예제 #1
    //Private helper method that allows a delay before having the assistFighter become the main selectedFighter
    //  Pre: assistFighter is currently the only party member that is alive
    IEnumerator assistToSelected()
        PKMNEntity prevFighter = selectedFighter;

        selectedFighter = assistFighter;
        animator        = selectedFighter.GetComponent <Animator>();
        player          = selectedFighter.GetComponent <Transform>();

        yield return(new WaitForSeconds(DEATH_WAIT));

        //Switch UI elements
        secMoveIndex = 0;
        swapUIBars(selectedFighter, prevFighter);

        //Switches fighter mappings
        AbilityUI temp = abilityUIMap[selectedFighter];

        abilityUIMap[selectedFighter] = abilityUIMap[prevFighter];
        abilityUIMap[prevFighter]     = temp;

        //Update UI

        selectedFighter.GetComponent <SwitchState>().setUpState(abilityUIMap[selectedFighter]);
        prevFighter.GetComponent <SwitchState>().setUpState(abilityUIMap[prevFighter]);

        selectedFighter.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().enabled = true;   //Disable character back
        selectedFighter.GetComponent <Collider2D>().enabled     = true;
        canMove = true;
예제 #2
    //Private helper method for assistMoves: set selectedCharacter back to previous main character
    //  Pre: assist move is already in execution and partyIndex changed to the previous mainIndex
    //  Post: You are back to main character while a partner character is in execution
    private void goBackToMain(Vector3 originalPos)
        PKMNEntity prevFighter = selectedFighter;   //Set previous fighter

        //Enables new fighter
        selectedFighter = transform.GetChild(partyIndex).GetComponent <PKMNEntity>();
        selectedFighter.transform.position = originalPos;
        selectedFighter.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().enabled = true;
        selectedFighter.GetComponent <Collider2D>().enabled     = true;

        //Switch UI elements
        secMoveIndex = 0;
        swapUIBars(selectedFighter, prevFighter);

        //Switches fighter mappings
        AbilityUI temp = abilityUIMap[selectedFighter];

        abilityUIMap[selectedFighter] = abilityUIMap[prevFighter];
        abilityUIMap[prevFighter]     = temp;

        selectedFighter.GetComponent <SwitchState>().setUpState(abilityUIMap[selectedFighter]);
        prevFighter.GetComponent <SwitchState>().setUpState(abilityUIMap[prevFighter]);

        //Set Main Character variables to fighter
        animator = selectedFighter.GetComponent <Animator>();
        player   = selectedFighter.GetComponent <Transform>();
예제 #3
    //Switches to the character
    //  Pre: fighterIndex must have been changed to a different value before hand
    IEnumerator rotateCharacters()
        selectedFighter.GetComponent <SwitchState>().disableSwitch(true);    //Disable switch state on selectedFighter

        //Do rotation

        if (numPartners > 2)
        else if (numPartners == 2 && assistFighter != null)
            int        index       = (partyIndex == 0) ? 1 : 0;
            PKMNEntity sidePartner = transform.GetChild(index).GetComponent <PKMNEntity>();

            //Swap UI Elements
            swapUIBars(assistFighter, sidePartner);

            //Update mappings
            AbilityUI temp = abilityUIMap[assistFighter];
            abilityUIMap[assistFighter] = abilityUIMap[sidePartner];
            abilityUIMap[sidePartner]   = temp;

            assistFighter.GetComponent <SwitchState>().setUpState(abilityUIMap[assistFighter]);
            sidePartner.GetComponent <SwitchState>().setUpState(abilityUIMap[sidePartner]);

        //Update UI states
        foreach (KeyValuePair <PKMNEntity, AbilityUI> entry in abilityUIMap)

        //Do transition animation
        canMove = false;
        float animTimer = 0.0f;

        animator.SetBool("Charging", true);
        yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.1f));

        animator.SetBool("Charging", false);
        animator.SetBool("FinishedCharge", true);

        while (!selectedFighter.isStunned() && animTimer < TRANSITION_TIME && !attacking())
            yield return(new WaitForFixedUpdate());

            animTimer += Time.deltaTime;

        animator.SetBool("FinishedCharge", false);
        if (!selectedFighter.isStunned() && selectedFighter.isAlive())
            canMove = true;
예제 #4
    //Execute Method
    public IEnumerator execute()
        offCD = false;
        bool  alreadyFull  = false;
        float channelTimer = 0f;
        float totalTimer   = 0f;
        float soundTimer   = 0f;

        basis.soundFXs.clip = Resources.Load <AudioClip>("Audio/AttackSounds/Dash");     //Establish sound clip
        anim.SetBool("Dashing", true);
        anim.SetFloat("speed", 0f);
        basis.getController().canMove = false;


        while (Input.GetMouseButton(1) && !basis.isStunned() && totalTimer < MAX_CHANNEL)
            channelTimer = (channelTimer < FULL_CHANNEL) ? channelTimer + Time.deltaTime : FULL_CHANNEL;
            progress.updateProgress(channelTimer / FULL_CHANNEL);

            totalTimer += Time.deltaTime;
            soundTimer += Time.deltaTime;

