예제 #1
        public async Task <PagedResponseDTO <JobDTO> > Search(SearchJobDTO dto)
            IQueryable <Job> jobs = context.Jobs.AsNoTracking();

            var paged = new PagedResponseDTO <JobDTO>();

            if (dto.Type.HasValue)
                jobs = jobs.Where(x => x.Type == dto.Type.Value);
            if (dto.Location != null)
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dto.Location.Country))
                    jobs = jobs.Where(x => x.Country == dto.Location.Country);
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dto.Location.City))
                    jobs = jobs.Where(x => x.City == dto.Location.City);
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dto.Title))
                jobs = jobs.Where(x => x.Title.ToLower().Contains(dto.Title.ToLower()));
            if (dto.Categories != null && dto.Categories.Length > 0)
                jobs = jobs.Where(i => i.JobCategoryRefs.Any(c => dto.Categories.Contains(c.JobCategoryId)));

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dto.Sort.Member) && dto.Sort.Direction.HasValue)
                jobs = dto.Sort.Direction == Sorting.ASC ? jobs.OrderBy(dto.Sort.Member) : jobs.OrderByDescending(dto.Sort.Member);

            paged.Count = jobs.Count();
            jobs        = jobs.Skip((dto.Page.Number - 1) * dto.Page.Count).Take(dto.Page.Count);

            var jobDTOs = await jobs.Select(i => new JobDTO
                Id           = i.Id,
                Title        = i.Title,
                Type         = i.Type.GetAttribute <DisplayAttribute>().Name,
                CreatedDate  = i.CreatedDate,
                City         = i.City,
                Country      = i.Country,
                Latitude     = i.Latitude,
                Longitude    = i.Longitude,
                IsBookmarked = dto.UserId.HasValue && i.UserJobRefs.Any(i => i.UserId == dto.UserId.Value)

            paged.Data = jobDTOs;
        public PagedResponseDTO <RentResponseDTO> Execute(RentSearch request)
            var query = AiContext.Rents
                        .Where(x => x.IsDeleted == 0)

            if (request.Model != null)
                query = query
                        .Where(x => x.Vehicle.Model.ToLower().Contains(request.Model.ToLower()));
            if (request.Username != null)
                query = query
                        .Where(x => x.User.Username.ToLower().Contains(request.Username.ToLower()));
            if (request.Email != null)
                query = query
                        .Where(x => x.Customer.Email.ToLower().Contains(request.Email.ToLower()));
            if (request.Brand != null)
                query = query
                        .Where(x => x.Vehicle.Brand.Name.ToLower().Contains(request.Brand.ToLower()));

            /* Pagination
             * Current page is sent threw query string, if there is no value for it's default value is 1
             * Same goes for PerPage
             * Paged response coctains Current page, Totall pages and data in current page and sends it back threw API
            var totallCount = query.Count();
            var currentPage = request.CurrentPage.HasValue ? request.CurrentPage.GetValueOrDefault() : 1;
            var perPage     = request.PerPage.HasValue ? request.PerPage.GetValueOrDefault() : 3;
            var pagesCount  = (int)Math.Ceiling((double)totallCount / perPage);

            query = query.Skip((currentPage - 1) * perPage).Take(perPage);
            var response = new PagedResponseDTO <RentResponseDTO>
                CurrentPage = currentPage,
                PageCount   = pagesCount,
                TotallCount = totallCount,
                Data        = query
                              .Select(x => new RentResponseDTO
                    Id                = x.Id,
                    UserId            = x.UserId,
                    CustomerId        = x.CustomerId,
                    LocationId        = x.LocationId,
                    DropLocationId    = x.DropLocationId,
                    VehicleId         = x.VehicleId,
                    StatusId          = x.StatusId,
                    VehicleModel      = x.Vehicle.Model,
                    RentStatus        = x.RentStatus.Name,
                    VehicleCostPerDay = x.VehicleCostPerDay,
                    FirstName         = x.FirstName,
                    LastName          = x.LastName,
                    Email             = x.Email,
                    TotallPrice       = x.TotallPrice,
                    PickDate          = x.PickDate,
                    DropDate          = x.DropDate,
                    PickAdress        = x.PickAdress,
                    DropAdress        = x.DropAdress,
                    RentExtraAddons   = AiContext.RentExtraAddons
                                        .Where(re => re.RentId == x.Id)
                                        .Select(re => new RentExtraAddonResponseDTO
                        ExtraAddonId   = re.ExtraAddonId,
                        ExtraAddonName = re.ExtraAddon.Name,
                        Price          = re.ExtraAddon.Price
