private void connect_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { System.Net.IPAddress address = null; if (System.Net.IPAddress.TryParse(ipAddress.Text, out address)) { Status.Text = "Connecting to " + address.ToString(); c = new PJLinkConnection(ipAddress.Text, "JBMIAProjectorLink"); LampStatusCommand l = new LampStatusCommand(); int hours = l.getHoursOfLamp(1); string status = l.getStatusOfLamp(1).ToString(); string power = c.powerQuery().ToString(); ProjectorInfo pi = new ProjectorInfo(); Status.Text = "Connected. \n Projector is now: " + power + "\n" + "\nstatus: " + status + "\nlamphours: " + hours; Status.Text += "\nFan:" + pi.FanStatus; Status.Text += " Lamp:" + pi.LampStatus; Status.Text += " Input:" + pi.Input; Status.Text += "\nCover:" + pi.CoverStatus; Status.Text += " Filter:" + pi.FilterStatus; Status.Text += " NumLamps:" + pi.NumOfLamps; Status.Text += "\nOthers:" + pi.PowerStatus; } else { Status.Text = "Invalid IP Address Entered"; } }
public void OpenSendOnClick() { if (ty_ip.text != "" && ty_port.text == "" && ty_order.text == "") { PJLinkConnection c = new PJLinkConnection(ty_ip.text); PowerCommand pc = new PowerCommand(Power.ON); c.sendCommandAsync(pc, OpenProjection); } else if (ty_ip.text != "" && ty_port.text != "" && ty_order.text == "") { PJLinkConnection c = new PJLinkConnection(ty_ip.text, int.Parse(ty_port.text)); PowerCommand pc = new PowerCommand(Power.ON); c.sendCommandAsync(pc, OpenProjection); } else if (ty_ip.text != "" && ty_port.text == "" && ty_order.text != "") { PJLinkConnection c = new PJLinkConnection(ty_ip.text, ty_order.text); PowerCommand pc = new PowerCommand(Power.ON); c.sendCommandAsync(pc, OpenProjection); } else if (ty_ip.text != "" && ty_port.text == "" && ty_order.text == "") { PJLinkConnection c = new PJLinkConnection(ty_ip.text, int.Parse(ty_port.text), ty_order.text); PowerCommand pc = new PowerCommand(Power.ON); c.sendCommandAsync(pc, OpenProjection); } }
public Projector(string p_strName, string p_strIP, string p_strLiftAssociation, string p_strCurrentSession, logLevel p_objLogLevel = logLevel.ErrorOnly) { projectorName = p_strName; projectorIP = p_strIP; projectorLiftAssociation = p_strLiftAssociation; m_objProjectorConnection = null; myDB = new AutomationsEntities(); m_objLogger = new Logger(ref myDB, p_strCurrentSession, p_objLogLevel, "Projector()"); }
private projectorConnectionStatus connectToProjector() { projectorConnectionStatus l_objConnectionStatus = projectorConnectionStatus.None; var l_strFunctionName = "connectToProjector()"; var l_objStatus = actionStatus.None; try { m_objLogger.logToMemory(string.Format("{0}: {1}: Is there already a connection to the projector? ", l_strFunctionName, projectorName), l_objStatus, false); if (m_objProjectorConnection == null) { m_objLogger.logToMemory("N", l_objStatus); m_objLogger.logToMemory(string.Format("{0}: {1}: Attempting to Connect to the projector", l_strFunctionName, projectorName), l_objStatus); System.Net.IPAddress l_objAddress = null; m_objLogger.logToMemory(string.Format("{0}: {1}: Checking the IP Address of the Projector", l_strFunctionName, projectorName), l_objStatus); if (System.Net.IPAddress.TryParse(projectorIP, out l_objAddress)) { m_objLogger.logToMemory(string.Format("{0}: {1}: Attempting to Connect to the projector", l_strFunctionName, projectorName), l_objStatus); m_objProjectorConnection = new PJLinkConnection(projectorIP, "JBMIAProjectorLink"); l_objStatus = actionStatus.Success; m_objLogger.logToMemory(string.Format("{0}: {1}: A Connection has been established!", l_strFunctionName, projectorName), l_objStatus); l_objConnectionStatus = projectorConnectionStatus.Connected; } else { throw new Exception("Invalid IP Address