public override bool VerifyConsistency(object superordinateObject, object candidate)
            PIMSchema    pimSchema    = (PIMSchema)superordinateObject;
            PIMComponent pimComponent = (PIMComponent)candidate;

예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructs a PIMOperation and registers it with schema <paramref name="schema"/> and inserts it into <see cref="PIMClass"/> <paramref name="c"/>. Also sets <see cref="Guid"/> to <paramref name="g"/>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="p">Project</param>
        /// <param name="g"><see cref="Guid"/> to be set</param>
        /// <param name="c"><see cref="PIMClass"/> to insert to</param>
        /// <param name="schema"><see cref="PIMSchema"/> to register with</param>
        public ModelOperation(Project p, Guid g, PIMClass c, PIMSchema schema, int index = -1)
            : base(p, g)

            //if (index == -1)
            //    c.PIMOperation.Add(this);
            //else c.PIMOperation.Insert(this, index);
            PIMClass = c;
예제 #3
        internal override CommandBase.OperationResult UndoOperation()
            PIMGeneralization g = Project.TranslateComponent <PIMGeneralization>(GeneralizationGuid);
            PIMSchema         s = Project.TranslateComponent <PIMSchema>(schemaGuid);

            g.Specific.GeneralizationAsSpecific = null;

예제 #4
        public static void TestTranslation(PIMSchema schema, string expected, TranslationSettings settings = null)
            if (settings == null)
                settings = new TranslationSettings();
            Exolutio.SupportingClasses.ILog log;
            SourceFile[] files  = Translations.TranslatePIMToCSharp(schema, settings, out log);
            string       s      = files[0].Code;
            string       prolog = "using Exolutio.CodeContracts.Support; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics.Contracts; ";

            TestUtils.AssertEqualIgnoreSpace(prolog + expected, s);
예제 #5
        public override void FillCopy(IExolutioCloneable copyComponent, ProjectVersion projectVersion,
                                      ElementCopiesMap createdCopies)
            base.FillCopy(copyComponent, projectVersion, createdCopies);

            ProjectVersion copyProjectVersion = (ProjectVersion)copyComponent;

            copyProjectVersion.versionGuid = projectVersion.versionGuid;

            this.CopyCollection(PIMAttributeTypes, copyProjectVersion.PIMAttributeTypes, projectVersion, createdCopies);
            copyProjectVersion.PIMSchema = PIMSchema.CreateTypedCopy(projectVersion, createdCopies);
            this.CopyCollection(PSMSchemas, copyProjectVersion.PSMSchemas, projectVersion, createdCopies);
            this.CopyCollection(PIMDiagrams, copyProjectVersion.PIMDiagrams, projectVersion, createdCopies);
            this.CopyCollection(PSMDiagrams, copyProjectVersion.PSMDiagrams, projectVersion, createdCopies);
예제 #6
        private static void CheckPIMSchema(PIMSchema pimSchema)

            foreach (PIMClass pimClass in pimSchema.PIMClasses)

            foreach (PIMAssociation pimAssociation in pimSchema.PIMAssociations)

            foreach (PIMComponent pimComponent in ModelIterator.GetPIMComponents(pimSchema))
                Assert.AreEqual(pimComponent.PIMSchema, pimSchema);
예제 #7
        internal override CommandBase.OperationResult UndoOperation()
            if (endGuids.Count != 2)
            PIMClass  class1    = Project.TranslateComponent <PIMClass>(classGuids[0]);
            PIMClass  class2    = Project.TranslateComponent <PIMClass>(classGuids[1]);
            PIMSchema pimSchema = class1.PIMSchema;

            new PIMAssociation(
                new KeyValuePair <PIMClass, Guid>(class1, endGuids[class1]),
                new KeyValuePair <PIMClass, Guid>(class2, endGuids[class2])
예제 #8
        internal override CommandBase.OperationResult UndoOperation()
            PIMAssociation a = Project.TranslateComponent <PIMAssociation>(AssociationGuid);
            PIMSchema      s = Project.TranslateComponent <PIMSchema>(schemaGuid);

            foreach (PIMAssociationEnd e in a.PIMAssociationEnds)
                if (e.PIMClass != null)

예제 #9
        private EvoX.Model.Project ConvertToNonversionedEvoXProject(Project project)
            evoxProject = new EvoX.Model.Project();

            projectVersion = evoxProject.SingleVersion;
            pimSchema      = projectVersion.PIMSchema;


            foreach (PSMDiagram psmDiagram in project.PSMDiagrams)
                psmSchema = new PSMSchema(evoxProject);
                PSMSchemaClass psmSchemaClass = new PSMSchemaClass(evoxProject, psmSchema);
                psmSchemaClass.Name = psmDiagram.Caption;

