public ProfileViewModel() { navManager = PageNavigationManager.Instance; ProfileMockService _service = new ProfileMockService(); EditClickedCommand = new Command(EditClicked); LogoutClickedCommand = new Command(Logout); Task.Run(async() => { try { ProfileModel GetDetails = await _service.GetLoggedInProfileAsync("abs"); Username = GetDetails.Username; Email = GetDetails.Email; Location = GetDetails.Location; Rating = GetDetails.Rating; AvatarUri = GetDetails.AvatarUri; } catch (System.OperationCanceledException ex) { Console.WriteLine($"Text load cancelled: {ex.Message}"); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } }); }
public void StartGame(List <string> wordList) { PageNavigationManager.GetInstance().ChangePage("game"); wordChecker.SetWordList(wordList); tileManager.AutoAdjustCharacterWeight(wordList); tileManager.GenerateTiles(); }
public SearchItemViewModel(SearchItemModel searchItem) { navManager = PageNavigationManager.Instance; SearchItem = searchItem; Position itemPosition = new Position(SearchItem.ItemLocation.Latitude, SearchItem.ItemLocation.Longitude); MapSpan mapSpan = MapSpan.FromCenterAndRadius(itemPosition, Distance.FromKilometers(5)); Map = new Map(mapSpan); Map.HeightRequest = 150; Map.WidthRequest = 150; Map.IsShowingUser = false; Pin pin = new Pin { Type = PinType.Place, Position = itemPosition, Label = SearchItem.Description, Address = SearchItem.Location }; Map.Pins.Add(pin); MessageCommand = new Command(MessageUserAsync); }
private async void btnLogin_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { btnLogin.IsEnabled = false; try { var result = await UsersAPI.Login(txtLogin.Text, txtPass.Password); if(result.error) { lblStatus.Content = result.message; } else { AppPersistent.UserToken =; AppPersistent.LocalUserId =; PageNavigationManager.SwitchToPage(new ApplicationPage()); } } catch(Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "An exception happened"); } }
public async void OnLoginClicked(object sender, EventArgs e) { //Set the current user to the user that matches the name entered currentUser = await App.Manager.ReturnUserAsync(NameEntry.Text); navManager = PageNavigationManager.Instance; //If the user is not found in the database, display a message to the user if (currentUser == null) { SuccessLabel.Text = "Username does not exist"; } else { //Check the username and password in the databse if (currentUser.UserName == NameEntry.Text && currentUser.UserPassword == PasswordEntry.Text) { App.Manager.currentUser = currentUser; navManager.ShowMainPage(); } else { SuccessLabel.Text = "Invalid Username or Password!"; } } }
public TesterPageViewModel() { navManager = PageNavigationManager.Instance; Characters = Statics.JsonStuff.DeserializeCharacters(); Character = Statics.CharacterCreating.CreatingCharacter; AutoFill(); }
public AbilityScoreViewModel() { navManager = PageNavigationManager.Instance; D6 = new Dice(6); Scores = Statics.CharacterCreating.CreatingCharacter.Scores; Numbers = Statics.CharacterCreating.ScoreRolls; NumbersUsed = Statics.CharacterCreating.ScoreRollsUsed; }
public FeatsViewModel() { navManager = PageNavigationManager.Instance; Feats = new List <Feat>(); PossibleFeats = getFeats(); SelectedFeats = new List <CustomCell>(); FeatsAmount = GetAmountofFeats(); FeatsLeft = FeatsAmount; }
public MainWindow() { InitializeComponent(); PageNavigationManager.PageContentControl = contentArea; DialogManager.WindowRef = this; PageNavigationManager.SwitchToPage(new LoginPage()); }
public RaceViewModel() { navManager = PageNavigationManager.Instance; CustomCells = getRaces(); //foreach(CustomCell cell in CustomCells) { // if (cell.Title == Statics.CharacterCreating.CreatingCharacter.Race) { // SelectedRace = cell; // } //} }
public InboxViewModel() { navManager = PageNavigationManager.Instance; _service = new MessagingService(new RequestService()); ItemSelectedCommand = new Command <ConversationModel>(ConversationSelected); RefreshCommand = new Command(GetInbox); GetInbox(); }
