public ActionResult Login(CUSTOMER customerModel) { var flag = 0; using (PSSCEntities dbModel = new PSSCEntities()) { foreach (CUSTOMER cst in dbModel.CUSTOMERS) { // if (dbModel.CUSTOMERS.Any(cst => cst.USERNAME == customerModel.USERNAME && cst.PASSWORD == customerModel.PASSWORD )) if (cst.USERNAME == customerModel.USERNAME && cst.PASSWORD == customerModel.PASSWORD) { flag = 1; customerModel = cst; } } if (flag == 1) { ViewBag.LoggedMessage = "LOGGED IN"; return(RedirectToAction("Menu", "Main", customerModel)); } else { ViewBag.IncorrectMessage = "Incorrect user or password"; return(View("Login", customerModel)); //return Content("eroare"); } } }
public ActionResult Register(CUSTOMER customerModel) { using (PSSCEntities dbModel = new PSSCEntities()) { if (dbModel.CUSTOMERS.Any(cst => cst.USERNAME == customerModel.USERNAME)) { ViewBag.TakenMessage = "Username already taken!"; return(View("Register", customerModel)); } dbModel.CUSTOMERS.Add(customerModel); dbModel.SaveChanges(); } ModelState.Clear(); ViewBag.SuccesMessage = "Registration Successful"; return(View("Register", new CUSTOMER())); }
// GET: History public ActionResult Show(CUSTOMER customerModel) { var x = "s"; var IBAN = customerModel.IBAN; using (PSSCEntities dbModel = new PSSCEntities()) { foreach (TRANSACTION trn in dbModel.TRANSACTIONS) { if (trn.USERIBAN == customerModel.IBAN) { //ViewBag.Message = trn; return(View(trn)); } } return(View("~/Views/History/Empty.cshtml")); } }
// GET: Trade public ActionResult Index(CUSTOMER customerModel, string withdraw, string deposit, string transfer, string amount, string iban) { TRANSACTION transactionModel = new TRANSACTION(); using (PSSCEntities dbModel = new PSSCEntities()) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(withdraw))//// make a withdrawal { if (Int32.Parse(customerModel.FIRSTNAME) < Int32.Parse(amount)) { ViewBag.Message = "Not enough funds to perform this action!"; return(View()); //return RedirectToAction("Show", "History", customerModel); } else { customerModel.FIRSTNAME = (Int32.Parse(customerModel.FIRSTNAME) - Int32.Parse(amount)).ToString(); transactionModel.FIRSTNAME = amount; Random rnd = new Random(); transactionModel.ID = "4567"; transactionModel.USERIBAN = iban; transactionModel.USERNAME = customerModel.USERNAME + "1"; transactionModel.LASTNAME = customerModel.LASTNAME; transactionModel.PASSWORD = "******"; transactionModel.CUSTOMER = customerModel; customerModel.TRANSACTIONS.Add(transactionModel); dbModel.SaveChanges(); //dbModel.TRANSACTIONS.Add(transactionModel); dbModel.SaveChanges(); Receive rcv = new Receive("Your account was deducted with the amount of " + amount + "dollars"); return(RedirectToAction("Show", "History", customerModel)); //return View(); } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(deposit)) { customerModel.FIRSTNAME = (Int32.Parse(customerModel.FIRSTNAME) + Int32.Parse(amount)).ToString(); transactionModel.FIRSTNAME = amount; Random rnd = new Random(); transactionModel.ID = rnd.Next(9999).ToString(); transactionModel.USERIBAN = iban; transactionModel.USERNAME = customerModel.USERNAME + "1"; transactionModel.LASTNAME = customerModel.LASTNAME; transactionModel.PASSWORD = "******"; transactionModel.CUSTOMER = customerModel; customerModel.TRANSACTIONS.Add(transactionModel); dbModel.SaveChanges(); //dbModel.TRANSACTIONS.Add(transactionModel); dbModel.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Show", "History", customerModel)); //return View(); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(transfer)) { foreach (CUSTOMER cst in dbModel.CUSTOMERS) { if (cst.IBAN.CompareTo(iban) == 0) { if (Int32.Parse(customerModel.FIRSTNAME) < Int32.Parse(amount)) { ViewBag.Message = "Not enough funds to perform this action!"; return(View()); //return RedirectToAction("Show", "History", customerModel); } else { customerModel.FIRSTNAME = (Int32.Parse(customerModel.FIRSTNAME) - Int32.Parse(amount)).ToString(); cst.FIRSTNAME = (Int32.Parse(customerModel.FIRSTNAME) + Int32.Parse(amount)).ToString(); transactionModel.FIRSTNAME = amount; Random rnd = new Random(); transactionModel.ID = rnd.Next(9999).ToString(); transactionModel.USERIBAN = iban; transactionModel.USERNAME = customerModel.USERNAME + "1"; transactionModel.LASTNAME = customerModel.LASTNAME; transactionModel.PASSWORD = "******"; transactionModel.CUSTOMER = customerModel; customerModel.TRANSACTIONS.Add(transactionModel); dbModel.SaveChanges(); //dbModel.TRANSACTIONS.Add(transactionModel); dbModel.SaveChanges(); Receive rcv = new Receive("Transfer successful. Your account was deducted with the amount of " + amount + "dollars"); return(RedirectToAction("Show", "History", customerModel)); //return View(); } } } ViewBag.Message = "This iban doesn't exist in our database!"; return(View()); } } return(View()); }