예제 #1
        ///<summary> Add environment sub-panel, including tooltips </summary>
        private static void AddSubPanelEnvironment(Panel p)
            string flux_tooltip = Lib.BuildString
                "<align=left />" +
                String.Format("<b>{0,-14}\t{1,-15}\t{2}</b>\n", "Source", "Flux", "Temp"),
                String.Format("{0,-14}\t{1,-15}\t{2}\n", "solar", env_analyzer.solar_flux > 0.0 ? Lib.HumanReadableFlux(env_analyzer.solar_flux) : "none", Lib.HumanReadableTemp(Sim.BlackBodyTemperature(env_analyzer.solar_flux))),
                String.Format("{0,-14}\t{1,-15}\t{2}\n", "albedo", env_analyzer.albedo_flux > 0.0 ? Lib.HumanReadableFlux(env_analyzer.albedo_flux) : "none", Lib.HumanReadableTemp(Sim.BlackBodyTemperature(env_analyzer.albedo_flux))),
                String.Format("{0,-14}\t{1,-15}\t{2}\n", "body", env_analyzer.body_flux > 0.0 ? Lib.HumanReadableFlux(env_analyzer.body_flux) : "none", Lib.HumanReadableTemp(Sim.BlackBodyTemperature(env_analyzer.body_flux))),
                String.Format("{0,-14}\t{1,-15}\t{2}\n", "background", Lib.HumanReadableFlux(Sim.BackgroundFlux()), Lib.HumanReadableTemp(Sim.BlackBodyTemperature(Sim.BackgroundFlux()))),
                String.Format("{0,-14}\t\t{1,-15}\t{2}", "total", Lib.HumanReadableFlux(env_analyzer.total_flux), Lib.HumanReadableTemp(Sim.BlackBodyTemperature(env_analyzer.total_flux)))
            string atmosphere_tooltip = Lib.BuildString
                "<align=left />",
                String.Format("{0,-14}\t<b>{1}</b>\n", "breathable", Sim.Breathable(env_analyzer.body) ? "yes" : "no"),
                String.Format("{0,-14}\t<b>{1}</b>\n", "pressure", Lib.HumanReadablePressure(env_analyzer.body.atmospherePressureSeaLevel)),
                String.Format("{0,-14}\t<b>{1}</b>\n", "light absorption", Lib.HumanReadablePerc(1.0 - env_analyzer.atmo_factor)),
                String.Format("{0,-14}\t<b>{1}</b>", "gamma absorption", Lib.HumanReadablePerc(1.0 - Sim.GammaTransparency(env_analyzer.body, 0.0)))
            string shadowtime_str = Lib.HumanReadableDuration(env_analyzer.shadow_period) + " (" + (env_analyzer.shadow_time * 100.0).ToString("F0") + "%)";

            p.AddSection("ENVIRONMENT", string.Empty,
                         () => { p.Prev(ref environment_index, panel_environment.Count); update = true; },
                         () => { p.Next(ref environment_index, panel_environment.Count); update = true; });
            p.AddContent("temperature", Lib.HumanReadableTemp(env_analyzer.temperature), env_analyzer.body.atmosphere && env_analyzer.landed ? "atmospheric" : flux_tooltip);
            p.AddContent("difference", Lib.HumanReadableTemp(env_analyzer.temp_diff), "difference between external and survival temperature");
            p.AddContent("atmosphere", env_analyzer.body.atmosphere ? "yes" : "no", atmosphere_tooltip);
            p.AddContent("shadow time", shadowtime_str, "the time in shadow\nduring the orbit");
예제 #2
        ///<summary> Add environment sub-panel, including tooltips </summary>
        private static void AddSubPanelEnvironment(Panel p)
            string flux_tooltip = Lib.BuildString
                "<align=left />" +
                String.Format("<b>{0,-14}\t{1,-15}\t{2}</b>\n", Local.Planner_Source, Local.Planner_Flux, Local.Planner_Temp),                                                                                                                                    //"Source""Flux""Temp"
                String.Format("{0,-14}\t{1,-15}\t{2}\n", Local.Planner_solar, env_analyzer.solar_flux > 0.0 ? Lib.HumanReadableFlux(env_analyzer.solar_flux) : Local.Generic_NONE, Lib.HumanReadableTemp(Sim.BlackBodyTemperature(env_analyzer.solar_flux))),     //"solar""none"
                String.Format("{0,-14}\t{1,-15}\t{2}\n", Local.Planner_albedo, env_analyzer.albedo_flux > 0.0 ? Lib.HumanReadableFlux(env_analyzer.albedo_flux) : Local.Generic_NONE, Lib.HumanReadableTemp(Sim.BlackBodyTemperature(env_analyzer.albedo_flux))), //"albedo""none"
                String.Format("{0,-14}\t{1,-15}\t{2}\n", Local.Planner_body, env_analyzer.body_flux > 0.0 ? Lib.HumanReadableFlux(env_analyzer.body_flux) : Local.Generic_NONE, Lib.HumanReadableTemp(Sim.BlackBodyTemperature(env_analyzer.body_flux))),         //"body""none"
                String.Format("{0,-14}\t{1,-15}\t{2}\n", Local.Planner_background, Lib.HumanReadableFlux(Sim.BackgroundFlux()), Lib.HumanReadableTemp(Sim.BlackBodyTemperature(Sim.BackgroundFlux()))),                                                           //"background"
                String.Format("{0,-14}\t\t{1,-15}\t{2}", Local.Planner_total, Lib.HumanReadableFlux(env_analyzer.total_flux), Lib.HumanReadableTemp(Sim.BlackBodyTemperature(env_analyzer.total_flux)))                                                           //"total"
            string atmosphere_tooltip = Lib.BuildString
                "<align=left />",
                String.Format("{0,-14}\t<b>{1}</b>\n", Local.BodyInfo_breathable, Sim.Breathable(env_analyzer.body) ? Local.BodyInfo_breathable_yes : Local.BodyInfo_breathable_no), //"breathable""yes""no"
                String.Format("{0,-14}\t<b>{1}</b>\n", Local.Planner_pressure, Lib.HumanReadablePressure(env_analyzer.body.atmospherePressureSeaLevel)),                             //"pressure"
                String.Format("{0,-14}\t<b>{1}</b>\n", Local.BodyInfo_lightabsorption, Lib.HumanReadablePerc(1.0 - env_analyzer.atmo_factor)),                                       //"light absorption"
                String.Format("{0,-14}\t<b>{1}</b>", Local.BodyInfo_gammaabsorption, Lib.HumanReadablePerc(1.0 - Sim.GammaTransparency(env_analyzer.body, 0.0)))                     //"gamma absorption"
            string shadowtime_str = Lib.HumanReadableDuration(env_analyzer.shadow_period) + " (" + (env_analyzer.shadow_time * 100.0).ToString("F0") + "%)";

