예제 #1
        public unsafe WavePlayer(int deviceIndex, double sampleRate, int framesPerBuffer, AudioBufferNeededDelegate bufferNeededDelegate)
            Console.WriteLine("WavePlayer started, samplerate=" + sampleRate.ToString() + ", frameCount=" + framesPerBuffer.ToString());
            this._bufferNeeded = bufferNeededDelegate;
            PaStreamParameters paStreamParameters = new PaStreamParameters
                device           = deviceIndex,
                channelCount     = 2,
                suggestedLatency = 0.0,
                sampleFormat     = PaSampleFormat.PaFloat32
            PaError paError = PortAudioAPI.Pa_IsFormatSupported(IntPtr.Zero, ref paStreamParameters, sampleRate);

            if (paError != 0)
                throw new ApplicationException("Init audio output device: " + paError.ToString());
            this._gcHandle = GCHandle.Alloc(this);
            paError        = PortAudioAPI.Pa_OpenStream(out this._streamHandle, IntPtr.Zero, ref paStreamParameters, sampleRate, (uint)framesPerBuffer, PaStreamFlags.PaNoFlag, this._paCallback, (IntPtr)this._gcHandle);
            if (paError != 0)
                throw new ApplicationException("Open audio output device: " + paError.ToString());
            paError = PortAudioAPI.Pa_StartStream(this._streamHandle);
            if (paError == PaError.paNoError)
            throw new ApplicationException("Start audio output device: " + paError.ToString());
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Determine if the device will support a given PCM format
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sampleFormat">The data format for PCM samples</param>
        /// <param name="channels">The number of channels</param>
        /// <param name="sampleRate">The number of frames/second the device will render/capture</param>
        /// <param name="suggestedLatency">The latency the device will attempt to match</param>
        /// <param name="asOutput">Marks if the device should be opened as an input or an output</param>
        /// <returns>True if the device supports this format, false otherwise</returns>
        public unsafe bool SupportsFormat(PortAudioSampleFormat sampleFormat, int channels, double sampleRate, TimeSpan suggestedLatency, bool asOutput)
            PaStreamParameters *inputParams  = default;
            PaStreamParameters *outputParams = default;

            var param = new PaStreamParameters
                DeviceIndex  = DeviceIndex,
                ChannelCount = channels,
                HostApiSpecificStreamInfo = IntPtr.Zero,
                SampleFormats             = sampleFormat.SampleFormat,
                SuggestedLatency          = new PaTime(suggestedLatency)

            if (asOutput)
                outputParams = &param;
                inputParams = &param;

            return(Native.PortAudio.Pa_IsFormatSupported(inputParams, outputParams, sampleRate) >= PaErrorCode.NoError);
예제 #3
        public unsafe WaveDuplex(int deviceIndex, double sampleRate, int framesPerBuffer, AudioBufferAvailableDelegate bufferNeededDelegate)
            this._bufferAvailable = bufferNeededDelegate;
            PaStreamParameters paStreamParameters = new PaStreamParameters
                device           = deviceIndex,
                channelCount     = 2,
                suggestedLatency = 0.0,
                sampleFormat     = PaSampleFormat.PaFloat32
            PaError paError = PortAudioAPI.Pa_IsFormatSupported(ref paStreamParameters, ref paStreamParameters, sampleRate);

            if (paError != 0)
                throw new ApplicationException(paError.ToString());
            this._gcHandle = GCHandle.Alloc(this);
            paError        = PortAudioAPI.Pa_OpenStream(out this._streamHandle, ref paStreamParameters, ref paStreamParameters, sampleRate, (uint)framesPerBuffer, PaStreamFlags.PaNoFlag, this._paCallback, (IntPtr)this._gcHandle);
            if (paError != 0)
                throw new ApplicationException(paError.ToString());
            paError = PortAudioAPI.Pa_StartStream(this._streamHandle);
            if (paError == PaError.paNoError)
            throw new ApplicationException(paError.ToString());
예제 #4
 public static extern PaError Pa_OpenStream(
     out IntPtr stream,
     ref PaStreamParameters inputParameters,
     IntPtr inPtr,
     double sampleRate,
     uint framesPerBuffer,
     PaStreamFlags streamFlags,
     PaStreamCallbackDelegate streamCallback,
     IntPtr userData);
예제 #5
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //(new SpectrumMeasurement()).Run();


