public PagedResult <Log> GetLogList(PagedParameter parameter) { string inner_sql_str = @"select Log.* from Log"; string sqlstr = $@"select * from (select ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY t.Dt desc )AS Row,t.* from ({inner_sql_str}) t) tt WHERE tt.Row BETWEEN @StartIndex AND @EndIndex"; List <Log> modelList = DbHelper.Query <Log>(sqlstr, new { StartIndex = parameter.SkipCount, EndIndex = parameter.TakeCount }); int totalCount = DbHelper.QuerySingle <int>($"SELECT COUNT(0) AS TotalCount FROM ({inner_sql_str}) t"); return(new PagedResult <Log> { PageIndex = parameter.PageIndex, PageSize = parameter.PageSize, TotalItemCount = totalCount, Items = modelList }); }
/// <summary> /// 按订单,显示订单详细列表 /// </summary> /// <param name="input"></param> /// <param name="param"></param> /// <returns></returns> public DataSet GetOrderDetailListByOrder(OrderDetailSearchModel input, PagedParameter param) { string orderId = input.OrderId; string productName = input.ProductName; DataSet ds = GetOrderDetailListByOrder(orderId, productName); return(ds); }
/// <summary> /// 按企业,获得分页的订单明细信息 /// </summary> /// <param name="input"></param> /// <param name="param"></param> /// <returns></returns> public DataSet GetOrderDetailDs(OrderDetailSearchModel input, PagedParameter param, out int rows) { string salerId = input.SalerId; string buyerId = input.BuyerId; string areaId = input.AreaId; string productName = input.ProductName; DataSet ds = dao.GetOrderDetailList(input, salerId, buyerId, areaId, productName, param, out rows); return(ds); }
/// <summary> /// 取得分页条件 /// </summary> private PagedParameter getPageParam() { //分页条件 PagedParameter param = new PagedParameter(); param.PageNum = this.pageNavigator1.CurrentPageIndex.ToString(); param.PageSize = this.pageNavigator1.PageSize.ToString(); return(param); }
/// <summary> /// 查询退货单列表 /// </summary> /// <param name="plats">受管理的平台集合</param> /// <param name="input">页面输入参数</param> /// <param name="pageParam">分业参数</param> /// <param name="rows">数据行数</param> /// <returns></returns> public DataTable findDealList(string[] plats, SalerReturnModel input, PagedParameter pageParam, out int rows) { SalerReturnDAO dao = new SalerReturnDAO(); DataTable dt = null; try { dt = dao.findDealList(plats, input, pageParam, out rows); } catch (Exception e) { throw e; } return(dt); }
/// <summary> /// 公积金基数变更历史 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public ActionResult RecFund(PagedParameter parameter) { List <SocialSecurityPeopleViewModel> list = localSocialSv.GetBaseAjustRecord(1, CommonHelper.CurrentUser.MemberID); var c = list.Skip(parameter.SkipCount - 1).Take(parameter.PageSize); PagedResult <SocialSecurityPeopleViewModel> page = new PagedResult <SocialSecurityPeopleViewModel> { PageIndex = parameter.PageIndex, PageSize = parameter.PageSize, TotalItemCount = list.Count, Items = c }; return(View(page)); }
// GET: UserOrder public ActionResult Index(PagedParameter parameter, int?id) { List <UserOrderViewModel> list = userOderSv.GetOrderList(CommonHelper.CurrentUser.MemberID, id); var c = list.Skip(parameter.SkipCount - 1).Take(parameter.PageSize); UserOrderPageResult <UserOrderViewModel> page = new UserOrderPageResult <UserOrderViewModel> { PageIndex = parameter.PageIndex, PageSize = parameter.PageSize, TotalItemCount = list.Count, Items = c, Status = id }; return(View(page)); }
/// <summary> /// 查询退货单列表 /// </summary> /// <param name="plats">受管理的平台集合</param> /// <param name="input">页面输入参数</param> /// <param name="pageParam">分业参数</param> /// <param name="rows">数据行数</param> /// <returns></returns> public DataTable findDealList(string[] plats, SalerReturnModel input, PagedParameter pageParam, out int rows) { return(new SalerReturnBLL().findDealList(plats, input, pageParam, out rows)); }
