예제 #1
        string PaddingInBytes(string value, PadType type, int byteCount)
            Encoding enc = Encoding.GetEncoding("Shift_JIS");

            if (byteCount < enc.GetByteCount(value))
                // valueが既定のバイト数を超えている場合は、切り落とし
                value = value.Substring(0, byteCount);

            switch (type)
            case PadType.Char:
                // 文字列の場合 左寄せ+空白埋め
                return(value.PadRight(byteCount - (enc.GetByteCount(value) - value.Length)));

            case PadType.Number:
                // 数値の場合 右寄せ+0埋め
                return(value.PadLeft(byteCount, ' '));

                // 上記以外は全部空白
예제 #2
    internal void HitByPad(PadType padType, Vector3 forceDir, Vector3 impulse)
        if (isPlayer)
            forceDir *= 1.1f;
        if (padType == PadType.Persistant)
            AddImpulse(GameSettings.instance.data.percistantPadJumpImpulse * forceDir);
        else if (padType == PadType.Bottom)

        else if (padType == PadType.Destructable)
            AddImpulse(GameSettings.instance.data.destructablePadJumpImpulse * forceDir);

        else if (padType == PadType.Finish)
            anim.SetLayerWeight(1, 0);
예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Padding the specified str.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The result string.</returns>
        /// <param name="str">String to be padded.</param>
        /// <param name="length">Total Length.</param>
        /// <param name="padStr">Padding string, default is " ".</param>
        /// <param name="type">Pad Type,padleft ,padright or padboth.</param>
        public static string Pad(this string str, int length, string padStr = null, PadType type = PadType.Left)
            if (str.Length >= length)
            int needPading = length - str.Length;
            int leftPadding = 0, rightPadding = 0;

            switch (type)
            case PadType.Left:
                leftPadding = needPading;

            case PadType.Right:
                rightPadding = needPading;

            case PadType.Both:
                leftPadding  = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Floor(needPading / 2f));
                rightPadding = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Ceiling(needPading / 2f));

            padStr = padStr == null || padStr.Length <= 0 ? " " : padStr;

            return(Repeat(padStr, leftPadding / padStr.Length + 1).Substring(0, leftPadding)
                   + str
                   + Repeat(padStr, rightPadding / padStr.Length + 1).Substring(0, rightPadding));
예제 #4
        public static Conv2DInfo computePool2DInfo(int[] inShape, int[] filterSize,
                                                   int[] strides, PadType pad, roundingMode roundingMode,
                                                   ConvDataFormat dataFormat = ConvDataFormat.channelsLast, Nullable <int> padValue = null)
            var filterHeight = filterSize[0];
            var filterWidth  = filterSize[1];

            int[] filterShape;
            if (dataFormat == ConvDataFormat.channelsLast)
                filterShape = new int[] { filterHeight, filterWidth, inShape[3], inShape[3] };
            else if (dataFormat == ConvDataFormat.channelsFirst)
                filterShape = new int[] { filterHeight, filterWidth, inShape[1], inShape[1] };
                throw new Exception("Unknown dataFormat");
            var dilations = 1;

                       inShape, filterShape, strides, new int[] { dilations }, pad, roundingMode, false,
                       dataFormat, padValue));
예제 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Computes a 1D convolution over the input x.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="x">The input tensor, of Rank 3 or Rank 2, of shape
        /// "[batch, width, inChannels]". If Rank 2, batch of 1 is assumed.</param>
        /// <param name="filter">The filter, Rank 3, of shape
        ///    "[filterWidth, inDepth, outDepth]".</param>
        /// <param name="stride">The number of entries by which the filter is moved right at
        ///    each step.</param>
        /// <param name="pad">The type of padding algorithm.
        ///   - "same" and stride 1: output will be of same size as input,
        ///      regardless of filter size.
        ///   - "valid": output will be smaller than input if filter is larger
        ///      than 1x1.
        ///  - For more info, see this guide:
        ///    [https://www.tensorflow.org/api_guides/python/nn#Convolution](
        ///         https://www.tensorflow.org/api_guides/python/nn#Convolution)
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="dilation">The dilation rate in which we sample input values in
        ///     atrous convolution. Defaults to "1". If it is greater than 1, then
        ///     stride must be "1".</param>
        /// <param name="dimRoundingMode">The rounding mode used when computing output
        ///    dimensions if pad is a number. If none is provided, it will not round
        ///    and error if the output is of fractional size.</param>
        /// <param name="padvalue">the value of pad if pad is number</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static Tensor conv1d(this Tensor x, Tensor filter, int stride,
                                    PadType pad, int dilation    = 1,
                                    roundingMode dimRoundingMode = roundingMode.none, Nullable <int> padvalue = null)
            var input3D      = x;
            var reshapedTo3D = false;