            var istreamParameters = new PaStreamParameters()
                ChannelCount     = 2,
                Device           = PortAudio.Instance.GetDefaultInputDeviceIndex(),
                SampleFormat     = PaSampleFormat.PaFloat32,
                SuggestedLatency = 0.1

            var ostreamParameters = new PaStreamParameters()
                ChannelCount     = 2,
                Device           = PortAudio.Instance.GetDefaultOutputDeviceIndex(),
                SampleFormat     = PaSampleFormat.PaFloat32,
                SuggestedLatency = 0.1

            var r = new Random();

            var table = new float[96000];
            var rec   = new List <float>();
            var x     = 0;

            for (x = 0; x < 96000; x++)
                table[x] = (float)(Math.Sin(x * (2 * Math.PI / 96)));

            x = 0;
            Process.GetCurrentProcess().PriorityBoostEnabled = true;
            Process.GetCurrentProcess().PriorityClass        = ProcessPriorityClass.RealTime;

            int runs = 0;

예제 #6
 public PortAudioInputStream(PaStreamParameters inputParameters, double sampleRate, uint framesPerBuffer, PaStreamFlags streamFlags, StreamCallback streamCallback, IntPtr userData)
     : base(inputParameters.sampleFormat, inputParameters.channelCount)
     using (var input = Factory.ToNative<PaStreamParameters> (inputParameters))
         HandleError (PortAudioInterop.Pa_OpenStream (
             out handle,
             ToPaStreamCallback (streamCallback, false),
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a PortAudioDevicePump for an input device
        /// Note: This MUST be disposed, or you risk breaking audio on the host until the next reboot
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="device">The input device to create a pump for</param>
        /// <param name="channelCount">The number of channels to capture from the input device</param>
        /// <param name="sampleFormat">The sample format of the output PCM data</param>
        /// <param name="suggestedLatency">The latency the device will attempt to achieve</param>
        /// <param name="sampleRate">The sample rate of the output PCM data</param>
        /// <param name="callback">The callback that will be invoked when data is produced</param>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">Thrown in the case that the device or callback are null</exception>
        public unsafe PortAudioDevicePump(PortAudioDevice device, int channelCount, PortAudioSampleFormat sampleFormat,
                                          TimeSpan suggestedLatency, double sampleRate, WriteDataCallback callback)
            if (device == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(device));
            if (callback == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(callback));


            SampleFormat     = sampleFormat;
            Channels         = channelCount;
            SampleRate       = sampleRate;
            SuggestedLatency = suggestedLatency;

            _handle            = GCHandle.Alloc(this);
            _isOutput          = false;
            _writeDataCallback = callback;

            var inputParams = new PaStreamParameters
                ChannelCount = channelCount,
                DeviceIndex  = device.DeviceIndex,
                HostApiSpecificStreamInfo = IntPtr.Zero,
                SampleFormats             = sampleFormat.SampleFormat,
                SuggestedLatency          = new PaTime(suggestedLatency)

            var err = Native.PortAudio.Pa_OpenStream(out _stream, &inputParams, null, sampleRate, FRAMES_TO_BUFFER, PaStreamFlags.NoFlag,
                                                     StreamCallback, GCHandle.ToIntPtr(_handle));

            if (err < PaErrorCode.NoError)
                throw PortAudioException.GetException(err);

            err = Native.PortAudio.Pa_SetStreamFinishedCallback(_stream, StreamFinishedCallback);
            if (err < PaErrorCode.NoError)
                throw PortAudioException.GetException(err);
예제 #8
        public WavePlayer(int deviceIndex, double sampleRate, int framesPerBuffer, AudioBufferNeededDelegate bufferNeededDelegate)
            _bufferNeeded = bufferNeededDelegate;

            var ouputParams = new PaStreamParameters();

            ouputParams.device           = deviceIndex;
            ouputParams.channelCount     = 2;
            ouputParams.suggestedLatency = 0;
            ouputParams.sampleFormat     = PaSampleFormat.PaFloat32;

            var pe = PortAudioAPI.Pa_IsFormatSupported(IntPtr.Zero, ref ouputParams, sampleRate);

            if (pe != PaError.paNoError)
                throw new ApplicationException(pe.ToString());