            p.AddSection(Local.TELEMETRY_ENVIRONMENT, string.Empty,            //"ENVIRONMENT"
                         () => { p.Prev(ref environment_index, panel_environment.Count); enforceUpdate = true; },
                         () => { p.Next(ref environment_index, panel_environment.Count); enforceUpdate = true; });
            p.AddContent(Local.Planner_temperature, Lib.HumanReadableTemp(env_analyzer.temperature), env_analyzer.body.atmosphere && env_analyzer.landed ? Local.Planner_atmospheric : flux_tooltip); //"temperature""atmospheric"
            p.AddContent(Local.Planner_difference, Lib.HumanReadableTemp(env_analyzer.temp_diff), Local.Planner_difference_desc);                                                                     //"difference""difference between external and survival temperature"
            p.AddContent(Local.Planner_atmosphere, env_analyzer.body.atmosphere ? Local.Planner_atmosphere_yes : Local.Planner_atmosphere_no, atmosphere_tooltip);                                    //"atmosphere""yes""no"
            p.AddContent(Local.Planner_shadowtime, shadowtime_str, Local.Planner_shadowtime_desc);                                                                                                    //"shadow time""the time in shadow\nduring the orbit"
예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Shows the Network status, ControlPath, Signal strength
        /// </summary>
        public static void ConnMan(this Panel p, Vessel v)
            // avoid corner-case when this is called in a lambda after scene changes
            v = FlightGlobals.FindVessel(v.id);

            // if vessel doesn't exist anymore, leave the panel empty
            if (v == null)

            // get info from the cache
            Vessel_info vi = Cache.VesselInfo(v);

            // if not a valid vessel, leave the panel empty
            if (!vi.is_valid)

            // set metadata
            p.Title(Lib.BuildString(Lib.Ellipsis(v.vesselName, Styles.ScaleStringLength(40)), " <color=#cccccc>CONNECTION MANAGER</color>"));
            p.paneltype = Panel.PanelType.connection;

            // time-out simulation
            if (p.Timeout(vi))

            // draw ControlPath section
            p.AddSection("CONTROL PATH");
            if (vi.connection.linked)
                if (vi.connection.control_path != null)
                    foreach (string[] hop in vi.connection.control_path)
                        if (hop == null || hop.Length < 1)
                        string name    = hop[0];
                        string value   = hop.Length >= 2 ? hop[1] : "";
                        string tooltip = hop.Length >= 3 ? ("\n" + hop[2]) : "";
                        p.AddContent(name, value, tooltip);
                p.AddContent("<i>no connection</i>", string.Empty);
예제 #4
        ///<summary> Add habitat sub-panel, including tooltips </summary>
        private static void AddSubPanelHabitat(Panel p)
            SimulatedResource atmo_res  = resource_sim.Resource("Atmosphere");
            SimulatedResource waste_res = resource_sim.Resource("WasteAtmosphere");
            SimulatedResource moist_res = resource_sim.Resource("MoistAtmosphere");

            // generate tooltips
            string atmo_tooltip  = atmo_res.Tooltip();
            string waste_tooltip = waste_res.Tooltip(true);
            string moist_tooltip = moist_res.Tooltip(true);

            // generate status string for scrubbing
            string waste_status = !Features.Poisoning                               //< feature disabled
                          ? "n/a"
                          : waste_res.produced <= double.Epsilon                    //< unnecessary
                          ? "not required"
                          : waste_res.consumed <= double.Epsilon                    //< no scrubbing
                          ? "<color=#ffff00>none</color>"
                          : waste_res.produced > waste_res.consumed * 1.001         //< insufficient scrubbing
                          ? "<color=#ffff00>inadequate</color>"
                          : "good";                                                 //< sufficient scrubbing

            // generate status string for humidity
            string moist_status = !Features.Humidity                                //< feature disabled
                          ? "n/a"
                          : moist_res.produced <= double.Epsilon                    //< unnecessary
                          ? "not required"
                          : moist_res.consumed <= double.Epsilon                    //< no humidity control
                          ? "<color=#ffff00>none</color>"
                          : moist_res.produced > moist_res.consumed * 1.001         //< insufficient humidity control
                          ? "<color=#ffff00>inadequate</color>"
                          : "good";                                                 //< sufficient humidity control

            // generate status string for pressurization
            string atmo_status = !Features.Pressure                                 //< feature disabled
                          ? "n/a"
                          : atmo_res.consumed <= double.Epsilon                     //< unnecessary
                          ? "not required"
                          : atmo_res.produced <= double.Epsilon                     //< no pressure control
                          ? "<color=#ffff00>none</color>"
                          : atmo_res.consumed > atmo_res.produced * 1.001           //< insufficient pressure control
                          ? "<color=#ffff00>inadequate</color>"
                          : "good";                                                 //< sufficient pressure control

            p.AddSection("HABITAT", string.Empty,
                         () => { p.Prev(ref environment_index, panel_environment.Count); update = true; },
                         () => { p.Next(ref environment_index, panel_environment.Count); update = true; });
            p.AddContent("volume", Lib.HumanReadableVolume(vessel_analyzer.volume), "volume of enabled habitats");
            p.AddContent("surface", Lib.HumanReadableSurface(vessel_analyzer.surface), "surface of enabled habitats");
            p.AddContent("scrubbing", waste_status, waste_tooltip);
            p.AddContent("humidity", moist_status, moist_tooltip);
            p.AddContent("pressurization", atmo_status, atmo_tooltip);
예제 #5
        ///<summary> Add electric charge sub-panel, including tooltips </summary>
        private static void AddSubPanelEC(Panel p)
            // get simulated resource
            SimulatedResource res = resource_sim.Resource("ElectricCharge");