            if (x.Rank == 2)
                reshapedTo3D = true;
                input3D      = x.as3D(1, x.Shape[0], x.Shape[1]);
            var filter4D =
                filter.as4D(1, filter.Shape[0], filter.Shape[1], filter.Shape[2]);
            var input4D =
                input3D.as4D(input3D.Shape[0], 1, input3D.Shape[1], input3D.Shape[2]);

            int[] strides   = new int[] { 1, stride };
            int[] dilations = new int[] { 1, dilation };
            var   res       = conv2d(
                input4D, filter4D, strides, pad, dilations,
                dimRoundingMode, padvalue);

            if (reshapedTo3D)
                return(res.as2D(res.Shape[2], res.Shape[3]));
            return(res.as3D(res.Shape[0], res.Shape[2], res.Shape[3]));
예제 #6
 public Padding(int count, PadType padType)
     padTypes        = Enumerable.Repeat(padType, count).ToArray();
     splitPattern    = DEFAULT_SPLIT_PATTERN;
     columnSeparator = " ";
     text            = "";
     sizes           = new int[0];
예제 #7
파일: pool.cs 프로젝트: mashmawy/AlbiruniML
        /// <summary>
        /// Computes the 2D max pooling of an image.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="x">The input tensor, of rank 4 or rank 3 of shape
        ///    `[batch, height, width, inChannels]`. If rank 3, batch of 1 is assumed</param>
        /// <param name="filterSize">The filter size, a tuple `[filterHeight, filterWidth]`.</param>
        /// <param name="strides">The strides of the pooling: `[strideHeight, strideWidth]`.</param>
        /// <param name="pad"> The type of padding algorithm.
        /// - `same` and stride 1: output will be of same size as input,
        ///    regardless of filter size.
        /// - `valid`: output will be smaller than input if filter is larger
        ///    than 1x1.
        /// - For more info, see this guide:
        ///  [https://www.tensorflow.org/api_guides/python/nn#Convolution](
        ///       https://www.tensorflow.org/api_guides/python/nn#Convolution)</param>
        /// <param name="dimRoundingMode">The rounding mode used when computing output
        ///  dimensions if pad is a number. If none is provided, it will not round
        ///  and error if the output is of fractional size.</param>
        /// <param name="padvalue"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static Tensor maxPool(this Tensor x, int[] filterSize, int[] strides, PadType pad,
                                     roundingMode dimRoundingMode = roundingMode.none, Nullable <int> padvalue = null)
            Tensor x4D          = null;
            var    reshapedTo4D = false;

            if (x.Rank == 3)
                reshapedTo4D = true;
                x4D          = x.as4D(1, x.Shape[0], x.Shape[1], x.Shape[2]);
                x4D = x as Tensor;

            var convInfo = Util.computePool2DInfo(
                x4D.Shape, filterSize, strides, pad, dimRoundingMode, ConvDataFormat.channelsLast, padvalue);

            Func <Tensor, List <Tensor>, NamedGradientMap> grad = (Tensor dy, List <Tensor> s) =>
                NamedGradientMap g = new NamedGradientMap();
                g.gradient = new Dictionary <string, Func <Tensor> >();
                g.gradient.Add("x", () =>
                    var y4D = s[0];
                    return(maxPoolBackprop(dy, x4D, y4D, filterSize, strides, pad, dimRoundingMode, padvalue));
            Engine      e = ENV.engine;
            ForwardFunc f = (IBackend bk, Func <Tensor, Tensor> saved) =>
                return(saved(bk.maxPool(x4D, convInfo)));

            var inputs = new Dictionary <string, Tensor>();

            inputs.Add("x", x4D);
            var res = e.runKernel(f, inputs, grad);

            if (reshapedTo4D)
                return(res.as3D(res.Shape[1], res.Shape[2], res.Shape[3]));
예제 #8
        static Tensor depthwiseConv2dDerInput(int[] xShape, Tensor dy, Tensor filter,
                                              int[] strides, PadType pad, roundingMode dimRoundingMode, Nullable <int> padValue = null)
            int[]  xShape4D     = xShape;
            Tensor dy4D         = null;
            var    reshapedTo4D = false;

            if (dy.Rank == 3)
                reshapedTo4D = true;
                dy4D         = dy.as4D(1, dy.Shape[0], dy.Shape[1], dy.Shape[2]);
                xShape4D     = new int[] { 1, xShape[0], xShape[1], xShape[2] };
                dy4D = dy as Tensor;