            //Sound effects
            if (channelTimer >= FULL_CHANNEL && !alreadyFull)
                basis.soundFXs.clip = Resources.Load <AudioClip>("Audio/AttackSounds/Beep");
                alreadyFull = true;
            else if (soundTimer >= CHARGE_SOUND_INTERVAL && !alreadyFull)
                soundTimer = 0.0f;

            basis.GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>().velocity = Vector2.zero;
            yield return(new WaitForFixedUpdate());


        if (!basis.isStunned() && basis.isAlive())                      //If the fighter isn't stunned, execute dash
        //Calculate stats
            curPwr          = getChannelStat(MIN_PWR, MAX_PWR, channelTimer);
            curDashStrength = getChannelStat(MIN_DASH_STRENGTH, MAX_DASH_STRENGTH, channelTimer);

            basis.soundFXs.clip = Resources.Load <AudioClip>("Audio/AttackSounds/Dash");
            yield return(basis.StartCoroutine(dashBox.executeDash(this, curDashStrength, DASH_DURATION, PRIORITY)));
예제 #5
    //Applies effects to enemy hit
    public void enactEffects(Collider2D tgt)
        PKMNEntity enemy  = tgt.GetComponent <PKMNEntity>();
        int        damage = Battle.damageCalc(basis.level, INITIAL_PWR, basis.accessStat(BaseStat.SPECIAL_ATTACK), basis.accessStat(BaseStat.SPECIAL_DEFENSE));

        enemy.StartCoroutine(enemy.receiveDamage(damage, basis));

        //Add debuff
        StatEffect debuff = new StatEffect(DEBUFF_DURATION, DEBUFF_FACTOR, DEBUFF_TYPE);

        debuff.applyEffect(enemy.GetComponent <PKMNEntity>());
예제 #6
    public QuickAttack(Animator anim, PKMNEntity basis)
        //Set reference variables and any other variables concerning entity
        this.anim     = anim;
        this.basis    = basis;
        this.dashBox  = basis.GetComponent <DashChargeHitBox>();
        this.enemyTag = (basis.tag == "Player") ? "Enemy" : "Player";

        //Establish any other variables
        numCharges = MAX_CHARGES;
        offCD      = true;
        cTimer     = 0f;
예제 #7
    public ShellDash(Animator anim, PKMNEntity basis, ProgressBar progress)
        //Set reference variables and any other variables concerning entity
        this.anim     = anim;
        this.basis    = basis;
        this.dashBox  = basis.GetComponent <DashChargeHitBox>();
        this.enemyTag = (basis.tag == "Player") ? "Enemy" : "Player";
        this.progress = progress;

        //Establish any other variables
        cTimer = 0.0f;
        offCD  = true;
예제 #8
    //Private helper method that switches characters if a main character is dead but partners (within rotation) are alive
    private IEnumerator mainMemberDeathFreePartners()
        PKMNEntity prevFighter = selectedFighter;

        partyIndex %= numPartners;                  //Change partyIndex
        selectedFighter.transform.parent = null;    //Detaches parent

        //Enable new partner the GameObject. If a GameObject shares a parent with other GameObjects and are on the same level (i.e. they share the same direct parent), these GameObjects are known as siblings. The sibling index shows where each GameObject sits in this sibling hierarchy.

        selectedFighter = transform.GetChild(partyIndex).GetComponent <PKMNEntity>();
        animator        = selectedFighter.GetComponent <Animator>();
        player          = selectedFighter.GetComponent <Transform>();
        player.position = transform.position;

        canMove = false;
        yield return(new WaitForSeconds(DEATH_WAIT));

        canMove = true;

        selectedFighter.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().enabled = true;
        selectedFighter.GetComponent <Collider2D>().enabled     = true;

        //Switch UI elements
        secMoveIndex = 0;
        swapUIBars(selectedFighter, prevFighter);

