/// <summary> /// 根据条件获取分页数据 /// </summary> /// <param name="input">查询条件的类</param> public async Task <PagedResultOutput <OperateLogOutputDto> > GetPageListByCondition(QueryOperateLogInputDto input, int pageSize, int pageIndex) { try { List <OperateLogEntity> query = GetAllListByCondition(input).Result; int count = 0; List <OperateLogEntity> result = null; if (query != null) { count = query.Count(); result = query.Skip((pageIndex - 1) * pageSize).Take(pageSize).ToList(); } IReadOnlyList <OperateLogOutputDto> ir; if (result != null) { ir = result.MapTo <List <OperateLogOutputDto> >(); } else { ir = new List <OperateLogOutputDto>(); } PagedResultOutput <OperateLogOutputDto> outputList = new PagedResultOutput <OperateLogOutputDto>(count, ir); return(outputList); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception(ex.Message); } }
/// <summary> /// 根据AreaCode获取所有权限下用户 /// </summary> /// <param name="areaCode">登陆人对应权限编号</param> public async Task <PagedResultOutput <SystemUserDto> > GetPageUserByAreaCode(QueryUserInputDto input, int pageSize, int pageIndex) { try { List <SystemUserEntity> query = GetAllUserByUserAreaCode(input.UserCode, input.AreaCode).Result; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(input.UserName)) { query = query.Where(s => s.UserName.Contains(input.UserName)).ToList(); } int count = query.Count(); var result = query.Skip((pageIndex - 1) * pageSize).Take(pageSize).ToList(); IReadOnlyList <SystemUserDto> ir; if (result != null && result.Count > 0) { ir = result.MapTo <List <SystemUserDto> >(); } else { ir = new List <SystemUserDto>(); } PagedResultOutput <SystemUserDto> outputList = new PagedResultOutput <SystemUserDto>(count, ir); return(outputList); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception(ex.Message); } }
public virtual PagedResultOutput <TEntityDto> GetAll(TSelectRequestInput input) { var query = CreateQueryable(input); PagedResultOutput <TEntityDto> output = new PagedResultOutput <TEntityDto>(); //进行排序 if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(input.Sorting)) { string[] temp = input.Sorting.Trim().Split(' '); query = temp.Length > 0 ? query.OrderBy(temp[0], temp.All(t => t != "asc")) : query.OrderByDescending(t => t.Id); } else { query = query.OrderByDescending(t => t.Id); } //input.MaxResultCount == 0 不进行分页 if (input.Page <= 0) { output.TotalCount = query.Count(); output.Items = query.MapTo <List <TEntityDto> >(); } else { output.TotalCount = query.Count(); output.Items = query.PageBy(input).MapTo <List <TEntityDto> >(); } return(output); }
public async Task <PagedResultOutput <OrganizationUnitUserListDto> > GetOrganizationUnitUsers(GetOrganizationUnitUsersInput input) { var result = from uou in _userOrganizationUnitRepository.GetAll() join ou in _organizationUnitRepository.GetAll() on uou.OrganizationUnitId equals ou.Id join user in UserManager.Users on uou.UserId equals user.Id where uou.OrganizationUnitId == input.Id orderby input.Sorting select new { uou, user }; int resultCount = await result.CountAsync(); var pagedResult = await result.PageBy(input).ToListAsync(); PagedResultOutput <OrganizationUnitUserListDto> pagedResultOutput = new PagedResultOutput <OrganizationUnitUserListDto>(resultCount, pagedResult.Select((item) => { OrganizationUnitUserListDto creationTime = item.user.MapTo <OrganizationUnitUserListDto>(); creationTime.AddedTime = item.uou.CreationTime; return(creationTime); }).ToList()); return(pagedResultOutput); }
/// <summary> /// 通过areaCode查询数据结果 /// </summary> /// <param name="areaCode">登陆人对应权限编号</param> /// <param name="PageSize"></param> /// <param name="PageIndex"></param> /// <returns></returns> public async Task <PagedResultOutput <SystemUserDto> > GetAllPageListByCondition(SystemUserDto input, int PageSize, int PageIndex) { try { List <SystemUserEntity> query = GetDataByUserCodeAsync(input.UserCode.Trim(), input.Department.Trim(), input.UserName.Trim()).Result; int count = query.Count(); var result = query.OrderByDescending(p => p.CreateDT).Skip((PageIndex - 1) * PageSize).Take(PageSize).ToList(); IReadOnlyList <SystemUserDto> ir; if (result != null && result.Count > 0) { ir = result.MapTo <List <SystemUserDto> >(); } else { ir = new List <SystemUserDto>(); } PagedResultOutput <SystemUserDto> outputList = new PagedResultOutput <SystemUserDto>(count, ir); return(outputList); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception(ex.Message); } }
/// <summary> /// 根据LayerID获取分页数据 /// </summary> /// <param name="layerID">图层ID</param> public async Task <PagedResultOutput <OperateLogOutputDto> > GetPageListByLayerID(string layerID, int pageSize, int pageIndex) { try { List <OperateLogEntity> query = GetAllListByLayerID(layerID).Result; int count = query.Count(); var result = query.Skip((pageIndex - 1) * pageSize).Take(pageSize).ToList(); IReadOnlyList <OperateLogOutputDto> ir; if (result != null && result.Count > 0) { ir = result.MapTo <List <OperateLogOutputDto> >(); } else { ir = new List <OperateLogOutputDto>(); } PagedResultOutput <OperateLogOutputDto> outputList = new PagedResultOutput <OperateLogOutputDto>(count, ir); return(outputList); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception(ex.Message); } }
