예제 #1
    public override void Create_OL_LI(PUGameObject container, string content)
        if (listCounts.Peek() != 0)
            currentY += DefaultFontSize() * 0.5f;

        float oldY = currentY;

        padding.left += DefaultFontSize() * 2.0f;
        Create_P(container, content);
        padding.left -= DefaultFontSize() * 2.0f;

        PUTMPro text = new PUTMPro();

        text.SetFrame(padding.left, currentY - padding.top, DefaultFontSize() * 1.5f, (oldY - currentY) - DefaultFontSize(), 0, 0, "top,left");
        text.font               = DefaultFont();
        text.value              = string.Format("{0}.", listCounts.Peek() + 1);
        text.fontColor          = textColor();
        text.fontStyle          = "Bold";
        text.fontSize           = (int)(DefaultFontSize());
        text.sizeToFit          = true;
        text.alignment          = TMPro.TextAlignmentOptions.TopRight;
        text.enableWordWrapping = false;

        text.textGUI.overflowMode = TMPro.TextOverflowModes.Overflow;

        listCounts.Push(listCounts.Pop() + 1);
    public virtual PUTMPro AddTextWithOptions(PUGameObject container, string content, string fontPath, Color color, float fontScale, string style, TMPro.TextAlignmentOptions alignment)
        if (currentY != 0) {
            currentY -= paragraphSpacing ();

        float maxWidth = container.size.Value.x - (padding.left + padding.right);

        PUTMPro text = new PUTMPro ();
        text.SetFrame (padding.left, currentY - padding.top, maxWidth, 0, 0, 1, "top,left");
        text.font = fontPath;
        text.fontColor = color;
        text.fontStyle = style;
        text.fontSize = (int)(DefaultFontSize()*fontScale);
        text.sizeToFit = true;
        text.alignment = alignment;
        text.value = content;

        if (urlLinks.Count > 0) {
            string[] linkURLs = urlLinks.ToArray();
            text.OnLinkClickAction = (linkText,linkIdx) => {

        text.LoadIntoPUGameObject (container);

        Vector2 size = text.CalculateTextSize (content, maxWidth);
        text.rectTransform.sizeDelta = size;

        currentY -= text.rectTransform.sizeDelta.y + padding.bottom;

        return text;
예제 #3
    public virtual PUTMPro AddTextWithOptions(PUGameObject container, string content, string fontPath, Color color, float fontScale, string style, TMPro.TextAlignmentOptions alignment)
        if (currentY != 0)
            currentY -= paragraphSpacing();

        float maxWidth = container.size.Value.x - (padding.left + padding.right);

        PUTMPro text = new PUTMPro();

        text.SetFrame(padding.left, currentY - padding.top, maxWidth, 0, 0, 1, "top,left");
        text.font      = fontPath;
        text.fontColor = color;
        text.fontStyle = style;
        text.fontSize  = (int)(DefaultFontSize() * fontScale);
        text.sizeToFit = true;
        text.alignment = alignment;
        text.value     = content;

        if (urlLinks.Count > 0)
            string[] linkURLs = urlLinks.ToArray();
            text.OnLinkClickAction = (linkText, linkIdx) => {


        Vector2 size = text.CalculateTextSize(content, maxWidth);

        text.rectTransform.sizeDelta = size;

        currentY -= text.rectTransform.sizeDelta.y + padding.bottom;

예제 #4
    public override void gaxb_complete()

        // At this point, our gameObject is our "text" game object.  We want to maneuver things around
        // until its like:
        // --> TMPro - Input Field
        //   --> Text Area
        //      --> Placeholder
        //      --> Text

        // 0) first, swap out our TMPro text and replace our gameObject with one with the text field
        GameObject textGameObject = gameObject;

        // Next, we create a new gameObject, and put the Text-created gameObject inside me
        gameObject = new GameObject("<TMP_InputField/>", typeof(RectTransform));
        gameObject.transform.SetParent(textGameObject.transform.parent, false);

        // 0.5) Create a game object for the field
        inputField       = new PUGameObject();
        inputField.title = "TMP_InputField";
        inputField.SetFrame(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "stretch,stretch");

        // 1) create the hierarchy of stuff under me
        textArea       = new PUGameObject();
        textArea.title = "Text Area";
        textArea.SetFrame(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "stretch,stretch");

        // 2) placeholder
        if (placeholder != null)
            placeholderText       = new PUTMPro();
            placeholderText.title = "Placeholder";
            placeholderText.value = this.placeholder;

            placeholderText.textGUI.overflowMode = this.textGUI.overflowMode;

            placeholderText.textGUI.alignment   = this.textGUI.alignment;
            placeholderText.textGUI.font        = this.textGUI.font;
            placeholderText.textGUI.fontSize    = this.textGUI.fontSize;
            placeholderText.textGUI.fontStyle   = this.textGUI.fontStyle;
            placeholderText.textGUI.color       = this.textGUI.color - new Color(0, 0, 0, 0.5f);
            placeholderText.textGUI.lineSpacing = this.textGUI.lineSpacing;


