public void WriteVerbose(string text) { _cmd?.WriteVerbose(text); }
public Dictionary <string, List <string> > CheckRuleExtension(string[] path, PSCmdlet cmdlet) { Dictionary <string, List <string> > results = new Dictionary <string, List <string> >(); List <string> invalidPaths = new List <string>(); List <string> validDllPaths = new List <string>(); List <string> validModPaths = new List <string>(); // Gets valid module names foreach (string childPath in path) { try { cmdlet.WriteVerbose(string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Strings.CheckModuleName, childPath)); string resolvedPath = string.Empty; // Users may provide a valid module path or name, // We have to identify the childPath is really a directory or just a module name. // You can also consider following two commands. // Get-ScriptAnalyzerRule -RuleExtension "ContosoAnalyzerRules" // Get-ScriptAnalyzerRule -RuleExtension "%USERPROFILE%\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\ContosoAnalyzerRules" if (Path.GetDirectoryName(childPath) == string.Empty) { resolvedPath = childPath; } else { resolvedPath = cmdlet.SessionState.Path .GetResolvedPSPathFromPSPath(childPath).First().ToString(); } using (System.Management.Automation.PowerShell posh = System.Management.Automation.PowerShell.Create()) { string script = string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "Get-Module -Name '{0}' -ListAvailable", resolvedPath); PSModuleInfo moduleInfo = posh.AddScript(script).Invoke <PSModuleInfo>().First(); // Adds original path, otherwise path.Except<string>(validModPaths) will fail. // It's possible that user can provide something like this: // "..\..\..\ScriptAnalyzer.UnitTest\modules\CommunityAnalyzerRules\CommunityAnalyzerRules.psd1" if (moduleInfo.ExportedFunctions.Count > 0) { validModPaths.Add(childPath); } } } catch { // User may provide an invalid module name, like c:\temp. // It's a invalid name for a Windows PowerShell module, // But we need test it further since we allow user to provide a folder to extend rules. // You can also consider following two commands. // Get-ScriptAnalyzerRule -RuleExtension "ContosoAnalyzerRules", "C:\Temp\ExtendScriptAnalyzerRules.dll" // Get-ScriptAnalyzerRule -RuleExtension "ContosoAnalyzerRules", "C:\Temp\" continue; } } // Gets valid dll paths foreach (string childPath in path.Except <string>(validModPaths)) { try { string resolvedPath = cmdlet.SessionState.Path .GetResolvedPSPathFromPSPath(childPath).First().ToString(); cmdlet.WriteDebug(string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Strings.CheckAssemblyFile, resolvedPath)); if (String.Equals(Path.GetExtension(resolvedPath), ".dll", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { if (!File.Exists(resolvedPath)) { invalidPaths.Add(resolvedPath); continue; } } else { if (!Directory.Exists(resolvedPath)) { invalidPaths.Add(resolvedPath); continue; } } validDllPaths.Add(resolvedPath); } catch { invalidPaths.Add(childPath); } } // Resloves relative paths. try { for (int i = 0; i < validModPaths.Count; i++) { validModPaths[i] = cmdlet.SessionState.Path .GetResolvedPSPathFromPSPath(validModPaths[i]).First().ToString(); } for (int i = 0; i < validDllPaths.Count; i++) { validDllPaths[i] = cmdlet.SessionState.Path .GetResolvedPSPathFromPSPath(validDllPaths[i]).First().ToString(); } } catch { // If GetResolvedPSPathFromPSPath failed. We can safely ignore the exception. // Because GetResolvedPSPathFromPSPath always fails when trying to resolve a module name. } // Returns valid rule extensions results.Add("InvalidPaths", invalidPaths); results.Add("ValidModPaths", validModPaths); results.Add("ValidDllPaths", validDllPaths); return(results); }
public static void WriteFromHelper(PSCmdlet cmdlet, string message) { cmdlet.WriteVerbose(message); }
public static void WriteVerbose(this PSCmdlet cmdlet, string format, params object[] args) { var text = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, format, args); cmdlet.WriteVerbose(text); }