            var inDepth  = xShape4D[3];
            var outDepth = dy4D.Shape[3];

            var dilations = 1;

            var convInfo = Util.computeConv2DInfo(
                xShape4D, filter.Shape, strides, new int[] { dilations, dilations },
                pad, dimRoundingMode,
                false, ConvDataFormat.channelsLast, padValue);
            Engine      e = ENV.engine;
            ForwardFunc f = (IBackend bk, Func <Tensor, Tensor> saved) =>
                return(bk.depthwiseConv2DDerInput(dy4D, filter, convInfo));

            var inputs = new Dictionary <string, Tensor>();

            inputs.Add("dy4D", dy4D);
            var res = e.runKernel(f, inputs);

            if (reshapedTo4D)
                return(res.as3D(res.Shape[1], res.Shape[2], res.Shape[3]));
예제 #9
파일: pool.cs 프로젝트: mashmawy/AlbiruniML
        /// <summary>
        /// Computes the backprop of a max pool.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dy">The dy error, of rank 4 or rank 3 of shape
        /// [batchSize, height, width, channels]. If rank 3, batch of 1 is assumed.</param>
        /// <param name="input">The original input image, of rank 4, of shape
        /// [batchSize, height, width, channels].</param>
        /// <param name="output ">The original output image, of rank 4, of shape
        /// [batchSize, outHeight, outWidth, channels].</param>
        /// <param name="filterSize">The filter size, a tuple [filterHeight, filterWidth].</param>
        /// <param name="strides">The strides of the pooling: [strideHeight, strideWidth].</param>
        /// <param name="pad">A string from: 'same', 'valid'. The type of padding algorithm used in the forward prop of the op.</param>
        /// <param name="dimRoundingMode">A string from: 'ceil', 'round', 'floor'. The
        /// rounding mode used when computing output dimensions if pad is a
        /// number. If none is provided, it will not round and error if the output
        /// is of fractional size.</param>
        /// <param name="padvalue"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static Tensor maxPoolBackprop(Tensor dy, Tensor input, Tensor output, int[] filterSize,
                                              int[] strides, PadType pad, roundingMode dimRoundingMode, int?padvalue)
            var convInfo = Util.computePool2DInfo(
                input.Shape, filterSize, strides, pad, dimRoundingMode, ConvDataFormat.channelsLast, padvalue);

            Engine      e = ENV.engine;
            ForwardFunc f = (IBackend bk, Func <Tensor, Tensor> saved) =>
                return(bk.maxPoolBackprop(dy, input, output, convInfo));

            var inputs = new Dictionary <string, Tensor>();

            inputs.Add("dy", dy);
            inputs.Add("input", input);
            var res = e.runKernel(f, inputs);

예제 #10
파일: pool.cs 프로젝트: mashmawy/AlbiruniML
        /// <summary>
        ///  Computes the backprop of an avg pool.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dy">The dy error, of rank 4 or rank 3 of shape
        ///  [batchSize, height, width, channels]. If rank 3, batch of 1 is assumed</param>
        /// <param name="input">The input image, of rank 4 or rank 3 of shape
        /// [batchSize, height, width, channels]. If rank 3, batch of 1 is assumed</param>
        /// <param name="filterSize">The filter size, a tuple [filterHeight, filterWidth].</param>
        /// <param name="strides">The strides of the pooling: [strideHeight, strideWidth].</param>
        /// <param name="pad"> A string from: 'same', 'valid'. The type of padding algorithm used in the forward prop of the op.</param>
        /// <param name="padvalue"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static Tensor avgPoolBackprop(Tensor dy, Tensor input, int[] filterSize,
                                              int[] strides, PadType pad, int?padvalue)
            Tensor input4D      = null;
            Tensor dy4D         = null;
            var    reshapedTo4D = false;

            if (input.Rank == 3)
                reshapedTo4D = true;
                input4D      = input.as4D(1, input.Shape[0], input.Shape[1], input.Shape[2]);
                dy4D         = dy.as4D(1, dy.Shape[0], dy.Shape[1], dy.Shape[2]);
                input4D = input as Tensor;
                dy4D    = dy as Tensor;

            var convInfo = Util.computePool2DInfo(
                input4D.Shape, filterSize, strides, pad, roundingMode.none, ConvDataFormat.channelsLast, padvalue);