            // create tooltip
            string tooltip = res.Tooltip();

            // render the panel section
            p.AddSection(Local.Planner_ELECTRICCHARGE);                                         //"ELECTRIC CHARGE"
            p.AddContent(Local.Planner_storage, Lib.HumanReadableAmount(res.storage), tooltip); //"storage"
            p.AddContent(Local.Planner_consumed, Lib.HumanReadableRate(res.consumed), tooltip); //"consumed"
            p.AddContent(Local.Planner_produced, Lib.HumanReadableRate(res.produced), tooltip); //"produced"
            p.AddContent(Local.Planner_duration, Lib.HumanReadableDuration(res.Lifetime()));    //"duration"
예제 #6
        ///<summary> Add supply resource sub-panel, including tooltips </summary>
        /// does not include electric charge
        /// does not include special resources like waste atmosphere
        /// restricted to resources that are configured explicitly in the profile as supplies
        private static void AddSubPanelResource(Panel p, string res_name)
            // get simulated resource
            SimulatedResource res = resource_sim.Resource(res_name);

            // create tooltip
            string tooltip = res.Tooltip();

            // render the panel section
            p.AddSection(Lib.SpacesOnCaps(res_name).ToUpper(), string.Empty,
                         () => { p.Prev(ref resource_index, panel_resource.Count); update = true; },
                         () => { p.Next(ref resource_index, panel_resource.Count); update = true; });
            p.AddContent("storage", Lib.HumanReadableAmount(res.storage), tooltip);
            p.AddContent("consumed", Lib.HumanReadableRate(res.consumed), tooltip);
            p.AddContent("produced", Lib.HumanReadableRate(res.produced), tooltip);
            p.AddContent("duration", Lib.HumanReadableDuration(res.Lifetime()));
예제 #7
        private void InitializeComponent()
            panel1 = new Panel
                VerticalContentAlignment   = VerticalAlignment.Center,
                HorizontalContentAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center,

            var grid = new Grid
                Parent = panel1,
                Width  = 70,
                Margin = new Thickness(0, 1),

            grid.RowDefinitions.Add(new RowDefinition(SizeType.Absolute, 3));
            grid.RowDefinitions.Add(new RowDefinition(SizeType.AutoSize));

            grid.ColumnDefinitions.Add(new ColumnDefinition(SizeType.Percent, 60));
            grid.ColumnDefinitions.Add(new ColumnDefinition(SizeType.Percent, 40));

            var lb1 = new Label
                WordWrap = true,
                Text     = "GroupBox is a control that displays a frame around a control with an optional caption. It has only one child, but you can used any components for macking rich user interfaces",

            grid.AddContent(lb1, 0, 0, 2);

            targetPanel = new GroupBox()
                Background = Color.DarkMagenta,
                Text       = "Header",

            var contentPanel = new Panel
                VerticalContentAlignment   = VerticalAlignment.Center,
                HorizontalContentAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center,

            contentPanel.AddContent(new Label("Content")
                Background = Color.Magenta,
                Foreground = Color.White,
            grid.AddContent(targetPanel, 0, 1);

            descriptionLabel = new Label("Let's check how to work TextAlignment, BorderThickness, BorderColor and BorderChars properties")
                Margin   = new Thickness(1, 0, 0, 0),
                WordWrap = true,
            grid.AddContent(descriptionLabel, 1, 1);
예제 #8
        ///<summary> Add supply resource sub-panel, including tooltips </summary>
        /// does not include electric charge
        /// does not include special resources like waste atmosphere
        /// restricted to resources that are configured explicitly in the profile as supplies
        private static void AddSubPanelResource(Panel p, string res_name)
            // get simulated resource
            SimulatedResource res = resource_sim.Resource(res_name);

            // create tooltip
            string tooltip = res.Tooltip();

            var resource = PartResourceLibrary.Instance.resourceDefinitions[res_name];

            // render the panel section
            p.AddSection(Lib.SpacesOnCaps(resource.displayName).ToUpper(), string.Empty,
                         () => { p.Prev(ref resource_index, panel_resource.Count); enforceUpdate = true; },
                         () => { p.Next(ref resource_index, panel_resource.Count); enforceUpdate = true; });
            p.AddContent(Local.Planner_storage, Lib.HumanReadableAmount(res.storage), tooltip);         //"storage"
            p.AddContent(Local.Planner_consumed, Lib.HumanReadableRate(res.consumed), tooltip);         //"consumed"
            p.AddContent(Local.Planner_produced, Lib.HumanReadableRate(res.produced), tooltip);         //"produced"
            p.AddContent(Local.Planner_duration, Lib.HumanReadableDuration(res.Lifetime()));            //"duration"
예제 #9
        ///<summary> Add habitat sub-panel, including tooltips </summary>
        private static void AddSubPanelHabitat(Panel p)
            SimulatedResource atmo_res  = resource_sim.Resource("Atmosphere");
            SimulatedResource waste_res = resource_sim.Resource("WasteAtmosphere");

            // generate tooltips
            string atmo_tooltip  = atmo_res.Tooltip();
            string waste_tooltip = waste_res.Tooltip(true);

            // generate status string for scrubbing
            string waste_status = !Features.Poisoning                                        //< feature disabled
                          ? "n/a"
                          : waste_res.produced <= double.Epsilon                             //< unnecessary
                          ? Local.Planner_scrubbingunnecessary                               //"not required"
                          : waste_res.consumed <= double.Epsilon                             //< no scrubbing
                          ? Lib.Color(Local.Planner_noscrubbing, Lib.Kolor.Orange)           //"none"
                          : waste_res.produced > waste_res.consumed * 1.001                  //< insufficient scrubbing
                          ? Lib.Color(Local.Planner_insufficientscrubbing, Lib.Kolor.Yellow) //"inadequate"
                          : Lib.Color(Local.Planner_sufficientscrubbing, Lib.Kolor.Green);   //"good"                    //< sufficient scrubbing

