public static List <VIDEO_ATTACHMENT> SelectVideoAttachmentListByRecord(int recordType, decimal recordID, string sessionID) { // get all attachments related to a specific record (ie quality issue, ehs incident, etc...) List <VIDEO_ATTACHMENT> ret = new List <VIDEO_ATTACHMENT>(); try { using (PSsqmEntities entities = new PSsqmEntities()) { if (recordID == 0) { ret = (from d in entities.VIDEO_ATTACHMENT where (d.RECORD_TYPE == recordType && d.SESSION_ID == sessionID) select d).ToList(); } else { ret = (from d in entities.VIDEO_ATTACHMENT where (d.RECORD_TYPE == recordType && d.VIDEO_ID == recordID) select d).ToList(); } } } catch (Exception e) { //SQMLogger.LogException(e); } return(ret); }
public void PopulateInitialForm() { PSsqmEntities entities = new PSsqmEntities(); IncidentId = (IsEditContext) ? IncidentId : NewIncidentId; if (IncidentId > 0) { try { ActionIncident = (from i in entities.INCIDENT where i.INCIDENT_ID == IncidentId select i).Single(); PLANT plant = SQMModelMgr.LookupPlant(entities, (decimal)ActionIncident.DETECT_PLANT_ID, ""); if (plant != null) { IncidentLocationTZ = plant.LOCAL_TIMEZONE; } } catch { } XLATList = SQMBasePage.SelectXLATList(new string[1] { "ACTION_CATEGORY" }, SessionManager.UserContext.Person.PREFERRED_LANG_ID.HasValue ? (int)SessionManager.UserContext.Person.PREFERRED_LANG_ID : 1); decimal typeId = (IsEditContext) ? EditIncidentTypeId : SelectedTypeId; // what the f**k does this do ? //formSteps = EHSIncidentMgr.GetStepsForincidentTypeId(typeId); //totalFormSteps = formSteps.Count(); InitializeForm(); } }
public static List <SETTINGS> SelectSettingsGroup(string settingGroup, string settingFamily) { List <SETTINGS> settingsList = null; using (PSsqmEntities entities = new PSsqmEntities()) { try { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(settingFamily)) { settingsList = (from s in entities.SETTINGS where (s.SETTING_GROUP.ToUpper() == settingGroup.ToUpper()) orderby s.SETTING_CD select s).ToList(); } else { settingsList = (from s in entities.SETTINGS where (s.SETTING_FAMILY.ToUpper() == settingFamily.ToUpper()) orderby s.SETTING_GROUP, s.SETTING_CD select s).ToList(); } } catch (Exception ex) { //SQMLogger.LogException(ex); } } return(settingsList); }
public void Initialize(string partText, bool enableProgram, bool enableLocation, bool enableStatus, string partNumberPerspective) { _entities = new PSsqmEntities(); _searchMgr = new B2BPartner().Initialize(); _searchMgr.CompanyID = SessionManager.SessionContext.PrimaryCompany.COMPANY_ID; hfPartNumberPerspective.Value = partNumberPerspective; // show customer part number or internal part number if (SessionManager.B2BLocation != null) { _searchMgr.BusorgID = SessionManager.B2BLocation.BusinessOrg.BUS_ORG_ID; if (SessionManager.B2BLocation.Plant != null) { _searchMgr.PlantID = SessionManager.B2BLocation.Plant.PLANT_ID; } decimal customerID = SessionManager.SessionContext.PrimaryCompany.COMPANY_ID; if (SessionManager.B2BLocation.IsCustomerCompany(true)) // show part programs for user's customer location { customerID = SessionManager.B2BLocation.Company.COMPANY_ID; } rddlProgram.DataSource = SQMModelMgr.SelectPartProgramList(customerID, 0); rddlProgram.DataTextField = "PROGRAM_NAME"; rddlProgram.DataValueField = "PROGRAM_ID"; rddlProgram.DataBind(); rddlProgram.Items.Insert(0, new DropDownListItem("Any