public async Task <PagedResultOutput <NameValueDto> > FindUsers(FindUsersInput input) { if (this.AbpSession.MultiTenancySide == MultiTenancySides.Host && input.TenantId.HasValue) { IActiveUnitOfWork currentUnitOfWork = this.CurrentUnitOfWork; int?tenantId = input.TenantId; currentUnitOfWork.SetFilterParameter("MayHaveTenant", "tenantId", tenantId.Value); } IQueryable <User> users = this.UserManager.Users; IQueryable <User> users1 = users.WhereIf <User>(!input.Filter.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(), (User u) => u.Name.Contains(input.Filter) || u.Surname.Contains(input.Filter) || u.UserName.Contains(input.Filter) || u.EmailAddress.Contains(input.Filter)); int num = await users1.CountAsync <User>(); IQueryable <User> users2 = users1; IOrderedQueryable <User> name = from u in users2 orderby u.Name select u; List <User> listAsync = await name.ThenBy <User, string>((User u) => u.Surname).PageBy <User>(input).ToListAsync <User>(); List <User> users3 = listAsync; int num1 = num; List <User> users4 = users3; PagedResultOutput <NameValueDto> pagedResultOutput = new PagedResultOutput <NameValueDto>(num1, ( from u in users4 select new NameValueDto(string.Concat(new string[] { u.Name, " ", u.Surname, " (", u.EmailAddress, ")" }), u.Id.ToString())).ToList <NameValueDto>()); return(pagedResultOutput); }
/// <summary> /// 获取带count的分页列表 /// </summary> /// <param name="input"></param> /// <returns></returns> public async Task <PagedResultOutput <LayerManagerDto> > GetPageListAndCount(QueryLayerManagerInput input) { var result = await _iLayerManagerRepository.GetPageList(input.Name, input.PageIndex, input.PageSize); IReadOnlyList <LayerManagerDto> ir = result.MapTo <List <LayerManagerDto> >(); int count = _iLayerManagerRepository.Count(); PagedResultOutput <LayerManagerDto> outputList = new PagedResultOutput <LayerManagerDto>(count, ir); return(outputList); }
/// <summary> /// 按条件分页查询指定字段,并返回总数 /// </summary> /// <param name="querySlopeInput"></param> /// <returns></returns> public async Task <PagedResultOutput <SlopeDto> > GetFieldsPageList(QuerySlopeInput querySlopeInput) { try { if (querySlopeInput.DISASTERUNITNAME == "" && querySlopeInput.LOCATION == "") { var slope = _iSlopeRepository.GetAll() .Select (s => new SlopeDto() { Id = s.Id, UNIFIEDCODE = s.UNIFIEDCODE, DISASTERUNITNAME = s.DISASTERUNITNAME, LOCATION = s.LOCATION, UPDATETIME = s.UPDATETIME, SLOPETYPE = s.SLOPETYPE } ) .OrderBy(s => s.UNIFIEDCODE).Skip((querySlopeInput.PageIndex - 1) * querySlopeInput.PageSize).Take(querySlopeInput.PageSize); IReadOnlyList <SlopeDto> ir = slope.MapTo <List <SlopeDto> >(); int count = await GetCount(querySlopeInput); PagedResultOutput <SlopeDto> list = new PagedResultOutput <SlopeDto>(count, ir); return(list); } else { var slope = _iSlopeRepository.GetAll() .Where(_iSlopeRepository.GetWhere(querySlopeInput.DISASTERUNITNAME, querySlopeInput.LOCATION)) .Select (s => new SlopeDto() { Id = s.Id, UNIFIEDCODE = s.UNIFIEDCODE, DISASTERUNITNAME = s.DISASTERUNITNAME, LOCATION = s.LOCATION, UPDATETIME = s.UPDATETIME, SLOPETYPE = s.SLOPETYPE } ) .OrderBy(s => s.UNIFIEDCODE).Skip((querySlopeInput.PageIndex - 1) * querySlopeInput.PageSize).Take(querySlopeInput.PageSize); IReadOnlyList <SlopeDto> ir = slope.MapTo <List <SlopeDto> >(); int count = await GetCount(querySlopeInput); PagedResultOutput <SlopeDto> list = new PagedResultOutput <SlopeDto>(count, ir); return(list); } } catch (Exception exception) { throw exception; } }
/// <summary> /// 根据条件获取分页数据 /// </summary> /// <param name="input">查询条件的类</param> public async Task <PagedResultOutput <OperateLogOutputDto> > GetPageListByParamCondition(QueryOperateLogInputParamDto input, int pageIndex, int pageSize) { try { IEnumerable <OperateLogEntity> query = _IOperateLogRepository.GetAll(); // 条件过滤 if (input.UserName != null && input.UserName.Trim().Length > 0) { query = query.Where(p => p.UserName.ToUpper().Contains(input.UserName.ToUpper())); } if (input.SystemFunc != null && input.SystemFunc.Trim().Length > 0) { query = query.Where(p => p.SystemFunc.ToUpper().Contains(input.SystemFunc.ToUpper())); } if (input.OperateType != null && input.OperateType.Trim().Length > 0) { query = query.Where(p => p.OperateType.ToUpper().Contains(input.OperateType.ToUpper())); } if (input.StartDate != null) { query = query.Where(s => s.OperateTime >= input.StartDate.Value.AddHours(-1)); } if (input.EndDate != null) { query = query.Where(s => s.OperateTime <= input.EndDate.Value.AddDays(1).AddHours(-1)); } int count = 0; List <OperateLogEntity> result = null; if (query != null) { count = query.Count(); result = query.OrderByDescending(p => p.OperateTime).Skip((pageIndex - 1) * pageSize).Take(pageSize).ToList(); } IReadOnlyList <OperateLogOutputDto> ir; if (result != null) { ir = result.MapTo <List <OperateLogOutputDto> >(); } else { ir = new List <OperateLogOutputDto>(); } PagedResultOutput <OperateLogOutputDto> outputList = new PagedResultOutput <OperateLogOutputDto>(count, ir); return(outputList); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception(ex.Message); } }
