예제 #1
        protected override async Task LoadComponentsAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            var workspace = ComponentModel.GetService <VisualStudioWorkspace>();

            await ThreadHelper.JoinableTaskFactory.SwitchToMainThreadAsync(cancellationToken);

            // Ensure the nuget package services are initialized. This initialization pass will only run
            // once our package is loaded indirectly through a legacy COM service we proffer (like the legacy project systems
            // loading us) or through something like the IVsEditorFactory or a debugger service. Right now it's fine
            // we only load this there, because we only use these to provide code fixes. But we only show code fixes in
            // open files, and so you would have had to open a file, which loads the editor factory, which loads our package,
            // which will run this.
            // This code will have to be moved elsewhere once any of that load path is changed such that the package
            // no longer loads if a file is opened.
            _packageInstallerService =
                workspace.Services.GetService <IPackageInstallerService>()
                as PackageInstallerService;
            _symbolSearchService =
                workspace.Services.GetService <ISymbolSearchService>()
                as VisualStudioSymbolSearchService;

예제 #2
        protected override async Task LoadComponentsAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            await ThreadHelper.JoinableTaskFactory.SwitchToMainThreadAsync(cancellationToken);

            // Ensure the nuget package services are initialized after we've loaded
            // the solution.
            _packageInstallerService = Workspace.Services.GetService <IPackageInstallerService>() as PackageInstallerService;
            _symbolSearchService     = Workspace.Services.GetService <ISymbolSearchService>() as VisualStudioSymbolSearchService;

예제 #3
        public void IsPackageTest()
            var TestString = "A,1";

            var packageInstallerService = new PackageInstallerService();
            var TestResult = packageInstallerService.IsPackage(TestString);

예제 #4
        protected override void LoadComponentsInUIContext()

            // Ensure the nuget package services are initialized after we've loaded
            // the solution.
            _packageInstallerService = Workspace.Services.GetService <IPackageInstallerService>() as PackageInstallerService;
            _symbolSearchService     = Workspace.Services.GetService <ISymbolSearchService>() as SymbolSearchService;

        protected override void LoadComponentsInUIContext()

            // Ensure the nuget package services are initialized after we've loaded
            // the solution.
            _packageInstallerService = Workspace.Services.GetService <IPackageInstallerService>() as PackageInstallerService;
            _symbolSearchService     = Workspace.Services.GetService <ISymbolSearchService>() as VisualStudioSymbolSearchService;


            HACK_AbstractCreateServicesOnUiThread.CreateServicesOnUIThread(ComponentModel, RoslynLanguageName);
예제 #6
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var builder = new ConfigurationBuilder()

            IConfiguration config = new ConfigurationBuilder()
                                    .AddJsonFile("appsettings.json", true, true)

            var PackageInstallerService = new PackageInstallerService();

            var InputFileLocation  = config["inputFileLocation"];
            var OutputFileLocation = config["outputFileLocation"];

            LogFileLocation = config["logFileLocation"];
            var InstallLocation = config["installLocation"];

                //Secure directories for files

                Installations = new List <Installation>();
                //Enumerate files
                foreach (var file in GetTextFilesInDirectory(InputFileLocation))
                    //Process file
                    var installation = new Installation();
                    ProcessInputFile(file, installation, PackageInstallerService);

                //Now that we have all the data, we want to organize it a little better.
                //Step 1 is to grab all packages to be installed. Step 2 is to assign the dormant dependencies from other installations to those packages if they exist.
                //LINQ is a wonderful tool for this.
                var PackagesToInstall = Installations.SelectMany(x => x.Packages);
                var Dependencies      = PackagesToInstall.SelectMany(x => x.Dependencies);

                foreach (var dependency in Dependencies)
                    //Are there any dormant dependencies not yet mapped to these? If so, map them.
                    var UnmappedDependencies = Installations
                                               .SelectMany(x => x.DormantDependencies)
                                               .Where(x => x.Name == dependency.Name && x.Version == dependency.Version);