예제 #10
        public static Project CreateSimpleSampleProject()
            Project p = new Project();

            PSMSchema Spsm1 = new PSMSchema(p);


            PIMSchema sPIM = new PIMSchema(p);

            p.SingleVersion.PIMSchema = sPIM;

            PIMClass pimcProduct = new PIMClass(p, sPIM)
                Name = "Product"
            PIMClass pimcItem = new PIMClass(p, sPIM)
                Name = "Item"

            PIMAssociation a = new PIMAssociation(p, sPIM, pimcItem, pimcProduct);

            a.PIMAssociationEnds[0].Upper = 2;
            a.PIMAssociationEnds[1].Upper = UnlimitedInt.Infinity;

            AttributeType stringType = new AttributeType(p)
                Name = "string", IsSealed = true, XSDDefinition = "string"

                        #if SILVERLIGHT
예제 #11
        internal override void CommandOperation()
            PIMAssociation a = Project.TranslateComponent <PIMAssociation>(AssociationGuid);
            PIMSchema      s = a.PIMSchema;

            endGuids   = new Dictionary <Guid, Guid>();
            classGuids = new List <Guid>();
            Debug.Assert(a.PIMClasses.Count == 2, "PIMAssociation " + a.Name + " has " + a.PIMClasses.Count + " PIMClasses on delete.");
            Report = new CommandReport(CommandReports.PIM_component_deleted, a);
            foreach (PIMAssociationEnd e in a.PIMAssociationEnds)
                if (e.PIMClass != null)
                    endGuids.Add(e.PIMClass, e);
예제 #12
        public override void Deserialize(XElement parentNode, SerializationContext context)
            base.Deserialize(parentNode, context);
            context.CurrentProjectVersion = this;

            if (Project.UsesVersioning)
                if (parentNode.Attribute("versionID") == null)
                    context.Log.AddErrorFormat("Missing attribute 'versionID' in node {0}", parentNode);
                versionGuid = this.DeserializeIDRef("versionID", parentNode, context);
                if (parentNode.Attribute("versionID") != null)
                    context.Log.AddErrorFormat("Attribute 'versionID' should not be present in node {0} because the project does not use versioning.", parentNode);

            this.DeserializeWrappedCollection("PIMAttributeTypes", PIMAttributeTypes, AttributeType.CreateInstance, parentNode, context, true);

            PIMSchema objPIMSchema = new PIMSchema(Project, Guid.Empty);

            objPIMSchema.DeserializeFromChildElement("PIMSchema", parentNode, context);
            PIMSchema = objPIMSchema;

            this.DeserializeWrappedCollection("PSMSchemas", PSMSchemas, PSMSchema.CreateInstance, parentNode, context);

            this.DeserializeWrappedCollection("PIMDiagrams", PIMDiagrams, PIMDiagram.CreateInstance, parentNode, context);

            this.DeserializeWrappedCollection("PSMDiagrams", PSMDiagrams, PSMDiagram.CreateInstance, parentNode, context);

            context.CurrentProjectVersion = null;
예제 #13
 public virtual TResult ProcessPIMSchema(PIMSchema pimSchema)
예제 #14
 public virtual void ProcessPIMSchema(PIMSchema pimSchema, ref TContext context)
     ProcessSchema(pimSchema, ref context);
예제 #15
        public static Project CreateSampleProject()
            //return CreateSimpleSampleProject();

            Project p = new Project();

            PIMSchema sPIM = new PIMSchema(p);

            AttributeType stringType = new AttributeType(p)
                Name = "string", IsSealed = true, XSDDefinition = "string"


            p.SingleVersion.PIMSchema = sPIM;
            PIMClass pimcProduct = new PIMClass(p, sPIM)
                Name = "Product"
            PIMClass pimcCustomer = new PIMClass(p, sPIM)
                Name = "Customer"
            PIMClass pimcPurchase = new PIMClass(p, sPIM)
                Name = "Purchase"
            PIMClass pimcItem = new PIMClass(p, sPIM)
                Name = "Item"
            PIMClass pimcAddress = new PIMClass(p, sPIM)
                Name = "Address"