/// <summary> /// 获取账单流水记录 /// </summary> /// <param name="MemberID"></param> /// <returns></returns> public async Task <PagedResult <AccountRecord> > GetAccountRecordList(int MemberID, string ShouZhiType, DateTime?StartTime, DateTime?EndTime, PagedParameter parameter) { string sqlShouZhiType = string.Empty; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ShouZhiType)) { sqlShouZhiType = " 1 = 1 "; } else { sqlShouZhiType = $" ShouZhiType = '{EnumExt.GetEnumCustomDescription((ShouZhiTypeEnum)(Convert.ToInt32(ShouZhiType)))}'"; } string sqlTime = string.Empty; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(StartTime.ToString()) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(EndTime.ToString())) { sqlTime = " 1 = 1 "; } else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(StartTime.ToString()) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(EndTime.ToString())) { sqlTime = $" CreateTime < '{ EndTime.Value.AddDays(1)}' "; } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(StartTime.ToString()) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(EndTime.ToString())) { sqlTime = $" CreateTime > '{StartTime}'"; } else { sqlTime = $" CreateTime between '{StartTime}' and '{EndTime.Value.AddDays(1)}'"; } StringBuilder sbSql = new StringBuilder(); sbSql.AppendFormat("{0};{1}", $"select * from (select ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY AccountRecord.CreateTime desc )AS Row,AccountRecord.* from AccountRecord where MemberID ={MemberID} and {sqlShouZhiType} and {sqlTime} ) ss WHERE ss.Row BETWEEN @StartIndex AND @EndIndex", $"select count(0) from AccountRecord where MemberID ={ MemberID} and {sqlShouZhiType} and {sqlTime} "); DbParameter[] parameters = new DbParameter[] { new SqlParameter("@StartIndex", parameter.SkipCount), new SqlParameter("@EndIndex", parameter.TakeCount) }; var tuple = await DbHelper.QueryMultipleAsync <AccountRecord, int>(sbSql.ToString(), parameters); return(new PagedResult <AccountRecord> { PageIndex = parameter.PageIndex, PageSize = parameter.PageSize, TotalItemCount = tuple.Item2?.FirstOrDefault() ?? 0, Items = tuple.Item1 }); }
/// <summary> /// 查询退货单列表 /// </summary> /// <param name="plats">受管理的平台集合</param> /// <param name="input">页面输入参数</param> /// <param name="pageParam">分业参数</param> /// <param name="rows">数据行数</param> /// <returns></returns> public DataTable findDealList(string[] plats, SalerReturnModel input, PagedParameter pageParam, out int rows) { //组织所有的交易所平台ID rows = 0; DataTable dt = null; StringBuilder sqlPlat = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < plats.Length; i++) { // PltPlat p1 = (PltPlat); if (i == 0) { sqlPlat.Append("'" + plats[i] + "'"); } else { sqlPlat.Append(",'" + plats[i] + "'"); } i++; } if (sqlPlat.Length == 0) { return(null); } //根据查询类别,组织查询条件 StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); List <DbParameter> parameters = new List <DbParameter>(); DbParameter param = null; if (input.StrType != null && !input.StrKeyValue.Equals("")) { if (input.StrType.Equals("1")) { sb.Append(" and (item.bak_medical_name like :StrKeyValue"); sb.Append(" or item.bak_product_name like :StrKeyValue)"); } else if (input.StrType.Equals("2")) { sb.Append(" and (item.bak_medical_fast like :StrKeyValue"); sb.Append(" or item.bak_product_fast like :StrKeyValue)"); } else if (input.StrType.Equals("3")) { sb.Append(" and (item.bak_medical_wubi like :StrKeyValue"); sb.Append(" or item.bak_product_wubi like :StrKeyValue)"); } else if (input.StrType.Equals("4")) { sb.Append(" and (ord.bak_buyer_easy like :StrKeyValue"); sb.Append(" or ord.bak_buyer_name like :StrKeyValue)"); } else { return(null); } param = this.DbFacade.CreateParameter(); param.ParameterName = "StrKeyValue"; param.DbType = DbType.String; if (input.StrType.Equals("1") || input.StrType.Equals("4")) { param.Value = CommonFunction.GetLike(input.StrKeyValue); } else { param.Value = CommonFunction.GetLike(input.StrKeyValue.ToUpper()); } parameters.Add(param); } StringBuilder strSql = new StringBuilder(); strSql.Append(" select rownum, receive_id, r.receive_qty receive_qty_pre,,item.bak_medical_name,item.bak_product_name,item.BAK_MASS_ASSIGNMENT,item.bak_medical_mode,item.bak_product_spec" + " ,ord.bak_buyer_easy,ord.bak_buyer_name " + " ,item.unit_price,t.lot_no,w.warehouse_name,r.receive_date,r.receive_qty,t.return_qty,t.buyer_remark" + " ,t.create_date,to_char(t.create_date,'yyyy-mm-dd') create_date_display,t.confirm_date,to_char(t.confirm_date,'yyyy-mm-dd') confirm_date_display,t.saler_remark