            _gcHandle = GCHandle.Alloc(this);

            pe = PortAudioAPI.Pa_OpenStream(
                out _streamHandle,
                ref ouputParams,

            if (pe != PaError.paNoError)
                throw new ApplicationException(pe.ToString());

            pe = PortAudioAPI.Pa_StartStream(_streamHandle);
            if (pe != PaError.paNoError)
                throw new ApplicationException(pe.ToString());
예제 #9
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine($"Using PortAudio version:\n  {PaLibrary.VersionInfo.versionText}");

            using (var paLibrary = PaLibrary.Initialize())

                double sampleRate = 44100;

                var outIndex = ChooseDevice(paLibrary);

                var outputParameters = new PaStreamParameters()
                    device                    = outIndex,
                    channelCount              = 1,
                    sampleFormat              = PaSampleFormat.paFloat32,
                    suggestedLatency          = paLibrary.GetDeviceInfo(outIndex).Value.defaultHighOutputLatency,
                    hostApiSpecificStreamInfo = IntPtr.Zero

                var callbackData = new SineCallbackData()
                    osc   = new Complex(1, 0),
                    delta = Complex.Exp(new Complex(0, 440 * 2 * Math.PI / sampleRate))

                using (var stream = paLibrary.OpenStream(
                           null, outputParameters,
                           sampleRate, 512, PaStreamFlags.paNoFlag,
                           SineCallback, callbackData))
                    stream.SetStreamFinishedCallback(PrintDoneCallback, "stream finished");
                    Console.WriteLine("Press any key to stop...");
예제 #10
    public void start()
        var device = paLibrary.DefaultOutputDevice;

        var outputParameters = new PaStreamParameters()
            device                    = device,
            channelCount              = 1,
            sampleFormat              = PaSampleFormat.paFloat32,
            suggestedLatency          = paLibrary.GetDeviceInfo(device).Value.defaultLowOutputLatency,
            hostApiSpecificStreamInfo = IntPtr.Zero

        osc = 0;

        stream = paLibrary.OpenStream(
            null, outputParameters, SampleRate, 512, PaStreamFlags.paNoFlag,
            SineCallback, IntPtr.Zero);
예제 #11
 public PortAudioOutputStream(PaStreamParameters outputParameters, double sampleRate, uint framesPerBuffer, PaStreamFlags streamFlags, StreamCallback streamCallback, object userData)
     : base(outputParameters.sampleFormat, outputParameters.channelCount)
     var gch = userData == null ? default (GCHandle) : GCHandle.Alloc (userData, GCHandleType.Pinned);
     try {
         using (var output = Factory.ToNative<PaStreamParameters> (outputParameters))
             HandleError (PortAudioInterop.Pa_OpenStream (
                 out handle,
                 ToPaStreamCallback (streamCallback, true),
                 userData != null ? gch.AddrOfPinnedObject () : IntPtr.Zero));
     } finally {
         if (userData != null)
             gch.Free ();
예제 #12
        public AudioPlayer(int deviceIndex, double sampleRate, uint framesPerBuffer, SamplesAvailableEvent samplesAvailableCallback)
            _bufferNeeded = samplesAvailableCallback;

            PaStreamParameters ouputParams = new PaStreamParameters();

            ouputParams.device           = deviceIndex;
            ouputParams.channelCount     = 2;
            ouputParams.suggestedLatency = 0;
            ouputParams.sampleFormat     = PaSampleFormat.paFloat32;

            PaError paErr = Pa_IsFormatSupported(IntPtr.Zero, ref ouputParams, sampleRate);

            if (paErr != PaError.paNoError)
                throw new ApplicationException(paErr.ToString());

            _gcHandle = GCHandle.Alloc(this);

            paErr = Pa_OpenStream(out _streamHandle, IntPtr.Zero, ref ouputParams, sampleRate, framesPerBuffer, PaStreamFlags.paNoFlag, _paCallback, (IntPtr)_gcHandle);

            if (paErr != PaError.paNoError)
                throw new ApplicationException(paErr.ToString());

            paErr = Pa_StartStream(_streamHandle);
            if (paErr != PaError.paNoError)
                throw new ApplicationException(paErr.ToString());
        protected override void StartDevices()
            if (stream != null)
                if (stream.IsActive())


