protected override void OnLayout(bool changed, int l, int t, int r, int b)
            base.OnLayout(changed, l, t, r, b);

            // If we're using a PageContainer (i.e., we've wrapped our contents in a Fragment),
            // Make sure that it gets laid out
            if (_pageContainer != null)
                if (_isMaster)
                    var controller = (IMasterDetailPageController)_parent;
                    var width      = (int)Context.ToPixels(controller.MasterBounds.Width);
                    // When the base class computes the size of the Master container, it starts at the top of the
                    // screen and adds padding (_parent.MasterBounds.Top) to leave room for the status bar
                    // When this container is laid out, it's already starting from the adjusted y value of the parent,
                    // so we subtract _parent.MasterBounds.Top from our starting point (to get 0) and add it to the
                    // bottom (so the master page stretches to the bottom of the screen)
                    var height = (int)Context.ToPixels(controller.MasterBounds.Height + controller.MasterBounds.Top);
                    _pageContainer.Layout(0, 0, width, height);
                    _pageContainer.Layout(l, t, r, b);

        void ToggleShowing(bool isShowing, bool animated)
            if (_contentPage == null)
                _contentPage = new YoutubeStyleContentPage();
                _contentPage.ParentHeight = Height;
                PageContainer.Content     = _contentPage;
                _panGesture           = new PanGestureRecognizer();
                _panGesture.OnAction += Gesture_OnAction;
                _panGesture.IsConsumingTouchesInParallel = true;
            var minHeight = _contentPage.MinimumHeightRequest;
            var minWidth  = _contentPage.MinimumWidthRequest;

            _contentBounds.Y      = isShowing ? 0 : Height - minHeight;
            _contentBounds.X      = isShowing ? 0 : Width - minWidth;
            _contentBounds.Width  = isShowing ? Width : minWidth;
            _contentBounds.Height = isShowing ? Height : minHeight;

            if (MediaItemsListView.SelectedItem != null)
                _contentPage.Item = MediaItemsListView.SelectedItem as MediaItem;
            if (animated)
 void MainLayout_OnLayoutChildren(double x, double y, double width, double height)
     MediaItemsListView.Layout(new Rectangle(0, 0, Width, Height));
     if (!_didLayoutContainer)
         _contentBounds.Y      = height - 100;
         _contentBounds.X      = width - 160;
         _contentBounds.Width  = 160;
         _contentBounds.Height = 100;
         _didLayoutContainer   = true;
        void Gesture_OnAction(BaseGestureRecognizer recgonizer, GestureRecognizerState state)
            if (recgonizer.View != _contentPage.VideoPlayerView)
            var   panGesture  = recgonizer as PanGestureRecognizer;
            Point translation = panGesture.GetTranslationInView(MainLayout);
            Point velocity    = panGesture.GetVelocityInView(MainLayout);

            panGesture.SetTranslationInView(new Point(0, 0), MainLayout);
            switch (panGesture.State)
            case GestureRecognizerState.Began:

            case GestureRecognizerState.Changed:
                var newY = _contentBounds.Y + translation.Y;
                if (newY > 0 && newY < Height - _contentPage.MinimumHeightRequest)
                    var minHeight = _contentPage.MinimumHeightRequest;
                    var minWidth  = _contentPage.MinimumWidthRequest;
                    _contentBounds.Y = newY;
                    var complete = Math.Min(1, (Height - (_contentBounds.Y + minHeight)) / Height);
//					Debug.WriteLine ("complete {0} newY {1} h{2}", complete, newY, Height);
                    var inverseCompletion = 1 - complete;
                    _contentBounds.X      = (Width - minWidth) * inverseCompletion;
                    _contentBounds.Width  = (minWidth) + ((Width - minWidth) * complete);
                    _contentBounds.Height = Math.Max(minHeight, (Height + minHeight) * complete);

            case GestureRecognizerState.Cancelled:
            case GestureRecognizerState.Ended:
            case GestureRecognizerState.Failed:
                var isShowing = _contentBounds.Y < 200;
                ToggleShowing(isShowing, true);