Remark " + ", ord.order_code, ord.create_date order_date, t.create_userid, item.unit_price * t.return_qty return_money" + ", item.product_id" + " from ord_order_receive r,ord_order ord,ord_order_item item, ord_warehouse w,ord_order_return t" + " where and t.order_id=ord.order_id and t.order_item_id =item.record_id " + " and r.order_item_id = item.record_id and ord.order_id=item.order_id and item.repository_id =w.warehouse_id(+)" + " and t.sender_orgid = :orgid" + " and t.return_state = :returnState" + " and t.create_date >= to_date(:startDate,'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss')" + " and t.create_date<= to_date(:endDate,'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') + 1" + " and t.plat_id in (" + sqlPlat.ToString() + ")" + sb.ToString()); param = this.DbFacade.CreateParameter(); param.ParameterName = "orgid"; param.DbType = DbType.String; param.Value = input.CurOrgId; parameters.Add(param); param = this.DbFacade.CreateParameter(); param.ParameterName = "returnState"; param.DbType = DbType.String; param.Value = input.ReturnState; parameters.Add(param); param = this.DbFacade.CreateParameter(); param.ParameterName = "startDate"; param.DbType = DbType.String; param.Value = input.StartDate; parameters.Add(param); param = this.DbFacade.CreateParameter(); param.ParameterName = "endDate"; param.DbType = DbType.String; param.Value = input.EndDate; parameters.Add(param); try { rows = base.GetRowCount(strSql.ToString(), parameters.ToArray()); //该sql需要用户自己绑定:highRowNum(该页的最大记录行数)和:lowRowNum(该页的最小记录行数)参数. DbParameter highIndexPara = DbFacade.CreateParameter(); highIndexPara.ParameterName = "highRowNum"; highIndexPara.DbType = DbType.Int32; highIndexPara.Value = PageUtils.GetHighIndexOfPage(int.Parse(pageParam.PageNum), int.Parse(pageParam.PageSize)); parameters.Add(highIndexPara); DbParameter lowIndexPara = DbFacade.CreateParameter(); lowIndexPara.ParameterName = "lowRowNum"; lowIndexPara.DbType = DbType.Int32; lowIndexPara.Value = PageUtils.GetLowIndexOfPage(int.Parse(pageParam.PageNum), int.Parse(pageParam.PageSize)); parameters.Add(lowIndexPara); dt = DbFacade.SQLExecuteDataTable(GetPagedSql(strSql.ToString()), parameters.ToArray()); } catch (Exception e) { throw e; } return(dt); }
//按企业,获得分页的订单明细信息 public DataSet GetOrderDetailList(OrderDetailSearchModel input, string salerId, string buyerId, string areaId, string productName, PagedParameter pageParam, out int rows) { int pageNum = Int32.Parse(pageParam.PageNum); int pageSize = Int32.Parse(pageParam.PageSize); string sql = @"select h.trade_name, h.medical_name, iif(h.Spec is null,'-',h.spec) & '×' & iif(h.Stand_Rate Is Null, '-',h.Stand_Rate) & iif(h.Use_Unit Is Null, '',h.Use_Unit) & '/' & iif(h.Spec_Unit Is Null, '',h.Spec_Unit) & Switch(h.Wrap_Name Is Null, '', h.Wrap_Name='空', '',True,'(' & h.Wrap_Name & ')') As Ggbz, Switch(i.unit_price Is Null,'-',True,Trim(Format(i.unit_price, 'Standard'))) As unit_price, i.record_id, CLng(iif(i.request_qty is null,0,i.request_qty)) as request_qty, i.saler_desc, Switch(i.item_status='1','发送',i.item_status='2', '已阅读', i.item_status='3', '已送货', i.item_status='5', '作废', i.item_status='6', '缺货', i.item_status='7', '完成') as item_status, Switch(i.order_type='0','蓝票', i.order_type='1','到货', i.order_type='2','红票') As order_type, h.doseage_form, h.province_max_price, Switch(h.province_insurance_flag='0', '非国家基本医疗保险产品', h.province_insurance_flag='1', '甲类', h.province_insurance_flag='2', '乙类', h.province_insurance_flag='3', '民族药') as province_insurance_flag, h.dealer_fullname,, h.last_order_date, CLng(iif(h.last_order_qty is null,0,h.last_order_qty)) as last_order_qty, Switch(i.con_type='1', '招标', i.con_type='2', '竞价', i.con_type='3', '询价', i.con_type='4', '备案', i.con_type='7', '浏览', i.con_type='9', '临时', i.con_type='c', 'GPO直销', i.con_type='d', 'GPO自主合同') as con_type, h.medical_id, h.medical_wubi, h.medical_pinyin, h.medical_code, h.spell_abbr, h.name_wb from gpo_order_item i, gpo_hit_comm h, gpo_order o, cont_list l where i.hit_comm_id = h.record_id and h.contract_id = and o.order_id = i.order_id and o.saler_id = :salerId and