예제 #1
        void ReplaceDependencySources()
            if (!ParentBindingExpression.IsDetaching)
                int size = PW.Length;
                if (PW.NeedsDirectNotification)

                WeakDependencySource[] newSources = new WeakDependencySource[size];
                int n = 0;

                if (IsDynamic)
                    for (int k = 0; k < PW.Length; ++k)
                        DependencyProperty dp = PW.GetAccessor(k) as DependencyProperty;
                        if (dp != null)
                            DependencyObject d = PW.GetItem(k) as DependencyObject;
                            if (d != null)
                                newSources[n++] = new WeakDependencySource(d, dp);

                    if (PW.NeedsDirectNotification)
                        // subproperty notifications can only arise from Freezables
                        // (as of today - 11/14/08), so we only need to propagate
                        // them when the raw value is a Freezable.
                        DependencyObject d = PW.RawValue() as Freezable;
                        if (d != null)
                            newSources[n++] = new WeakDependencySource(d, DependencyObject.DirectDependencyProperty);

                ParentBindingExpression.ChangeWorkerSources(newSources, n);
예제 #2
        internal override void UpdateValue(object value)
            int    k    = PW.Length - 1;
            object item = PW.GetItem(k);

            if (item == null || item == BindingExpression.NullDataItem)

            // if the binding is async, post a request to set the value
            if (ParentBinding.IsAsync && !(PW.GetAccessor(k) is DependencyProperty))
                RequestAsyncSetValue(item, value);

            PW.SetValue(item, value);
예제 #3
        void RequestAsyncSetValue(object item, object value)
            // get information about the property whose value we want
            string name = GetNameFromInfo(PW.GetAccessor(PW.Length - 1));

            Invariant.Assert(name != null, "Async SetValue expects a name");

            // abandon any previous request
            AsyncSetValueRequest pendingSetValueRequest = (AsyncSetValueRequest)GetValue(Feature.PendingSetValueRequest, null);

            if (pendingSetValueRequest != null)

            // issue the new request
            pendingSetValueRequest =
                new AsyncSetValueRequest(item, name, value, ParentBinding.AsyncState,
                                         DoSetValueCallback, CompleteSetValueCallback,
            SetValue(Feature.PendingSetValueRequest, pendingSetValueRequest);
            Engine.AddAsyncRequest(TargetElement, pendingSetValueRequest);