Program", "0")); // Bind location dropdown if (enableLocation) { rddlLocation.DataSource = SQMModelMgr.SelectPlantList(_entities, _searchMgr.CompanyID, _searchMgr.BusorgID); rddlLocation.DataTextField = "PLANT_NAME"; rddlLocation.DataValueField = "PLANT_ID"; rddlLocation.DataBind(); rddlLocation.Items.Insert(0, new DropDownListItem("Any Location", "0")); rddlLocation.SelectedValue = _searchMgr.PlantID.ToString(); } else { rddlLocation.DataSource = new List <PLANT>() { SessionManager.B2BLocation.Plant }; rddlLocation.DataTextField = "PLANT_NAME"; rddlLocation.DataValueField = "PLANT_ID"; rddlLocation.DataBind(); rddlLocation.SelectedIndex = 0; } rddlProgram.Visible = enableProgram; rddlLocation.Visible = enableLocation; rddlStatus.Visible = enableStatus; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(partText)) { rsbPart.Text = partText; } SetupPage(); } }
public void GetUploadedFiles(int recordType, decimal recordId) { _recordType = recordType; _recordId = recordId; var entities = new PSsqmEntities(); var files = (from a in entities.VIDEO_ATTACHMENT where a.RECORD_TYPE == recordType && a.VIDEO_ID == recordId orderby a.FILE_NAME select new { VideoAttachId = a.VIDEO_ATTACH_ID, VideoId = a.VIDEO_ID, FileName = a.FILE_NAME, Description = a.DESCRIPTION, Size = a.FILE_SIZE, DisplayType = a.DISPLAY_TYPE, Title = a.TITLE }).ToList(); rgFiles.DataSource = files; rgFiles.DataBind(); rgFiles.Visible = (files.Count > 0); }
public static List <PERSPECTIVE_TARGET_CALC> SelectTargetCalcList(PSsqmEntities ctx, decimal plantID, int year, int month) { List <PERSPECTIVE_TARGET_CALC> tcList = new List <PERSPECTIVE_TARGET_CALC>(); try { if (plantID > 0) { tcList = (from c in ctx.PERSPECTIVE_TARGET_CALC where (c.PERIOD_YEAR == year && c.PERIOD_MONTH == month && (c.PLANT_ID == plantID || c.PLANT_ID == null)) select c).ToList(); } else { tcList = (from c in ctx.PERSPECTIVE_TARGET_CALC where (c.PERIOD_YEAR == year && c.PERIOD_MONTH == month) select c).OrderBy(l => l.PLANT_ID).ToList(); } } catch (Exception e) { // SQMLogger.LogException(e); } return(tcList); }
public static PERSPECTIVE_VIEW LookupView(PSsqmEntities ctx, string perspective, string viewName, decimal viewID) { PERSPECTIVE_VIEW view = null; try { if (viewID > 0) { view = (from v in ctx.PERSPECTIVE_VIEW.Include("PERSPECTIVE_VIEW_ITEM") where (v.VIEW_ID == viewID) select v).Single(); } else { view = (from v in ctx.PERSPECTIVE_VIEW.Include("PERSPECTIVE_VIEW_ITEM") where (v.PERSPECTIVE == perspective && v.VIEW_NAME == viewName) select v).Single(); } } catch (Exception ex) { //SQMLogger.LogException(ex); } return(view); }
/// <summary> /// Select a list of open EHS audits by company /// </summary> public static List <AUDIT> SelectOpenAudits(decimal companyId, List <decimal> plantIdList) { var audits = new List <AUDIT>(); try { var date1900 = DateTime.Parse("01/01/1900 00:00:00"); var entities = new PSsqmEntities(); if (plantIdList == null) { audits = (from i in entities.AUDIT where i.AUDIT_TYPE.ToUpper() == "EHS" && (i.CLOSE_DATE == date1900 || i.CLOSE_DATE == null) orderby i.AUDIT_ID descending select i).ToList(); } else { audits = (from i in entities.AUDIT where i.AUDIT_TYPE.ToUpper() == "EHS" && (i.CLOSE_DATE == date1900 || i.CLOSE_DATE == null) && plantIdList.Contains((decimal)i.DETECT_PLANT_ID) orderby i.AUDIT_ID descending select i).ToList(); } } catch (Exception e) { //SQMLogger.LogException(e); } return(audits); }