i.buyer_orgid = :buyerId and o.area_id = :areaId"; //modify by yanbing 2007-07-10 //and o.order_state = '2' if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(input.OrderState)) { sql = sql + " and o.order_state =:order_state"; } //查询条件:发送时间开始 if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(input.StartDate)) { sql = sql + string.Format(" and o.create_date>CDate('{0}')", input.StartDate); } //查询条件:发送时间结束 if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(input.EndDate)) { sql = sql + string.Format(" and o.create_date<=CDate('{0}')", input.EndDate); } //end modify List <DbParameter> parameters = new List <DbParameter>(); DbParameter salerIdPara = this.DbFacade.CreateParameter(); salerIdPara.ParameterName = "salerId"; salerIdPara.DbType = DbType.String; salerIdPara.Value = salerId; parameters.Add(salerIdPara); DbParameter buyerIdPara = this.DbFacade.CreateParameter(); buyerIdPara.ParameterName = "buyerId"; buyerIdPara.DbType = DbType.String; buyerIdPara.Value = buyerId; parameters.Add(buyerIdPara); DbParameter areaIdPara = this.DbFacade.CreateParameter(); areaIdPara.ParameterName = "areaId"; areaIdPara.DbType = DbType.String; areaIdPara.Value = areaId; parameters.Add(areaIdPara); //modify by yanbing 2007-07-11 if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(input.OrderState)) { DbParameter orderStatePara = this.DbFacade.CreateParameter(); orderStatePara.ParameterName = "order_state"; orderStatePara.DbType = DbType.String; orderStatePara.Value = input.OrderState; parameters.Add(orderStatePara); } //查询条件:创建人 if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(input.Creater)) { sql = sql + " and UCase(o.create_username) like :creater"; DbParameter createrPara = this.DbFacade.CreateParameter(); createrPara.ParameterName = "creater"; createrPara.DbType = DbType.String; createrPara.Value = ComUtil.GetLike(input.Creater.ToUpper()); parameters.Add(createrPara); } //查询条件:1卖方企业或2订单号 if ("1".Equals(input.SearchField)) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(input.SearchKey)) { sql = sql + " and UCase(o.saler_name & o.saler_easy & o.saler_wubi & o.saler_fast) like :org "; DbParameter orgPara = this.DbFacade.CreateParameter(); orgPara.ParameterName = "org"; orgPara.DbType = DbType.String; orgPara.Value = ComUtil.GetLike(input.SearchKey.ToUpper()); parameters.Add(orgPara); } } if ("2".Equals(input.SearchField)) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(input.SearchKey)) { sql = sql + " and UCase(o.order_code) like :code "; DbParameter codePara = this.DbFacade.CreateParameter(); codePara.ParameterName = "code"; codePara.DbType = DbType.String; codePara.Value = ComUtil.GetLike(input.SearchKey.ToUpper()); parameters.Add(codePara); } } //end modify int count = 3; if (!((productName == null) || (productName == ""))) { string appender = @" And (h.medical_name Like :productName Or h.medical_id Like :productName Or h.medical_wubi Like :productName Or h.medical_pinyin Like :productName Or h.medical_code Like :productName Or h.trade_name Like :productName Or h.spell_abbr Like :productName Or h.name_wb Like :productName) "; sql += appender; count = 4; DbParameter productNamePara = this.DbFacade.CreateParameter(); productNamePara.ParameterName = "productName"; productNamePara.DbType = DbType.String; productNamePara.Value = ComUtil.GetLike(productName); parameters.Add(productNamePara); } if ((salerId == null)) { throw new System.ArgumentNullException("salerId"); } if ((buyerId == null)) { throw new System.ArgumentNullException("buyerId"); } if ((areaId == null)) { parameters[2].Value = System.DBNull.Value; } rows = base.GetRowCount(sql, parameters.ToArray()); //string pagedSql = base.GetPagedSql(sql, pageNum, pageSize); DataTable table = base.DbFacade.SQLExecuteDataTable(sql.ToString(), parameters.ToArray()); table.TableName = "OrderDetail"; DataSet ds = new DataSet(); ds.Tables.Add(table); return(ds); }
/// <summary> /// 获取日志列表 /// </summary> /// <param name="parameter"></param> /// <returns></returns> public ActionResult GetLogList(PagedParameter parameter) { PagedResult <Log> logList = _logService.GetLogList(parameter); return(View(logList)); }