/// <summary> /// 根据条件获取分页数据 /// </summary> /// <param name="input">查询条件的类</param> public async Task <PagedResultOutput <ShpFileReadLogOutputDto> > GetGeologgerPageListByCondition(QueryShpFileReadLogInputParamDto input) { try { IEnumerable <ShpFileReadLogEntity> query = _IShpFileReadLogRepository.GetAll(); // 条件过滤 if (input.Createby != null && input.Createby.Trim().Length > 0) { query = query.Where(p => p.CreateBy.ToUpper().Contains(input.Createby.ToUpper())); } if (input.Readstatus != 0) { query = query.Where(p => p.ReadStatus == input.Readstatus); } if (input.Message != null && input.Message.Trim().Length > 0) { query = query.Where(p => p.Message.ToUpper().Contains(input.Message.ToUpper())); } if (input.StartDate != null) { query = query.Where(s => s.CreateDT >= input.StartDate.Value.AddHours(-1)); } if (input.EndDate != null) { query = query.Where(s => s.CreateDT <= input.EndDate.Value.AddDays(1).AddHours(-1)); } int count = 0; List <ShpFileReadLogEntity> result = null; if (query != null) { count = query.Count(); result = query.OrderByDescending(p => p.CreateDT).Skip((input.pageIndex - 1) * input.pageSize).Take(input.pageSize).ToList(); } IReadOnlyList <ShpFileReadLogOutputDto> ir; if (result != null) { ir = result.MapTo <List <ShpFileReadLogOutputDto> >(); } else { ir = new List <ShpFileReadLogOutputDto>(); } PagedResultOutput <ShpFileReadLogOutputDto> outputList = new PagedResultOutput <ShpFileReadLogOutputDto>(count, ir); return(outputList); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception(ex.Message); } }
public async Task <PartialViewResult> CreateOrUpdateModal(long?id = null) { IProductAppService productAppService = this._productAppService; NullableIdInput <long> nullableIdInput = new NullableIdInput <long>() { Id = id }; CreateOrUpdateProductModalViewModel createOrUpdateProductModalViewModel = new CreateOrUpdateProductModalViewModel(await productAppService.GetProductForEdit(nullableIdInput)); if (!id.HasValue) { createOrUpdateProductModalViewModel.CanMakeActive = new bool?(false); } else { IPriceAppService priceAppService = this._priceAppService; GetProductPricesInput getProductPricesInput = new GetProductPricesInput() { ProductId = id.Value }; PagedResultOutput <ProductPriceListDto> prices = await priceAppService.GetPrices(getProductPricesInput); CreateOrUpdateProductModalViewModel nullable = createOrUpdateProductModalViewModel; IReadOnlyList <ProductPriceListDto> items = prices.Items; nullable.CanMakeActive = new bool?(( from x in items where x.IsActive select x).Any <ProductPriceListDto>()); } List <SelectListItem> selectListItems = new List <SelectListItem>(); foreach (Lookup lookupItem in (new LookupFill("QuantityTypes", -1)).LookupItems) { SelectListItem selectListItem = new SelectListItem() { Text = lookupItem.Text, Value = lookupItem.Value, Disabled = lookupItem.Disabled, Selected = lookupItem.Selected }; selectListItems.Add(selectListItem); } SelectListItem selectListItem1 = new SelectListItem() { Text = "", Value = "", Disabled = false }; selectListItems.Insert(0, selectListItem1); this.ViewData["QuantitySoldInTypes"] = selectListItems; return(this.PartialView("_CreateOrUpdateModal", createOrUpdateProductModalViewModel)); }
/// <summary> /// 分页并返回数据总条数 /// </summary> /// <param name="queryDto"></param> /// <returns></returns> public async Task <PagedResultOutput <DisasterDto> > GetPageAndCountList(QueryDisasterInput queryDto) { try { var disasterEntity = await _iDisasterRepository.GetPageList(queryDto.PageIndex, queryDto.PageSize); IReadOnlyList <DisasterDto> ir = disasterEntity.MapTo <List <DisasterDto> >(); int count = _iDisasterRepository.Count(); PagedResultOutput <DisasterDto> list = new PagedResultOutput <DisasterDto>(count, ir); return(list); } catch (Exception exception) { throw exception; } }
/// <summary> /// 分页条件查询,并返回总数 /// </summary> /// <param name="querySlopeInput"></param> /// <returns></returns> public async Task <PagedResultOutput <SlopeDto> > GetPageAndCountList(QuerySlopeInput querySlopeInput) { try { var slope = await _iSlopeRepository.GetPageList(querySlopeInput.PageIndex, querySlopeInput.PageSize, querySlopeInput.DISASTERUNITNAME, querySlopeInput.LOCATION); IReadOnlyList <SlopeDto> ir = slope.MapTo <List <SlopeDto> >(); int count = await GetCount(querySlopeInput); PagedResultOutput <SlopeDto> list = new PagedResultOutput <SlopeDto>(count, ir); return(list); } catch (Exception exception) { throw exception; } }