public static List <PERSON> SelectAuditPersonList(decimal auditId) { var personSelectList = new List <PERSON>(); var entities = new PSsqmEntities(); AUDIT audit = SelectAuditById(entities, auditId); decimal companyId = 0; if (audit.DETECT_COMPANY_ID != null) { companyId = audit.DETECT_COMPANY_ID; } // start with all data originators for the company List <PERSON> personList = SQMModelMgr.SelectPersonList(companyId, 0, true, false).Where(l => l.ROLE <= 300).OrderBy(p => p.LAST_NAME).ToList(); personList = SQMModelMgr.FilterPersonListByAppContext(personList, "EHS"); // limit the list to those people having access to the plant where the audit (if defined) occurred if (audit != null) { foreach (PERSON person in personList) { if (SQMModelMgr.PersonPlantAccess(person, (decimal)audit.DETECT_PLANT_ID)) { personSelectList.Add(person); } } } personSelectList = personSelectList.OrderBy(p => p.FIRST_NAME).ToList(); personSelectList = personSelectList.OrderBy(p => p.LAST_NAME).ToList(); return(personSelectList); }
public static List <AUDIT_TYPE> SelectAuditTypeList(decimal companyId, bool activeOnly) { var auditTypeList = new List <AUDIT_TYPE>(); try { var entities = new PSsqmEntities(); if (activeOnly) { auditTypeList = (from itc in entities.AUDIT_TYPE where !itc.INACTIVE orderby itc.TITLE select itc).ToList(); } else { auditTypeList = (from itc in entities.AUDIT_TYPE orderby itc.TITLE select itc).ToList(); } } catch (Exception e) { //SQMLogger.LogException(e); } return(auditTypeList); }
/// <summary> /// Select a list of all EHS audits by company /// </summary> public static List <AUDIT> SelectAudits(decimal companyId, List <decimal> plantIdList) { var audits = new List <AUDIT>(); try { var entities = new PSsqmEntities(); if (plantIdList == null) { audits = (from i in entities.AUDIT where i.AUDIT_TYPE.ToUpper() == "EHS" orderby i.AUDIT_ID descending select i).ToList(); } else { audits = (from i in entities.AUDIT where i.AUDIT_TYPE.ToUpper() == "EHS" && plantIdList.Contains((decimal)i.DETECT_PLANT_ID) orderby i.AUDIT_ID descending select i).ToList(); } } catch (Exception e) { //SQMLogger.LogException(e); } return(audits); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { using (this.entities = new PSsqmEntities()) { var measures = (from m in this.entities.EHS_MEASURE where m.MEASURE_CATEGORY == "SAFE" && m.MEASURE_SUBCATEGORY == "SAFE1" select new { m.MEASURE_ID, m.MEASURE_CD }).ToDictionary(m => m.MEASURE_CD, m => m.MEASURE_ID); foreach (var history in this.entities.PLANT_ACCOUNTING) { var date = new DateTime(history.PERIOD_YEAR, history.PERIOD_MONTH, 1); this.AddToData(history.PLANT_ID, measures["S60002"], date, history.TIME_WORKED); this.AddToData(history.PLANT_ID, measures["S60001"], date, history.TIME_LOST); this.AddToData(history.PLANT_ID, measures["S20005"], date, history.TIME_LOST_CASES); this.AddToData(history.PLANT_ID, measures["S60003"], date, history.TOTAL_DAYS_RESTRICTED); this.AddToData(history.PLANT_ID, measures["S20004"], date, history.RECORDED_CASES); this.AddToData(history.PLANT_ID, measures["S20003"], date, history.FIRST_AID_CASES); this.AddToData(history.PLANT_ID, measures["S30003"], date, history.LEADERSHIP_WALKS); this.AddToData(history.PLANT_ID, measures["S40003"], date, history.JOB_SILL_ANALYSIS); this.AddToData(history.PLANT_ID, measures["S50001"], date, history.SAFETY_TRAIN_SESSIONS); } this.entities.SaveChanges(); } }
