parent as InlineUIContainer; // if (element != null && element.Child is System.Windows.Controls.Image) // { // var image = element.Child as System.Windows.Controls.Image; // if (image == null) continue; // var imageSourse = image.Source as System.Windows.Media.ImageSource; // if (imageSourse == null) continue; // byte[] byt = NotesBrowser.getJPGFromImageControl(imageSourse); // //сравнивает картинки // if (byt.Length == flag.Length) // { // bool isflag = true; // for (int t = 0; t < byt.Length; t++) // { // if (byt[t] != flag[t]) { isflag = false; break; } // } // if (!isflag) continue; // image.Cursor = Cursors.Hand; // image.Tag = note.Key; // image.MouseUp += NoteFlag_MouseUp; // element.Unloaded += Element_Unloaded; // //new TextRange(element.ContentStart, element.ContentEnd).Text = string.Empty; // } // } //} }
/// <summary> /// Called when the toolbar overflow button is unchecked. /// </summary> /// <param name="sender">The button object</param> /// <param name="e">This parameter is not used</param> protected virtual void OnOverflowButtonUnchecked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { ToggleButton OverflowButton; if ((OverflowButton = sender as ToggleButton) != null) { FrameworkElement ParentControl; if ((ParentControl = OverflowButton.Parent as FrameworkElement) != null) { ToggleButton AddRemoveButton; if ((AddRemoveButton = ParentControl.FindName("AddRemoveButton") as ToggleButton) != null) { AddRemoveButton.IsChecked = false; AddRemoveButton.IsEnabled = true; } } } }
public void Adding_Child_Should_Not_Call_PropertyChanged_If_Parent_Value_Unchanged() { bool called = false; string oldValue = null; string newValue = null; ParentControl parent = new ParentControl(); ChildControl child = new ChildControl(); propertyChangedCallback = (s, o, n) => { called = s == child; oldValue = o; newValue = n; }; parent.Children.Add(child); Assert.IsFalse(called); }
public void Setting_Parent_Value_Should_Call_PropertyChanged_If_Child_Value_Unset() { bool called = false; string oldValue = null; string newValue = null; ParentControl parent = new ParentControl(); ChildControl child = new ChildControl(); parent.Children.Add(child); propertyChangedCallback = (s, o, n) => { called = s == child; oldValue = o; newValue = n; }; parent.Test = "bar"; Assert.IsTrue(called); Assert.AreEqual(oldValue, "foo"); Assert.AreEqual(newValue, "bar"); }