public async Task <PagedResultOutput <ProductSpecificPriceListDto> > GetSpecificPrices(GetProductSpecificPricesInput input) { IQueryable <ProductSpecificPrice> all = this._specificPriceRepository.GetAll(); IQueryable <ProductSpecificPrice> tenantId = from x in all where x.TenantId == (this.AbpSession.ImpersonatorTenantId.HasValue ? this.AbpSession.ImpersonatorTenantId.Value : this.AbpSession.TenantId.Value) select x; IQueryable <ProductSpecificPrice> productId = tenantId.WhereIf <ProductSpecificPrice>(!input.Filter.IsNullOrEmpty(), (ProductSpecificPrice p) => p.Cost == decimal.Parse(input.Filter)); if (input.ProductId > (long)0) { IQueryable <ProductSpecificPrice> productSpecificPrices = this._specificPriceRepository.GetAll(); productId = from p in productSpecificPrices where p.ProductId == input.ProductId select p; } int num = await productId.CountAsync <ProductSpecificPrice>(); List <ProductSpecificPrice> listAsync = await productId.OrderBy <ProductSpecificPrice>(input.Sorting, new object[0]).PageBy <ProductSpecificPrice>(input).ToListAsync <ProductSpecificPrice>(); PagedResultOutput <ProductSpecificPriceListDto> pagedResultOutput = new PagedResultOutput <ProductSpecificPriceListDto>(num, listAsync.MapTo <List <ProductSpecificPriceListDto> >()); if (pagedResultOutput.Items.Any <ProductSpecificPriceListDto>()) { foreach (ProductSpecificPriceListDto item in pagedResultOutput.Items) { if (item.ForOrganizationalUnitId.HasValue) { IOrganizationUnitAppService organizationUnitAppService = this._organizationUnitAppService; GetOrganizationUnitUsersInput getOrganizationUnitUsersInput = new GetOrganizationUnitUsersInput() { Id = item.ForOrganizationalUnitId.Value, MaxResultCount = 1000 }; PagedResultOutput <OrganizationUnitUserListDto> organizationUnitUsers = await organizationUnitAppService.GetOrganizationUnitUsers(getOrganizationUnitUsersInput); if (organizationUnitUsers.Items.Any <OrganizationUnitUserListDto>()) { item.ForOrganizationalUnit.MemberCount = organizationUnitUsers.TotalCount; } } } } return(pagedResultOutput); }
/// <summary> /// 获取所有角色信息 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public PagedResultOutput <RoleListDto> GetRoles(FilterGroup filter) { Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch(); sw.Start(); QueryModel model = new QueryModel(filter); int total; var data = GetQueryData <Role, int>(_roleManager.Roles, model) .Where <Role>(model.PageIndex, model.PageSize, out total, model.PageCondition.SortConditions); var userListDtos = data.MapTo <List <RoleListDto> >(); var result = new PagedResultOutput <RoleListDto>(total, userListDtos); sw.Stop(); Console.WriteLine(sw.Elapsed); return(result); }
public PagedResultOutput <SystemUserDto> GetUserGroupAlternativeUsers(string groupId, string userName, int PageSize, int PageIndex) { var data = new PagedResultOutput <SystemUserDto>(); var db = (InfoEarthFrameDbContext)_iGroupRepository.GetDbContext(); var where = ""; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(userName)) { where += " AND u.\"UserName\" like '%" + userName + "%'"; } var sql = "SELECT" + " u.*, (" + " CASE"+ " WHEN r.\"UserId\" != \'\'"+ " AND r.\"UserId\" IS NOT NULL THEN"+ " 1"+ " ELSE"+ " 0"+ " END"+ " ) AS isRelated" + " FROM" + " sdms_user u" + " LEFT JOIN (" + " SELECT" + " \"UserId\""+ " FROM" + " \"TBL_GROUP_USER\" G"+ " WHERE" + " G .\"GroupId\" = \'"+ groupId + "\'" + " GROUP BY" + " G .\"GroupId\","+ " G .\"UserId\""+ " ) r ON r.\"UserId\" = u.\"Id\" where 1=1 " + where + " "; var query = db.Database.SqlQuery <SystemUserDto>(sql); data.TotalCount = query.Count(); data.Items = query.OrderByDescending(p => p.CreateDT).Skip(PageSize * (PageIndex - 1)).Take(PageSize).ToList(); return(data); }
public async Task <PagedResultOutput <TenantListDto> > GetTenants(GetTenantsInput input) { var query = TenantManager.Tenants .Include(t => t.Edition) .WhereIf( !input.Filter.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(), t => t.Name.Contains(input.Filter) || t.TenancyName.Contains(input.Filter) ); var tenantCount = await query.CountAsync(); var sort = input.sort.Replace("editionDisplayName", "Edition.DisplayName"); var tenants = await query.OrderBy(string.Format("{0} {1}", sort, input.order)).PageBy(input).ToListAsync(); var tem = new PagedResultOutput <TenantListDto>( tenantCount, tenants.MapTo <List <TenantListDto> >() ); return(tem); }
public PagedResultOutput <SystemUserDto> GetUserGroupRelatedUsers(string groupId, string userName, int PageSize, int PageIndex) { var data = new PagedResultOutput <SystemUserDto>(); var db = (InfoEarthFrameDbContext)_iGroupRepository.GetDbContext(); var query = from g in db.GroupUserEntities join u in db.SysUser on g.UserId equals u.Id into r from row in r.DefaultIfEmpty() select new SystemUserDto { CreateDT = row.CreateDT, Department = row.Department, Id = g.Id, Password = row.Password, Phone = row.Phone, Position = row.Position, Remark = row.Remark, TelPhone = row.TelPhone, UserCode = row.UserCode, UserName = row.UserName, UserSex = row.UserSex, GroupId = g.GroupId }; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(groupId)) { query = query.Where(p => p.GroupId != null && p.GroupId == groupId); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(userName)) { query = query.Where(p => p.UserName != null && p.UserName.ToLower().Contains(userName.ToLower())); } data.TotalCount = query.Count(); data.Items = query.OrderByDescending(p => p.CreateDT).Skip(PageSize * (PageIndex - 1)).Take(PageSize).ToList(); return(data); }