public void PopulateInitialForm() { PSsqmEntities entities = new PSsqmEntities(); decimal typeId = (IsEditContext) ? EditIncidentTypeId : SelectedTypeId; if (IncidentId > 0) { try { LocalIncident = (from i in entities.INCIDENT where i.INCIDENT_ID == IncidentId select i).SingleOrDefault(); PLANT plant = SQMModelMgr.LookupPlant(entities, (decimal)LocalIncident.DETECT_PLANT_ID, ""); if (plant != null) { IncidentLocationTZ = plant.LOCAL_TIMEZONE; } if (PageMode == PageUseMode.ViewOnly) { divTitle.Visible = true; lblFormTitle.Text = Resources.LocalizedText.RootCause; } pnlRoot5Y.Enabled = PageMode == PageUseMode.ViewOnly ? false : EHSIncidentMgr.CanUpdateIncident(LocalIncident, IsEditContext, SysPriv.originate, LocalIncident.INCFORM_LAST_STEP_COMPLETED); } catch { } } InitializeForm(); }
public static VIDEO_ATTACHMENT DeleteVideoAttachment(decimal videoAttachID) { VIDEO_ATTACHMENT this_at = null; try { using (PSsqmEntities entities = new PSsqmEntities()) { VIDEO_ATTACHMENT_FILE this_atfile = (from d in entities.VIDEO_ATTACHMENT_FILE where (d.VIDEO_ATTACH_ID == videoAttachID) select d).Single(); if (this_atfile != null) { entities.DeleteObject(this_atfile); entities.SaveChanges(); } this_at = (from d in entities.VIDEO_ATTACHMENT where (d.VIDEO_ATTACH_ID == videoAttachID) select d).Single(); if (this_at != null) { entities.DeleteObject(this_at); entities.SaveChanges(); } } } catch (Exception e) { //SQMLogger.LogException(e); } return(this_at); }
public static List <PERSPECTIVE_VIEW> SelectViewList(string perspective, decimal companyID) { List <PERSPECTIVE_VIEW> viewList = new List <PERSPECTIVE_VIEW>(); if (perspective != "0") { using (PSsqmEntities ctx = new PSsqmEntities()) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(perspective)) { viewList = (from v in ctx.PERSPECTIVE_VIEW.Include("PERSPECTIVE_VIEW_ITEM") where (v.COMPANY_ID == companyID) select v).ToList(); } else { viewList = (from v in ctx.PERSPECTIVE_VIEW.Include("PERSPECTIVE_VIEW_ITEM") where (v.PERSPECTIVE == perspective && v.COMPANY_ID == companyID) select v).ToList(); } } } return(viewList); }
public static bool ShouldAuditReportClose(AUDIT audit) { var entities = new PSsqmEntities(); int auditClosedScore = 0; var questionList = SelectAuditQuestionList((decimal)audit.AUDIT_TYPE_ID, 0, audit.AUDIT_ID); foreach (var q in questionList) { string answer = (from a in entities.AUDIT_ANSWER where a.AUDIT_ID == audit.AUDIT_ID && a.AUDIT_QUESTION_ID == q.QuestionId select a.ANSWER_VALUE).FirstOrDefault(); if (q.QuestionId == (decimal)EHSQuestionId.CompletionDate && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(answer)) { auditClosedScore++; } if (q.QuestionId == (decimal)EHSQuestionId.CompletedBy && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(answer)) { auditClosedScore++; } } return(auditClosedScore >= 2); }