            Engine      e = ENV.engine;
            ForwardFunc f = (IBackend bk, Func <Tensor, Tensor> saved) =>
                return(bk.avgPoolBackprop(dy4D, input4D, convInfo));

            var inputs = new Dictionary <string, Tensor>();

            inputs.Add("dy4D", dy4D);
            inputs.Add("input4D", input4D);
            var res = e.runKernel(f, inputs);

            if (reshapedTo4D)
                return(res.as3D(res.Shape[1], res.Shape[2], res.Shape[3]));
예제 #11
        static Tensor depthwiseConv2dDerFilter(this Tensor x, Tensor dy, int[] filterShape, int[] strides,
                                               PadType pad, roundingMode dimRoundingMode = roundingMode.none, Nullable <int> padValue = null)
            Tensor x4D = null;

            if (x.Rank == 3)
                x4D = x.as4D(1, x.Shape[0], x.Shape[1], x.Shape[2]);
                x4D = x as Tensor;
            Tensor dy4D = null;

            if (dy.Rank == 3)
                dy4D = dy.as4D(1, dy.Shape[0], dy.Shape[1], dy.Shape[2]);
                dy4D = dy as Tensor;

            var dilations = 1;

            var convInfo = Util.computeConv2DInfo(
                x4D.Shape, filterShape, strides, new int[] { dilations, dilations }, pad, dimRoundingMode, false, ConvDataFormat.channelsLast, padValue);
            Engine      e = ENV.engine;
            ForwardFunc f = (IBackend bk, Func <Tensor, Tensor> saved) =>
                return(bk.depthwiseConv2DDerFilter(x4D, dy4D, convInfo));

            var inputs = new Dictionary <string, Tensor>();

            inputs.Add("x4D", x4D);
            inputs.Add("dy4D", dy4D);
            return(e.runKernel(f, inputs));
예제 #12
        string PaddingInBytes(string value, PadType type, int byteCount)
            Encoding enc = Encoding.GetEncoding("Shift_JIS");

            if (byteCount < enc.GetByteCount(value))
                // valueが既定のバイト数を超えている場合は、切り落とし
                value = value.Substring(0, byteCount);

            switch (type)
                case PadType.Char:
                    // 文字列の場合 左寄せ+空白埋め
                    return value.PadRight(byteCount - (enc.GetByteCount(value) - value.Length));
                case PadType.Number:
                    // 数値の場合 右寄せ+0埋め
                    return value.PadLeft(byteCount, ' ');
                    // 上記以外は全部空白
                    return value.PadLeft(byteCount);
예제 #13
 /// <summary>Returns a new instance of the appropriate class of an object based on its object ID.</summary>
 /// <param name="objectID">The object ID of the new object.</param>
 public static GeneralObject GetNewObjectInstance(PadType objectID) => GetNewObjectInstance((int)objectID);
예제 #14
 /// <summary>Creates a new instance of the <seealso cref="ObjectIDAttribute"/> attribute.</summary>
 /// <param name="objectID">The object ID of the <seealso cref="Pad"/>.</param>
 public ObjectIDAttribute(PadType objectID) : this((int)objectID)
예제 #15
 public static string Pad(string text, PadType type, int maximumLength, char paddingCharacter = ' ') => type switch
예제 #16
        /// <summary>
        /// 2-D convolution with separable filters.
        /// Performs a depthwise convolution that acts separately on channels followed
        /// by a pointwise convolution that mixes channels. Note that this is
        /// separability between dimensions [1, 2] and 3, not spatial separability
        /// between dimensions 1 and 2.
        /// See
        /// [https://www.tensorflow.org/api_docs/python/tf/nn/separable_conv2d](
        ///     https://www.tensorflow.org/api_docs/python/tf/nn/separable_conv2d)
        /// for more details.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="x">The input tensor, of rank 4 or rank 3, of shape
        ///     `[batch, height, width, inChannels]`. If rank 3, batch of 1 is
        /// assumed.</param>
        /// <param name="depthwiseFilter">The depthwise filter tensor, rank 4, of shape
        ///     `[filterHeight, filterWidth, inChannels, channelMultiplier]`. This is
        ///     the filter used in the first step.</param>
        /// <param name="pointwiseFilter">The pointwise filter tensor, rank 4, of shape
        ///     `[1, 1, inChannels * channelMultiplier, outChannels]`. This is
        ///     the filter used in the second step.</param>
        /// <param name="strides">The strides of the convolution: `[strideHeight,
        /// strideWidth]`. If strides is a single number, then `strideHeight ==
        /// strideWidth`.</param>
        /// <param name="pad"> The type of padding algorithm.
        ///  - `same` and stride 1: output will be of same size as input,
        ///      regardless of filter size.
        ///  - `valid`: output will be smaller than input if filter is larger
        ///      than 1x1.
        ///  - For more info, see this guide:
        ///    [https://www.tensorflow.org/api_guides/python/nn#Convolution](
        ///         https://www.tensorflow.org/api_guides/python/nn#Convolution)</param>
        /// <param name="dilation">The dilation rates: `[dilationHeight, dilationWidth]`
        ///     in which we sample input values across the height and width dimensions
        ///     in atrous convolution. Defaults to `[1, 1]`. If `rate` is a single
        ///     number, then `dilationHeight == dilationWidth`. If it is greater than
        ///     1, then all values of `strides` must be 1.</param>
        /// <param name="padvalue">the value of pad if pad is number</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static Tensor separableConv2d(this Tensor x, Tensor depthwiseFilter, Tensor pointwiseFilter, int[] strides, PadType pad
                                             , int[] dilation, Nullable <int> padvalue = null)
            var x4D          = x;
            var reshapedTo4D = false;

