public void BtnCut() { if (_cuter.GetCutedImage() == null) { PUMessageBox.ShowDialog("没有图片源。"); return; } _image.Source = _cuter.GetCutedImage(); }
public void BtnCut() { if (_cuter.CutImageSource == null) { PUMessageBox.ShowDialog("没有图片源。"); return; } _image.Source = _cuter.CutImageSource; }
public void Detail(string category) { switch (category) { case "Button": PUMessageBox.ShowDialog("123"); break; } }
public void AddExaminationQuestion() { if (Content == null) { PUMessageBox.ShowDialog("内容不能为空"); return; } OptionItem[] optionItems = null; if (HasOption) { optionItems = new OptionItem[] { new OptionItem() { OptionContent = Option1 }, new OptionItem() { OptionContent = Option2 }, new OptionItem() { OptionContent = Option3 }, new OptionItem() { OptionContent = Option4 } }; } if (_quetionBankBusiness.AddExaminationQuestion( new ExaminationQuestion { DifficultyGrade = GradeDifficulty, Content = Content, KnowledgePointId = KnowledgePointValue, QuestionTypeId = QuestionTypesValue, SubjectId = SubjectValue, Score = Score, OptionItems = optionItems, })) { Content = null; KnowledgePointValue = 1; QuestionTypesValue = 1; SubjectValue = 1; Score = 0; Option1 = null; Option2 = null; Option3 = null; Option4 = null; PUMessageBox.ShowDialog("添加成功"); } else { PUMessageBox.ShowDialog("添加失败"); } }
public void ShowCancelableAwait() { PUMessageBox.ShowAwait("正在执行......", delegate { PUMessageBox.CloseAwait(delegate { PUMessageBox.ShowDialog("任务已取消。"); }); }); }
public void SaveKnowledgePoint() { _quetionBankBusiness.SaveKnowledgePoint(new KnowledgePoint() { Id = SelectedValue, KnowledgePointName = KnowledgePointName }); KnowledgePointName = ""; PUMessageBox.ShowDialog("保存成功"); Init(); }
public void SaveQuestionType() { _quetionBankBusiness.SaveQuestionType(new QuestionType() { Id = SelectedValue, QuestionTypeName = QuestionTypeName }); QuestionTypeName = ""; PUMessageBox.ShowDialog("保存成功"); Init(); }
public void SaveSubject() { _quetionBankBusiness.SaveSubject(new Subject() { Id = SelectedValue, SubjectName = SubjectName }); SubjectName = ""; PUMessageBox.ShowDialog("保存成功"); Init(); }
/// <summary> /// 使用数字作为参数不是一个好方法,这里为了方便 /// </summary> /// <param name="category"></param> public void Display(int category) { switch (category) { case 1: var window1 = new Views.Control.Examples.MultiNavWindow(); window1.ShowDialog(); if (!window1.Result.Equals(0)) { PUMessageBox.ShowDialog("最后点击的按钮(缩放和关闭按钮不算)是第" + window1.Result + "个"); } break; case 2: var window2 = new Views.Control.Examples.LoginWindow(); window2.Owner = (Parent as ShellWindowViewModel).GetCurrentWindow(); window2.ShowDialog(); break; case 3: var window4 = new Views.Control.Examples.ChatWindow(); window4.ShowDialog(); break; case 4: SetAwait(true); Task.Run(() => { Thread.Sleep(2000); App.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { SetAwait(false); }); }); break; case 5: PUMessageBox.ShowDialog("Hello World"); break; case 6: PUMessageBox.ShowConfirm("Hello World"); break; case 7: PUMessageBox.ShowAwait("正在执行......", delegate { PUMessageBox.CloseAwait(delegate { PUMessageBox.ShowDialog("已取消。"); }); }); break; } }
public void DeleteTestPaper() { if (TestPaper == null) { PUMessageBox.ShowDialog("请选择试卷"); return; } _examinationPaperBusiness.DeleteTestPaper(TestPaper.Id); TestPaper = new TestPaper(); Init(); }
public void DeleteSubject() { if (PUMessageBox.ShowConfirm("此操作会将所关联的题目删除,是否确定执行", "提示", Buttons.OKOrCancel, true, AnimationStyles.Gradual) != true) { return; } _quetionBankBusiness.DeleteSubject(SelectedValue); SubjectName = ""; PUMessageBox.ShowDialog("删除成功"); Init(); }
public void AutoAddTemplateTestPaper() { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(TestPaper.Subtitle) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(TestPaper.Title)) { PUMessageBox.ShowDialog("内容不能为空"); return; } PUMessageBox.ShowDialog(_examinationPaperBusiness.AutoAddTemplateTestPaper(TestPaper, ProgressPercent)); TestPaper = new TestPaper(); }