            // generate status string for pressurization
            string atmo_status = !Features.Pressure                                                //< feature disabled
                          ? "n/a"
                          : atmo_res.consumed <= double.Epsilon                                    //< unnecessary
                          ? Local.Planner_pressurizationunnecessary                                //"not required"
                          : atmo_res.produced <= double.Epsilon                                    //< no pressure control
                          ? Lib.Color(Local.Planner_nopressurecontrol, Lib.Kolor.Orange)           //"none"
                          : atmo_res.consumed > atmo_res.produced * 1.001                          //< insufficient pressure control
                          ? Lib.Color(Local.Planner_insufficientpressurecontrol, Lib.Kolor.Yellow) //"inadequate"
                          : Lib.Color(Local.Planner_sufficientpressurecontrol, Lib.Kolor.Green);   //"good"                    //< sufficient pressure control

            p.AddSection(Local.Planner_HABITAT, string.Empty,                                      //"HABITAT"
                         () => { p.Prev(ref environment_index, panel_environment.Count); enforceUpdate = true; },
                         () => { p.Next(ref environment_index, panel_environment.Count); enforceUpdate = true; });
            p.AddContent(Local.Planner_volume, Lib.HumanReadableVolume(vessel_analyzer.volume), Local.Planner_volume_tip);                     //"volume""volume of enabled habitats"
            p.AddContent(Local.Planner_habitatssurface, Lib.HumanReadableSurface(vessel_analyzer.surface), Local.Planner_habitatssurface_tip); //"surface""surface of enabled habitats"
            p.AddContent(Local.Planner_scrubbing, waste_status, waste_tooltip);                                                                //"scrubbing"
            p.AddContent(Local.Planner_pressurization, atmo_status, atmo_tooltip);                                                             //"pressurization"
예제 #10
        private void InitializeComponent()
            panel1 = new Panel
                VerticalContentAlignment   = VerticalAlignment.Center,
                HorizontalContentAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center,

            var grid = new Grid
                Parent = panel1,
                Width  = 70,
                Margin = new Thickness(0, 1),

            grid.RowDefinitions.Add(new RowDefinition(SizeType.Absolute, 3));
            grid.RowDefinitions.Add(new RowDefinition(SizeType.AutoSize));

            grid.ColumnDefinitions.Add(new ColumnDefinition(SizeType.Percent, 60));
            grid.ColumnDefinitions.Add(new ColumnDefinition(SizeType.Percent, 40));

            var lb1 = new Label
                WordWrap = true,
                Text     = "Panel is a simple control using to group collections of controls. It has only one child, but you can used any components for macking rich user interfaces",

            grid.AddContent(lb1, 0, 0, 2);

            targetPanel = new Panel()
                VerticalContentAlignment   = VerticalAlignment.Center,
                HorizontalContentAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center,
                Background = Color.DarkMagenta,
            targetPanel.AddContent(new Label("Content")
                Background = Color.Magenta,
                Foreground = Color.White,
            grid.AddContent(targetPanel, 0, 1);

            descriptionLabel = new Label("Let's check how to work VerticalContentAlignment and HorizontalContentAlignment properties")
                Margin   = new Thickness(1, 0, 0, 0),
                WordWrap = true,
            grid.AddContent(descriptionLabel, 1, 1);
예제 #11
        private void InitializeComponent()
            panel1 = new Panel()
                HorizontalContentAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center,
                VerticalContentAlignment   = VerticalAlignment.Center,
                AutoSize = false,

            canvas1 = new Canvas()
                Width  = 45,
                Height = 15,
            canvas1.OnPaint += CanvasPaint;

예제 #12
        ///<summary> Add stress sub-panel, including tooltips </summary>
        private static void AddSubPanelStress(Panel p)
            // get first living space rule
            // - guaranteed to exist, as this panel is not rendered if it doesn't
            // - even without crew, it is safe to evaluate the modifiers that use it
            Rule rule = Profile.rules.Find(k => k.modifiers.Contains("living_space"));

            // render title
            p.AddSection(Local.Planner_STRESS, string.Empty,            //"STRESS"
                         () => { p.Prev(ref special_index, panel_special.Count); enforceUpdate = true; },
                         () => { p.Next(ref special_index, panel_special.Count); enforceUpdate = true; });

            // render living space data
            // generate details tooltips
            string living_space_tooltip = Lib.BuildString
                Local.Planner_volumepercapita, "<b>\t", Lib.HumanReadableVolume(vessel_analyzer.volume / Math.Max(vessel_analyzer.crew_count, 1)), "</b>\n", //"volume per-capita:
                Local.Planner_ideallivingspace, "<b>\t", Lib.HumanReadableVolume(PreferencesComfort.Instance.livingSpace), "</b>"                            //"ideal living space:

            p.AddContent(Local.Planner_livingspace, Habitat.Living_space_to_string(vessel_analyzer.living_space), living_space_tooltip);            //"living space"

            // render comfort data
            if (rule.modifiers.Contains("comfort"))
                p.AddContent(Local.Planner_comfort, vessel_analyzer.comforts.Summary(), vessel_analyzer.comforts.Tooltip());                //"comfort"
                p.AddContent(Local.Planner_comfort, "n/a");                //"comfort"

            // render pressure data
            if (rule.modifiers.Contains("pressure"))
                string pressure_tooltip = vessel_analyzer.pressurized
                                  ? Local.Planner_analyzerpressurized1                                                                                                 //"Free roaming in a pressurized environment is\nvastly superior to living in a suit."
                                  : Local.Planner_analyzerpressurized2;                                                                                                //"Being forced inside a suit all the time greatly\nreduces the crews quality of life.\nThe worst part is the diaper."
                p.AddContent(Local.Planner_pressurized, vessel_analyzer.pressurized ? Local.Planner_pressurized_yes : Local.Planner_pressurized_no, pressure_tooltip); //"pressurized""yes""no"
                p.AddContent(Local.Planner_pressurized, "n/a");                //"pressurized"