        //Switches fighter mappings
        AbilityUI temp = abilityUIMap[selectedFighter];

        abilityUIMap[selectedFighter] = abilityUIMap[prevFighter];
        abilityUIMap[prevFighter]     = temp;

        yield return(StartCoroutine(recoveryFrames()));
예제 #9
    //Execute dash with a set vector already in mind
    //  Pre: move == dashing move, dashVector != zero vector, time > 0, new Priority is between 1 & 10
    public IEnumerator executeDash(IMove move, Vector2 dashVector, float time, int newPriority)
        //Set general hitbox properties
        currentMove = move;
        priority    = newPriority;
        Animator anim = entity.GetComponent <Animator>();

        //Alter properties of character
        enemyTag       = (transform.tag == "Player" || transform.tag == "PlayerRecovery") ? "Enemy" : "Player";
        enemyAttackTag = (transform.tag == "Player" || transform.tag == "PlayerRecovery") ? "EnemyAttack" : "PlayerAttack";
        transform.tag  = (transform.tag == "Player" || transform.tag == "PlayerRecovery") ? "PlayerAttack" : "EnemyAttack";

        if (!entity.getAssist())
            entity.getController().canMove = false;

        //Set dashing variables
        dashing = true;
        float curTime = 0.0f;

        GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>().AddForce(dashVector);
        anim.SetBool("Dashing", true);

        while (dashing && curTime < time && !entity.isStunned())
            yield return(new WaitForFixedUpdate());

            curTime += Time.deltaTime;

        //Check if player is recoiling (dash was interuppted)
        if (dashing)
            dashing = false;
            GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>().velocity = Vector2.zero;

        //Reset properties of character
        transform.tag = (transform.tag == "PlayerAttack") ? "Player" : "Enemy";

        if (!entity.isStunned() && entity.isAlive())
            entity.getController().canMove = true;

        anim.SetBool("Dashing", false);
예제 #10
    public GattlerBlast(Animator anim, PKMNEntity basis)
        //Set reference variables and any other variables concerning entity
        this.anim       = anim;
        this.basis      = basis;
        this.dashBox    = basis.GetComponent <DashChargeHitBox>();
        this.enemyTag   = (basis.tag == "Player") ? "Enemy" : "Player";
        this.mainHitbox = Resources.Load <Transform>("MoveHitboxes/TriangleHitbox");

        //Set other variables
        canAttack  = true;
        offCD      = true;
        numCharges = MAX_CHARGES;
예제 #11
    //Update method that checks the status of fighter and make changes to correspond with status (Particularly with switch cooldown)
    public void updateStatus()
        SwitchState thisState = fighter.GetComponent <SwitchState>();

        GetComponent <Image>().color = (thisState.canSwitch()) ? defaultColor : cdSwitchColor;

        if (!fighter.isAlive())
            GetComponent <Image>().color = deathColor;
            fighterIcon.sprite           = Resources.Load <Sprite>("Portraits/Death");
            fighterIcon.color            = deathColor;

예제 #12
    //Private helper method that swaps the main character (selectedFighter) with a partner character
    //  Pre: new partyIndex does not correspond with current selectedFighter in child array
    //  Post: The UI for main character and a partner character is swapped
    private void swapMainCharUI(bool assist)
        //Disables current SelectedFighter and stores prev fighter (if assist is false)
        if (!assist)
            selectedFighter.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().enabled = false;
            selectedFighter.GetComponent <Collider2D>().enabled     = false;

        PKMNEntity prevFighter = selectedFighter;

        //Enables new fighter
        selectedFighter = transform.GetChild(partyIndex).GetComponent <PKMNEntity>();
        selectedFighter.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().enabled = true;
        selectedFighter.GetComponent <Collider2D>().enabled     = true;

        //Switch UI elements
        secMoveIndex = 0;
        swapUIBars(selectedFighter, prevFighter);

        //Switches fighter mappings
        AbilityUI temp = abilityUIMap[selectedFighter];

        abilityUIMap[selectedFighter] = abilityUIMap[prevFighter];
        abilityUIMap[prevFighter]     = temp;

        selectedFighter.GetComponent <SwitchState>().setUpState(abilityUIMap[selectedFighter]);
        prevFighter.GetComponent <SwitchState>().setUpState(abilityUIMap[prevFighter]);

        //Set Main Character variables to fighter
        animator        = selectedFighter.GetComponent <Animator>();
        player          = selectedFighter.GetComponent <Transform>();
        player.position = transform.position;
예제 #13
    //Responsible for grab knockback
    IEnumerator grabKnockback(Transform enemy)
        //Sets up knockback variable and needed reference variables
        Vector2     kVect        = Battle.dirKnockbackCalc(enemy.position, basis.transform.position, KNOCKBACK_VAL);
        Rigidbody2D rb           = enemy.GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>();
        Rigidbody2D basisRB      = basis.GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>();
        PKMNEntity  enemyFighter = enemy.GetComponent <PKMNEntity>();
        Controller  control      = enemyFighter.getController();