public void SaveExaminationQuestion() { if (_quetionBankBusiness.SaveExaminationQuestion(ExaminationQuestion)) { PUMessageBox.ShowDialog("保存成功"); ExaminationQuestion = new ExaminationQuestion(); } else { PUMessageBox.ShowDialog("保存失败"); } Init(); }
/// <summary> /// 导入数据 /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { string[] paths = null; var openFileDialog = new Microsoft.Win32.OpenFileDialog() { Filter = "Excel Files (*.csv)|*.csv", Multiselect = true }; var result = openFileDialog.ShowDialog(); if (result == true) { paths = openFileDialog.FileNames; } else { return; } for (int i = 0; i < paths.Length; i++) { DataTable csv = FileHelper.OpenCSV(paths[i], new string[] { "时间", "车牌", "x 坐标", "y 坐标" }, 0); if (csv == null) { return; } //DataHelper.CreateXClass("BikePoint", GeomType.Pnt, "Templates", new string[] { "FieldID", "BikeID", "time" }); bool done = DataHelper.ImportSFCLSData(csv, "BikePnts"); csv.Dispose(); csv = null; if (done) { PUMessageBox.ShowDialog("导入文件 " + paths[i] + " 完成", "我好了"); } else { if (PUMessageBox.ShowConfirm("导入文件 " + paths[i] + " 失败,要继续吗?") == true) { continue; } else { return; } } } WuhanMapControl.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; WuhanMapControl.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.White; //ShowMaps(); }
public void AddTestPaper() { if (_examinationPaperBusiness.AddTestPaper(TestPaper) != 1) { PUMessageBox.ShowDialog("添加成功"); TestPaper = new TestPaper(); QuestionTableList = new BindableCollection <ExaminationQuestionModel>(); } else { PUMessageBox.ShowDialog("添加失败"); } ; }
public void DeleteExaminationQuestion() { if (_quetionBankBusiness.DeleteExaminationQuestion(ExaminationQuestion.Id)) { PUMessageBox.ShowDialog("保存成功"); ExaminationQuestion = new ExaminationQuestion(); } else { PUMessageBox.ShowDialog("保存失败"); } ExaminationQuestion = new ExaminationQuestion(); Init(); }
public void AddExaminationQuesionPaperTypes() { if (PaperquestionTypeSelectValue == 0) { PUMessageBox.ShowDialog("请选择大题"); return; } _examinationPaperBusiness.AddExaminationQuesionPaperTypes(new ExaminationQuestionPaperType() { ExaminationQuestionId = SelectedItem.ExaminationQuestionId, PaperQuestionTypeId = PaperquestionTypeSelectValue }); UpdateQuestionTableList(); }
public void DeleteUser() { int userId = Convert.ToInt32(SelectedValue); if (_userBusiness.DeleteUser(userId)) { PUMessageBox.ShowDialog("删除成功"); User = new User(); } else { PUMessageBox.ShowDialog("删除失败"); } Init(); }
public void OpenDialog(string type) { switch (type) { case "scale": PUMessageBox.ShowDialog("这是一个PUMessageBox对话框。"); return; case "gradual": PUMessageBox.ShowDialog("这是一个PUMessageBox对话框。", "提示", PUMessageBox.Buttons.Sure, true, UI.PUWindow.AnimationStyles.Gradual); return; case "fade": PUMessageBox.ShowDialog("这是一个PUMessageBox对话框。", "提示", PUMessageBox.Buttons.Sure, true, UI.PUWindow.AnimationStyles.Fade); return; } }
public void DeleteExaminationQuesionPaperTypes() { if (PaperquestionTypeSelectValue == 0) { PUMessageBox.ShowDialog("请选择大题"); return; } if (QuestionTableSelected == null) { return; } _examinationPaperBusiness.DeleteExaminationQuesionPaperTypes(new ExaminationQuestionPaperType() { ExaminationQuestionId = QuestionTableSelected.ExaminationQuestionId, PaperQuestionTypeId = PaperquestionTypeSelectValue }); UpdateQuestionTableList(); }