            // render life estimate
            double mod = Modifiers.Evaluate(env_analyzer, vessel_analyzer, resource_sim, rule.modifiers);

            p.AddContent(Local.Planner_lifeestimate, Lib.HumanReadableDuration(rule.fatal_threshold / (rule.degeneration * mod)));            //"duration"
예제 #13
        private void InitializeComponent()
            panel1 = new Panel()
                HorizontalContentAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center,
                VerticalContentAlignment   = VerticalAlignment.Center,
                AutoSize = false,

            tilePanel = new TilePanel()
                Width      = 45,
                Height     = 15,
                Background = Color.Black,
                Foreground = Color.Magenta,
                Tile       = '░',
            tilePanel.OnPaint += CanvasPaint;

예제 #14
        private void InitializeComponent()
            panel1 = new Panel
                VerticalContentAlignment   = VerticalAlignment.Center,
                HorizontalContentAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center,

            var grid = new Grid
                Parent = panel1,
                Width  = 70,
                Margin = new Thickness(0, 1, 0, 0),

            grid.ColumnDefinitions.Add(new ColumnDefinition(SizeType.Percent, 20));
            grid.ColumnDefinitions.Add(new ColumnDefinition(SizeType.Percent, 80));

            grid.RowDefinitions.Add(new RowDefinition(SizeType.Absolute, 4));
            grid.RowDefinitions.Add(new RowDefinition(SizeType.Absolute, 1));
            grid.RowDefinitions.Add(new RowDefinition(SizeType.Absolute, 1));
            grid.RowDefinitions.Add(new RowDefinition(SizeType.Absolute, 3));
            grid.RowDefinitions.Add(new RowDefinition(SizeType.Absolute, 4));
            grid.RowDefinitions.Add(new RowDefinition(SizeType.Absolute, 1));

            var lb1 = new Label
                WordWrap = true,
                Text     = "MessageBox displays a message window, also known as a dialog box, which presents a message to the user. It is a modal window, blocking other actions in the application until the user closes it.",

            grid.AddContent(lb1, 0, 0, 2);

            grid.AddContent(new Label("Caption")
                Foreground = Color.DarkMagenta
            }, 0, 1);
            grid.AddContent(new Label("The text to display in the title bar of the message box")
                WordWrap = true
            }, 1, 1);

            grid.AddContent(new Label("Message")
                Foreground = Color.DarkMagenta
            }, 0, 2);
            grid.AddContent(new Label("The text to display in the message box")
                WordWrap = true
            }, 1, 2);

            grid.AddContent(new Label("MessageIcon")
                Foreground = Color.DarkMagenta
            }, 0, 3);
            grid.AddContent(new Label("One of the values that specifies which icon to display in the message box [None, Error, Question, Warning, Information]")
                WordWrap = true
            }, 1, 3);

            grid.AddContent(new Label("Buttons")
                Foreground = Color.DarkMagenta
            }, 0, 4);
            grid.AddContent(new Label("One of the values that specifies which buttons to display in the message box [OK, OKCancel, AbortRetryIgnore, YesNoCancel, YesNo, RetryCancel]")
                WordWrap = true
            }, 1, 4);

            var buttonsPanel = new Panel()
                HorizontalContentAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center,

            var stackPanel = new StackPanel(Orientation.Horizontal);

            var btn1 = new Button("Simple")
                Margin = new Thickness(0, 0, 1, 0)

            btn1.OnClick += SimpleClick;

            var btn2 = new Button("With caption")
                Margin = new Thickness(0, 0, 1, 0)

            btn2.OnClick += CaptionClick;

            var btn3 = new Button("Caption & icon")
                Margin = new Thickness(0, 0, 1, 0)

            btn3.OnClick += CaptionIconClick;

            var btn4 = new Button("Full variant")
                Margin = new Thickness(0, 0, 1, 0)

            btn4.OnClick += FullClick;


            grid.AddContent(buttonsPanel, 0, 5, 2);
예제 #15
        private void InitializeComponent()
            panel1 = new Panel()
                HorizontalContentAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center,
                VerticalContentAlignment   = VerticalAlignment.Center,
                AutoSize = false,

            stackPanel1 = new StackPanel(Orientation.Vertical)
                Width = 40,
            groupBox1 = new GroupBox()
                Background  = Color.Green,
                BorderColor = Color.DarkGreen,
            stackPanel2 = new StackPanel(Orientation.Vertical)
                Margin = new Thickness(5, 0),

            label1 = new Label("Congratulations!!!")
                Foreground    = Color.DarkGreen,
                TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center,
            labelMapName = new Label()
                Foreground    = Color.DarkGreen,
                TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center,
                WordWrap      = true,

            groupBox2 = new GroupBox()
                Background  = Color.Gray,
                BorderColor = Color.DarkGray,
                Margin      = new Thickness(0, 1, 0, 0),
            stackPanel3 = new StackPanel(Orientation.Vertical);
            stackPanel3.AddContent(new Label("Your achievements:")
                TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center,
                Margin        = new Thickness(0, 0, 0, 1),
            grid1 = new Grid();
            grid1.ColumnDefinitions.Add(new ColumnDefinition(SizeType.Absolute, 20));
            grid1.ColumnDefinitions.Add(new ColumnDefinition());

            grid1.RowDefinitions.Add(new RowDefinition(SizeType.Absolute, 1));
            grid1.AddContent(new Label("Steps taken"), 0, 0);
            labelSteps = new Label();
            grid1.AddContent(labelSteps, 1, 0);

            grid1.RowDefinitions.Add(new RowDefinition(SizeType.Absolute, 1));
            grid1.AddContent(new Label("Coins collected"), 0, 1);
            labelCoins = new Label();
            grid1.AddContent(labelCoins, 1, 1);



예제 #16
        ///<summary> Add reliability sub-panel, including tooltips </summary>
        private static void AddSubPanelReliability(Panel p)
            // evaluate redundancy metric
            // - 0: no redundancy
            // - 0.5: all groups have 2 elements
            // - 1.0: all groups have 3 or more elements
            double redundancy_metric = 0.0;

            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, int> pair in vessel_analyzer.redundancy)
                switch (pair.Value)
                case 1:

                case 2:
                    redundancy_metric += 0.5 / vessel_analyzer.redundancy.Count;

                    redundancy_metric += 1.0 / vessel_analyzer.redundancy.Count;