public LoginViewModel() { navManager = PageNavigationManager.Instance; Button_Clicked = new Command(() => { navManager.showMainPageAfterLoginPage(); }); Button_SignUp = new Command(() => { //Application.Current.MainPage = new MainPage(); navManager.showSignUpPage(); }); Button_LogIn = new Command(() => { // await Navigation.PushAsync(new Profile()); if (email == null || password == null || email.Equals("") || password.Equals("")) { UserDialogs.Instance.Alert("Email and password field can not be blank"); } else { Customer cust = App.Database.getPassword(email); if (cust == null) { UserDialogs.Instance.Alert("Wrong email"); } else { if (cust.password == password) { loggedIn = true; customer = cust; if (App.LoginStatus == 0 || App.LoginStatus == 1) { navManager.showMainPageAfterLoginPage(); } if (App.LoginStatus == 2) { //invokes a known bug on the mainPage, since the LoginTab is still there instead of the ProfileTab navManager.popPageAsync(); } //MainPage.replaceLoginTabWithProfileTab(); } else { UserDialogs.Instance.Alert("Wrong password"); } } } }); }
public CharacterSheetViewModel(int i) { navManager = PageNavigationManager.Instance; Characters = Statics.JsonStuff.DeserializeCharacters(); position = i; character = Characters[i]; LanguageCells = CreateLanguageCells(character.Languages); Statuses = GetStatusCells(character.Statuses); }
//public List<String> CustomCells = new List<String>(); public LanguageViewModel() { navManager = PageNavigationManager.Instance; Languages = new List <string>(); StartingLanguages = getStartingLanguages(); PossibleLanguages = getLanguages(); SelectedLanguages = new List <CustomCell>(); SelectedLanguages = GetStartingAndSelected(); LanguagesAmount = GetAmountOfLanguages(); LanguagesLeft = LanguagesAmount; }
public ConversationViewModel(ConversationModel conversation) { navManager = PageNavigationManager.Instance; ConversationId = conversation.ConversationId; ReplyConversationCommand = new Command <ConversationModel>(ReplyConversationAsync); _service = new MessagingService(new RequestService()); GetConversationAsync(); }
public PantryViewModel() { navManager = PageNavigationManager.Instance; AddItemButton_ClickedCommand = new Command(() => { navManager.showItemPage(this.pantryList); }); //_service = new PantryMockService(); _service = new PantryService(new RequestService()); Task.Run(async() => { try { PantryModel GetDetails = await _service.GetPantryAsync("abs", 1); PantryList = new ObservableCollection <PantryItemModel>(GetDetails.Items); } catch (System.OperationCanceledException ex) { Console.WriteLine($"Text load cancelled: {ex.Message}"); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } }); ItemSelectedCommand = new Command <PantryItemModel>(pantryItemSelected); EditItemSelectedCommand = new Command <PantryItemModel>(pantryEditItemSelected); DeleteItemSelectedCommand = new Command <PantryItemModel>(pantryDeleteItemSelected); MessagingCenter.Subscribe <ItemViewModel, PantryItemModel>(this, "New Item", (sender, receivedPantryItem) => { this.pantryList.Add(receivedPantryItem); _service.SetPantryAsync("abs", receivedPantryItem); }); MessagingCenter.Subscribe <EditItemViewModel, PantryItemModel>(this, "Edit Item", (sender, pantryItem) => { int index = 0; bool done = true; while (done) { if (this.pantryList[index].Id == pantryItem.Id) { this.pantryList[index] = pantryItem; done = false; } index++; } }); }
public SearchListViewModel() { IsFilter = false; navManager = PageNavigationManager.Instance; _service = new SearchService(new RequestService()); ItemSelectedCommand = new Command <SearchItemModel>(SearchItemSelected); FilterStartCommand = new Command(FilterShow); FilterApplyCommand = new Command(FilterApply); FilterClearCommand = new Command(FilterClose); GetItems(new SearchRequestModel()); }
public SkillsViewModel() { navManager = PageNavigationManager.Instance; if (Statics.CharacterCreating.CreatingCharacter.CharClass.Skills != null) { skills = Statics.CharacterCreating.CreatingCharacter.CharClass.Skills; } else { skills = new List <Skill>(); } remainingPoints = (Statics.CharacterCreating.CreatingCharacter.CharClass.SkillPoints * Statics.CharacterCreating.CreatingCharacter.Level) + Statics.GlobalFunctions.ReturnModifier(Statics.CharacterCreating.CreatingCharacter.Scores.Intelligence.Value); }
public ProfileViewModel() { navManager = PageNavigationManager.Instance; userManager = UserManager.DefaultManager; recipeManager = RecipeManager.DefaultManager; //User = Classes.GlobalVariables.currentUser; //UserName = User.FirstName + User.LastName; //recipes = recipeManager.GetUserRecipesAsync(User.Email).Result; RecipeClicked = new Command(() => { navManager.showRecipePage(); }); }