Entered"); } } else { l_objStatus = actionStatus.Success; m_objLogger.logToMemory("Y", l_objStatus); l_objConnectionStatus = projectorConnectionStatus.Connected; } } catch (Exception e) { l_objStatus = actionStatus.Error; m_objLogger.logToMemory(string.Format("{0}: {1}: Error Connecting to OR getting the status of the projector: {2}", l_strFunctionName, projectorName, e.ToString()), l_objStatus, true, true, l_strFunctionName); l_objConnectionStatus = projectorConnectionStatus.Error; } finally { m_objLogger.writePendingToDB(l_objStatus, p_strFunctionName: l_strFunctionName); } return(l_objConnectionStatus); }
public void Open() { while (FacilityControl.Instance.sceneDatas[scene_num].projections.Count == 0) { scene_num++; } if ((type == ProjectionType.ONE && current_scene == scene_num) || type == ProjectionType.ALL) { PJLinkConnection c = new PJLinkConnection(FacilityControl.Instance.sceneDatas[scene_num].projections[projections_num].ip); PowerCommand pc = new PowerCommand(power); c.sendCommandAsync(pc, OpenProjection); } else { } }
static void Main(string[] args) { PJLinkConnection c = new PJLinkConnection("", "rv"); //shortcuts //c.turnOn(); //System.Console.WriteLine(c.getProjectorInfo()); //detailed command calls //PowerCommand pc1 = new PowerCommand(PowerCommand.Powr.QUERY); //if (c.sendCommand(pc1) == Command.Response.SUCCESS) // Console.WriteLine("Projector is " + pc1.Status.ToString()); //else // Console.WriteLine("Communication Error"); //PowerCommand pc2 = new PowerCommand(PowerCommand.Powr.ON); //if (c.sendCommand(pc2) == Command.Response.SUCCESS) // Console.WriteLine("Switching on successful"); //else // Console.WriteLine("Communication Error"); //PowerCommand pc3 = new PowerCommand(PowerCommand.Powr.QUERY); //if (c.sendCommand(pc3) == Command.Response.SUCCESS) // Console.WriteLine("Projector is " + pc3.Status.ToString()); //else // Console.WriteLine("Communication Error"); //ErrorStatusCommand esc = new ErrorStatusCommand(); //if (c.sendCommand(esc) == Command.Response.SUCCESS) // Console.WriteLine(esc.dumpToString()); //else // Console.WriteLine("Communication Error"); //LampStatusCommand lsc = new LampStatusCommand(); //if (c.sendCommand(lsc) == Command.Response.SUCCESS) // Console.WriteLine(lsc.dumpToString()); //else // Console.WriteLine("Communication Error"); //ProjectorNameCommand pnc = new ProjectorNameCommand(); //if (c.sendCommand(pnc) == Command.Response.SUCCESS) // Console.WriteLine(pnc.dumpToString()); //else // Console.WriteLine("Communication Error"); //ManufacturerNameCommand mnc = new ManufacturerNameCommand(); //if (c.sendCommand(mnc) == Command.Response.SUCCESS) // Console.WriteLine(mnc.dumpToString()); //else // Console.WriteLine("Communication Error"); //ProductNameCommand prnc = new ProductNameCommand(); //if (c.sendCommand(prnc) == Command.Response.SUCCESS) // Console.WriteLine(prnc.dumpToString()); //else // Console.WriteLine("Communication Error"); //OtherInfoCommand oic = new OtherInfoCommand(); //if (c.sendCommand(oic) == Command.Response.SUCCESS) // Console.WriteLine(oic.dumpToString()); //else // Console.WriteLine("Communication Error"); //InputCommand ic1 = new InputCommand(); //if (c.sendCommand(ic1) == Command.Response.SUCCESS) // Console.WriteLine(ic1.dumpToString()); //else // Console.WriteLine("Communication Error"); //InputCommand ic2 = new InputCommand(InputCommand.InputType.RGB, 2); //if (c.sendCommand(ic2) == Command.Response.SUCCESS) // Console.WriteLine(ic2.dumpToString()); //else // Console.WriteLine("Communication Error"); ProjectorInfo pi = ProjectorInfo.create(c); string s = pi.toXmlString(); Console.WriteLine(s); Console.ReadKey(); }
public ProjectorApp() { link = new PJLinkConnection(host, password); }