            // traduce the redundancy metric to string
            string redundancy_str = string.Empty;

            if (redundancy_metric <= 0.1)
                redundancy_str = "none";
            else if (redundancy_metric <= 0.33)
                redundancy_str = "poor";
            else if (redundancy_metric <= 0.66)
                redundancy_str = "okay";
                redundancy_str = "great";

            // generate redundancy tooltip
            string redundancy_tooltip = string.Empty;

            if (vessel_analyzer.redundancy.Count > 0)
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, int> pair in vessel_analyzer.redundancy)
                    if (sb.Length > 0)
                    switch (pair.Value)
                    case 1:

                    case 2:

                redundancy_tooltip = Lib.BuildString("<align=left />", sb.ToString());

            // generate repair string and tooltip
            string repair_str     = "none";
            string repair_tooltip = string.Empty;

            if (vessel_analyzer.crew_engineer)
                repair_str     = "engineer";
                repair_tooltip = "The engineer on board should\nbe able to handle all repairs";
            else if (vessel_analyzer.crew_capacity == 0)
                repair_str     = "safemode";
                repair_tooltip = "We have a chance of repairing\nsome of the malfunctions remotely";

            // render panel
            p.AddSection("RELIABILITY", string.Empty,
                         () => { p.Prev(ref special_index, panel_special.Count); update = true; },
                         () => { p.Next(ref special_index, panel_special.Count); update = true; });
            p.AddContent("malfunctions", Lib.HumanReadableAmount(vessel_analyzer.failure_year, "/y"), "average case estimate\nfor the whole vessel");
            p.AddContent("high quality", Lib.HumanReadablePerc(vessel_analyzer.high_quality), "percentage of high quality components");
            p.AddContent("redundancy", redundancy_str, redundancy_tooltip);
            p.AddContent("repair", repair_str, repair_tooltip);
예제 #17
        private void InitializeComponent()
            panel1 = new Panel
                VerticalContentAlignment   = VerticalAlignment.Center,
                HorizontalContentAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center,

            var grid = new Grid
                Parent = panel1,
                Width  = 70,
                Margin = new Thickness(0, 1),

            grid.RowDefinitions.Add(new RowDefinition(SizeType.Absolute, 3));
            grid.RowDefinitions.Add(new RowDefinition(SizeType.AutoSize));

            grid.ColumnDefinitions.Add(new ColumnDefinition(SizeType.Percent, 40));
            grid.ColumnDefinitions.Add(new ColumnDefinition(SizeType.Percent, 60));

            var lb1 = new Label
                WordWrap = true,
                Text     = "Button is a common button control. It inherited from ButtonBase and has Background as Application.SystemColors.ButtonFace and Foreground as Application.SystemColors.ButtonText",

            grid.AddContent(lb1, 0, 0, 2);

            var targetPanel = new Panel()
                VerticalContentAlignment   = VerticalAlignment.Center,
                HorizontalContentAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center,
            var stackPanel = new StackPanel(Orientation.Vertical)
                AutoSize = true,
                Padding  = new Thickness(1),

            for (int i = 1; i <= 4; i++)
                var btn = new Button($"Button{i}")
                    Margin     = new Thickness(0, 0, 0, i < 4 ? 1 : 0),
                    IsDisabled = i == 2,
                btn.OnClick += BtnClick;
            grid.AddContent(targetPanel, 0, 1);

            var descriptionLabel = new Label("Use [Tab]\\[Shift+Tab] for change focused button. [Space] or [Enter] to clik. If you want to disable button selection, set the IsDisabled property. DialogResult gets or sets a value that is returned to the parent form when the button is clicked")
                Margin   = new Thickness(1, 1, 0, 0),
                WordWrap = true,

            grid.AddContent(descriptionLabel, 1, 1);
예제 #18
        private void InitializeComponent()
            panel1 = new Panel
                VerticalContentAlignment   = VerticalAlignment.Center,
                HorizontalContentAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center,

            var grid = new Grid
                Parent = panel1,
                Width  = 70,
                Margin = new Thickness(0, 1),

            grid.RowDefinitions.Add(new RowDefinition(SizeType.Absolute, 3));
            grid.RowDefinitions.Add(new RowDefinition(SizeType.AutoSize));

            grid.ColumnDefinitions.Add(new ColumnDefinition(SizeType.Percent, 40));
            grid.ColumnDefinitions.Add(new ColumnDefinition(SizeType.Percent, 60));

            var lb1 = new Label
                WordWrap = true,
                Text     = "CheckBox represents a control to give the user an option, such as true/false or yes/no. CheckBox controls let the user pick a combination of options",

            grid.AddContent(lb1, 0, 0, 2);

            var targetPanel = new Panel()
                VerticalContentAlignment   = VerticalAlignment.Center,
                HorizontalContentAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center,
            var stackPanel = new StackPanel(Orientation.Vertical)
                AutoSize = true,
                Padding  = new Thickness(1),

            var cb1 = new CheckBox("CheckBox1")
                Margin = new Thickness(0, 0, 0, 1),

            cb1.OnCheckedChanged += CheckedChanged;

            var cb2 = new CheckBox("CheckBox2")
                Checked = true,
                Margin  = new Thickness(0, 0, 0, 1),

            cb2.OnCheckedChanged += CheckedChanged;

            var cb3 = new CheckBox("CheckBox3")
                IsDisabled = true,
                Margin     = new Thickness(0, 0, 0, 1),

            cb3.OnCheckedChanged += CheckedChanged;

            var cb4 = new CheckBox("CheckBox4")
                IsDisabled = true,
                Checked    = true,
                Margin     = new Thickness(0, 0, 0, 1),

            cb4.OnCheckedChanged += CheckedChanged;

            var cb5 = new CheckBox("CheckBox5")
                ThreeState = true,

            cb5.OnCheckedChanged += CheckedChanged;

            grid.AddContent(targetPanel, 0, 1);

            var propertyPanel = new StackPanel(Orientation.Vertical);

                new Label(
                    "Use [Tab]\\[Shift+Tab] for change focused checkbox. [Space] or [Enter] to change the state. The ThreeState property determines whether the control supports two or three states")
                Margin   = new Thickness(1, 1, 0, 0),
                WordWrap = true,
            propertyChangedLabel = new Label("Click on any available checkbox…")
                Margin   = new Thickness(1, 1, 0, 0),
                WordWrap = true,
            grid.AddContent(propertyPanel, 1, 1);
예제 #19
        ///<summary> Add reliability sub-panel, including tooltips </summary>
        private static void AddSubPanelReliability(Panel p)
            // evaluate redundancy metric
            // - 0: no redundancy
            // - 0.5: all groups have 2 elements
            // - 1.0: all groups have 3 or more elements
            double redundancy_metric = 0.0;