/// <summary> /// 获取一天的骑行量 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public static double[] GetOneDayData(string className) { //0:00 1:00 ... 23:00 double[] results = new double[24] { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; //定义变量 IVectorCls VectorCls = new SFeatureCls(); //打开简单要素类 bool rtn = VectorCls.Open("GDBP://MapGisLocal/Templates/sfcls/" + className); if (!rtn) { PUMessageBox.ShowDialog("简单要素类 " + className + " 打开失败", "失败"); return(null); } QueryDef def = new QueryDef(); RecordSet recordSet = null; for (int i = 0; i < 23; i++) { //设置属性查询条件 def.Filter = "ParkTime > '" + i + ":00:00' AND ParkTime < '" + (i + 1).ToString() + ":00:00'"; //查询要素 recordSet = VectorCls.Select(def); if (recordSet != null) { results[i] = recordSet.Count; } } def.Filter = "ParkTime > '23:00:00'"; //查询要素 recordSet = VectorCls.Select(def); if (recordSet != null) { results[23] = recordSet.Count; } //关闭类 VectorCls.Close(); return(results); }
public void SaveUser() { if (User == null) { return; } User.Id = SelectedValue; if (_userBusiness.UpdateUser(User)) { PUMessageBox.ShowDialog("保存成功"); User = new User(); } else { PUMessageBox.ShowDialog("保存失败"); } Init(); }
/// <summary> /// 获取热点数据 /// </summary> /// <param name="className"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static double[] GetGeoHeatMapData(string className) { double[] results = new double[81]; for (int i = 0; i < 81; i++) { results[i] = 0; } //定义变量 IVectorCls VectorCls = new SFeatureCls(); //打开简单要素类 bool rtn = VectorCls.Open("GDBP://MapGisLocal/Templates/sfcls/" + className); if (!rtn) { PUMessageBox.ShowDialog("简单要素类 " + className + " 打开失败", "失败"); return(null); } QueryDef def = new QueryDef(); RecordSet recordSet = null; int index = 0; double xStart = 113.750; double yStart = 31.000; for (int y = 0; y < 9; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < 9; x++) { def.Filter = "yAsis > " + (xStart + 0.125 * x).ToString() + " AND yAsis < " + (xStart + 0.125 * x + 0.125).ToString() + " AND xAsis < " + (yStart - 0.125 * y).ToString() + " AND xAsis > " + (yStart - 0.125 * y - 0.125) + ""; recordSet = VectorCls.Select(def); if (recordSet != null) { results[index++] = recordSet.Count; } } } //关闭类 VectorCls.Close(); return(results); }
public void LoadNavButtons() { var lbl1 = new TextBlock() { VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center, HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center, Text = "", FontFamily = FindResource("IconFont") as FontFamily, }; var lbl2 = new TextBlock() { VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center, HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center, Text = "", FontFamily = FindResource("IconFont") as FontFamily, }; AppendNavButton("H", new RoutedEventHandler((s, e) => { PUMessageBox.ShowDialog("你点击了第三个按钮!"); Result = 3; })); AppendNavButton(lbl1, new RoutedEventHandler((s, e) => { PUMessageBox.ShowDialog("你点击了第二个按钮!"); Result = 2; })); AppendNavButton(lbl2, new RoutedEventHandler((s, e) => { PUMessageBox.ShowDialog("你点击了第一个按钮!"); Result = 1; })); }
/// <summary> /// 添加分析的车牌 /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void PUButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (!Regex.IsMatch(BikeIDTextBox.Text, "^[\\w]+$")) { PUMessageBox.ShowDialog("车牌格式错误,只能包含字母和数字", "错误"); return; } List <BikeSearchViewModel> bikeSearchViewModels = ChartHelper.GetLengthNTimeData("BikePnts", BikeIDTextBox.Text); if (bikeSearchViewModels == null) { PUMessageBox.ShowDialog("没有找到车牌 " + BikeIDTextBox.Text + " 的记录", "无结果"); BikeIDTextBox.Text = ""; return; } //获得到了一辆车的信息,接下来遍历这个集合,统计使用时间和距离,然后添加到图表的横纵坐标里面 double length = 0; double time = 0; for (int i = 0; i < bikeSearchViewModels.Count - 1; i++) { double deltaX = bikeSearchViewModels[i + 1].XAsis - bikeSearchViewModels[i].XAsis; double deltaY = bikeSearchViewModels[i + 1].YAsis - bikeSearchViewModels[i].YAsis; if (deltaX > 0.0001 || deltaX < -0.0001 || deltaY > 0.0001 || deltaY < -0.0001) { length += DataHelper.GetDistance(bikeSearchViewModels[i].XAsis, bikeSearchViewModels[i].YAsis, bikeSearchViewModels[i + 1].XAsis, bikeSearchViewModels[i + 1].YAsis); time += Math.Abs((bikeSearchViewModels[i + 1].Time - bikeSearchViewModels[i].Time).TotalMinutes); } } AnalyzListView.Items.Add(BikeIDTextBox.Text); lengthData.Add(length); timeData.Add(time); List <string> tmpList = RideAxis.Labels.ToList(); tmpList.Add(BikeIDTextBox.Text); RideAxis.Labels = tmpList; BikeIDTextBox.Text = ""; }