            if (x.Rank == 3)
                reshapedTo4D = true;
                x4D          = x.as4D(1, x.Shape[0], x.Shape[1], x.Shape[2]);

                x4D.Rank == 4,
                "Error in separableConv2d: input must be Rank 4, but got " +
                "Rank ${x4D.Rank}.");
                depthwiseFilter.Rank == 4,
                "Error in separableConv2d: depthwise filter must be Rank 4, but got " +
                "Rank ${depthwiseFilter.Rank}.");
                pointwiseFilter.Rank == 4,
                "Error in separableConv2d: pointwise filter must be Rank 4, but got " +
                "Rank ${depthwiseFilter.Rank}.");
                pointwiseFilter.Shape[0] == 1,
                "Error in separableConv2d: the first dimension of pointwise filter " +
                " must be 1, but got ${pointwiseFilter.shape[0]}.");
                pointwiseFilter.Shape[1] == 1,
                "Error in separableConv2d: the second dimension of pointwise filter " +
                " must be 1, but got ${pointwiseFilter.shape[1]}.");

            var inChannels        = depthwiseFilter.Shape[2];
            var channelMultiplier = depthwiseFilter.Shape[3];

                pointwiseFilter.Shape[2] == inChannels * channelMultiplier,
                "Error in separableConv2d: the third dimension of pointwise filter " +
                "must be ${inChannels * channelMultiplier}, " +
                "but got ${pointwiseFilter.shape[2]}.");

            var depthwise = depthwiseConv2d(
                x4D, depthwiseFilter, strides, pad, dilation, roundingMode.none, padvalue);
            var pointwiseStride = 1;
            var res             = conv2d(
                depthwise, pointwiseFilter,
                new int[] { pointwiseStride, pointwiseStride }, PadType.valid);

            if (reshapedTo4D)
                return(res.as3D(res.Shape[1], res.Shape[2], res.Shape[3]));
예제 #17
        public static Conv2DInfo computeConv2DInfo(int[] inShape, int[] filterShape,
                                                   int[] strides, int[] dilations, PadType pad,
                                                   roundingMode roundingMode = roundingMode.none, bool depthwise = false,
                                                   ConvDataFormat dataFormat = ConvDataFormat.channelsLast, Nullable <int> padValue = null)
            var batchSize  = -1;
            var inHeight   = -1;
            var inWidth    = -1;
            var inChannels = -1;

            if (dataFormat == ConvDataFormat.channelsLast)
                batchSize  = inShape[0];
                inHeight   = inShape[1];
                inWidth    = inShape[2];
                inChannels = inShape[3];
                batchSize  = inShape[0];
                inChannels = inShape[1];
                inHeight   = inShape[2];
                inWidth    = inShape[3];

            var filterHeight   = filterShape[0];
            var filterWidth    = filterShape[1];
            var filterChannels = filterShape[3];

            var strideHeight = strides[0];
            var strideWidth  = strides[1];

            var dilationHeight = dilations[0];
            int dilationWidth  = 0;

            if (dilations.Length > 1)
                dilationWidth = dilations[1];
                dilationWidth = dilations[0];

            var effectiveFilterHeight = getEffectiveFilterSize(filterHeight, dilationHeight);
            var effectiveFilterWidth  =
                getEffectiveFilterSize(filterWidth, dilationWidth);