/// <summary> /// 通过name或code查询数据结果 /// </summary> /// <param name="input"></param> /// <param name="PageSize"></param> /// <param name="PageIndex"></param> /// <returns></returns> public async Task <PagedResultOutput <SystemUserDto> > GetAllListByName(SystemUserDto input, int PageSize, int PageIndex) { try { string name = input.UserName; //var query = await _ISystemUserRepository.GetAllListAsync(q => (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name) ? true : (q.UserName.Contains(name) || q.UserCode.Contains(name)))); //var query = _ISystemUserRepository.GetAllList(q => (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name) ? true : (q.UserName.Contains(name) || q.UserCode.Contains(name)))); var expression = LinqExtensions.True <SystemUserEntity>(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(name)) { expression = expression.And(q => (q.UserName.Contains(name) || q.UserCode.Contains(name))); } var query = _ISystemUserRepository.GetAllList(expression); int count = query.Count(); var result = query.Skip((PageIndex - 1) * PageSize).Take(PageSize).ToList(); IReadOnlyList <SystemUserDto> ir; if (result != null && result.Count > 0) { ir = result.MapTo <List <SystemUserDto> >(); } else { ir = new List <SystemUserDto>(); } PagedResultOutput <SystemUserDto> outputList = new PagedResultOutput <SystemUserDto>(count, ir); return(outputList); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception(ex.Message); } }
public async Task <PagedResultOutput <CustomerListDto> > GetCustomers(GetCustomersInput input) { PagedResultOutput <CustomerListDto> pagedResultOutput; ParameterExpression parameterExpression; if (input.Filter.Contains("id:")) { string filter = input.Filter; char[] chrArray = new char[] { ':' }; long theId = long.Parse(filter.Split(chrArray)[1]); IQueryable <Customer> all = _customerRepository.GetAll(); var customers = all.Where(m => m.Id == theId); int num = await customers.CountAsync <Customer>(); List <Customer> listAsync = await customers.OrderBy <Customer>(input.Sorting, new object[0]).PageBy <Customer>(input).ToListAsync <Customer>(); pagedResultOutput = new PagedResultOutput <CustomerListDto>(num, listAsync.MapTo <List <CustomerListDto> >()); } else { IQueryable <Address> addresses = this._addressRepository.GetAll(); var addresses1 = addresses.Include(i => i.Country); var addresses2 = addresses1.Include(i => i.CountryRegion); var addresses3 = addresses2.Where(m => (int?)m.TenantId == AbpSession.TenantId && m.OwnerType == "Customer"); var addresses4 = addresses3.WhereIf(!input.Filter.IsNullOrEmpty(), p => p.Type.Contains(input.Filter) || p.Type.Contains(input.Filter) || p.PrimaryAddress.Contains(input.Filter) || p.SecondaryAddress.Contains(input.Filter) || p.City.Contains(input.Filter) || p.PostalCode.Contains(input.Filter) || p.ContactName.Contains(input.Filter) || p.Country.Code.Contains(input.Filter) || p.Country.Name.Contains(input.Filter) || p.CountryRegion.Code.Contains(input.Filter) || p.CountryRegion.Name.Contains(input.Filter)); var collection = await addresses4.Select(s => new { CustomerId = s.OwnerId }).ToListAsync(); IQueryable <Phone> phones = this._phoneRepository.GetAll(); var phones1 = phones.Where(m => (int?)m.TenantId == AbpSession.TenantId && m.OwnerType == "Customer"); var phones2 = phones.WhereIf(!input.Filter.IsNullOrEmpty(), p => p.Type.Contains(input.Filter) || p.PhoneNumber.Contains(input.Filter)); var listAsync1 = await phones2.Select(p => new { CustomerId = p.OwnerId }).ToListAsync(); IQueryable <Customer> all1 = this._customerRepository.GetAll(); var customers1 = all1.WhereIf(!input.Filter.IsNullOrEmpty(), p => p.FirstName.Contains(input.Filter) || p.LastName.Contains(input.Filter) || p.BusinessName.Contains(input.Filter) || p.Email.Contains(input.Filter)); var listAsync2 = await customers1.Select(s => new { CustomerId = s.Id }).ToListAsync(); List <long> list = ( from s in collection select s.CustomerId).ToList(); IEnumerable <long> nums = list.Union(( from s in listAsync1 select s.CustomerId).ToList()); nums.Union(( from s in listAsync2 select s.CustomerId).ToList()); var all2 = _customerRepository.GetAll(); parameterExpression = Expression.Parameter(typeof(Customer), "m"); var customers2 = all2.Where(m => nums.Contains(m.Id)); int matchCount = await customers2.CountAsync(); List <Customer> listAsync3 = await customers2.OrderBy <Customer>(input.Sorting, new object[0]).PageBy <Customer>(input).ToListAsync <Customer>(); pagedResultOutput = new PagedResultOutput <CustomerListDto>(matchCount, listAsync3.MapTo <List <CustomerListDto> >()); } return(pagedResultOutput); }