public static List <PERSPECTIVE_TARGET> SelectTargets(PSsqmEntities ctx, decimal companyID, int effectiveYear) { List <PERSPECTIVE_TARGET> targetList = new List <PERSPECTIVE_TARGET>(); try { if (effectiveYear == 0) { targetList = (from v in ctx.PERSPECTIVE_TARGET where (v.COMPANY_ID == companyID) select v).OrderBy(l => l.EFF_YEAR).ToList(); } else { targetList = (from v in ctx.PERSPECTIVE_TARGET where (v.COMPANY_ID == companyID && v.EFF_YEAR == effectiveYear) select v).ToList(); // try to select prior year if current does not exist if (targetList == null || targetList.Count == 0) { targetList = (from v in ctx.PERSPECTIVE_TARGET where (v.COMPANY_ID == companyID && v.EFF_YEAR == (effectiveYear - 1)) select v).ToList(); } } } catch (Exception e) { //SQMLogger.LogException(e); } return(targetList); }
/// <summary> /// Select a list of all EHS audits by company /// </summary> public static List <AUDIT_SCHEDULER> SelectActiveAuditSchedulers(decimal companyId, List <decimal> plantIdList) { var auditschedules = new List <AUDIT_SCHEDULER>(); try { var entities = new PSsqmEntities(); if (plantIdList == null) { auditschedules = (from i in entities.AUDIT_SCHEDULER where i.INACTIVE == false orderby i.AUDIT_SCHEDULER_ID descending select i).ToList(); } else { auditschedules = (from i in entities.AUDIT_SCHEDULER where i.INACTIVE == false && plantIdList.Contains((decimal)i.PLANT_ID) orderby i.AUDIT_SCHEDULER_ID descending select i).ToList(); } } catch (Exception e) { //SQMLogger.LogException(e); } return(auditschedules); }
public static int UpdateTargetCalcList(PSsqmEntities ctx, List <PERSPECTIVE_TARGET_CALC> tcList, string updateBy) { int status = 0; try { for (int n = 0; n < tcList.Count; n++) { PERSPECTIVE_TARGET_CALC tc = tcList[n]; if (tc.EntityState != EntityState.Unchanged) { tc = (PERSPECTIVE_TARGET_CALC)SQMModelMgr.SetObjectTimestamp(tc, updateBy, tc.EntityState); if (tc.EntityState == EntityState.Detached) { ctx.AddToPERSPECTIVE_TARGET_CALC(tc); } } } status = ctx.SaveChanges(); } catch (Exception e) { // SQMLogger.LogException(e); } return(status); }
public static void CreateOrUpdateTask(decimal auditId, decimal responsiblePersonId, int recordTypeId, DateTime dueDate, string status) { var entities = new PSsqmEntities(); AUDIT audit = SelectAuditById(entities, auditId); AUDIT_TYPE type = SelectAuditTypeById(entities, audit.AUDIT_TYPE_ID); var taskMgr = new TaskStatusMgr(); taskMgr.Initialize(recordTypeId, auditId); taskMgr.LoadTaskList(recordTypeId, auditId); TASK_STATUS task = taskMgr.FindTask("0", "T", responsiblePersonId); if (task == null) { task = taskMgr.CreateTask("0", "T", 0, type.TITLE.ToString(), dueDate, responsiblePersonId); task.STATUS = ((int)TaskMgr.CalculateTaskStatus(task)).ToString(); } else { switch (status) { case "C": task.STATUS = ((int)TaskStatus.Complete).ToString(); taskMgr.SetTaskComplete(task, responsiblePersonId); break; } //task = taskMgr.UpdateTask(task, dueDate, responsiblePersonId, audit.AUDIT_TYPE_ID.ToString()); } taskMgr.UpdateTaskList(auditId); }
static void Main(string[] args) { output = new StringBuilder(); entities = new PSsqmEntities(); DateTime currentTime = DateTime.UtcNow; WriteLine("Started: " + currentTime.ToString("hh:mm MM/dd/yyyy")); //OverdueTaskNotifications(currentTime); //return; // arguments: // no arguments supplied == exec all tasks // audit == schedule audits only // notify == send notifications only if (args.Length == 0 || args.Contains("audit")) { // Close & Schedule Audits from the Scheduler, based on local plant date & time AuditScheduler(); } if (args.Length == 0 || args.Contains("notify")) { OverdueTaskNotifications(currentTime); } // After all Hourly processes are complete, wrap up the output log WriteLine(""); WriteLine("Completed: " + DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("hh:mm MM/dd/yyyy")); WriteLogFile(); }
