public async Task AllRoles(params string[] _) { //string rlx = "```" + string.Join('\n', Context.Guild.Roles.OrderByDescending(x => x.Position).Select(x => $"{x.Name} ID: {x.Id}")) + "```"; var paginatedMessage = new PaginatedMessage(PaginatedAppearanceOptions.Default, Context.Channel, new PaginatedMessage.MessagePage("Loading...")) { Title = $"All roles in {Context.Guild.Name}", Timestamp = DateTimeOffset.Now, Color = Blurple }; var embb = new List <EmbedFieldBuilder>(); for (var y = 0; y < Context.Guild.Roles.Count; y++) { var x = Context.Guild.Roles.OrderByDescending(x => x.Position).ElementAt(y); embb.Add(new EmbedFieldBuilder { Name = x.Name, Value = $"ID: {x.Id}\nPermValue: [{x.Permissions.RawValue}]({x.Permissions.RawValue})\n", IsInline = y % 2 == 0 }); } ; paginatedMessage.SetPages("Here's a list of all roles in the Server", embb, 5); await paginatedMessage.Resend(); }
public async Task RBans(params string[] _) { var mbed = new EmbedBuilder { Title = "List of bans in the server", Color = Blurple }.WithCurrentTimestamp(); var listwherenotnull = (await Context.Guild.GetBansAsync()).ToList(); listwherenotnull.RemoveAll(k => k == null); var efb = listwherenotnull.Select((r5, idx) => new EmbedFieldBuilder { Name = r5.User.ToString() == "" ? "Probably deleted" : r5.User.ToString(), Value = string.Join("", r5.Reason == null ? "None given" : r5.Reason.Take(2000)) }); var pm = new PaginatedMessage(PaginatedAppearanceOptions.Default, Context.Channel); pm.SetPages("Here are your bans", efb, 5); await pm.Resend(); }
public async Task MLogs(params string[] aa) { if (aa.Length == 0) { await ReplyAsync("", false, new EmbedBuilder { Title = "What user?", Description = "Mention the user you wish to get modlogs of", Color = Color.Red }.WithCurrentTimestamp()); return; } IUser user; if (await GetUser(aa[0]) == null) { var regex = new Regex(@"(\d{18}|\d{17})"); if (regex.IsMatch(aa[0])) { var aadrc = new DiscordRestClient(); await aadrc.LoginAsync(TokenType.Bot, Program.token); var aala = await aadrc.GetUserAsync(ulong.Parse(regex.Match(aa[0]).Groups[1].Value)); if (aala == null) { await ReplyAsync("", false, new EmbedBuilder { Title = "What user?", Description = "That user isn't valid :(", Color = Color.Red }.WithCurrentTimestamp()); return; } user = aala; } else if (Context.Message.MentionedUsers.Any()) { user = Context.Message.MentionedUsers.First(); } else { await ReplyAsync("", false, new EmbedBuilder { Title = "What user?", Description = "That user isn't valid :(", Color = Color.Red }.WithCurrentTimestamp()); return; } } else { user = await GetUser(aa[0]); } var emb = new EmbedBuilder { Title = $"Modlogs for user {user.Username}#{user.Discriminator}", Color = Blurple, ThumbnailUrl = user.GetAvatarUrl(size: 64) }; var eb = new List <EmbedFieldBuilder>(); foreach (var i in await GetUserModlogs(Context.Guild.Id, user.Id)) { eb.Add(new EmbedFieldBuilder { Name = Infraction.GetPunishment(i.Punishment), Value = $"**Mod:** <@{i.ModeratorId}>\n**Date:** {i.Time.ToUniversalTime().ToShortDateString()}\n**Time: **{(i.Time.ToUniversalTime().TimeOfDay.Hours <= 12 ? i.Time.ToUniversalTime().TimeOfDay.Hours : i.Time.ToUniversalTime().TimeOfDay.Hours - 12)}:{i.Time.ToUniversalTime().TimeOfDay.Minutes} {(i.Time.ToUniversalTime().TimeOfDay.Hours < 12 ? "AM" : "PM")}\n**Reason:** {i.Reason}", IsInline = true }); } if (eb.Count == 0) { emb.Description = "They've been a good user! No modlogs :)"; } var pm = new PaginatedMessage(PaginatedAppearanceOptions.Default, Context.Message.Channel, new PaginatedMessage.MessagePage { Description = "Error!" }); pm.SetPages("Here's a list of the user's modlogs", eb, 7); await pm.Resend(); }
public async Task AliasCommand(params string[] args) { if (args.Length == 0 || args.Length == 1) { /* * await ReplyAsync("", false, new EmbedBuilder * { * Title = "Insufficient Parameters", * Description = $"The way to use the command is `{await SqliteClass.PrefixGetter(Context.Guild.Id)}alias <alias-name> <cmd-and-parameters>`", * Color = Color.Red * }.WithCurrentTimestamp());*/ var paginatedMessage = new PaginatedMessage(new PaginatedAppearanceOptions { FooterFormat = $"Do {await SqliteClass.PrefixGetter(Context.Guild.Id)}help alias to know more about adding aliases" }, Context.Channel, new PaginatedMessage.MessagePage("Error :/")); var loembb = (await SqliteClass.GuildAliasGetter(Context.Guild.Id)).Select(k => new EmbedFieldBuilder { Name = k.Item1, Value = $"`{k.Item2}`" }).ToList(); if (!loembb.Any()) { await ReplyAsync("", false, new EmbedBuilder { Title = "No aliases yet", Description = "Add aliases using `alias add <alias-name> <cmd-and-parameters>`", Color = Blurple }); return; } paginatedMessage.SetPages("Here's a list of aliases that your server has", loembb, 7); await paginatedMessage.Resend(); return; } switch (args[0]) { case "add" or "+": { if (args.Length == 2) { await ReplyAsync("", false, new EmbedBuilder { Title = "Insufficient Parameters", Description = $"Command Syntax: `{await SqliteClass.PrefixGetter(Context.Guild.Id)}alias + <alias-name> <cmd-and-parameters>`", Color = Color.Red }.WithCurrentTimestamp()); return; } var cmdAlias = args[1]; var cmd = string.Join(' ', args.Skip(2)); cmd = cmd.Replace("^", "\\^").Replace("|", "\\|"); await SqliteClass.AliasAdder(Context.Guild.Id, cmdAlias, cmd); await ReplyAsync("", false, new EmbedBuilder { Title = $"Successfully added alias {cmdAlias}", Description = "Run `alias` to find the list of aliases in your guild!", Color = Blurple }); break; } case "remove" or "-": { var didItExist = await SqliteClass.AliasRemover(Context.Guild.Id, args[1]) != 0; if (!didItExist) { await ReplyAsync("", false, new EmbedBuilder { Title = "No such alias", Description = "Run `alias` to find the list of aliases in your guild!", Color = Blurple }); } else { await ReplyAsync("", false, new EmbedBuilder { Title = "Deleted alias", Description = "Run `alias` to find the list of aliases in your guild!", Color = Blurple }); } break; } default: { await ReplyAsync("", false, new EmbedBuilder { Title = "Invalid Parameters", Description = $"The way to add aliases is \n`{await SqliteClass.PrefixGetter(Context.Guild.Id)}alias + <alias-name> <cmd-and-parameters>`\nand removing is\n`{await SqliteClass.PrefixGetter(Context.Guild.Id)}alias - <alias-name>`", Color = Color.Red }.WithCurrentTimestamp()); break; } } }