/// <summary> /// 获取地图列表(通过标签,类型,名称) /// </summary> /// <param name="input"></param> /// <returns></returns> public PagedResultOutput <MapDto> GetPageListByName(MapInputDto input, int PageSize, int PageIndex) { try { string mapType = input.MapType, tag = input.MapTag, name = input.MapName, mapID = "", type = ""; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tag)) { mapID = GetMultiLayerIDByTag(tag); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(mapType)) { type = GetMultiChildTypeByType(mapType); } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(input.CreateUserId)) { return(null); } var mapUserData = GetDataByUserCodeAsync(input.CreateUserId, name, type, mapID).Result; var listMapType = _IDataTypeRepository.GetAll(); var listMapRefence = _IDicDataCodeRepository.GetAll(); var listMapScale = _IDicDataCodeRepository.GetAll(); var query = (from l in mapUserData join t in listMapType on l.MapType equals t.Id into tt from de in tt.DefaultIfEmpty() join r in listMapRefence on l.SpatialRefence equals r.Id into rr from re in rr.DefaultIfEmpty() join dt in listMapScale on l.MapScale equals dt.Id into dtt from ldt in dtt.DefaultIfEmpty() select new MapDto { Id = l.Id, MapName = l.MapName, MapEnName = l.MapEnName, MapBBox = l.MapBBox, MapPublishAddress = l.MapPublishAddress, MapStatus = l.MapStatus, MapDesc = l.MapDesc, MapType = (de == null) ? "" : de.TypeName, MapTag = l.MapTag, PublishDT = l.PublishDT, SortCode = l.SortCode, EnabledMark = l.EnabledMark, DeleteMark = l.DeleteMark, CreateUserId = l.CreateUserId, CreateUserName = l.CreateUserName, CreateDT = Convert.ToDateTime(Convert.ToDateTime(l.CreateDT).ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss")), ModifyUserId = l.ModifyUserId, ModifyUserName = l.ModifyUserName, ModifyDate = l.ModifyDate, MapScale = l.MapScale, MapScaleName = (ldt == null) ? "" : ldt.CodeName, SpatialRefence = l.SpatialRefence, SpatialRefenceName = (re == null) ? "" : re.CodeName, MaxY = l.MaxY, MinY = l.MinY, MinX = l.MinX, MaxX = l.MaxX, MapLegend = l.MapLegend, MaxDegLat = "", MinDegLat = "", MinDegLon = "", MaxDegLon = "" }).OrderByDescending(x => x.CreateDT); int count = query.Count(); var result = query.Skip((PageIndex - 1) * PageSize).Take(PageSize).ToList(); IReadOnlyList <MapDto> ir = new List <MapDto>(); if (result != null && result.Count > 0) { foreach (var dto in result) { dto.MapTag = GetMultiTagNameByMapID(dto.Id); dto.MaxDegLat = (dto.MaxY != null) ? ConvertBBox(Convert.ToDouble(dto.MaxY)) : ""; dto.MinDegLat = (dto.MinY != null) ? ConvertBBox(Convert.ToDouble(dto.MinY)) : ""; dto.MaxDegLon = (dto.MaxX != null) ? ConvertBBox(Convert.ToDouble(dto.MaxX)) : ""; dto.MinDegLon = (dto.MinX != null) ? ConvertBBox(Convert.ToDouble(dto.MinX)) : ""; } ir = result.MapTo <List <MapDto> >(); } PagedResultOutput <MapDto> outputList = new PagedResultOutput <MapDto>(count, ir); return(outputList); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception(ex.Message); } }
public async Task <PartialViewResult> CreateOrUpdateSpecificPriceModal(long productId, long?id = null) { int? nullable; bool flag; bool flag1; ISpecificPriceAppService specificPriceAppService = this._specificPriceAppService; NullableIdInput <long> nullableIdInput = new NullableIdInput <long>() { Id = id }; GetProductSpecificPriceForEditOutput productSpecificPriceForEdit = await specificPriceAppService.GetProductSpecificPriceForEdit(nullableIdInput); CreateOrUpdateSpecificPriceModalViewModel createOrUpdateSpecificPriceModalViewModel = new CreateOrUpdateSpecificPriceModalViewModel(productSpecificPriceForEdit); Product product = await this._productAppService.GetProduct(productId); createOrUpdateSpecificPriceModalViewModel.BaseCost = new decimal?(product.FinalPrice); createOrUpdateSpecificPriceModalViewModel.QuantitySoldIn = product.QuantitySoldIn; if (productSpecificPriceForEdit.SpecificPrice.ForCustomerId.HasValue) { ICustomerAppService customerAppService = this._customerAppService; GetCustomersInput getCustomersInput = new GetCustomersInput() { MaxResultCount = 1, Sorting = "FirstName", SkipCount = 0 }; long value = productSpecificPriceForEdit.SpecificPrice.ForCustomerId.Value; getCustomersInput.Filter = string.Concat("id:", value.ToString()); PagedResultOutput <CustomerListDto> customers = await customerAppService.GetCustomers(getCustomersInput); createOrUpdateSpecificPriceModalViewModel.CurrentlySelectedCustomerName = string.Concat(customers.Items[0].FullName, " - ", customers.Items[0].Email); } List <SelectListItem> selectListItems = new List <SelectListItem>(); using (HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient()) { UrlHelper url = this.Url; nullable = (createOrUpdateSpecificPriceModalViewModel.SpecificPrice.ForCountryId.HasValue ? createOrUpdateSpecificPriceModalViewModel.SpecificPrice.ForCountryId : new int?(0)); string str = url.RouteUrl("DefaultApiWithAction", new { httproute = "", controller = "Generic", action = "GetCountriesAsSelectListItems", countryId = 0, selectedCountryId = nullable }, this.Request.Url.Scheme); using (HttpResponseMessage async = await httpClient.GetAsync(str)) { if (async.IsSuccessStatusCode) { string str1 = await async.