            var d = getPadAndOutInfo(
                pad, inHeight, inWidth, strideHeight, strideWidth, effectiveFilterHeight,
                effectiveFilterWidth, roundingMode, padValue);
            var padInfo     = d.Item1;
            var outHeight   = d.Item2;
            var outWidth    = d.Item3;
            var outChannels = depthwise ? filterChannels * inChannels : filterChannels;

            int[] outShape = null;
            if (dataFormat == ConvDataFormat.channelsFirst)
                outShape = new int[] { batchSize, outChannels, outHeight, outWidth };
            else if (dataFormat == ConvDataFormat.channelsLast)
                outShape = new int[] { batchSize, outHeight, outWidth, outChannels };

            return(new Conv2DInfo()
                batchSize = batchSize,
                dataFormat = dataFormat,
                inHeight = inHeight,
                inWidth = inWidth,
                inChannels = inChannels,
                outHeight = outHeight,
                outWidth = outWidth,
                outChannels = outChannels,
                padInfo = padInfo,
                strideHeight = strideHeight,
                strideWidth = strideWidth,
                filterHeight = filterHeight,
                filterWidth = filterWidth,
                dilationHeight = dilationHeight,
                dilationWidth = dilationWidth,
                inShape = inShape,
                outShape = outShape,
                filterShape = filterShape
예제 #18
 /// <summary>
 /// Computes the transposed 2D convolution of an image, also known as a
 /// deconvolution.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="x">The input image, of Rank 4 or Rank 3, of shape
 ///  "[batch, height, width, inDepth]". If Rank 3, batch of 1 is assumed.</param>
 /// <param name="filter">The filter, Rank 4, of shape
 ///  "[filterHeight, filterWidth, outDepth, inDepth]".
 ///   "inDepth" must match "inDepth" in "x".</param>
 /// <param name="outputShape">outputShape Output shape, of Rank 4 or Rank 3:
 ///     "[batch, height, width, outDepth]". If Rank 3, batch of 1 is assumed.</param>
 /// <param name="strides">The strides of the original convolution:
 ///     "[strideHeight, strideWidth]".</param>
 /// <param name="pad">The type of padding algorithm used in the non-transpose version
 ///   of the op.</param>
 /// <param name="dimRoundingMode">The rounding mode used when computing output
 ///    dimensions if pad is a number. If none is provided, it will not round
 ///    and error if the output is of fractional size.</param>
 /// <param name="padvalue">the value of pad if pad is number</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static Tensor conv2dTranspose(this Tensor x, Tensor filter, int[] outputShape, int[] strides, PadType pad, roundingMode dimRoundingMode = roundingMode.none,
                                      Nullable <int> padvalue = null)
                outputShape, x, filter, strides, pad, dimRoundingMode, padvalue));
예제 #19
파일: Str.cs 프로젝트: yomunsam/Core
        /// <summary>
        /// Fill the string with the new length.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="length">The new string length. If the value is less than the original length of the string, no action is taken.</param>
        /// <param name="str">The string to be filled.</param>
        /// <param name="padStr">A string to be used for padding. The default is blank.</param>
        /// <param name="type">
        /// Fill in which side of the string.
        /// <para><see cref="PadType.Both"/>Fill both sides of the string. If not even, get extra padding on the right side.</para>
        /// <para><see cref="PadType.Left"/>Fill the left side of the string.</para>
        /// <para><see cref="PadType.Right"/>Fill the right side of the string.</para>
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>Returns filled string.</returns>
        public static string Pad(int length, string str = null, string padStr = null, PadType type = PadType.Right)
            str = str ?? string.Empty;

            var needlePadding = length - str.Length;

            if (needlePadding <= 0)

            int rightPadding;
            var leftPadding = rightPadding = 0;

            if (type == PadType.Both)
                leftPadding  = needlePadding >> 1;
                rightPadding = (needlePadding >> 1) + (needlePadding % 2 == 0 ? 0 : 1);
            else if (type == PadType.Right)
                rightPadding = needlePadding;
                leftPadding = needlePadding;

            padStr = padStr ?? Space;
            padStr = padStr.Length <= 0 ? Space : padStr;

            var leftPadCount  = (leftPadding / padStr.Length) + (leftPadding % padStr.Length == 0 ? 0 : 1);
            var rightPadCount = (rightPadding / padStr.Length) + (rightPadding % padStr.Length == 0 ? 0 : 1);

