private void DigWorker_RunWorkerCompleted(object sender, RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs e) { GUISetReady(); int resultsCount = allResults.Count; if (resultsCount == 0) { return; } ResultsGrid.Rows.Clear(); ResultsGrid.Rows.Add(resultsCount); int i = 0; foreach (Result r in allResults) { PKHeX pkInfo = new PKHeX(); pkInfo.Data =; ResultsGrid.Rows[i].Tag =; Bitmap sprite = getSprite(pkInfo.Species, pkInfo.AltForm, pkInfo.IsEgg); ResultsGrid.Rows[i].Cells[0].Value = sprite; ResultsGrid.Rows[i].Height = sprite.Height; ResultsGrid.Rows[i].Cells[1].Value = LookupTable.getLevel(pkInfo.Species, (int)pkInfo.EXP); ResultsGrid.Rows[i].Cells[2].Value = pkInfo.Nickname; ResultsGrid.Rows[i].Cells[4].Value = pkInfo.PID.ToString("X8"); ResultsGrid.Rows[i].Cells[5].Value = r.offset.ToString("X8"); i++; } }
private void handlePokeRead(object args_obj) { DataReadyWaiting args = (DataReadyWaiting)args_obj; validator.Data = PKHeX.decryptArray(; }
private void DigWorker_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e) { BackgroundWorker worker = sender as BackgroundWorker; List <Result> results = new List <Result>(); byte[] source = (byte[])e.Argument; int length = source.Length - POKEBYTES + 1; int nextProgress = 0; int progressStep = (int)((double)length / 100.0); bool fullMode = !FastModeCB.Checked; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { //Check sanity. Rejects ~50% of positions if (source[i + 4] == 0 && source[i + 5] == 0) { uint seed = BitConverter.ToUInt32(source, i + 0); //In fast mode skip if EC == 0. Rejects ~90% of positions if (fullMode || seed != 0) { //Decrypt partially, calculate checksum //We don't need to deshuffle, it won't affect the checksum ushort checksum = 0; for (int j = 8; j < POKEBYTES; j += 2) { seed = seed * 0x41C64E6D + 0x00006073; checksum += (ushort)(BitConverter.ToUInt16(source, i + j) ^ (ushort)(seed >> 16)); } //Allows very few positions, but there's still some garbage if (checksum == BitConverter.ToUInt16(source, i + 6)) { byte[] dataFound = new byte[POKEBYTES]; Array.Copy(source, i, dataFound, 0, POKEBYTES); //Decrypt it properly this time dataFound = PKHeX.decryptArray(dataFound); PKHeX pkFound = new PKHeX(); pkFound.Data = dataFound; if (pkFound.Species >= 1 && pkFound.Species <= 802) { //Almost certainly valid results.Add(new Result { data = dataFound, offset = i }); } } } } if (i >= nextProgress) { //The condition will be checked every 1% of progress to improve performance if (worker.CancellationPending == true) { e.Cancel = true; break; } int progress = (int)((100.0 * (double)i) / (double)length); worker.ReportProgress(progress); nextProgress = i + progressStep; } } allResults.AddRange(results); }
public async Task <int> RunBot() { try { while (!botstop) { switch (botstate) { case (int)botstates.botstart: Report("Bot: START Gen 6 Wonder Trade bot"); botstate = (int)botstates.backup; break; case (int)botstates.backup: Report("Bot: Backup boxes"); waitTaskbool = Program.helper.waitNTRmultiread(pcpkmOff, 232 * 30 * 31); if (await waitTaskbool) { attempts = 0; string fileName = "WTBefore-" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss") + ".ek6"; backuppath = wtfolderpath + fileName; Program.gCmdWindow.writePokemonToFile(Program.helper.lastmultiread, backuppath); botstate = (int)botstates.testpssmenu; } else { attempts++; botresult = 2; botstate = (int)botstates.backup; } break; case (int)botstates.testpssmenu: Report("Bot: Test if the PSS menu is shown"); waitTaskbool = Program.helper.memoryinrange(psssmenu1Off, psssmenu1IN, 0x10000); if (await waitTaskbool) { if (source == 1) { botstate = (int)botstates.readpoke; } else { botstate = (int)botstates.readfolder; } } else { botresult = 1; botstate = (int)botstates.endbot; } break; case (int)botstates.readpoke: Report("Bot: Look for pokemon to trade"); waitTaskint = Program.helper.waitPokeRead(currentbox, currentslot); long dataready = await waitTaskint; switch (dataready) { case -2: botresult = 2; botstate = (int)botstates.endbot; break; case -1: Report("Bot: Slot is empty"); getNextSlot(); if (quantity > 0) // Test if there are more trades { botstate = (int)botstates.readpoke; } else if (endless) { currentbox = startbox; currentslot = startslot; quantity = starttrades; Program.gCmdWindow.updateWTslots(currentbox, currentslot, quantity); botstate = (int)botstates.readpoke; } else { // Stop if no more trades botstate = (int)botstates.dumpafter; } break; default: { currentPID = Convert.ToUInt32(dataready); Report("Bot: Pokémon found"); botstate = (int)botstates.pressWTbutton; } break; } break; case (int)botstates.readfolder: Report("Bot: Reading Wonder Trade folder"); pkfiles = Directory.GetFiles(wtfolderpath, "*.pk6"); if (pkfiles.Length > 0) { PKHeX validator = new PKHeX(); foreach (string pkf in pkfiles) { byte[] temp = File.ReadAllBytes(pkf); if (temp.Length == 232) { validator.Data = temp; if (validator.Species > 0 && validator.Species <= 721) { // Valid looking file pklist.Add(temp); } else { // Not valid file Report("Bot: File " + pkf + " is not a valid pk6 file"); } } else { // Not valid file Report("Bot: File " + pkf + " is not a valid pk6 file"); } } } if (pklist.Count > 0) { botstate = (int)botstates.writefromfolder; } else { Report("Bot: No files detected"); botresult = 0; botstate = (int)botstates.endbot; } break; case (int)botstates.writefromfolder: Report("Bot: Write pkm file from list"); if (source == 3) { // Select a random file currentfile = rng.Next() % pklist.Count; } waitTaskbool = Program.helper.waitNTRwrite(pcpkmOff + (uint)(30 * 232 * currentbox) + (uint)(232 * currentslot), PKHeX.encryptArray(pklist[currentfile]),; if (await waitTaskbool) { Program.gCmdWindow.updateDumpBoxes(currentbox, currentslot); Program.gCmdWindow.dumpedPKHeX.Data = pklist[currentfile]; Program.gCmdWindow.updateTabs(); currentPID = Program.gCmdWindow.dumpedPKHeX.PID; if (source == 2) { currentfile++; if (currentfile > pklist.Count - 1) { currentfile = 0; } } attempts = 0; botstate = (int)botstates.pressWTbutton; } else { attempts++; botresult = 1; botstate = (int)botstates.writefromfolder; } break; case (int)botstates.pressWTbutton: Report("Bot: Touch Wonder Trade button"); waitTaskbool = Program.helper.waittouch(240, 120); if (await waitTaskbool) { botstate = (int)botstates.testsavescrn; } else { attempts++; botresult = 6; botstate = (int)botstates.pressWTbutton; } break; case (int)botstates.testsavescrn: Report("Bot: Test if the save screen is shown"); await Task.Delay(delaytime); waitTaskbool = Program.helper.timememoryinrange(savescrnOff, savescrnIN, 0x10000, 500, 5000); taskresultbool = await waitTaskbool; if (taskresultbool) { attempts = 0; botstate = (int)botstates.confirmsave; } else { // If not in save screen, try again attempts++; botresult = 2; botstate = (int)botstates.pressWTbutton; } break; case (int)botstates.confirmsave: Report("Bot: Press Yes"); await Task.Delay(delaytime); waitTaskbool = Program.helper.waitbutton(LookupTable.keyA); if (await waitTaskbool) { botstate = (int)botstates.testwtscrn; } else { attempts++; botresult = 7; botstate = (int)botstates.confirmsave; } break; case (int)botstates.testwtscrn: Report("Bot: Test if Wonder Trade screen is shown"); waitTaskbool = Program.helper.timememoryinrange(wtconfirmationOff, wtconfirmationIN, 0x10000, 500, 5000); taskresultbool = await waitTaskbool; if (taskresultbool) { attempts = 0; botstate = (int)botstates.confirmwt; } else { attempts++; botresult = 2; botstate = (int)botstates.confirmsave; } break; case (int)botstates.confirmwt: Report("Bot: Touch Yes"); await Task.Delay(delaytime); waitTaskbool = Program.helper.waittouch(160, 100); if (await waitTaskbool) { botstate = (int)botstates.testboxes; } else { attempts++; botresult = 6; botstate = (int)botstates.confirmwt; } break; case (int)botstates.testboxes: Report("Bot: Test if the boxes are shown"); waitTaskbool = Program.helper.timememoryinrange(wtboxesOff, wtboxesIN, 0x10000, 500, 5000); taskresultbool = await waitTaskbool; if (taskresultbool) { attempts = 0; botstate = (int)botstates.gotoboxchange; } else { attempts++; botresult = 2; botstate = (int)botstates.confirmwt; } break; case (int)botstates.gotoboxchange: await Task.Delay(8 *delaytime); if (boxchange) { botstate = (int)botstates.touchboxview; boxchange = false; } else { botstate = (int)botstates.touchpoke; } break; case (int)botstates.touchboxview: Report("Bot: Touch Box View"); waitTaskbool = Program.helper.waittouch(30, 220); if (await waitTaskbool) { botstate = (int)botstates.testboxview; } else { attempts++; botresult = 6; botstate = (int)botstates.touchboxview; } break; case (int)botstates.testboxview: Report("Bot: Test if box view is shown"); waitTaskbool = Program.helper.timememoryinrange(wtboxviewOff, wtboxviewIN, wtboxviewRange, 500, 5000); taskresultbool = await waitTaskbool; if (taskresultbool) { attempts = 0; botstate = (int)botstates.touchnewbox; } else { attempts++; botresult = 2; botstate = (int)botstates.touchboxview; } break; case (int)botstates.touchnewbox: Report("Bot: Touch New Box"); await Task.Delay(delaytime); waitTaskbool = Program.helper.waittouch(LookupTable.boxposX6[currentbox], LookupTable.boxposY6[currentbox]); if (await waitTaskbool) { attempts = 0; botstate = (int)botstates.selectnewbox; } else { attempts++; botresult = 6; botstate = (int)botstates.touchboxview; } break; case (int)botstates.selectnewbox: Report("Bot: Select New Box"); await Task.Delay(delaytime); waitTaskbool = Program.helper.waitbutton(LookupTable.keyA); if (await waitTaskbool) { botstate = (int)botstates.testboxviewout; } else { attempts++; botresult = 7; botstate = (int)botstates.confirmsave; } break; case (int)botstates.testboxviewout: Report("Bot: Test if box view is not shown"); waitTaskbool = Program.helper.timememoryinrange(wtboxviewOff, wtboxviewOUT, wtboxviewRange, 500, 5000); taskresultbool = await waitTaskbool; if (taskresultbool) { attempts = 0; botstate = (int)botstates.touchpoke; } else { attempts++; botresult = 2; botstate = (int)botstates.touchnewbox; } break; case (int)botstates.touchpoke: Report("Bot: Touch Pokémon"); await Task.Delay(delaytime); waitTaskbool = Program.helper.waittouch(LookupTable.pokeposX6[currentslot], LookupTable.pokeposY6[currentslot]); if (await waitTaskbool) { attempts = 0; botstate = (int)botstates.selectrade; } else { attempts++; botresult = 6; botstate = (int)botstates.touchpoke; } break; case (int)botstates.selectrade: Report("Bot: Select Trade"); await Task.Delay(2 *delaytime); waitTaskbool = Program.helper.waitbutton(LookupTable.keyA); if (await waitTaskbool) { attempts = 0; botstate = (int)botstates.confirmsend; } else { attempts++; botresult = 7; botstate = (int)botstates.selectrade; } break; case (int)botstates.confirmsend: Report("Bot: Select Yes"); await Task.Delay(2 *delaytime); waitTaskbool = Program.helper.waitbutton(LookupTable.keyA); if (await waitTaskbool) { attempts = 0; botstate = (int)botstates.testboxesout; } else { attempts++; botresult = 7; botstate = (int)botstates.confirmsend; } break; case (int)botstates.testboxesout: Report("Bot: Test if the boxes are not shown"); waitTaskbool = Program.helper.timememoryinrange(wtboxesOff, wtboxesOUT, 0x10000, 500, 5000); taskresultbool = await waitTaskbool; if (taskresultbool) { attempts = 0; tradewait = 0; botstate = (int)botstates.waitfortrade; } else { attempts++; botresult = 2; botstate = (int)botstates.touchpoke; } break; case (int)botstates.waitfortrade: Report("Bot: Wait for trade"); waitTaskint = Program.helper.waitPokeRead(currentbox, currentslot); uint newPID = Convert.ToUInt32(await waitTaskint); if (currentPID == newPID) { await Task.Delay(8 *delaytime); tradewait++; if (tradewait > 30) // Too much time passed { attempts = 0; botstate = (int)botstates.notradepartner; } } else { Report("Bot: Wait 30 seconds"); await Task.Delay(30000); botstate = (int)botstates.testbackpssmenu; } break; case (int)botstates.testbackpssmenu: Report("Bot: Test if back to the PSS menu"); waitTaskbool = Program.helper.timememoryinrange(psssmenu1Off, psssmenu1IN, 0x10000, 2000, 10000); taskresultbool = await waitTaskbool; if (taskresultbool) { // Trade sucessfull attempts = 0; getNextSlot(); if (quantity > 0) // Test if there are more trades { if (source == 1) { botstate = (int)botstates.readpoke; } else { botstate = (int)botstates.writefromfolder; } attempts = 0; } else if (endless) { currentbox = startbox; currentslot = startslot; quantity = starttrades; Program.gCmdWindow.updateWTslots(currentbox, currentslot, quantity); if (source == 1) { botstate = (int)botstates.readpoke; } else { botstate = (int)botstates.writefromfolder; } attempts = 0; } else { // Stop if no more trades botstate = (int)botstates.dumpafter; } } else { // Still waiting attempts++; botresult = -1; botstate = (int)botstates.testbackpssmenu; } break; case (int)botstates.notradepartner: Report("Bot: Test if back to the PSS menu"); waitTaskbool = Program.helper.timememoryinrange(psssmenu1Off, psssmenu1IN, 0x10000, 500, 3000); taskresultbool = await waitTaskbool; if (taskresultbool) { // Back in menu attempts = 0; botstate = (int)botstates.pressWTbutton; } else { // Still waiting attempts++; botresult = -1; Report("Bot: Select Yes"); Program.helper.quickbuton(LookupTable.keyA, commandtime); await Task.Delay(commandtime + delaytime); botstate = (int)botstates.notradepartner; } break; case (int)botstates.dumpafter: if (afterdump) { Report("Bot: Dump boxes"); waitTaskbool = Program.helper.waitNTRmultiread(pcpkmOff, 232 * 30 * 31); if (await waitTaskbool) { attempts = 0; string fileName = "WTAfter-" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss") + ".ek6"; Program.gCmdWindow.writePokemonToFile(Program.helper.lastmultiread, wtfolderpath + fileName); botstate = (int)botstates.actionafter; } else { attempts++; botresult = 2; botstate = (int)botstates.dumpafter; } } else { botstate = (int)botstates.actionafter; } break; case (int)botstates.actionafter: switch (afteraction) { case 2: botstate = (int)botstates.restorebackup; break; case 3: botstate = (int)botstates.delete1; break; default: botresult = 0; botstate = (int)botstates.endbot; break; } break; case (int)botstates.restorebackup: Report("Bot: Restore boxes backup"); byte[] restore = File.ReadAllBytes(backuppath); if (restore.Length == 232 * 30 * 31) { waitTaskbool = Program.helper.waitNTRwrite(pcpkmOff, restore,; if (await waitTaskbool) { attempts = 0; botresult = 0; botstate = (int)botstates.endbot; } } else { Report("Bot: Invalid boxes file"); botresult = -1; botstate = (int)botstates.endbot; } break; case (int)botstates.delete1: Report("Bot: Delete traded pokémon"); int todelete = 0; if (startbox * 30 + startslot + starttrades > 930) { // Check if it overflows position quantity = startbox * 30 + startslot + starttrades - 930; todelete = starttrades - quantity; } else { todelete = starttrades; quantity = 0; } byte[] deletearray = new byte[232 * todelete]; for (int i = 0; i < todelete; i++) { LookupTable.EmptyPoke6.CopyTo(deletearray, i * 232); } waitTaskbool = Program.helper.waitNTRwrite(pcpkmOff + (uint)(30 * 232 * startbox) + (uint)(232 * startslot), deletearray,; if (await waitTaskbool) { attempts = 0; botstate = (int)botstates.delete2; } else { attempts++; botstate = (int)botstates.delete1; } break; case (int)botstates.delete2: if (quantity > 0) { byte[] remainarray = new byte[232 * quantity]; for (int i = 0; i < quantity; i++) { LookupTable.EmptyPoke6.CopyTo(remainarray, i * 232); } waitTaskbool = Program.helper.waitNTRwrite(pcpkmOff, remainarray,; if (await waitTaskbool) { attempts = 0; botresult = 0; botstate = (int)botstates.endbot; } else { attempts++; botstate = (int)botstates.delete2; } } else { botresult = 0; botstate = (int)botstates.endbot; } break; case (int)botstates.endbot: Report("Bot: STOP Gen 6 Wonder Trade bot"); botstop = true; break; default: Report("Bot: STOP Gen 6 Wonder Trade bot"); botresult = -1; botstop = true; break; } if (attempts > 10) { // Too many attempts if (maxreconnect > 0) { Report("Bot: Try reconnection to fix error"); waitTaskbool = Program.gCmdWindow.Reconnect(); maxreconnect--; if (await waitTaskbool) { await Task.Delay(10 *delaytime); attempts = 0; } else { botresult = -1; botstop = true; } } else { Report("Bot: STOP Gen 6 Wonder Trade bot"); botstop = true; } } } return(botresult); } catch (Exception ex) { Report("Bot: Exception detected:"); Report(ex.Source); Report(ex.Message); Report(ex.StackTrace); Report("Bot: STOP Gen 6 Wonder Trade bot"); MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); return(-1); } }