public IEnumerable <PSResourceInfo> FindByResourceName( string[] name, ResourceType type, string version, SwitchParameter prerelease, string[] tag, string[] repository, PSCredential credential, SwitchParameter includeDependencies) { _type = type; _version = version; _prerelease = prerelease; _tag = tag; _credential = credential; _includeDependencies = includeDependencies; Dbg.Assert(name.Length != 0, "Name length cannot be 0"); _pkgsLeftToFind = name.ToList(); List <PSRepositoryInfo> repositoriesToSearch; //determine if repository array of names of repositories input to be searched contains wildcard if (repository != null) { repository = Utils.ProcessNameWildcards(repository, out string[] errorMsgs, out _repositoryNameContainsWildcard); foreach (string error in errorMsgs) { _cmdletPassedIn.WriteError(new ErrorRecord( new PSInvalidOperationException(error), "ErrorFilteringNamesForUnsupportedWildcards", ErrorCategory.InvalidArgument, this)); } } try { repositoriesToSearch = RepositorySettings.Read(repository, out string[] errorList); foreach (string error in errorList) { _cmdletPassedIn.WriteError(new ErrorRecord( new PSInvalidOperationException(error), "ErrorGettingSpecifiedRepo", ErrorCategory.InvalidOperation, this)); } } catch (Exception e) { _cmdletPassedIn.ThrowTerminatingError(new ErrorRecord( new PSInvalidOperationException(e.Message), "ErrorLoadingRepositoryStoreFile", ErrorCategory.InvalidArgument, this)); yield break; } // loop through repositoriesToSearch and if PSGallery or PoshTestGallery add its Scripts endpoint repo // to list with same priority as PSGallery repo // This special casing is done to handle PSGallery and PoshTestGallery having 2 endpoints currently for different resources. for (int i = 0; i < repositoriesToSearch.Count; i++) { if (String.Equals(repositoriesToSearch[i].Uri.AbsoluteUri, _psGalleryUri, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { // special case: for PowerShellGallery, Module and Script resources have different endpoints so separate repositories have to be registered // with those endpoints in order for the NuGet APIs to search across both in the case where name includes '*' // detect if Script repository needs to be added and/or Module repository needs to be skipped Uri psGalleryScriptsUri = new Uri(""); PSRepositoryInfo psGalleryScripts = new PSRepositoryInfo(_psGalleryScriptsRepoName, psGalleryScriptsUri, repositoriesToSearch[i].Priority, trusted: false, credentialInfo: null); if (_type == ResourceType.None) { _cmdletPassedIn.WriteVerbose("Null Type provided, so add PSGalleryScripts repository"); repositoriesToSearch.Insert(i + 1, psGalleryScripts); } else if (_type != ResourceType.None && _type == ResourceType.Script) { _cmdletPassedIn.WriteVerbose("Type Script provided, so add PSGalleryScripts and remove PSGallery (Modules only) from search consideration"); repositoriesToSearch.Insert(i + 1, psGalleryScripts); repositoriesToSearch.RemoveAt(i); // remove PSGallery } } else if (String.Equals(repositoriesToSearch[i].Uri.AbsoluteUri, _poshTestGalleryUri, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { // special case: for PoshTestGallery, Module and Script resources have different endpoints so separate repositories have to be registered // with those endpoints in order for the NuGet APIs to search across both in the case where name includes '*' // detect if Script repository needs to be added and/or Module repository needs to be skipped Uri poshTestGalleryScriptsUri = new Uri(""); PSRepositoryInfo poshTestGalleryScripts = new PSRepositoryInfo(_poshTestGalleryScriptsRepoName, poshTestGalleryScriptsUri, repositoriesToSearch[i].Priority, trusted: false, credentialInfo: null); if (_type == ResourceType.None) { _cmdletPassedIn.WriteVerbose("Null Type provided, so add PoshTestGalleryScripts repository"); repositoriesToSearch.Insert(i + 1, poshTestGalleryScripts); } else if (_type != ResourceType.None && _type == ResourceType.Script) { _cmdletPassedIn.WriteVerbose("Type Script provided, so add PoshTestGalleryScripts and remove PoshTestGallery (Modules only) from search consideration"); repositoriesToSearch.Insert(i + 1, poshTestGalleryScripts); repositoriesToSearch.RemoveAt(i); // remove PoshTestGallery } } } for (int i = 0; i < repositoriesToSearch.Count && _pkgsLeftToFind.Any(); i++) { _cmdletPassedIn.WriteVerbose(string.Format("Searching in repository {0}", repositoriesToSearch[i].Name)); foreach (var pkg in SearchFromRepository( repositoryName: repositoriesToSearch[i].Name, repositoryUri: repositoriesToSearch[i].Uri, repositoryCredentialInfo: repositoriesToSearch[i].CredentialInfo)) { yield return(pkg); } } }