            PIMAttribute pimattProduct_title = new PIMAttribute(p, pimcProduct, sPIM)
                Name = "title", AttributeType = stringType
            PIMAttribute pimattProduct_price = new PIMAttribute(p, pimcProduct, sPIM)
                Name = "price"
            PIMAttribute pimattCustomer_name = new PIMAttribute(p, pimcCustomer, sPIM)
                Name = "name"
            PIMAttribute pimattCustomer_email = new PIMAttribute(p, pimcCustomer, sPIM)
                Name = "email", Lower = 1, Upper = UnlimitedInt.Infinity
            PIMAttribute pimattCustomer_phone = new PIMAttribute(p, pimcCustomer, sPIM)
                Name = "phone", Lower = 0, Upper = UnlimitedInt.Infinity
            PIMAttribute pimattItem_tester = new PIMAttribute(p, pimcItem, sPIM)
                Name = "tester"
            PIMAttribute pimattItem_itemprice = new PIMAttribute(p, pimcItem, sPIM)
                Name = "itemprice"
            PIMAttribute pimattItem_amount = new PIMAttribute(p, pimcItem, sPIM)
                Name = "amount"
            PIMAttribute pimattPurchase_code = new PIMAttribute(p, pimcPurchase, sPIM)
                Name = "code"
            PIMAttribute pimattPurchase_create_date = new PIMAttribute(p, pimcPurchase, sPIM)
                Name = "create-date"
            PIMAttribute pimattPurchase_status = new PIMAttribute(p, pimcPurchase, sPIM)
                Name = "status"
            PIMAttribute pimattAddress_street = new PIMAttribute(p, pimcAddress, sPIM)
                Name = "street"
            PIMAttribute pimattAddress_city = new PIMAttribute(p, pimcAddress, sPIM)
                Name = "city"
            PIMAttribute pimattAddress_country = new PIMAttribute(p, pimcAddress, sPIM)
                Name = "country"
            PIMAttribute pimattAddress_gps = new PIMAttribute(p, pimcAddress, sPIM)
                Name = "gps"

            PIMAssociationEnd pimaeProduct1 = new PIMAssociationEnd(p, pimcProduct, sPIM);
            PIMAssociationEnd pimaeItem1    = new PIMAssociationEnd(p, pimcItem, sPIM)
                Lower = 0, Upper = UnlimitedInt.Infinity
            PIMAssociation pimaProduct_Item = new PIMAssociation(p, sPIM, pimaeProduct1, pimaeItem1);

            PIMAssociationEnd pimaeItem2     = new PIMAssociationEnd(p, pimcItem, sPIM);
            PIMAssociationEnd pimaePurchase1 = new PIMAssociationEnd(p, pimcPurchase, sPIM)
                Lower = 1, Upper = UnlimitedInt.Infinity
            PIMAssociation pimaItem_Purchase = new PIMAssociation(p, sPIM, pimaeItem2, pimaePurchase1);

            PIMAssociationEnd pimaePurchase2 = new PIMAssociationEnd(p, pimcPurchase, sPIM)
                Lower = 1, Upper = UnlimitedInt.Infinity
            PIMAssociationEnd pimaeCustomer1 = new PIMAssociationEnd(p, pimcCustomer, sPIM);
            PIMAssociation    pimaMakes      = new PIMAssociation(p, sPIM, pimaePurchase2, pimaeCustomer1)
                Name = "makes"

            PIMAssociationEnd pimaePurchase3 = new PIMAssociationEnd(p, pimcPurchase, sPIM)
                Lower = 0, Upper = 1
            PIMAssociationEnd pimaeAddress1 = new PIMAssociationEnd(p, pimcAddress, sPIM)
                Lower = 0, Upper = 1
            PIMAssociation pimaShipTo = new PIMAssociation(p, sPIM, pimaePurchase3, pimaeAddress1)
                Name = "ship-to"

            PIMAssociationEnd pimaePurchase4 = new PIMAssociationEnd(p, pimcPurchase, sPIM)
                Lower = 0, Upper = 1
            PIMAssociationEnd pimaeAddress2 = new PIMAssociationEnd(p, pimcAddress, sPIM);
            PIMAssociation    pimaBillTo    = new PIMAssociation(p, sPIM, pimaePurchase4, pimaeAddress2)
                Name = "bill-to"

            PSMSchema sPSM1 = new PSMSchema(p);


            PSMSchemaClass sPSM1C = new PSMSchemaClass(p, sPSM1)
                Name = "PSMSchemaClass1"

            PSMClass psmcAddress = new PSMClass(p, sPSM1)
                Name = "Address", Interpretation = pimcAddress