            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, int> pair in vessel_analyzer.redundancy)
                switch (pair.Value)
                case 1:

                case 2:
                    redundancy_metric += 0.5 / vessel_analyzer.redundancy.Count;

                    redundancy_metric += 1.0 / vessel_analyzer.redundancy.Count;

            // traduce the redundancy metric to string
            string redundancy_str = string.Empty;

            if (redundancy_metric <= 0.1)
                redundancy_str = Local.Planner_none;                //"none"
            else if (redundancy_metric <= 0.33)
                redundancy_str = Local.Planner_poor;                //"poor"
            else if (redundancy_metric <= 0.66)
                redundancy_str = Local.Planner_okay;                //"okay"
                redundancy_str = Local.Planner_great;                //"great"
            // generate redundancy tooltip
            string redundancy_tooltip = string.Empty;

            if (vessel_analyzer.redundancy.Count > 0)
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, int> pair in vessel_analyzer.redundancy)
                    if (sb.Length > 0)
                    sb.Append(Lib.Color(pair.Value.ToString(), pair.Value == 1 ? Lib.Kolor.Red : pair.Value == 2 ? Lib.Kolor.Yellow : Lib.Kolor.Green, true));
                redundancy_tooltip = Lib.BuildString("<align=left />", sb.ToString());

            // generate repair string and tooltip
            string repair_str     = Local.Planner_none;        //"none"
            string repair_tooltip = string.Empty;

            if (vessel_analyzer.crew_engineer)
                repair_str     = "engineer";
                repair_tooltip = Local.Planner_engineer_tip;                //"The engineer on board should\nbe able to handle all repairs"
            else if (vessel_analyzer.crew_capacity == 0)
                repair_str     = "safemode";
                repair_tooltip = Local.Planner_safemode_tip;                //"We have a chance of repairing\nsome of the malfunctions remotely"

            // render panel
            p.AddSection(Local.Planner_RELIABILITY, string.Empty,            //"RELIABILITY"
                         () => { p.Prev(ref special_index, panel_special.Count); enforceUpdate = true; },
                         () => { p.Next(ref special_index, panel_special.Count); enforceUpdate = true; });
            p.AddContent(Local.Planner_malfunctions, Lib.HumanReadableAmount(vessel_analyzer.failure_year, "/y"), Local.Planner_malfunctions_tip); //"malfunctions""average case estimate\nfor the whole vessel"
            p.AddContent(Local.Planner_highquality, Lib.HumanReadablePerc(vessel_analyzer.high_quality), Local.Planner_highquality_tip);           //"high quality""percentage of high quality components"
            p.AddContent(Local.Planner_redundancy, redundancy_str, redundancy_tooltip);                                                            //"redundancy"
            p.AddContent(Local.Planner_repair, repair_str, repair_tooltip);                                                                        //"repair"
예제 #20
        ///<summary> Add radiation sub-panel, including tooltips </summary>
        private static void AddSubPanelRadiation(Panel p)
            // get first radiation rule
            // - guaranteed to exist, as this panel is not rendered if it doesn't
            // - even without crew, it is safe to evaluate the modifiers that use it
            Rule rule = Profile.rules.Find(k => k.modifiers.Contains("radiation"));

            // detect if it use shielding
            bool use_shielding = rule.modifiers.Contains("shielding");

            // calculate various radiation levels
            double[] levels = new[]
                Math.Max(Radiation.Nominal, (env_analyzer.surface_rad + vessel_analyzer.emitted)),                        // surface
                Math.Max(Radiation.Nominal, (env_analyzer.magnetopause_rad + vessel_analyzer.emitted)),                   // inside magnetopause
                Math.Max(Radiation.Nominal, (env_analyzer.inner_rad + vessel_analyzer.emitted)),                          // inside inner belt
                Math.Max(Radiation.Nominal, (env_analyzer.outer_rad + vessel_analyzer.emitted)),                          // inside outer belt
                Math.Max(Radiation.Nominal, (env_analyzer.heliopause_rad + vessel_analyzer.emitted)),                     // interplanetary
                Math.Max(Radiation.Nominal, (env_analyzer.extern_rad + vessel_analyzer.emitted)),                         // interstellar
                Math.Max(Radiation.Nominal, (env_analyzer.storm_rad + vessel_analyzer.emitted))                           // storm

            // evaluate modifiers (except radiation)
            List <string> modifiers_except_radiation = new List <string>();

            foreach (string s in rule.modifiers)
                if (s != "radiation")
            double mod = Modifiers.Evaluate(env_analyzer, vessel_analyzer, resource_sim, modifiers_except_radiation);

            // calculate life expectancy at various radiation levels
            double[] estimates = new double[7];
            for (int i = 0; i < 7; ++i)
                estimates[i] = rule.fatal_threshold / (rule.degeneration * mod * levels[i]);