            return(Repeat(padStr, leftPadCount).Substring(0, leftPadding) + str +
                   Repeat(padStr, rightPadCount).Substring(0, rightPadding));
예제 #20
파일: Table.cs 프로젝트: toddcoder/Orange
 public MetaData(PadType padType)
     MaxLength = 0;
     PadType   = padType;
예제 #21
        public static Tuple <PadInfo, int, int> getPadAndOutInfo(PadType pad, int inHeight, int inWidth,
                                                                 int strideHeight, int strideWidth, int filterHeight, int filterWidth,
                                                                 roundingMode roundingMode = roundingMode.none, Nullable <int> padValue = null)
            var padInfo   = new PadInfo();
            var outHeight = 0;
            var outWidth  = 0;

            if (pad == PadType.number)
                padInfo.bottom = padValue.Value;
                padInfo.left   = padValue.Value;
                padInfo.right  = padValue.Value;
                padInfo.top    = padValue.Value;

                var outShape = computeOutputShape3D(
                    new int[] { inHeight, inWidth, 1 }, filterHeight, 1, strideHeight, padValue,
                outHeight      = outShape[0];
                outWidth       = outShape[1];
                padInfo.alongh = padValue.Value;
                padInfo.alongw = padValue.Value;
            else if (pad == PadType.valid)
                padInfo.bottom = 0;
                padInfo.left   = 0;
                padInfo.right  = 0;
                padInfo.top    = 0;
                outHeight      = (int)Math.Ceiling((inHeight - filterHeight + 1d) / strideHeight);
                outWidth       = (int)Math.Ceiling((inWidth - filterWidth + 1d) / strideWidth);
                padInfo.alongh = 0;
                padInfo.alongw = 0;
            else if (pad == PadType.same)
                outHeight = (int)Math.Ceiling(inHeight / (float)strideHeight);
                outWidth  = (int)Math.Ceiling(inWidth / (float)strideWidth);

                var padAlongHeight =
                    (outHeight - 1) * strideHeight + filterHeight - inHeight;
                var padAlongWidth = (outWidth - 1) * strideWidth +
                                    filterWidth - inWidth;

                var top    = (int)Math.Floor(padAlongHeight / 2f);
                var bottom = (int)padAlongHeight - top;
                var left   = (int)Math.Floor(padAlongWidth / 2f);
                var right  = (int)padAlongWidth - left;

                padInfo.bottom = bottom;
                padInfo.left   = left;
                padInfo.right  = right;
                padInfo.top    = top;

                padInfo.alongh = padAlongHeight;
                padInfo.alongw = padAlongWidth;
                throw new Exception("Unknown padding parameter");

            return(new Tuple <PadInfo, int, int>(padInfo, outHeight, outWidth));
예제 #22
        /// <summary>
        /// Depthwise 2D convolution.
        ///    * Given a 4D "input" array and a "filter" array of shape
        /// "[filterHeight, filterWidth, inChannels, channelMultiplier]" containing
        /// "inChannels" convolutional filters of depth 1, this op applies a
        /// different filter to each input channel (expanding from 1 channel to
        /// "channelMultiplier" channels for each), then concatenates the results
        /// together. The output has "inChannels * channelMultiplier" channels.
        /// See
        /// [https://www.tensorflow.org/api_docs/python/tf/nn/depthwise_conv2d](
        ///     https://www.tensorflow.org/api_docs/python/tf/nn/depthwise_conv2d)
        /// for more details.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="input">The input tensor, of Rank 4 or Rank 3, of shape
        ///    "[batch, height, width, inChannels]". If Rank 3, batch of 1 is assumed.</param>
        /// <param name="filter">The filter tensor, Rank 4, of shape
        ///  "[filterHeight, filterWidth, inChannels, channelMultiplier]"</param>
        /// <param name="strides">The strides of the convolution: "[strideHeight,
        /// strideWidth]". If strides is a single number, then "strideHeight ==
        /// strideWidth".</param>
        /// <param name="pad">The type of padding algorithm.
        ///  - "same" and stride 1: output will be of same size as input,
        ///      regardless of filter size.
        ///  - "valid": output will be smaller than input if filter is larger
        ///      than 1x1.
        ///  - For more info, see this guide:
        ///    [https://www.tensorflow.org/api_guides/python/nn#Convolution](
        ///         https://www.tensorflow.org/api_guides/python/nn#Convolution)</param>
        /// <param name="dilations">The dilation rates: "[dilationHeight, dilationWidth]"
        ///    in which we sample input values across the height and width dimensions
        ///    in atrous convolution. Defaults to "[1, 1]". If "rate" is a single
        ///    number, then "dilationHeight == dilationWidth". If it is greater than
        ///    1, then all values of "strides" must be 1.</param>
        /// <param name="dimRoundingMode">The rounding mode used when computing output
        ///     dimensions if pad is a number. If none is provided, it will not round
        ///     and error if the output is of fractional size.</param>
        /// <param name="padvalue">the value of pad if pad is number</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static Tensor depthwiseConv2d(this Tensor input, Tensor filter,
                                             int[] strides, PadType pad, int[] dilations = null,
                                             roundingMode dimRoundingMode = roundingMode.none, Nullable <int> padvalue = null)
            if (dilations == null)
                dilations = new int[] { 1, 1 };
            Tensor input4D      = null;
            var    reshapedTo4D = false;