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); selectListItems = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <SelectListItem> >(str1); } } } List <SelectListItem> selectListItems1 = selectListItems; SelectListItem selectListItem = new SelectListItem() { Text = "", Value = "", Disabled = false }; selectListItems1.Insert(0, selectListItem); this.ViewData["Countries"] = selectListItems.AsEnumerable <SelectListItem>(); List <OrganizationUnitDto> organizationUnitsByProperty = await this._organizationUnitAppService.GetOrganizationUnitsByProperty("SpecificPricesEnabled", "true"); List <SelectListItem> selectListItems2 = new List <SelectListItem>(); foreach (OrganizationUnitDto organizationUnitDto in organizationUnitsByProperty) { List <SelectListItem> selectListItems3 = selectListItems2; SelectListItem selectListItem1 = new SelectListItem(); string displayName = organizationUnitDto.DisplayName; int memberCount = organizationUnitDto.MemberCount; selectListItem1.Text = string.Format("{0} ({1} {2})", displayName, memberCount.ToString(), this.L("OUMemberCount")); selectListItem1.Value = organizationUnitDto.Id.ToString(); selectListItem1.Disabled = false; selectListItem1.Group = null; flag = (!createOrUpdateSpecificPriceModalViewModel.SpecificPrice.ForOrganizationalUnitId.HasValue || createOrUpdateSpecificPriceModalViewModel.SpecificPrice.ForOrganizationalUnitId.Value != organizationUnitDto.Id ? false : true); selectListItem1.Selected = flag; selectListItems3.Add(selectListItem1); } SelectListItem selectListItem2 = new SelectListItem() { Text = "", Value = "", Disabled = false }; selectListItems2.Insert(0, selectListItem2); this.ViewData["OrganizationUnits"] = selectListItems2.AsEnumerable <SelectListItem>(); IRepository <ProductOption, long> repository = this._productOptionRepository; List <ProductOption> allListAsync = await repository.GetAllListAsync((ProductOption x) => x.ProductId == product.Id && x.IsActive); List <ProductOption> productOptions = allListAsync; List <SelectListItem> selectListItems4 = new List <SelectListItem>(); foreach (ProductOption productOption in productOptions) { List <SelectListItem> selectListItems5 = selectListItems4; SelectListItem selectListItem3 = new SelectListItem() { Text = productOption.Name, Value = productOption.Id.ToString(), Disabled = false, Group = null }; flag1 = (!createOrUpdateSpecificPriceModalViewModel.SpecificPrice.ProductOptionId.HasValue || createOrUpdateSpecificPriceModalViewModel.SpecificPrice.ProductOptionId.Value != productOption.Id ? false : true); selectListItem3.Selected = flag1; selectListItems5.Add(selectListItem3); } SelectListItem selectListItem4 = new SelectListItem() { Text = "", Value = "", Disabled = false }; selectListItems4.Insert(0, selectListItem4); this.ViewData["ProductOptions"] = selectListItems4.AsEnumerable <SelectListItem>(); return(this.PartialView("_CreateOrUpdateSpecificPriceModal", createOrUpdateSpecificPriceModalViewModel)); }
public async Task <ActionResult> Payeezy(FormCollection formFields) { int value; string str; Guid guid; string str1; bool flag; PayNowDto payNowDto = new PayNowDto(); try { int?impersonatorTenantId = this.AbpSession.ImpersonatorTenantId; if (impersonatorTenantId.HasValue) { impersonatorTenantId = this.AbpSession.ImpersonatorTenantId; value = impersonatorTenantId.Value; } else { value = this.AbpSession.GetTenantId(); } int num = value; TenantSettingsEditDto allSettingsByTenantId = await this._tenantSettingsAppService.GetAllSettingsByTenantId(num); long num1 = long.Parse(formFields["invoiceId"]); decimal.Parse(formFields["invoiceAmount"]); decimal num2 = decimal.Parse(formFields["paymentAmount"]); Invoice invoice = await this._invoiceAppService.GetInvoice(num1); if (invoice == null || invoice.TenantId != num) { if (invoice != null) { throw new Exception("SecurityViolation"); } throw new Exception("InvoiceIsNull"); } payNowDto.x_invoice_num = invoice.Number; payNowDto.x_po_num = invoice.PONumber; payNowDto.x_reference_3 = invoice.Number; ICustomerAppService customerAppService = this._customerAppService; NullableIdInput <long> nullableIdInput = new NullableIdInput <long>() { Id = new long?(invoice.CustomerId) }; GetCustomerForEditOutput customerForEdit = await customerAppService.GetCustomerForEdit(nullableIdInput); PayNowDto payNowDto1 = payNowDto; string[] strArrays = new string[7]; long id = invoice.Id; strArrays[0] = id.ToString(); strArrays[1] = "|"; long?impersonatorUserId = customerForEdit.Customer.Id; id = impersonatorUserId.Value; strArrays[2] = id.ToString(); strArrays[3] = "|"; strArrays[4] = num.ToString(); strArrays[5] = "|"; impersonatorUserId = this.AbpSession.ImpersonatorUserId; if (impersonatorUserId.HasValue) { impersonatorUserId = this.AbpSession.ImpersonatorUserId; id = impersonatorUserId.Value; str = id.ToString(); } else { impersonatorUserId = this.AbpSession.UserId; if (impersonatorUserId.HasValue) { impersonatorUserId = this.AbpSession.UserId; id = impersonatorUserId.Value; str = id.ToString(); } else { impersonatorUserId = this.AbpSession.UserId; str = impersonatorUserId.ToString(); } } strArrays[6] = str; payNowDto1.x_cust_id = string.Concat(strArrays); payNowDto.x_email = customerForEdit.Customer.Email; if (customerForEdit.Customer.BusinessName != null && customerForEdit.Customer.BusinessName.ToString().Length > 0) { payNowDto.x_company = customerForEdit.Customer.BusinessName; } if (customerForEdit.Customer.FirstName != null && customerForEdit.Customer.FirstName.ToString().Length > 