            // generate tooltip
            RadiationModel mf      = Radiation.Info(env_analyzer.body).model;
            string         tooltip = Lib.BuildString
                "<align=left />",
                String.Format("{0,-20}\t<b>{1}</b>\n", Local.Planner_surface, Lib.HumanReadableDuration(estimates[0])),                          //"surface"
                mf.has_pause ? String.Format("{0,-20}\t<b>{1}</b>\n", Local.Planner_magnetopause, Lib.HumanReadableDuration(estimates[1])) : "", //"magnetopause"
                mf.has_inner ? String.Format("{0,-20}\t<b>{1}</b>\n", Local.Planner_innerbelt, Lib.HumanReadableDuration(estimates[2])) : "",    //"inner belt"
                mf.has_outer ? String.Format("{0,-20}\t<b>{1}</b>\n", Local.Planner_outerbelt, Lib.HumanReadableDuration(estimates[3])) : "",    //"outer belt"
                String.Format("{0,-20}\t<b>{1}</b>\n", Local.Planner_interplanetary, Lib.HumanReadableDuration(estimates[4])),                   //"interplanetary"
                String.Format("{0,-20}\t<b>{1}</b>\n", Local.Planner_interstellar, Lib.HumanReadableDuration(estimates[5])),                     //"interstellar"
                String.Format("{0,-20}\t<b>{1}</b>", Local.Planner_storm, Lib.HumanReadableDuration(estimates[6]))                               //"storm"

            // render the panel
            p.AddSection(Local.Planner_RADIATION, string.Empty,            //"RADIATION"
                         () => { p.Prev(ref special_index, panel_special.Count); enforceUpdate = true; },
                         () => { p.Next(ref special_index, panel_special.Count); enforceUpdate = true; });
            p.AddContent(Local.Planner_surface, Lib.HumanReadableRadiation(env_analyzer.surface_rad + vessel_analyzer.emitted), tooltip); //"surface"
            p.AddContent(Local.Planner_orbit, Lib.HumanReadableRadiation(env_analyzer.magnetopause_rad), tooltip);                        //"orbit"
            if (vessel_analyzer.emitted >= 0.0)
                p.AddContent(Local.Planner_emission, Lib.HumanReadableRadiation(vessel_analyzer.emitted), tooltip);                //"emission"
                p.AddContent(Local.Planner_activeshielding, Lib.HumanReadableRadiation(-vessel_analyzer.emitted), tooltip);                                        //"active shielding"
            p.AddContent(Local.Planner_shielding, rule.modifiers.Contains("shielding") ? Habitat.Shielding_to_string(vessel_analyzer.shielding) : "N/A", tooltip); //"shielding"
예제 #21
        private void InitializeComponent()
            WindowState = ControlState.Maximized;
            Background  = Color.Black;

            mainMenu1            = new MainMenu();
            fileMenuItem         = new MenuItem("File");
            newMenuItem          = new MenuItem("&New");
            newMenuItem.OnClick += NewMenuItemClick;

            openMenuItem          = new MenuItem("&Open…");
            openMenuItem.OnClick += OpenMenuItemClick;

            fileMenuItem.Items.Add(new SeparatorMenuItem());

            saveMenuItem          = new MenuItem("&Save", null, enabled: false);
            saveMenuItem.OnClick += SaveMenuItemClick;

            saveAsMenuItem          = new MenuItem("Save &as…", null, enabled: false);
            saveAsMenuItem.OnClick += SaveAsMenuItemClick;

            fileMenuItem.Items.Add(new SeparatorMenuItem());

            exitMenuItem          = new MenuItem("E&xit");
            exitMenuItem.OnClick += ExitMenuItemClick;


            editMenuItem          = new MenuItem("Edit");
            wallMenuItem          = new MenuItem("Wall", new Shortcut(ConsoleKey.D1), enabled: false);
            wallMenuItem.OnClick += MazeItemClick;
            wallMenuItem.Tag      = MapItem.Wall;

            startMenuItem          = new MenuItem("Start point", new Shortcut(ConsoleKey.D2), enabled: false);
            startMenuItem.OnClick += MazeItemClick;
            startMenuItem.Tag      = MapItem.StartPoint;

            endMenuItem          = new MenuItem("End point", new Shortcut(ConsoleKey.D3), enabled: false);
            endMenuItem.OnClick += MazeItemClick;
            endMenuItem.Tag      = MapItem.EndPoint;

            doorMenuItem          = new MenuItem("Door", new Shortcut(ConsoleKey.D4), enabled: false);
            doorMenuItem.OnClick += MazeItemClick;
            doorMenuItem.Tag      = MapItem.Door;

            keyMenuItem          = new MenuItem("Key", new Shortcut(ConsoleKey.D5), enabled: false);
            keyMenuItem.OnClick += MazeItemClick;
            keyMenuItem.Tag      = MapItem.Key;

            tenCoinsMenuItem          = new MenuItem("10 coins", new Shortcut(ConsoleKey.D6), enabled: false);
            tenCoinsMenuItem.OnClick += MazeItemClick;
            tenCoinsMenuItem.Tag      = MapItem.TenCoins;

            twentyCoinsMenuItem          = new MenuItem("20 coins", new Shortcut(ConsoleKey.D7), enabled: false);
            twentyCoinsMenuItem.OnClick += MazeItemClick;
            twentyCoinsMenuItem.Tag      = MapItem.TwentyCoins;

            editMenuItem.Items.Add(new SeparatorMenuItem());
            generateMenuItem          = new MenuItem("Generate", new Shortcut(ConsoleKey.G, false, true, false), enabled: false);
            generateMenuItem.OnClick += GenerateClick;

            editMenuItem.Items.Add(new SeparatorMenuItem());
            clearMazeMenuItem          = new MenuItem("Clear maze", null, enabled: false);
            clearMazeMenuItem.OnClick += ClearMazeClick;

            editMenuItem.Items.Add(new SeparatorMenuItem());
            checkPathMenuItem          = new MenuItem("Check path", new Shortcut(ConsoleKey.P, false, true, false), enabled: false);
            checkPathMenuItem.OnClick += CheckPathClick;

            MainMenu = mainMenu1;

            statusBar1 = new StatusBar();
            StatusBar = statusBar1;

            panel1 = new Panel()
                VerticalContentAlignment   = VerticalAlignment.Center,
                HorizontalContentAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center,

            label1 = new Label(
                "Welcome to the maze map editor. Use main menu (Alt+F1) for create new (Alt-N) maze map or open (Alt-O) exist file of map")
                Foreground    = Color.DarkGray,
                Width         = Math.Min(65, Application.Environment.WindowWidth - 4),
                WordWrap      = true,
                TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center,

            statusPositionLabel  = new Label();
            statusDimensionLabel = new Label();
            statusMazeItemLabel  = new Label();
            statusSaveLabel      = new Label("●");