            if (input.Rank == 3)
                reshapedTo4D = true;
                input4D      = input.as4D(1, input.Shape[0], input.Shape[1], input.Shape[2]);
                input4D = input as Tensor;

            var convInfo = Util.computeConv2DInfo(
                input4D.Shape, filter.Shape, strides, dilations, pad, dimRoundingMode,
                true /* depthwise */, ConvDataFormat.channelsLast, padvalue);

            Func <Tensor, List <Tensor>, NamedGradientMap> grad = (Tensor dy,
                                                                   List <Tensor> s) =>
                NamedGradientMap g = new NamedGradientMap();
                g.gradient = new Dictionary <string, Func <Tensor> >();
                g.gradient.Add("input4D", () =>
                    var resg = depthwiseConv2dDerInput(input4D.Shape, dy, filter, strides, pad, dimRoundingMode, padvalue);

                    if (reshapedTo4D)
                        resg = resg.as3D(resg.Shape[1], resg.Shape[2], resg.Shape[3]);

                g.gradient.Add("filter", () =>
                    return(depthwiseConv2dDerFilter(input4D, dy, filter.Shape, strides, pad, dimRoundingMode, padvalue));

            Engine      e = ENV.engine;
            ForwardFunc f = (IBackend bk, Func <Tensor, Tensor> saved) =>
                return(bk.depthwiseConv2D(input4D, filter, convInfo));

            var inputs = new Dictionary <string, Tensor>();

            inputs.Add("input4D", input4D);
            inputs.Add("filter", filter);
            var res = e.runKernel(f, inputs, grad);

            if (reshapedTo4D)
                return(res.as3D(res.Shape[1], res.Shape[2], res.Shape[3]));

예제 #23
        public static int[,] Filter_int(int[,] arr, int[,] filter, PadType padType)
            int width  = arr.GetLength(1);
            int height = arr.GetLength(0);

            int[,] temp;
            PadMyArray <int> padArr = new PadMyArray <int>();

            int[,] result = new int[height, width];
            int[,] toConv = new int[filter.GetLength(0), filter.GetLength(1)];

            if (arr.Length < filter.Length)
                Console.WriteLine("Cannot filter image, less than filter window. Returned array with zeros. Method: filter_int");

            int padsizeR, padsizeC = 0;

            if (filter.GetLength(0) % 2 == 0)
                padsizeR = filter.GetLength(0) / 2;
                padsizeR = (filter.GetLength(0) - 1) / 2;

            if (filter.GetLength(1) % 2 == 0)
                padsizeC = filter.GetLength(1) / 2;
                padsizeC = (filter.GetLength(1) - 1) / 2;

            temp = padArr.PadArray(arr, padsizeR, padsizeC, padType, Direction.both);

            //obtain part of image array and convolution with filter window
                for (int i = 1; i <= height; i++)
                    for (int j = 1; j <= width; j++)
                        for (int m = 0; m < filter.GetLength(0); m++)
                            for (int n = 0; n < filter.GetLength(1); n++)
                                toConv[m, n] = temp[i + m - 1, j + n - 1];

                        //such size coz array mult by elements, and we take part same size as filter window
                        int[,] convolution = new int[filter.GetLength(0), filter.GetLength(1)];
                        convolution        = toConv.ArrayMultElements(filter);

                        //get elemt after filter
                        if (convolution.Cast <int>().Sum() < 0)
                            result[i - 1, j - 1] = 0;
                        else if (convolution.Cast <int>().Sum() > 255)
                            result[i - 1, j - 1] = 255;
                            result[i - 1, j - 1] = convolution.Cast <int>().Sum();
                        //result[i - 1, j - 1] = convolution.Cast<int>().Sum(); //get elemt after filter
            catch (Exception e)
                Console.WriteLine("Problem in filter, most likely OutOfRangeException, here message:\n" +

예제 #24
파일: Table.cs 프로젝트: toddcoder/Orange
 public void AddColumn(string text, PadType padType)
     overriddenPadTypes[getKey()] = padType;