public void AddPaperquestionType() { if (QuestionTypesValue == 0) { PUMessageBox.ShowDialog("请选择题型"); return; } if (TestPaper != null && TestPaper.Id == 0) { int testPaperid = _examinationPaperBusiness.AddTestPaper(TestPaper); TestPaper.Id = testPaperid; } int id = _examinationPaperBusiness.AddPaperquestionType(new PaperQuestionType() { PaperQuestionTitle = PaperQuestionTitle, TestPaperId = TestPaper.Id, QuestionTypeId = QuestionTypesValue }); PaperquestionTypeTabItems.Add(new PUTabItemModel() { Header = PaperQuestionTitle, Value = id, CanDelete = false, Content = null }); }
public void AddQuestionType() { if (HasOption) { } bool bl = _quetionBankBusiness.AddQuestionType(new QuestionType() { HasOption = HasOption, QuestionTypeName = QuestionTypeName, IsFixedScore = false, Score = 0, }); if (bl) { PUMessageBox.ShowDialog("添加成功"); QuestionTypeName = ""; } else { PUMessageBox.ShowDialog("添加失败"); } Init(); }
public void GetValue() { PUMessageBox.ShowDialog($"该选项的Value为“{SelectedValue?.ToString()}”。\n你可以通过修改PUComboBoxItem的Value属性来控制它。"); }
protected override void OnUnhandledException(object sender, DispatcherUnhandledExceptionEventArgs e) { base.OnUnhandledException(sender, e); PUMessageBox.ShowDialog("异常:" + e.Exception.Message); e.Handled = true; }
public void UpdateActivePage() { if (ChoosedValue != "Login" && !_login_ViewModel.IsLogin) { return; } switch (ChoosedValue) { case "Login": ActivateItem(_login_ViewModel); break; case "LoginSucceed": ActivateItem(new LoginSucceedViewModel(CurrentUser)); break; case "AddUser": if (_roleRights.FirstOrDefault(c => c.RightName.Equals("UserManager")) == null) { PUMessageBox.ShowDialog("你没有访问权限,请联系管理员"); return; } ActivateItem(new AddUserViewModel(_windowManager)); break; case "UserManager": if (_roleRights.FirstOrDefault(c => c.RightName.Equals("UserManager")) == null) { PUMessageBox.ShowDialog("你没有访问权限,请联系管理员"); return; } ActivateItem(new UserManagerViewModel(_windowManager)); break; case "AddQuestions": ActivateItem(new AddQuestionBankViewModel(_windowManager)); break; case "QuestionsManager": if (_roleRights.FirstOrDefault(c => c.RightName.Equals("QuestionBankManager")) == null) { return; } ActivateItem(new QuestionBankManagerViewModel(_windowManager)); break; case "ExaminationPaperManager": if (_roleRights.FirstOrDefault(c => c.RightName.Equals("ExaminationPaperManager")) == null) { PUMessageBox.ShowDialog("你没有访问权限,请联系管理员"); return; } ActivateItem(new ExaminationPaperManagerViewModel(_windowManager)); break; case "KnowledgePoint": ActivateItem(new KnowledgePointManagerViewModel(_windowManager)); break; case "QuestionTypes": ActivateItem(new QuestionTypeManagerViewModel(_windowManager)); break; case "Subject": ActivateItem(new SubjectManagerViewModel(_windowManager)); break; case "AddExaminationPaper": ActivateItem(new AddExaminationPaperViewModel(_windowManager)); break; case "AutogenerationExaminationPaper": ActivateItem(new AutoAddExaminationPaperViewModel(_windowManager)); break; case "ExportExaminationPaper": ActivateItem(new ExaminationPaperGenerateViewModel(_windowManager)); break; case "AuthorityManagement": if (_roleRights.FirstOrDefault(c => c.RightName.Equals("UserManager")) == null && CurrentUser.Id != 1) { PUMessageBox.ShowDialog("你没有访问权限,请联系管理员"); return; } ActivateItem(new RightManagerViewModel(_windowManager)); break; case "PersonalSettings": ActivateItem(new UpdateUserViewModel(_windowManager, CurrentUser)); break; case "Logout": if (PUMessageBox.ShowConfirm("是否注销", "提示", Buttons.OKOrCancel, true, AnimationStyles.Gradual) != true) { return; } CurrentUser = new User(); _login_ViewModel = new Login_ViewModel(_windowManager); ActivateItem(_login_ViewModel); break; } }