예제 #1
		void PerformApplePayAction(Judo judo, ApplePayModel model, JudoSuccessCallback success, JudoFailureCallback failure, IApplePayRequest applePayRequest)
				PKPaymentRequest request = GetPKPaymentRequest(model);
				var rootView = GetCurrentViewController();
				var pkDelegate = new JudoPKPaymentAuthorizationViewControllerDelegate(judo, model, success, failure, applePayRequest);

				PKPaymentAuthorizationViewController pkController = new PKPaymentAuthorizationViewController(request) { Delegate = pkDelegate };
				rootView.PresentViewController(pkController, true, null);

			catch (Exception e)
				var judoError = new JudoError { Exception = e.InnerException };
		async Task PerformApplePayAction(PKPayment payment, Action<PKPaymentAuthorizationStatus> completion, PKPaymentAuthorizationViewController controller)
			var jObject = ConvertToJObject(payment.Token.PaymentData);
			var paymentServiceModel = new PKPaymentViewModel
				Amount = _applePayModel.ItemsTotalAmount(),
				ConsumerReference = _applePayModel.ConsumerRef,
				JudoID = _judo.JudoId,
				PaymentData = jObject,
				PaymentInstrumentName = payment.Token.PaymentInstrumentName ?? string.Empty,
				PaymentNetwork = payment.Token.PaymentNetwork ?? string.Empty

			var response = await _applePayRequest.Perform(paymentServiceModel);

			if (response.ConsideredSuccessful)
				if (response.ReceiptModelPresent() && _successCallBack != null)
					controller.DismissViewController(true, null);
				controller.DismissViewController(true, null);

				if (response.ReceiptModelPresent())
					_failureCallback(response.ErrorModel, response.ReceiptModel);
		public void PaymentAuthorizationViewControllerDidFinish(PKPaymentAuthorizationViewController controller)
			controller.DismissViewController(true, null);
		public void DidAuthorizePayment(PKPaymentAuthorizationViewController controller, PKPayment payment, Action<PKPaymentAuthorizationStatus> completion)
			PerformApplePayAction(payment, completion, controller);
예제 #5
 public override void PaymentAuthorizationViewControllerDidFinish(PKPaymentAuthorizationViewController controller)
     this.DidFinish?.Invoke(this, new EventArgs());
예제 #6
 public override void WillAuthorizePayment(PKPaymentAuthorizationViewController controller)
        private void CheckoutWithApplePay(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var request = GetPaymentRequest ();

            applePayHelper = new BUYApplePayHelpers (client, checkout, shop);

            var paymentController = new PKPaymentAuthorizationViewController (request);

            // Add additional methods if needed and forward the callback to BUYApplePayHelpers
            paymentController.DidAuthorizePayment += (_, args) => {
                applePayHelper.DidAuthorizePayment (paymentController, args.Payment, args.Completion);

                checkout = applePayHelper.Checkout;
                GetCompletedCheckout (null);
            paymentController.PaymentAuthorizationViewControllerDidFinish += (_, args) => {
                applePayHelper.PaymentAuthorizationViewControllerDidFinish (paymentController);
            paymentController.DidSelectShippingAddress += (_, args) => {
                applePayHelper.DidSelectShippingAddress (paymentController, args.Address, args.Completion);
            paymentController.DidSelectShippingContact += (_, args) => {
                applePayHelper.DidSelectShippingContact (paymentController, args.Contact, args.Completion);
            paymentController.DidSelectShippingMethod += (_, args) => {
                applePayHelper.DidSelectShippingMethod (paymentController, args.ShippingMethod, args.Completion);

             *  Alternatively we can set the delegate to applePayHelper.
             *  If you do not care about any IPKPaymentAuthorizationViewControllerDelegate callbacks
             *  uncomment the code below to let BUYApplePayHelpers take care of them automatically.
             *  You can then also safely remove the IPKPaymentAuthorizationViewControllerDelegate
             *  events above.
             *  // paymentController.Delegate = applePayHelper;
             *  If you keep the events as the delegate, you have a chance to intercept the
             *  IPKPaymentAuthorizationViewControllerDelegate callbacks and add any additional logging
             *  and method calls as you need. Ensure that you forward them to the BUYApplePayHelpers
             *  class by calling the delegate methods on BUYApplePayHelpers which already implements
             *  the IPKPaymentAuthorizationViewControllerDelegate interface.

