/** * Logs a message to the console with the given source information rather * than using the internal PPAPI plugin name. The name must be a string var. * * The regular log function will automatically prepend the name of your * plugin to the message as the "source" of the message. Some plugins may * wish to override this. For example, if your plugin is a Python * interpreter, you would want log messages to contain the source .py file * doing the log statement rather than have "python" show up in the console. */ public static void LogWithSource(PPInstance instance, PPLogLevel level, PPVar source, PPVar value) { _LogWithSource(instance, level, source, value); }
/** * Logs the given message to the JavaScript console associated with the * given plugin instance with the given logging level. The name of the plugin * issuing the log message will be automatically prepended to the message. * The value may be any type of Var. */ public static void Log(PPInstance instance, PPLogLevel level, PPVar value) { _Log(instance, level, value); }
extern static void _LogWithSource(PPInstance instance, PPLogLevel level, PPVar source, PPVar value);
extern static void _Log(PPInstance instance, PPLogLevel level, PPVar value);