public IList <PakAnass> SearchCommon(PakAnass o, ViewDataDictionary v, string pageModelViewData, string listViewData) { Type t = o.GetType(); int pDot = t.Namespace.LastIndexOf("."); int pLen = t.Namespace.Length; string dir = (pDot > 1 && (pDot < (pLen - 1))) ? (t.Namespace.Substring(pDot + 1, pLen - pDot - 1) + "/") : ""; string qCount = dir + t.Name + "_Count"; string qList = dir + t.Name + "_List"; IDBContext db = BaseRepo.Db; long count = db.SingleOrDefault <int>(qCount, o); BaseModel m = o as BaseModel; PagingModel pmodel = null; if (m.RowsPerPage <= 0) { pmodel = new PagingModel(count, 1, PagingModel.DEFAULT_RECORD_PER_PAGE); } else { pmodel = new PagingModel(count, m.CurrentPage, m.RowsPerPage); } v[pageModelViewData] = pmodel; IList <PakAnass> l = db.Fetch <PakAnass>(qList, o); return(l); }
public void DownloadFileExcel(PakAnass pakanas, int?PageFlag) { byte[] result = null; string fileName = null; try { if (PageFlag == 0) { pakanas.RowsPerPage = Int32.MaxValue; } IList <PakAnass> data = pakanasRepo.Search(pakanas, pakanas.CurrentPage, pakanas.RowsPerPage); fileName = string.Format("PakAanas-{0}.xls", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss")); result = pakanasRepo.GenerateDownloadFile(data); } catch (Exception e) { // } this.SendDataAsAttachment(fileName, result); }
public JsonResult GetByKey(long?org_codeId) { AjaxResult ajaxResult = new AjaxResult(); PakAnass result = null; IDBContext db = databaseManager.GetContext(); try { result = pakanasRepo.GetByKey(org_codeId); ajaxResult.Result = AjaxResult.VALUE_SUCCESS; ajaxResult.Params = new object[] { result }; } catch (Exception ex) { ajaxResult.Result = AjaxResult.VALUE_ERROR; ajaxResult.ErrMesgs = new string[] { string.Format("{0} = {1}", ex.GetType().FullName, ex.Message) }; } finally { db.Close(); } return(Json(ajaxResult)); }
public long SearchCount(PakAnass pak) { dynamic args = new { org_code = pak.org_code, org_name = pak.org_name }; long Result = Db.SingleOrDefault <int>("PakAnas/Pakanas_SearchCount", args); return(Result); }
public PakAnass GetByKey(long?org_code) { dynamic args = new { org_Code = org_code }; PakAnass result = Db.SingleOrDefault <PakAnass>("PakAnas/PakAnas_GetByKey", args); return(result); }
private void DoSearch(PakAnass pakanas, int currentPage, int recordPerPage) { PagingModel pmodel = new PagingModel(pakanasRepo.SearchCount(pakanas), currentPage, recordPerPage); ViewData["Paging"] = pmodel; IList <PakAnass> listData = pakanasRepo.Search(pakanas, pmodel.Start, pmodel.End); ViewData["ListDatapakanas"] = listData; }
private void WriteDetailSingleData(HSSFWorkbook wb, ICellStyle cellStyle, PakAnass data, ISheet sheet1, int rowCount, int rowIndex, ICellStyle cellStyleData) { IRow row = sheet1.CreateRow(rowIndex); int col = 0; NPOIWriter.createCellText(row, cellStyle, col++, data.org_code); NPOIWriter.createCellText(row, cellStyle, col++, data.org_name); sheet1.AutoSizeColumn(0); }
public IList <PakAnass> Search(PakAnass pakanass, long rowStart, long rowEnd) { dynamic args = new { org_code = pakanass.org_code, org_name = pakanass.org_name, recordPerPage = rowStart, currentpage = rowEnd }; IList <PakAnass> Result = Db.Fetch <PakAnass>("PakAnas/Pakanas_Search", args); return(Result); }
public ActionResult Search(PakAnass pakanas, int currentPage, int recordPerPage) { try { DoSearch(pakanas, currentPage, recordPerPage); } catch (Exception ex) { return(Json("Error : " + ex.Message, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } return(PartialView("_GridView")); }
protected override void Startup() { Settings.Title = "Master PakAnas"; int cureentPage = 1; int recordPerPage = PagingModel.DEFAULT_RECORD_PER_PAGE; PakAnass pakanas = new PakAnass(); getTypeSizeUpload(); DoSearch(pakanas, cureentPage, recordPerPage); }