            PSMAttribute psmattStreet = new PSMAttribute(p, psmcAddress, sPSM1)
                Name = "street", Element = true, Interpretation = pimattAddress_street
            PSMAttribute psmattCity = new PSMAttribute(p, psmcAddress, sPSM1)
                Name = "city", Element = true, Interpretation = pimattAddress_city

            PSMClass psmcPurchase = new PSMClass(p, sPSM1)
                Name = "Purchase", Interpretation = pimcPurchase

            PSMAssociation psmaPurchase = new PSMAssociation(p, sPSM1C, psmcPurchase, sPSM1)
                Name = "purchase"

            PSMAttribute psmattPurchase_code = new PSMAttribute(p, psmcPurchase, sPSM1)
                Name = "code", Element = false, Interpretation = pimattPurchase_code
            PSMAttribute psmattPurchase_create_date = new PSMAttribute(p, psmcPurchase, sPSM1)
                Name = "create-date", Element = true, Interpretation = pimattPurchase_create_date
            PSMAttribute psmattPurchase_version = new PSMAttribute(p, psmcPurchase, sPSM1)
                Name = "version", Element = false

            PSMClass psmcBillAddress = new PSMClass(p, sPSM1)
                Name = "BillAddress", Interpretation = pimcAddress, RepresentedClass = psmcAddress
            PSMClass psmcShipAddress = new PSMClass(p, sPSM1)
                Name = "ShipAddress", Interpretation = pimcAddress, RepresentedClass = psmcAddress
            PSMClass psmcCustomer = new PSMClass(p, sPSM1)
                Name = "Customer", Interpretation = pimcCustomer
            PSMClass psmcItems = new PSMClass(p, sPSM1)
                Name = "Items"

            PSMAttribute psmattCustomer_name = new PSMAttribute(p, psmcCustomer, sPSM1)
                Name = "name", Element = true, Interpretation = pimattCustomer_name

            PSMAssociation psmaBillTo = new PSMAssociation(p, psmcPurchase, psmcBillAddress, sPSM1)
                Name = "bill-to", Interpretation = pimaBillTo
            PSMAssociation psmaShipTo = new PSMAssociation(p, psmcPurchase, psmcShipAddress, sPSM1)
                Name = "ship-to", Interpretation = pimaShipTo, Lower = 0
            PSMAssociation psmacust = new PSMAssociation(p, psmcPurchase, psmcCustomer, sPSM1)
                Name = "cust", Interpretation = pimaMakes
            PSMAssociation psmaItems = new PSMAssociation(p, psmcPurchase, psmcItems, sPSM1)
                Name = "items"

            PSMClass psmcContact = new PSMClass(p, sPSM1)
                Name = "Contact"

            PSMAttribute psmattContactEmail = new PSMAttribute(p, psmcContact, sPSM1)
                Name = "email", Lower = 1, Upper = UnlimitedInt.Infinity, Interpretation = pimattCustomer_email, Element = true
            PSMAttribute psmattContactPhone = new PSMAttribute(p, psmcContact, sPSM1)
                Name = "phone", Lower = 0, Upper = UnlimitedInt.Infinity, Interpretation = pimattCustomer_phone, Element = true

            PSMAssociation psmaCustomerContact = new PSMAssociation(p, psmcCustomer, psmcContact, sPSM1);

            PSMClass psmcItem = new PSMClass(p, sPSM1)
                Name = "Item", Interpretation = pimcItem
            PSMAssociation psmaItemsItem = new PSMAssociation(p, psmcItems, psmcItem, sPSM1)
                Name = "item", Lower = 1, Upper = UnlimitedInt.Infinity, Interpretation = pimaItem_Purchase

            PSMContentModel psmcm1 = new PSMContentModel(p, sPSM1)
                Type = PSMContentModelType.Choice
            PSMAssociation psmaPSMC1 = new PSMAssociation(p, psmcItem, psmcm1, sPSM1);

            PSMClass psmcProduct = new PSMClass(p, sPSM1)
                Name = "Product", Interpretation = pimcProduct
            PSMAttribute psmattProduct_code = new PSMAttribute(p, psmcProduct, sPSM1)
                Name = "code", Element = true, Interpretation = pimattProduct_title
            PSMAssociation psmaPSMC1Product = new PSMAssociation(p, psmcm1, psmcProduct, sPSM1)
                Interpretation = pimaProduct_Item