        // 3) text
        text = new PUGameObject();
        text.SetFrame(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "stretch,stretch");

        text.gameObject = textGameObject;

        // Move the text to be the child of the input field
        textGameObject.name = "Text";
        textGameObject.transform.SetParent(textArea.rectTransform, false);
        (textGameObject.transform as RectTransform).pivot = Vector2.zero;

        // now that we have the hierarchy, fille out the input field
        field = inputField.gameObject.AddComponent <TMP_InputField> ();

        field.transition = Selectable.Transition.None;

        field.targetGraphic = inputField.gameObject.AddComponent <InvisibleHitGraphic> ();
        field.textViewport  = textArea.rectTransform;
        field.textComponent = textGUI;

        if (asteriskChar != null)
            field.asteriskChar = asteriskChar.Value;

        if (contentType == PlanetUnity2.InputFieldContentType.standard)
            field.contentType = TMP_InputField.ContentType.Standard;
        else if (contentType == PlanetUnity2.InputFieldContentType.autocorrected)
            field.contentType = TMP_InputField.ContentType.Autocorrected;
        else if (contentType == PlanetUnity2.InputFieldContentType.integer)
            field.contentType = TMP_InputField.ContentType.IntegerNumber;
        else if (contentType == PlanetUnity2.InputFieldContentType.number)
            field.contentType = TMP_InputField.ContentType.DecimalNumber;
        else if (contentType == PlanetUnity2.InputFieldContentType.alphanumeric)
            field.contentType = TMP_InputField.ContentType.Alphanumeric;
        else if (contentType == PlanetUnity2.InputFieldContentType.name)
            field.contentType = TMP_InputField.ContentType.Name;
        else if (contentType == PlanetUnity2.InputFieldContentType.email)
            field.contentType = TMP_InputField.ContentType.EmailAddress;
        else if (contentType == PlanetUnity2.InputFieldContentType.password)
            field.contentType = TMP_InputField.ContentType.Password;
            field.inputType   = TMP_InputField.InputType.Password;
        else if (contentType == PlanetUnity2.InputFieldContentType.pin)
            field.contentType = TMP_InputField.ContentType.Pin;
        else if (contentType == PlanetUnity2.InputFieldContentType.custom)
            field.contentType = TMP_InputField.ContentType.Custom;

            field.onValidateInput += ValidateInput;

        if (lineType == PlanetUnity2.InputFieldLineType.single)
            field.lineType = TMP_InputField.LineType.SingleLine;
        else if (lineType == PlanetUnity2.InputFieldLineType.multiSubmit)
            field.lineType = TMP_InputField.LineType.MultiLineSubmit;
        else if (lineType == PlanetUnity2.InputFieldLineType.multiNewline)
            field.lineType = TMP_InputField.LineType.MultiLineNewline;

        if (characterLimit != null)
            field.characterLimit = (int)characterLimit;

        if (selectionColor != null)
            field.selectionColor = selectionColor.Value;

        // This is probably not the best way to do this, but 4.60.f1 removed the onSubmit event
        field.onEndEdit.AddListener((value) => {
            if (onValueChanged != null)
                NotificationCenter.postNotification(Scope(), this.onValueChanged, NotificationCenter.Args("sender", this));

        foreach (Object obj in gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren <DetectTextClickTMPro>())

        if (this.value == null)
            this.value = "";

        field.text = this.value;

        if (placeholder != null)
            field.placeholder = placeholderText.textGUI;
    public override void Create_UL_LI(PUGameObject container, string content)
        if (listCounts.Peek() != 0) {
            currentY += DefaultFontSize() * 0.5f;

        float oldY = currentY;

        padding.left += DefaultFontSize() * 2.0f;
        Create_P(container, content);
        padding.left -= DefaultFontSize() * 2.0f;

        PUTMPro text = new PUTMPro ();
        text.SetFrame (padding.left, currentY - padding.top, DefaultFontSize() * 1.5f, (oldY - currentY) - DefaultFontSize(), 0, 0, "top,left");
        text.font = DefaultFont();
        text.value = "•";
        text.fontColor = textColor();
        text.fontStyle = "Bold";
        text.fontSize = (int)(DefaultFontSize());
        text.sizeToFit = true;
        text.alignment = TMPro.TextAlignmentOptions.TopRight;
        text.enableWordWrapping = false;
        text.LoadIntoPUGameObject (container);

        text.textGUI.OverflowMode = TMPro.TextOverflowModes.Overflow;

        listCounts.Push(listCounts.Pop() + 1);
예제 #6
    public override void gaxb_complete()
        base.gaxb_complete ();

        // At this point, our gameObject is our "text" game object.  We want to maneuver things around
        // until its like:
        // --> TMPro - Input Field
        //   --> Text Area
        //      --> Placeholder
        //      --> Text

        // 0) first, swap out our TMPro text and replace our gameObject with one with the text field
        GameObject textGameObject = gameObject;

        // Next, we create a new gameObject, and put the Text-created gameObject inside me
        gameObject = new GameObject ("<TMP_InputField/>", typeof(RectTransform));
        gameObject.transform.SetParent (textGameObject.transform.parent, false);
        UpdateRectTransform ();