            /* TODO: Restore device settings */
            var inputStreamParameters = new PaStreamParameters()
                ChannelCount     = AppSettings.Current.Device.InputDevice.ChannelsCount,
                Device           = AppSettings.Current.Device.InputDevice.Index,
                SampleFormat     = ToPortAudioSampleFormat(AppSettings.Current.Device.InputDevice.SampleFormat),
                SuggestedLatency = AppSettings.Current.Device.InputDevice.LatencyMilliseconds / 1000.0

            var outputStreamParameters = new PaStreamParameters()
                ChannelCount     = AppSettings.Current.Device.OutputDevice.ChannelsCount,
                Device           = AppSettings.Current.Device.OutputDevice.Index,
                SampleFormat     = ToPortAudioSampleFormat(AppSettings.Current.Device.OutputDevice.SampleFormat),
                SuggestedLatency = AppSettings.Current.Device.OutputDevice.LatencyMilliseconds / 1000.0

            stream          = new PortAudioStream(inputStreamParameters, outputStreamParameters, AppSettings.Current.Device.SampleRate, 0, 0x00000002);
            stream.OnRead  += OnRead;
            stream.OnWrite += OnWrite;
            stream.OnError += OnError;

예제 #14
        public static extern PaError Pa_OpenStream(
			out IntPtr stream,
			ref PaStreamParameters inputParameters,
			IntPtr inPtr,
			double sampleRate,
			uint framesPerBuffer,
			PaStreamFlags streamFlags,
			PaStreamCallbackDelegate streamCallback,
			IntPtr userData);
예제 #15
        public static extern PaError Pa_IsFormatSupported(
			ref PaStreamParameters inputParameters, 
			ref PaStreamParameters outputParameters, 
			double sampleRate);
예제 #16
		unsafe public static extern PaError PA_OpenStream (
			out void *stream, 
			PaStreamParameters *inputParameters,
			PaStreamParameters *outputParameters,
			double sampleRate,
			uint framesPerBuffer,
			PaStreamFlags streamFlags,
			PaStreamCallback streamCallback,
			int callback_id);		// 0 for callback1, else callback2
예제 #17
		unsafe public static extern PaError PA_IsFormatSupported(
			PaStreamParameters *inputParameters,
			PaStreamParameters *outputParameters,
			double sampleRate);
        private static IEnumerable <DeviceInfo> EnumerateDevices(bool enumerateInputDevices)
            var result           = new List <DeviceInfo>();
            var streamParameters = new PaStreamParameters();
            var devices          = enumerateInputDevices
                            ? deviceCache.Value.Where(device => device.Info.MaxInputChannels > 0)
                            : deviceCache.Value.Where(device => device.Info.MaxOutputChannels > 0);

            var sampleFormats = ((SampleFormat[])Enum.GetValues(typeof(SampleFormat)))
                                .Select(value => new { SampleFormat = value, PaSampleFormat = ToPortAudioSampleFormat(value) })

            foreach (var device in devices)
                streamParameters.Device = device.Index;
                foreach (var sampleFormat in sampleFormats)
                    streamParameters.SampleFormat = sampleFormat.PaSampleFormat;
                    foreach (var sampleRate in AppSettings.Current.Device.DefaultSampleRates)
                        var maxChannels = enumerateInputDevices
                                        ? device.Info.MaxInputChannels
                                        : device.Info.MaxOutputChannels;

                        int channelCount;
                        for (channelCount = 1; channelCount < maxChannels + 1; channelCount++)
                            streamParameters.ChannelCount = channelCount;
                            var isFormatSupported = enumerateInputDevices
                                                    ? PortAudio.Instance.IsFormatSupported(streamParameters, null, sampleRate)
                                                    : PortAudio.Instance.IsFormatSupported(null, streamParameters, sampleRate);

                            if (!isFormatSupported)

                        if (channelCount - 1 > 0)
                            result.Add(new DeviceInfo()
                                Index = device.Index,

                                ApiName       = GetApiName(device.Info.HostApi),
                                Name          = device.Info.Name,
                                ChannelsCount = channelCount - 1,

                                SampleFormat = sampleFormat.SampleFormat,
                                SampleRate   = (int)sampleRate,