public ActionResult AddEditSave(string screenMode, PakAnass data) { AjaxResult ajaxResult = new AjaxResult(); RepoResult repoResult = null; IDBContext db = databaseManager.GetContext(); Toyota.Common.Credential.User u = Lookup.Get <Toyota.Common.Credential.User>(); string userName = u.Username; try { repoResult = pakanasRepo.InsertUpdate(db, userName, data, screenMode); CopyPropertiesRepoToAjaxResult(repoResult, ajaxResult); if (AjaxResult.VALUE_ERROR.Equals(ajaxResult.Result)) { db.AbortTransaction(); } else { db.CommitTransaction(); } } catch (Exception ex) { db.AbortTransaction(); ajaxResult.Result = AjaxResult.VALUE_ERROR; ajaxResult.ErrMesgs = new string[] { string.Format("{0} = {1}", ex.GetType().FullName, ex.Message) }; } finally { db.Close(); } return(Json(ajaxResult)); }
public RepoResult InsertUpdate(IDBContext db, string userId, PakAnass data, string screenMode) { SqlParameter outputRetVal = CreateSqlParameterOutputReturnValue("RetVal"); SqlParameter outputErrMesg = CreateSqlParameterOutputErrMesg("ErrMesg"); dynamic args = new { RetVal = outputRetVal, ErrMesg = outputErrMesg, userId = userId, org_code = data.org_code, org_name = data.org_name, ScreenMode = screenMode }; int result = db.Execute("PakAnas/_InsertUpdate", args); RepoResult repoResult = new RepoResult(); repoResult.Result = RepoResult.VALUE_SUCCESS; if ((int)outputRetVal.Value != 0) { repoResult.Result = RepoResult.VALUE_ERROR; string errMesg = string.Empty; if (outputErrMesg != null && outputErrMesg.Value != null) { errMesg = outputErrMesg.Value.ToString(); } repoResult.ErrMesgs = new string[1]; repoResult.ErrMesgs[0] = errMesg; } return(repoResult); }
private IList <PakAnass> GetDataLocalUploadExcel(HttpPostedFileBase file, IList <string> errMesgs) { HSSFWorkbook hssfwb = null; using (System.IO.Stream file2 = file.InputStream) { hssfwb = new HSSFWorkbook(file2); } if (hssfwb == null) { throw new ArgumentException("Cannot create Workbook object from excel file" + file.FileName); } IRow row = null; ICell cell = null; IList <PakAnass> listPakanas = new List <PakAnass>(); int indexRow = DATA_ROW_INDEX_START; bool isAllCellEmpty = true; bool isBreak = false; ISheet sheet = hssfwb.GetSheetAt(0); for (indexRow = DATA_ROW_INDEX_START; indexRow <= sheet.LastRowNum; indexRow++) { isAllCellEmpty = true; isBreak = false; row = sheet.GetRow(indexRow); row = sheet.GetRow(indexRow); if (row != null) //null is when the row only contains empty celss { PakAnass Pak = new PakAnass(); //org_code try { cell = row.GetCell(0); if (cell == null || cell.CellType == CellType.BLANK) { cell = row.GetCell(1); if (indexRow != DATA_ROW_INDEX_START && (cell == null || cell.CellType == CellType.BLANK)) { break; } else { errMesgs.Add(string.Format("org_code row {0} is empty", indexRow + 1)); isAllCellEmpty = true; } } else { if (cell.CellType == CellType.NUMERIC) { Pak.org_code = Convert.ToString(cell.NumericCellValue); isAllCellEmpty = false; } else if (cell.CellType == CellType.STRING) { Pak.org_code = cell.StringCellValue; isAllCellEmpty = false; } else { errMesgs.Add(string.Format("org_code row {0} is incorrect Format", indexRow + 1)); isAllCellEmpty = true; } } } catch (Exception ex) { errMesgs.Add(string.Format("Unable To get value of PakAnas No at row {0}, Error Mesg : {1}", indexRow + 1, ex.Message)); } //org_name try { cell = row.GetCell(1); if (cell.CellType == CellType.BLANK) { errMesgs.Add(string.Format("org_name row {0} is empty", indexRow + 1)); isAllCellEmpty = true; } else { if (cell.CellType == CellType.STRING) { Pak.org_name = cell.StringCellValue; isAllCellEmpty = false; } else { errMesgs.Add(string.Format("org_name row {0} is Incorrect Format", indexRow + 1)); isAllCellEmpty = true; } } } catch (Exception ex) { errMesgs.Add(string.Format("Unable to get value of org_name at row {0}, Error Mesg : {1}", indexRow + 1, ex.Message)); isAllCellEmpty = true; } listPakanas.Add(Pak); } } return(listPakanas); }