                    //Dreaded nested FOR loop n^2 algorithm...ugh! This is in lieu of ICollection<T> not implementing AddRange();
                    foreach (var unmappedDependency in UnmappedDependencies)

                foreach (var packageToInstall in PackagesToInstall)
                    RecursivelyInstallPackage(packageToInstall, InstallLocation); //Everything as far as dependencies should be mapped to these packages by now.

                var OutputNumber = 0;
                foreach (var installation in Installations)
                    //Write to output files.
                    var PassFail = installation.Packages.Any(x => !x.IsInstalled) ? "FAIL" : "PASS";
                    WriteTextIntoFile(OutputFileLocation, "output" + OutputNumber.ToString().PadLeft(3, '0') + ".txt", PassFail);
            catch (Exception e)
                WriteTextIntoFile(LogFileLocation, "Error_" + Guid.NewGuid() + ".txt", e.ToString());
예제 #7
        //The goal of this method is to read the data into an object for organized processing.
        //It's long and ugly...if I had more time, then I'd brainstorm ways of refactoring it.
        static void ProcessInputFile(string filePath, Installation installation, PackageInstallerService packageInstallerService)
            var FileText        = ReadFileIntoText(filePath);
            var PackageCount    = 0;
            var DependencyCount = 0;

            foreach (var line in FileText)
                try //Attempt to read the line, but don't allow the entire list to be thrown out from one bad line, so try/catch each iteration.
                    //If the line is a number, then it's either the number of packages to install or the number of dependencies to handle.
                    if (int.TryParse(line, out int LineConvertedToNumber))
                        if (PackageCount == 0)
                            PackageCount = LineConvertedToNumber; //This sort of acts as a boolean switch for the first line in the file, applied to the IF condition.
                            DependencyCount = LineConvertedToNumber;
                        //This code block is reached when the line is either a package or a dependency list.
                        //The quickest way forward, assuming a consistent format, is to look at the Count variables.
                        //Either way, we are going to need to split the line into a string array.
                        var LineArray = line.Split(",");
                        if (PackageCount > 0)
                            //Validate that we are working with a package.
                            //This Regex function will check to make sure there are two elements in LineArray, so using LineArray.Count() == 2 is redundant and less valid.
                            if (!packageInstallerService.IsPackage(line))
                                throw new Exception(
                                          "An invalid package was sent to the input file processor. Package count: " + PackageCount.ToString() +
                                          " Line: " + line);

                            //This line is going to be a package.
                            var version    = int.Parse(LineArray.ElementAt(1)); //We already know from the Regex above that this will be \d.
                            var NewPackage = new Package(LineArray.ElementAt(0), version);
                            installation.Packages.Add(NewPackage);              //One of our primary packages is added.
                            PackageCount--;                                     //We subtract one package as it has been recorded for processing.
                            continue;                                           //Go to the next iteration since we are done with this line.

                        if (DependencyCount > 0)
                            //A package line will be in the format A,1...so that means there will only be one comma, whereas a dependency list will have multiple.
                            if (!IsDependency(line))
                                throw new Exception(
                                          "An invalid dependency list was sent to the input file processor. Package count: " + PackageCount.ToString() +
                                          " Line: " + line);

                            //LineArray will be a list of packages.
                            //We need to look for the first package and append this dependency to that package.
                            var ParentPackage = installation.Packages.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == LineArray.ElementAt(0) && x.Version == int.Parse(LineArray.ElementAt(1)));
                            if (ParentPackage != null)
                                //Add dependencies to this package. Start at 2 because we skip the first package in the line as it is parent.
                                for (var i = 2; i < LineArray.Count(); i += 2)
                                    var NewDependency = new Package(LineArray.ElementAt(i), int.Parse(LineArray.ElementAt(i + 1)));
                                //No parent package, just a dependency to track.
                                var NewDependencyPackage = new Package(LineArray.ElementAt(0), int.Parse(LineArray.ElementAt(1)));
                                for (var i = 2; i < LineArray.Count(); i += 2)
                                    var NewDependency = new Package(LineArray.ElementAt(i), int.Parse(LineArray.ElementAt(i + 1)));
                catch (Exception e)
                    WriteTextIntoFile(LogFileLocation, "Error_" + Guid.NewGuid() + ".txt", e.ToString());