            PSMClass psmcItemTester = new PSMClass(p, sPSM1)
                Name = "ItemTester"
            PSMAttribute psmattItemTester_tester = new PSMAttribute(p, psmcItemTester, sPSM1)
                Name = "tester", Element = false, Interpretation = pimattItem_tester
            PSMAssociation psmaPSMC1ItemTester = new PSMAssociation(p, psmcm1, psmcItemTester, sPSM1);

            PSMClass psmcItemPricing = new PSMClass(p, sPSM1)
                Name = "ItemPricing"
            PSMAttribute psmattItemPricing_price = new PSMAttribute(p, psmcItemPricing, sPSM1)
                Name = "price", Element = true, Interpretation = pimattItem_itemprice
            PSMAttribute psmattItemPricing_amount = new PSMAttribute(p, psmcItemPricing, sPSM1)
                Name = "amount", Element = true, Interpretation = pimattItem_amount
            PSMAssociation psmaPSMC1ItemPricing = new PSMAssociation(p, psmcm1, psmcItemPricing, sPSM1);

            p.HasUnsavedChanges = true;

            // classes were added to roots...
            foreach (PSMAssociationMember member in sPSM1.Roots.ToArray())
                if (member.ParentAssociation != null)

                        #if SILVERLIGHT

예제 #16
        public static void CommandTest()
            Project p = new Project();

            PIMSchema sPIM = new PIMSchema(p);

            AttributeType stringType = new AttributeType(p)
                Name = "string", IsSealed = true, XSDDefinition = "string"


            p.SingleVersion.PIMSchema = sPIM;
            PIMClass pimcProduct = new PIMClass(p, sPIM)
                Name = "Product"
            PIMClass pimcCustomer = new PIMClass(p, sPIM)
                Name = "Customer"
            PIMClass pimcPurchase = new PIMClass(p, sPIM)
                Name = "Purchase"
            PIMClass pimcItem = new PIMClass(p, sPIM)
                Name = "Item"
            PIMClass pimcAddress = new PIMClass(p, sPIM)
                Name = "Address"

            PIMAttribute pimattProduct_title = new PIMAttribute(p, pimcProduct, sPIM)
                Name = "title", AttributeType = stringType
            PIMAttribute pimattProduct_price = new PIMAttribute(p, pimcProduct, sPIM)
                Name = "price"
            PIMAttribute pimattCustomer_name = new PIMAttribute(p, pimcCustomer, sPIM)
                Name = "name"
            PIMAttribute pimattCustomer_email = new PIMAttribute(p, pimcCustomer, sPIM)
                Name = "email", Lower = 1, Upper = UnlimitedInt.Infinity
            PIMAttribute pimattCustomer_phone = new PIMAttribute(p, pimcCustomer, sPIM)
                Name = "phone", Lower = 0, Upper = UnlimitedInt.Infinity
            PIMAttribute pimattItem_tester = new PIMAttribute(p, pimcItem, sPIM)
                Name = "tester"
            PIMAttribute pimattItem_itemprice = new PIMAttribute(p, pimcItem, sPIM)
                Name = "itemprice"
            PIMAttribute pimattItem_amount = new PIMAttribute(p, pimcItem, sPIM)
                Name = "amount"
            PIMAttribute pimattPurchase_code = new PIMAttribute(p, pimcPurchase, sPIM)
                Name = "code"
            PIMAttribute pimattPurchase_create_date = new PIMAttribute(p, pimcPurchase, sPIM)
                Name = "create-date"
            PIMAttribute pimattPurchase_status = new PIMAttribute(p, pimcPurchase, sPIM)
                Name = "status"
            PIMAttribute pimattAddress_street = new PIMAttribute(p, pimcAddress, sPIM)
                Name = "street"
            PIMAttribute pimattAddress_city = new PIMAttribute(p, pimcAddress, sPIM)
                Name = "city"
            PIMAttribute pimattAddress_country = new PIMAttribute(p, pimcAddress, sPIM)
                Name = "country"
            PIMAttribute pimattAddress_gps = new PIMAttribute(p, pimcAddress, sPIM)
                Name = "gps"

            PIMAssociationEnd pimaeProduct1 = new PIMAssociationEnd(p, pimcProduct, sPIM);
            PIMAssociationEnd pimaeItem1    = new PIMAssociationEnd(p, pimcItem, sPIM)
                Lower = 0, Upper = UnlimitedInt.Infinity
            PIMAssociation pimaProduct_Item = new PIMAssociation(p, sPIM, pimaeProduct1, pimaeItem1);