            PresentViewController (paymentController, true, null);
예제 #8
        public async void DidAuthorizePayment (PKPaymentAuthorizationViewController controller, PKPayment payment, Action<PKPaymentAuthorizationStatus> completion)
			await HandlePaymentAuthorization (payment, completion);
예제 #9
 /// <summary>
 /// This is where you would send your payment to be processed - here we will
 /// simply present a confirmation screen. If your payment processor failed the
 /// payment you would return `completion(PKPaymentAuthorizationStatus.Failure)` instead. Remember to never
 /// attempt to decrypt the payment token on device.
 /// </summary>
 public void DidAuthorizePayment(PKPaymentAuthorizationViewController controller, PKPayment payment, Action <PKPaymentAuthorizationStatus> completion)
     paymentToken = payment.Token;
     PerformSegue(confirmationSegue, this);
예제 #10
 public override void WillAuthorizePayment(PKPaymentAuthorizationViewController controller)
     //throw new NotImplementedException();
예제 #11
 public override void PaymentAuthorizationViewControllerDidFinish
     (PKPaymentAuthorizationViewController controller)
     controller.DismissViewController(true, null);
		public void ApplyPayButtonClicked ()
			if (!PKPaymentAuthorizationViewController.CanMakePaymentsUsingNetworks (supportedNetworks)) {
				ShowAuthorizationAlert ();

			// Set up our payment request.
			var paymentRequest = new PKPaymentRequest ();

			// Our merchant identifier needs to match what we previously set up in
			// the Capabilities window (or the developer portal).
			paymentRequest.MerchantIdentifier = AppConfiguration.Merchant.Identififer;

			// Both country code and currency code are standard ISO formats. Country
			// should be the region you will process the payment in. Currency should
			// be the currency you would like to charge in.
			paymentRequest.CountryCode = "US";
			paymentRequest.CurrencyCode = "USD";

			// The networks we are able to accept.
			paymentRequest.SupportedNetworks = supportedNetworks;

			// Ask your payment processor what settings are right for your app. In
			// most cases you will want to leave this set to ThreeDS.
			paymentRequest.MerchantCapabilities = PKMerchantCapability.ThreeDS;

			// An array of `PKPaymentSummaryItems` that we'd like to display on the
			// sheet (see the MakeSummaryItems method).
			paymentRequest.PaymentSummaryItems = MakeSummaryItems (false);

			// Request shipping information, in this case just postal address.
			paymentRequest.RequiredShippingAddressFields = PKAddressField.PostalAddress;

			// Display the view controller.
			var viewController = new PKPaymentAuthorizationViewController (paymentRequest);
			viewController.Delegate = this;
			PresentViewController (viewController, true, null);

		public void PaymentAuthorizationViewControllerDidFinish (PKPaymentAuthorizationViewController controller)
			// We always need to dismiss our payment view controller when done.
			DismissViewController (true, null);
		/// <summary>
		/// This is where you would send your payment to be processed - here we will
		/// simply present a confirmation screen. If your payment processor failed the
		/// payment you would return `completion(PKPaymentAuthorizationStatus.Failure)` instead. Remember to never
		/// attempt to decrypt the payment token on device.
		/// </summary>
		public void DidAuthorizePayment (PKPaymentAuthorizationViewController controller, PKPayment payment, Action<PKPaymentAuthorizationStatus> completion)
			paymentToken = payment.Token;
			completion (PKPaymentAuthorizationStatus.Success);
			PerformSegue (confirmationSegue, this);
		void DidSelectShippingContact (PKPaymentAuthorizationViewController controller, PKContact contact, PKPaymentShippingAddressSelected completion)
			// Create a shipping method. Shipping methods use PKShippingMethod,
			// which inherits from PKPaymentSummaryItem. It adds a detail property
			// you can use to specify information like estimated delivery time.
			var shipping = new PKShippingMethod {
				Label = "Standard Shipping",
				Amount = NSDecimalNumber.Zero,
				Detail = "Delivers within two working days"

			// Note that this is a contrived example. Because addresses can come from
			// many sources on iOS they may not always have the fields you want.
			// Your application should be sure to verify the address is correct,
			// and return the appropriate status. If the address failed to pass validation
			// you should return `InvalidShippingPostalAddress` instead of `Success`.

			var address = contact.PostalAddress;
			var requiresInternationalSurcharge = address.Country != "United States";

			PKPaymentSummaryItem[] summaryItems = MakeSummaryItems (requiresInternationalSurcharge);

			completion (PKPaymentAuthorizationStatus.Success, new [] { shipping }, summaryItems);
		public void WillAuthorizePayment(PKPaymentAuthorizationViewController controller)

예제 #17
 public void PaymentAuthorizationViewControllerDidFinish(PKPaymentAuthorizationViewController controller)
     // We always need to dismiss our payment view controller when done.
     DismissViewController(true, null);
예제 #18
 public void DidAuthorizePayment(PKPaymentAuthorizationViewController controller, PKPayment payment, Action <PKPaymentAuthorizationStatus> completion)
     ClearPaymentWithJudo(payment, _customerRef, completion);