0) { payNowDto.x_first_name = customerForEdit.Customer.FirstName.ToString(); } if (customerForEdit.Customer.LastName != null && customerForEdit.Customer.LastName.ToString().Length > 0) { payNowDto.x_last_name = customerForEdit.Customer.LastName.ToString(); } PayNowDto str2 = payNowDto; impersonatorUserId = customerForEdit.Customer.Id; id = impersonatorUserId.Value; str2.x_customer_tax_id = id.ToString(); impersonatorUserId = invoice.CustomerAddressId; if (impersonatorUserId.HasValue) { impersonatorUserId = invoice.CustomerAddressId; if (impersonatorUserId.Value > (long)0) { IGenericAppService genericAppService = this._genericAppService; GetAddressesInput getAddressesInput = new GetAddressesInput(); impersonatorUserId = customerForEdit.Customer.Id; getAddressesInput.OwnerId = new long?(impersonatorUserId.Value); getAddressesInput.OwnerType = "Customer"; PagedResultOutput <AddressListDto> addresses = await genericAppService.GetAddresses(getAddressesInput); int num3 = 0; while (num3 < addresses.Items.Count) { long id1 = (long)addresses.Items[num3].Id; impersonatorUserId = invoice.CustomerAddressId; flag = (id1 == impersonatorUserId.GetValueOrDefault() ? impersonatorUserId.HasValue : false); if (!flag) { num3++; } else { payNowDto.x_address = addresses.Items[num3].PrimaryAddress; payNowDto.x_city = addresses.Items[num3].City; payNowDto.x_zip = addresses.Items[num3].PostalCode; impersonatorTenantId = addresses.Items[num3].CountryRegionId; if (!impersonatorTenantId.HasValue) { break; } IGenericAppService genericAppService1 = this._genericAppService; impersonatorTenantId = addresses.Items[num3].CountryRegionId; int?nullable = new int?(impersonatorTenantId.Value); impersonatorTenantId = null; ListResultOutput <CountryRegionInCountryListDto> countryRegions = genericAppService1.GetCountryRegions(nullable, impersonatorTenantId); if (countryRegions.Items.Count != 1) { break; } payNowDto.x_state = countryRegions.Items[0].Code; break; } } } } Tenant byIdAsync = await this._tenantManager.GetByIdAsync(num); string tenancyName = byIdAsync.TenancyName; string str3 = tenancyName; string str4 = tenancyName; str4 = str3; byIdAsync = await this._tenantManager.FindByTenancyNameAsync(str4); string siteRootAddress = this._webUrlService.GetSiteRootAddress(str4); PayNowDto payNowDto2 = payNowDto; object[] objArray = new object[] { siteRootAddress, "Mpa/Settings/GetLogoById?logoId=", null, null, null }; guid = (allSettingsByTenantId.Logo.InvoiceImageId.HasValue ? allSettingsByTenantId.Logo.InvoiceImageId.Value : Guid.Empty); objArray[2] = guid; objArray[3] = "&logoType=header&viewContrast=light&t="; id = Clock.Now.Ticks; objArray[4] = id.ToString(); payNowDto2.x_logo_url = string.Concat(objArray); payNowDto.x_receipt_link_url = string.Concat(siteRootAddress, "Pay/PayeezyResponse"); payNowDto.x_receipt_link_method = "AUTO-POST"; payNowDto.x_receipt_link_text = this.L("CompleteTransaction"); if (allSettingsByTenantId.PaymentGatewaySettings.GatewaySettings.Length <= 3) { throw new Exception("PaymentGatewayError_PayEezySettingsMissing"); } PayEezyJsonObject payEezyJsonObject = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <PayEezyJsonObject>(allSettingsByTenantId.PaymentGatewaySettings.GatewaySettings); payNowDto.x_login = payEezyJsonObject.PayEezy_x_login; payNowDto.x_transaction_key = payEezyJsonObject.PayEezy_x_transaction_key; PayNowDto payNowDto3 = payNowDto; bool? payEezyXTestRequest = payEezyJsonObject.PayEezy_x_test_request; payNowDto3.x_test_request = bool.Parse(payEezyXTestRequest.ToString()); PayNowDto payNowDto4 = payNowDto; payEezyXTestRequest = payEezyJsonObject.PayEezy_x_email_customer; payNowDto4.x_email_customer = bool.Parse(payEezyXTestRequest.ToString()); payNowDto.x_gateway_id = payEezyJsonObject.PayEezy_x_gateway_id; PayNowDto payNowDto5 = payNowDto; string payEezyXDescription = payEezyJsonObject.PayEezy_x_description; str1 = (formFields["Description"] == null || formFields["Description"] != null && formFields["Description"].ToString().Length > 0 ? string.Concat(" ", formFields["Description"].ToString()) : ""); payNowDto5.x_description = string.Concat(payEezyXDescription, str1); payNowDto.x_amount = num2; payNowDto.x_customer_ip = PayController.GetIPAddress(this.Request); Random random = new Random(); PayNowDto str5 = payNowDto; int num4 = random.Next(0, 1000); str5.x_fp_sequence = num4.ToString(); TimeSpan utcNow = DateTime.UtcNow - new DateTime(1970, 1, 1); payNowDto.x_fp_timestamp = ((int)utcNow.TotalSeconds).ToString(); payNowDto.x_fp_hash = PayController.GeneratePayeezyHash(payNowDto.x_transaction_key, payNowDto.x_login, payNowDto.x_amount, payNowDto.x_fp_sequence, payNowDto.x_fp_timestamp, "USD"); if (!payNowDto.x_test_request) { payNowDto.PostToUrl = "https://checkout.globalgatewaye4.firstdata.com/payment"; } else { payNowDto.PostToUrl = "https://demo.globalgatewaye4.firstdata.com/payment"; } allSettingsByTenantId = null; invoice = null; str4 = null; } catch (Exception) { payNowDto = new PayNowDto(); ((dynamic)this.ViewBag).Error_InvalidParameters = true; } return(this.View(payNowDto)); }