예제 #1
        private void pkgNameTextBox_Validating(object sender, CancelEventArgs e)
            TextBox tb = sender as TextBox;

            // If Package Name already exists, get package object from database
            var pkg = packages.SingleOrDefault(p => p.PkgName.ToLower() == tb.Text.ToLower());

            if (pkg != null)
                pkgBasePriceTextBox.ReadOnly        = true;
                pkgDescTextBox.ReadOnly             = true;
                pkgStartDateDateTimePicker.Enabled  = false;
                pkgEndDateDateTimePicker.Enabled    = false;
                pkgAgencyCommissionTextBox.ReadOnly = true;
                // Verify against database
                Package pkgExist = PackageDB.GetPackageByName(tb.Text);
                if (pkgExist == null)
                    pkgBasePriceTextBox.ReadOnly        = false;
                    pkgDescTextBox.ReadOnly             = false;
                    pkgStartDateDateTimePicker.Enabled  = true;
                    pkgEndDateDateTimePicker.Enabled    = true;
                    pkgAgencyCommissionTextBox.ReadOnly = false;
                    pkgBasePriceTextBox.ReadOnly        = true;
                    pkgDescTextBox.ReadOnly             = true;
                    pkgStartDateDateTimePicker.Enabled  = false;
                    pkgEndDateDateTimePicker.Enabled    = false;
                    pkgAgencyCommissionTextBox.ReadOnly = true;
예제 #2
        private void btnAdd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string  pkgName;
            decimal basePrice;
            int     productId;
            int     supplierId;

            if (Validator.IsPresent(pkgNameTextBox))
                pkgName = pkgNameTextBox.Text;

                // If Package Name already exists, get package object from database
                bool ValidPrice = true;
                bool DateValid  = true;
                var  pkg        = packages.SingleOrDefault(p => p.PkgName.ToLower() == pkgName.ToLower());

                if (pkg != null)
                    Package     = pkg;
                    PkgInserted = false;
                    // Verify against database
                    Package pkgExist = PackageDB.GetPackageByName(pkgName);

                    if (pkgExist == null)
                        Package newPkg = new Package();
                        if (Validator.IsPresent(pkgBasePriceTextBox))
                            basePrice           = Convert.ToDecimal(pkgBasePriceTextBox.Text);
                            newPkg.PkgBasePrice = basePrice;

                            newPkg.PkgName = pkgName;

                            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(pkgAgencyCommissionTextBox.Text))
                                newPkg.PkgAgencyCommission = null;
                                newPkg.PkgAgencyCommission = Convert.ToDecimal(pkgAgencyCommissionTextBox.Text);

                            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(pkgDescTextBox.Text))
                                newPkg.PkgDesc = null;
                                newPkg.PkgDesc = pkgDescTextBox.Text;

                            if (pkgStartDateDateTimePicker.Checked == false &&
                                pkgEndDateDateTimePicker.Checked == false)
                                newPkg.PkgStartDate = null;
                                newPkg.PkgEndDate   = null;
                            else if (pkgStartDateDateTimePicker.Checked == true &&
                                     pkgEndDateDateTimePicker.Checked == false)
                                // Package End Date has not been provided yet
                                newPkg.PkgStartDate = pkgStartDateDateTimePicker.Value.Date;
                                newPkg.PkgEndDate   = null;
                            else if (pkgStartDateDateTimePicker.Checked == false &&
                                     pkgEndDateDateTimePicker.Checked == true)
                                MessageBox.Show("Must Provide a Valid Start Date");
                                DateValid    = false;
                                DialogResult = DialogResult.None;
                                if (DateTime.Compare(pkgStartDateDateTimePicker.Value, pkgEndDateDateTimePicker.Value) >= 0)
                                    MessageBox.Show("Start Date must be earlier than End Date");
                                    DateValid    = false;
                                    DialogResult = DialogResult.None;
                                    newPkg.PkgStartDate = pkgStartDateDateTimePicker.Value.Date;
                                    newPkg.PkgEndDate   = pkgEndDateDateTimePicker.Value.Date;
                            if (DateValid)
                                // Add package to database
                                int pkgId = PackageDB.AddPackage(newPkg);
                                newPkg.PackageId = pkgId;
                                Package          = newPkg;
                                PkgInserted      = true;
                            ValidPrice   = false;
                            DialogResult = DialogResult.None;
                    else     // Package with pkgName exists in database
                        Package     = pkgExist;
                        PkgInserted = true;
                if (ValidPrice && DateValid)
                    productId  = (int)prodNameComboBox.SelectedValue;
                    supplierId = (int)supNameComboBox.SelectedValue;

                    // Check if the combination of productId and supplierId already exists in database
                    if (ProductsSupplierDB.GetProductsSupplierByProductIdAndSupplierId(productId, supplierId) == null)
                        // if doesn't exist in database, insert a new record
                        ProductsSupplier prodSupps = new ProductsSupplier {
                            ProductId  = productId,
                            SupplierId = supplierId

                        // Insert into database
                        int prodSuppId = ProductsSupplierDB.AddProductsSupplier(prodSupps);
                        prodSupps.ProductSupplierId = prodSuppId;

                        productsSupplier = prodSupps;
                        ProdSuppInserted = true;
                        productsSupplier =
                            ProductsSupplierDB.GetProductsSupplierByProductIdAndSupplierId(productId, supplierId);
                        ProdSuppInserted = false;

                    // If there already exists a same packageId and ProductSupplierId combination
                    var pkgProdSuppTable = pkgProdSupps.SingleOrDefault(p => p.PackageId == Package.PackageId &&
                                                                        p.ProductSupplierId == productsSupplier.ProductSupplierId);

                    if (pkgProdSuppTable != null)
                        MessageBox.Show("Package:  " + Package.PkgName + " with \n" +
                                        "Product Name:  " + prodNameComboBox.Text + "\nSupplier Name:  " +
                                        supNameComboBox.Text + " \nalready exists", "Record Exists");
                        DialogResult = DialogResult.None;
                        // Verify against database
                        PackagesProductsSuppliers pkgPS = PackagesProductsSuppliersDB.GetPackagesProductsSuppliersByPkgIdAndProductSupplierId(Package.PackageId, productsSupplier.ProductSupplierId);
                        if (pkgPS == null)
                            PackagesProductsSuppliers pps = new PackagesProductsSuppliers();
                            pps.PackageId         = Package.PackageId;
                            pps.ProductSupplierId = productsSupplier.ProductSupplierId;
                            // Insert into database
                            pkgProdSupp  = pps;
                            DialogResult = DialogResult.OK;
                            MessageBox.Show("Package:  " + Package.PkgName + " with \n" +
                                            "Product Name:  " + prodNameComboBox.Text + "\nSupplier Name:  " +
                                            supNameComboBox.Text + " \nalready exists", "Record Exists");
                            pkgProdSupp  = pkgPS;
                            DialogResult = DialogResult.OK;
                    DialogResult = DialogResult.None;
                DialogResult = DialogResult.None;