        // 0.5) Create a game object for the field
        inputField = new PUGameObject();
        inputField.title = "TMP_InputField";
        inputField.SetFrame (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "stretch,stretch");
        inputField.LoadIntoPUGameObject (this);

        // 1) create the hierarchy of stuff under me
        textArea = new PUGameObject();
        textArea.title = "Text Area";
        textArea.SetFrame (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "stretch,stretch");
        textArea.LoadIntoPUGameObject (inputField);

        // 2) placeholder
        if (placeholder != null) {
            placeholderText = new PUTMPro ();
            placeholderText.title = "Placeholder";
            placeholderText.value = this.placeholder;
            placeholderText.LoadIntoPUGameObject (textArea);

            placeholderText.textGUI.OverflowMode = this.textGUI.OverflowMode;

            placeholderText.textGUI.alignment = this.textGUI.alignment;
            placeholderText.textGUI.font = this.textGUI.font;
            placeholderText.textGUI.fontSize = this.textGUI.fontSize;
            placeholderText.textGUI.fontStyle = this.textGUI.fontStyle;
            placeholderText.textGUI.color = this.textGUI.color - new Color(0,0,0,0.5f);
            placeholderText.textGUI.lineSpacing = this.textGUI.lineSpacing;

            placeholderText.gameObject.FillParentUI ();

        // 3) text
        text = new PUGameObject();
        text.SetFrame (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "stretch,stretch");
        text.LoadIntoPUGameObject (textArea);

        GameObject.Destroy (text.gameObject);
        text.gameObject = textGameObject;

        // Move the text to be the child of the input field
        textGameObject.name = "Text";
        textGameObject.transform.SetParent (textArea.rectTransform, false);
        textGameObject.FillParentUI ();
        (textGameObject.transform as RectTransform).pivot = Vector2.zero;

        // now that we have the hierarchy, fille out the input field
        field = inputField.gameObject.AddComponent<TMP_InputField> ();

        field.transition = Selectable.Transition.None;

        field.targetGraphic = inputField.gameObject.AddComponent<InvisibleHitGraphic> ();
        field.textViewport = textArea.rectTransform;
        field.textComponent = textGUI;

        if (asteriskChar != null) {
            field.asteriskChar = asteriskChar.Value;

        if (contentType == PlanetUnity2.InputFieldContentType.standard) {
            field.contentType = TMP_InputField.ContentType.Standard;
        } else if (contentType == PlanetUnity2.InputFieldContentType.autocorrected) {
            field.contentType = TMP_InputField.ContentType.Autocorrected;
        } else if (contentType == PlanetUnity2.InputFieldContentType.integer) {
            field.contentType = TMP_InputField.ContentType.IntegerNumber;
        } else if (contentType == PlanetUnity2.InputFieldContentType.number) {
            field.contentType = TMP_InputField.ContentType.DecimalNumber;
        } else if (contentType == PlanetUnity2.InputFieldContentType.alphanumeric) {
            field.contentType = TMP_InputField.ContentType.Alphanumeric;
        } else if (contentType == PlanetUnity2.InputFieldContentType.name) {
            field.contentType = TMP_InputField.ContentType.Name;
        } else if (contentType == PlanetUnity2.InputFieldContentType.email) {
            field.contentType = TMP_InputField.ContentType.EmailAddress;
        } else if (contentType == PlanetUnity2.InputFieldContentType.password) {
            field.contentType = TMP_InputField.ContentType.Password;
            field.inputType = TMP_InputField.InputType.Password;
        } else if (contentType == PlanetUnity2.InputFieldContentType.pin) {
            field.contentType = TMP_InputField.ContentType.Pin;
        } else if (contentType == PlanetUnity2.InputFieldContentType.custom) {
            field.contentType = TMP_InputField.ContentType.Custom;

            field.onValidateInput += ValidateInput;

        if (lineType == PlanetUnity2.InputFieldLineType.single) {
            field.lineType = TMP_InputField.LineType.SingleLine;
        } else if (lineType == PlanetUnity2.InputFieldLineType.multiSubmit) {
            field.lineType = TMP_InputField.LineType.MultiLineSubmit;
        } else if (lineType == PlanetUnity2.InputFieldLineType.multiNewline) {
            field.lineType = TMP_InputField.LineType.MultiLineNewline;

        if (characterLimit != null) {
            field.characterLimit = (int)characterLimit;

        if (selectionColor != null) {
            field.selectionColor = selectionColor.Value;

        // This is probably not the best way to do this, but 4.60.f1 removed the onSubmit event
        field.onEndEdit.AddListener ((value) => {
            if(onValueChanged != null){
                NotificationCenter.postNotification (Scope (), this.onValueChanged, NotificationCenter.Args("sender", this));

        foreach (Object obj in gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren<DetectTextClickTMPro>()) {
            GameObject.Destroy (obj);

        if (this.value == null) {
            this.value = "";

        field.text = this.value;

        if (placeholder != null) {
            field.placeholder = placeholderText.textGUI;