public static void DeleteAuditTask(decimal auditId, int recordTypeId) { var entities = new PSsqmEntities(); var taskMgr = new TaskStatusMgr(); taskMgr.DeleteTask(recordTypeId, auditId); }
static void UpdateOrdinalData(PSsqmEntities entities, EHS_DATA ehs_data, dynamic types, Dictionary <string, int> type_data) { if (type_data != null) // might be null if ordinal data type not activated in the FIRSTAID-ORDINALS or RECORDABLE-ORDINALS SETTINGS table { foreach (var t in types) { string group = t.XLAT_GROUP; string code = t.XLAT_CODE; var data = entities.EHS_DATA_ORD.FirstOrDefault(d => d.DATA_ID == ehs_data.DATA_ID && d.XLAT_GROUP == group && d.XLAT_CODE == code); if (type_data.ContainsKey(code)) { if (data == null) { entities.EHS_DATA_ORD.AddObject(new EHS_DATA_ORD() { EHS_DATA = ehs_data, XLAT_GROUP = t.XLAT_GROUP, XLAT_CODE = t.XLAT_CODE, VALUE = type_data[code] }); } else { data.VALUE = type_data[code]; } } else if (data != null) { entities.DeleteObject(data); } } } }
protected int SaveRootCauses(decimal incidentId, List <INCFORM_ROOT5Y> itemList) { PSsqmEntities entities = new PSsqmEntities(); int status = 0; using (var ctx = new PSsqmEntities()) { ctx.ExecuteStoreCommand("DELETE FROM INCFORM_ROOT5Y WHERE INCIDENT_ID = {0}", incidentId); } int seq = 0; foreach (INCFORM_ROOT5Y item in itemList) { var newItem = new INCFORM_ROOT5Y(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.ITEM_DESCRIPTION)) { seq = seq + 1; newItem.INCIDENT_ID = incidentId; newItem.ITEM_SEQ = seq; newItem.ITEM_DESCRIPTION = item.ITEM_DESCRIPTION; newItem.LAST_UPD_BY = SessionManager.UserContext.Person.FIRST_NAME + " " + SessionManager.UserContext.Person.LAST_NAME; newItem.LAST_UPD_DT = DateTime.Now; entities.AddToINCFORM_ROOT5Y(newItem); status = entities.SaveChanges(); } } return(status); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { PSsqmEntities entities = new PSsqmEntities(); companyId = SessionManager.UserContext.WorkingLocation.Company.COMPANY_ID; if (IsPostBack) { // Since IsPostBack is always TRUE for every invocation of this user control we need some way // to determine whether or not to refresh its page controls, or just data bind instead. // Here we are using the "__EVENTTARGET" form event property to see if this user control is loading // because of certain page control events that are supposed to be fired off as actual postbacks. IsFullPagePostback = false; var targetID = Request.Form["__EVENTTARGET"]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(targetID)) { var targetControl = this.Page.FindControl(targetID); if (targetControl != null) { if ((this.Page.FindControl(targetID).ID == "btnSave") || (this.Page.FindControl(targetID).ID == "btnNext") || (this.Page.FindControl(targetID).ID == "btnAddFinal")) { IsFullPagePostback = true; } } } } }
