protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { string typeid = Request.QueryString["Id"].ToString().Trim(); //分类开始 FillXiaoShuoData(); FillWenYiData(); FillLiShiData(); FillJingJiData(); FillXinLiData(); FillShengHuoData(); FillTongShuData(); FillKeJiData(); FillYuanBanData(); //分类结束 //模糊搜索功能,禁用分类排序功能 if (typeid == "search") { LinkButton1.Enabled = false; LinkButton2.Enabled = false; LinkButton3.Enabled = false; LinkButton4.Enabled = false; try { ArrayList allId = (ArrayList)Session["result"]; string pinjie = ""; foreach (object o in allId) { pinjie += o.ToString() + ","; } pinjie = pinjie.Substring(0, pinjie.Length - 1); string pinjieSql = "select * from Book where Id in (" + pinjie + ")"; DB db = new DB(); db.LoadExecuteData(pinjieSql); PackageDataList.DataSource = db.MyDataSet.Tables[0].DefaultView; PackageDataList.DataKeyField = "Id"; PackageDataList.DataBind(); if (db.MyDataSet.Tables[0].Rows.Count <= 0) { Image5.Visible = true; } db.OffData(); } catch { Image5.Visible = true; } } else { if (!IsPostBack) { FillPackageData(typeid, " order by Sales"); } } }
//好评填充 protected void FillGoodComment(int id, string sortText) { DB db = new DB(); string sql = "select s.* from(select *, row_number() over(partition by Id order by Id) as group_idx from(SELECT top 1000 Book.*, CommentLevel, ReplyNumber FROM Book LEFT JOIN LeaveWord ON Book.Id = LeaveWord.BookID order by CommentLevel " + sortText + ", ReplyNumber " + sortText + ") ta) s where s.group_idx = 1 and BookTypeID = " + id + "order by CommentLevel " + sortText + ", ReplyNumber " + sortText; if (id == 0) { sql = "select s.* from(select *, row_number() over(partition by Id order by Id) as group_idx from(SELECT top 1000 Book.*, CommentLevel, ReplyNumber FROM Book LEFT JOIN LeaveWord ON Book.Id = LeaveWord.BookID order by CommentLevel " + sortText + ", ReplyNumber " + sortText + ") ta) s where s.group_idx = 1 order by CommentLevel " + sortText + ", ReplyNumber " + sortText; } if (id > 0 && id < 10) { sql = "select s.* from(select *, row_number() over(partition by Id order by Id) as group_idx from(SELECT top 1000 Book.*, CommentLevel, ReplyNumber FROM Book LEFT JOIN LeaveWord ON Book.Id = LeaveWord.BookID order by CommentLevel " + sortText + ", ReplyNumber " + sortText + ") ta) s , (select Id from BookType where ParentID = " + id + ") as typeid where s.group_idx = 1 and typeid.Id = s.BookTypeID order by CommentLevel " + sortText + ", ReplyNumber " + sortText; } db.LoadExecuteData(sql); PackageDataList.DataSource = db.MyDataSet.Tables[0].DefaultView; PackageDataList.DataKeyField = "Id"; PackageDataList.DataBind(); if (db.MyDataSet.Tables[0].Rows.Count <= 0) { Image5.Visible = true; } db.OffData(); }
//根据分类填充数据 protected void FillPackageData(string typeid, string sortMethood) { DB db = new DB(); string sql = "select * from Book where BookTypeID =" + typeid.ToString().Trim() + sortMethood; int id = int.Parse(typeid); if (id == 0) { sql = "select * from Book" + sortMethood; } if (id > 0 && id < 10) { sql = "select * from Book where BookTypeID in (select Id from BookType where ParentID = " + id + ")" + sortMethood; } db.LoadExecuteData(sql); PackageDataList.DataSource = db.MyDataSet.Tables[0].DefaultView; PackageDataList.DataKeyField = "Id"; PackageDataList.DataBind(); if (db.MyDataSet.Tables[0].Rows.Count <= 0) { Image5.Visible = true; } db.OffData(); }