                                LatencyMilliseconds = (int)(1000.0 * (enumerateInputDevices ? device.Info.DefaultHighInputLatency
                                                                                            : device.Info.DefaultHighOutputLatency))

예제 #19
 public static extern PaError Pa_IsFormatSupported(
     IntPtr inputParameters, // Not Used
     ref PaStreamParameters outputParameters,
     double sampleRate);
예제 #20
 public static unsafe extern PaError PA_OpenStream(
     out void* stream,
     PaStreamParameters* inputParameters,
     PaStreamParameters* outputParameters,
     double sampleRate,
     uint framesPerBuffer,
     PaStreamFlags streamFlags,
     PaStreamCallback streamCallback,
     int user_data, int callback_id);
예제 #21
 public static extern PaError Pa_IsFormatSupported(
     ref PaStreamParameters inputParameters,
     ref PaStreamParameters outputParameters,
     double sampleRate);
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a PortAudioDevicePump for an output device
        /// Note: This MUST be disposed, or you risk breaking audio on the host until the next reboot
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="device">The output device to create a pump for</param>
        /// <param name="channelCount">The number of channels in the input PCM data</param>
        /// <param name="sampleFormat">The sample format of the input PCM data</param>
        /// <param name="suggestedLatency">The latency the device will attempt to achieve</param>
        /// <param name="sampleRate">The sample rate of playback</param>
        /// <param name="callback">The callback that will supply data to the output device</param>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">Thrown in the case that the device or callback are null</exception>
        public unsafe PortAudioDevicePump(PortAudioDevice device, int channelCount, PortAudioSampleFormat sampleFormat,
                                          TimeSpan suggestedLatency, double sampleRate, ReadDataCallback callback)
            if (device == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(device));
            if (callback == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(callback));


            SampleFormat     = sampleFormat;
            Channels         = channelCount;
            SampleRate       = sampleRate;
            SuggestedLatency = suggestedLatency;

            _handle           = GCHandle.Alloc(this);
            _isOutput         = true;
            _readDataCallback = callback;

            var outputParams = new PaStreamParameters
                ChannelCount = channelCount,
                DeviceIndex  = device.DeviceIndex,
                HostApiSpecificStreamInfo = IntPtr.Zero,
                SampleFormats             = sampleFormat.SampleFormat,
                SuggestedLatency          = new PaTime(suggestedLatency)

            var err = Native.PortAudio.Pa_OpenStream(out _stream, null, &outputParams, sampleRate, FRAMES_TO_BUFFER, PaStreamFlags.NoFlag,
                                                     StreamCallback, GCHandle.ToIntPtr(_handle));

            if (err < PaErrorCode.NoError)
                throw PortAudioException.GetException(err);

            err = Native.PortAudio.Pa_SetStreamFinishedCallback(_stream, StreamFinishedCallback);
            if (err < PaErrorCode.NoError)
                throw PortAudioException.GetException(err);

            _dataQueue  = new ConcurrentQueue <BufferContainer>();
            _bufferPool = new ConcurrentBag <BufferContainer>();

            for (var i = 0; i < BUFFER_CHAIN_LENGTH; i++)
                var buffer     = new byte[FRAMES_TO_BUFFER * (ulong)channelCount * (ulong)sampleFormat.FormatSize];
                var readLength = WriteAudioFrame(buffer, buffer.Length);
                _dataQueue.Enqueue(new BufferContainer(buffer)
                    ReadLength = readLength

            _queueCount             = new SemaphoreSlim(BUFFER_CHAIN_LENGTH);
            _poolCount              = new SemaphoreSlim(0);
            _threadEndEvent         = new ManualResetEventSlim(false);
            _processingThreadCancel = new CancellationTokenSource();

            Task.Run(() => DataTask(_processingThreadCancel.Token));
예제 #23
 public static PaErrorCode CheckIfFormatSupported(PaStreamParameters inputParameters, PaStreamParameters outputParameters, double sampleRate)
     using (var input = Factory.ToNative<PaStreamParameters> (inputParameters))
         using (var output = Factory.ToNative<PaStreamParameters> (outputParameters))
             return PortAudioInterop.Pa_IsFormatSupported (input.Native, output.Native, sampleRate);