public int UpdateCausation(decimal incidentID) { int status = 0; using (PSsqmEntities ctx = new PSsqmEntities()) { status = ctx.ExecuteStoreCommand("DELETE FROM INCFORM_CAUSATION WHERE INCIDENT_ID = " + incidentID.ToString()); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ddlCausation.SelectedValue)) { INCFORM_CAUSATION causation = new INCFORM_CAUSATION(); causation.INCIDENT_ID = incidentID; causation.CAUSEATION_CD = ddlCausation.SelectedValue; causation.TEAM_LIST = tbTeam.Text.Trim(); causation.LAST_UPD_BY = SessionManager.UserContext.UserName(); causation.LAST_UPD_DT = WebSiteCommon.LocalTime(DateTime.UtcNow, IncidentLocationTZ); ctx.AddToINCFORM_CAUSATION(causation); status = ctx.SaveChanges(); EHSIncidentMgr.UpdateIncidentStatus(incidentID, IncidentStepStatus.rootcauseComplete, WebSiteCommon.LocalTime(DateTime.UtcNow, IncidentLocationTZ)); } else { } } return(status); }
public static void CheckForUpdates(string baseCurrencyCode) { entities = new PSsqmEntities(); //var currencyCodes = (from c in entities.CURRENCY where c.CURRENCY_CODE != baseCurrencyCode select c.CURRENCY_CODE).ToList(); var currencyCodes = (from c in entities.CURRENCY select c.CURRENCY_CODE).ToList(); DateTime lastMonth = DateTime.Now.AddMonths(-1); foreach (string quoteCurrencyCode in currencyCodes) { DateTime latestDate = new DateTime(2000, 1, 1); CURRENCY_XREF latestEntry = (from cx in entities.CURRENCY_XREF where cx.CURRENCY_CODE == quoteCurrencyCode orderby cx.EFF_YEAR descending, cx.EFF_MONTH descending select cx).FirstOrDefault(); if (latestEntry != null) { latestDate = new DateTime(latestEntry.EFF_YEAR, latestEntry.EFF_MONTH, 1); } if (latestDate < lastMonth) { UpdateCurrency(baseCurrencyCode, quoteCurrencyCode, latestDate); } } entities.SaveChanges(); }
public static CURRENCY_XREF InsertRate(string currencyCode, int year, int month, double rate) { CURRENCY_XREF xref; using (PSsqmEntities entities = new PSsqmEntities()) { try { xref = (from x in entities.CURRENCY_XREF where (x.EFF_YEAR == year && x.EFF_MONTH == month && x.CURRENCY_CODE == currencyCode) select x).Single(); } catch { xref = new CURRENCY_XREF(); xref.EFF_YEAR = year; xref.EFF_MONTH = month; entities.AddToCURRENCY_XREF(xref); } xref.CURRENCY_CODE = currencyCode; xref.BASE_CURRENCY_RATE = (decimal)rate; entities.SaveChanges(); } return(xref); }
public static List <PROB_CASE> SelectUserCaseList(List <PROB_CASE> problemCaseList) { var userCaseList = new List <PROB_CASE>(); using (PSsqmEntities entities = new PSsqmEntities()) { try { foreach (PROB_CASE probCase in problemCaseList) { List <INCIDENT> incidentList = ProblemCase.LookupProbIncidentList(entities, probCase); foreach (INCIDENT incident in incidentList) { if (SessionManager.PlantAccess((decimal)incident.DETECT_PLANT_ID) || (incident.RESP_PLANT_ID.HasValue && SessionManager.PlantAccess((decimal)incident.RESP_PLANT_ID))) { userCaseList.Add(probCase); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { // SQMLogger.LogException(ex); } } return(userCaseList); }
public static List <VIDEO> SelectVideoListByRecord(int recordType, decimal recordID, string recordStep, string sessionID) { // get all attachments related to a specific record (ie quality issue, ehs incident, etc...) List <VIDEO> ret = new List <VIDEO>(); try { using (PSsqmEntities entities = new PSsqmEntities()) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(recordStep)) { ret = (from d in entities.VIDEO where (d.SOURCE_TYPE == recordType && d.SOURCE_ID == recordID && d.SOURCE_STEP == recordStep) select d).ToList(); } else { ret = (from d in entities.VIDEO where (d.SOURCE_TYPE == recordType && d.SOURCE_ID == recordID) select d).ToList(); } } } catch (Exception e) { //SQMLogger.LogException(e); } return(ret); }