private void GetModers_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { var roomWidget = (RoomSelectorWidget)lstRooms.SelectedItem; if (roomWidget != null) { if (roomWidget.RoomType != ERoomType.Dialog) { PageNavigationManager.SwitchToPage(new ModeratorsPage() { RoomID = roomWidget.RoomID, RoomType = roomWidget.RoomType }); } else { MessageBox.Show("Not allowed"); } } }
public ProfileViewModel() { navManager = PageNavigationManager.Instance; Button_Details = new Command(() => { navManager.showProfileDetails(); }); Button_Preferences = new Command(() => { navManager.showProfilePreferences(); }); Button_Ratings = new Command(() => { navManager.showProfileRatings(); }); }
public void StartNextLevel() { curLevelIndex++; if (LevelProgress.GetProgress() < curLevelIndex) { LevelProgress.SetProgress(curLevelIndex); } if (curLevelIndex >= curLevelSeries.Length) { //curLevelIndex = -1; tileManager.InitTiles(); PageNavigationManager.GetInstance().ChangePage("level"); } else { Debug.Log("Level: " + curLevelIndex + "/" + curLevelSeries.Length); StartGame(curLevelSeries[curLevelIndex]); } }
private async void btnLogin_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { AuthData data = new AuthData() { user = txtLogin.Text, password = txtPass.Password }; var response = await ApiHelper.RequestInternalJson <AuthResponse>("api/v1/login", data, null); if (response.status == "success") { AppPersistent.Token = new AuthTokens() { UserId =, Token = }; PageNavigationManager.SwitchToPage(new RoomsPage()); } }
public App() { //Register Syncfusion license Syncfusion.Licensing.SyncfusionLicenseProvider.RegisterLicense("MzY0NzZAMzEzNjJlMzMyZTMwSDhWM1pMTUJNOFM1SnRYSmYwbjlmUzA5MmlLdDF6SERtSjVLL0s3alIwZz0="); InitializeComponent(); Manager = new ItemManager(new RestService()); UserItemManager = new LocalItemManager(new DBService(dbPath)); navigationManager = PageNavigationManager.Instance; //Make the app a navigation based app mainPage = new LoginPage(); MainPage = new NavigationPage(mainPage); //Assign a navigation object to the pageNavigationManager PageNavigationManager.Instance.Navigation = MainPage.Navigation; }
public ItemViewModel(ObservableCollection <PantryItemModel> pantryList) { navManager = PageNavigationManager.Instance; submitButton_Clicked = new Command(() => { PantryItemModel pantryItem = new PantryItemModel { Id = (pantryList.Count + 1), Description = this.description, Location = this.location, //pantryItem.ImageUri = itemImageInput.Text; ImageUri = "", active = true }; //pantryList.Add(pantryItem); MessagingCenter.Send <ItemViewModel, PantryItemModel>(this, "New Item", pantryItem); navManager.removeTopPage(); }); }
public SignupViewModel() { navManager = PageNavigationManager.Instance; ISignupService _service = new SignupService(new RequestService()); //ISignupService _service = new SignupMockService(); SignupClickedCommand = new Command(async() => { IsBusy = true; Message = null; SignupModel success = await _service.RegisterUserAsync(new SignupModel { Email = email, Name = name, Password = password, PasswordConfirmation = confirmpassword }); if (success.errors == null) { Application.Current.MainPage = new LoginPage(); MessagingCenter.Send <string, string>("OurPantry", "SignupMsg", success.message); } else { Message = success.message; } IsBusy = false; }); CancelClickedCommand = new Command(() => { Application.Current.MainPage = new LoginPage(); }); }
public MoneyViewModel() { navManager = PageNavigationManager.Instance; D6 = new Dice(6); if (Statics.CharacterCreating.CreatingCharacter.Coin == null) { Coin = new Money(); } else { Coin = Statics.CharacterCreating.CreatingCharacter.Coin; } if (Statics.CharacterCreating.CreatingCharacter.Coin == null) { Class = "Wizard"; } else { Class = Statics.CharacterCreating.CreatingCharacter.CharClass.Name; } }
public ItemInfoViewModel(PantryItemModel pantryItem) { navManager = PageNavigationManager.Instance; PantryItem = pantryItem; }
public DetailsViewModel() { navManager = PageNavigationManager.Instance; details = new Objects.CharacterDetails(); }
public ClassViewModel() { navManager = PageNavigationManager.Instance; CustomCells = getClasses(); }