        //Disable movement until grab movement done
        if (!enemyFighter.getAssist())
            control.canMove = false;

        yield return(new WaitForSeconds(STUN_DELAY));        //Overrides default knockback canceller (receiveDamage)

        float kbTimer = 0;

        while (kbTimer < KNOCKBACK_DURATION)
            yield return(new WaitForFixedUpdate());

            kbTimer += Time.deltaTime;

        rb.velocity      = Vector2.zero;
        basisRB.velocity = Vector2.zero;

        if (basis.tag == "Player" || basis.tag == "PlayerAttack" || basis.tag == "PlayerRecovery")
            PlayerMovement mainControl = (PlayerMovement)(basis.getController());
            mainControl.selectedFighter.GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>().velocity = Vector2.zero;

        if (!enemyFighter.isStunned() && !enemy.GetComponent <DashChargeHitBox>().isDashing() && !enemy.GetComponent <Animator>().GetBool("Dashing"))
            control.canMove = true;

        //Add debuff
        StatEffect debuff = new StatEffect(DEBUFF_DURATION, DEBUFF_FACTOR, STAT_TYPE);

        debuff.applyEffect(enemy.GetComponent <PKMNEntity>());
예제 #14
    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()
        //Set reference variables
        player   = selectedFighter.GetComponent <Transform>();
        animator = selectedFighter.GetComponent <Animator>();

        //Set canMove to true
        canMove            = true;
        assistMoveExecuted = false;

        //Secondary move index
        secMoveIndex = 0;

        //Teamwork variables
        partyIndex      = 0;
        selectedFighter = transform.GetChild(partyIndex).GetComponent <PKMNEntity>();
        numPartners     = transform.childCount - 1;

        //Set UI Elements
        if (numPartners >= 2)
        if (numPartners >= 3)

        abilityUIMap = new Dictionary <PKMNEntity, AbilityUI>();

        for (int i = 0; i < numPartners; i++)
            PKMNEntity  curFighter     = transform.GetChild(i).GetComponent <PKMNEntity>();
            SwitchState curSwitchState = curFighter.gameObject.AddComponent <SwitchState>();

            abilityUIMap[curFighter] = abilityIconSets[i];  //Abilities

            curFighter.healthBar = healthBars[i];           //Stat bars
            curFighter.armorBar  = armorBars[i];
예제 #15
    //Execute method upon user input FOR PLAYER for charging a self-buff
    public IEnumerator execute()
        Controller entityController = anim.GetComponent <PKMNEntity>().getController();

        charging = true;                                                                //Set boolean locking variable to true to avoid decay while charging
        anim.SetFloat("speed", 0);                                                      //Set Animation
        anim.SetBool("Charging", true);
        entityController.canMove = false;                                               //Disable movement
        float curHealth = unit.accessStat(BaseStat.HEALTH);                             //Get current health for checking

        progress.gameObject.SetActive(true);                                            //Set progressbar to true

        unit.soundFXs.clip = Resources.Load <AudioClip>("Audio/AttackSounds/Charging"); //Establish sound clip
        float soundTimer = CHARGE_SOUND_INTERVAL;                                       //Set sound to play immediately

        //While player holds key, update chargeProgress
        while (Input.GetMouseButton(1) && chargeProgress < CHARGE_REQ && unit.accessStat(BaseStat.HEALTH) >= curHealth)
            chargeProgress += Time.deltaTime;
            soundTimer     += Time.deltaTime;

            curHealth = unit.accessStat(BaseStat.HEALTH);
            progress.updateProgress(chargeProgress / CHARGE_REQ);

            if (soundTimer >= CHARGE_SOUND_INTERVAL)
                soundTimer = 0.0f;

            yield return(new WaitForFixedUpdate());

        anim.SetBool("Charging", false);

        //If charge is successful, update animator and apply StatEffect to self
        if (chargeProgress >= CHARGE_REQ)
            chargeProgress = 0.0f;
            offCD          = false;
            enactEffects(unit.GetComponent <Collider2D>());

            //Sound effects
            unit.soundFXs.clip = Resources.Load <AudioClip>("Audio/AttackSounds/Beep");

            anim.SetBool("FinishedCharge", true);
            float animLength = anim.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(0).length;
            yield return(new WaitForSeconds(animLength));

            anim.SetBool("FinishedCharge", false);

        charging = false;

        if (!unit.isStunned() && unit.isAlive())
            entityController.canMove = true;