            PIMAssociationEnd pimaeItem2     = new PIMAssociationEnd(p, pimcItem, sPIM);
            PIMAssociationEnd pimaePurchase1 = new PIMAssociationEnd(p, pimcPurchase, sPIM)
                Lower = 1, Upper = UnlimitedInt.Infinity
            PIMAssociation pimaItem_Purchase = new PIMAssociation(p, sPIM, pimaeItem2, pimaePurchase1);

            PIMAssociationEnd pimaePurchase2 = new PIMAssociationEnd(p, pimcPurchase, sPIM)
                Lower = 1, Upper = UnlimitedInt.Infinity
            PIMAssociationEnd pimaeCustomer1 = new PIMAssociationEnd(p, pimcCustomer, sPIM);
            PIMAssociation    pimaMakes      = new PIMAssociation(p, sPIM, pimaePurchase2, pimaeCustomer1)
                Name = "makes"

            PIMAssociationEnd pimaePurchase3 = new PIMAssociationEnd(p, pimcPurchase, sPIM)
                Lower = 0, Upper = 1
            PIMAssociationEnd pimaeAddress1 = new PIMAssociationEnd(p, pimcAddress, sPIM)
                Lower = 0, Upper = 1
            PIMAssociation pimaShipTo = new PIMAssociation(p, sPIM, pimaePurchase3, pimaeAddress1)
                Name = "ship-to"

            PIMAssociationEnd pimaePurchase4 = new PIMAssociationEnd(p, pimcPurchase, sPIM)
                Lower = 0, Upper = 1
            PIMAssociationEnd pimaeAddress2 = new PIMAssociationEnd(p, pimcAddress, sPIM);
            PIMAssociation    pimaBillTo    = new PIMAssociation(p, sPIM, pimaePurchase4, pimaeAddress2)
                Name = "bill-to"

            PSMSchema sPSM1 = new PSMSchema(p);


            PSMSchemaClass sPSM1C = new PSMSchemaClass(p, sPSM1)
                Name = "PSMSchemaClass1"

            PSMClass psmcAddress = new PSMClass(p, sPSM1)
                Name = "Address", Interpretation = pimcAddress


            PSMAttribute psmattStreet = new PSMAttribute(p, psmcAddress, sPSM1)
                Name = "street", Element = true, Interpretation = pimattAddress_street
            PSMAttribute psmattCity = new PSMAttribute(p, psmcAddress, sPSM1)
                Name = "city", Element = true, Interpretation = pimattAddress_city

            PSMClass psmcPurchase = new PSMClass(p, sPSM1)
                Name = "Purchase", Interpretation = pimcPurchase

            PSMAssociation psmaPurchase = new PSMAssociation(p, sPSM1C, psmcPurchase, sPSM1)
                Name = "purchase"

            PSMAttribute psmattPurchase_code = new PSMAttribute(p, psmcPurchase, sPSM1)
                Name = "code", Element = false, Interpretation = pimattPurchase_code
            PSMAttribute psmattPurchase_create_date = new PSMAttribute(p, psmcPurchase, sPSM1)
                Name = "create-date", Element = true, Interpretation = pimattPurchase_create_date
            PSMAttribute psmattPurchase_version = new PSMAttribute(p, psmcPurchase, sPSM1)
                Name = "version", Element = false

            PSMClass psmcBillAddress = new PSMClass(p, sPSM1)
                Name = "BillAddress", Interpretation = pimcAddress, RepresentedClass = psmcAddress
            PSMClass psmcShipAddress = new PSMClass(p, sPSM1)
                Name = "ShipAddress", Interpretation = pimcAddress, RepresentedClass = psmcAddress
            PSMClass psmcCustomer = new PSMClass(p, sPSM1)
                Name = "Customer", Interpretation = pimcCustomer
            PSMClass psmcItems = new PSMClass(p, sPSM1)
                Name = "Items"

            PSMAttribute psmattCustomer_name = new PSMAttribute(p, psmcCustomer, sPSM1)
                Name = "name", Element = true, Interpretation = pimattCustomer_name

            PSMAssociation psmaBillTo = new PSMAssociation(p, psmcPurchase, psmcBillAddress, sPSM1)
                Name = "bill-to", Interpretation = pimaBillTo
            PSMAssociation psmaShipTo = new PSMAssociation(p, psmcPurchase, psmcShipAddress, sPSM1)
                Name = "ship-to", Interpretation = pimaShipTo, Lower = 0
            PSMAssociation psmacust = new PSMAssociation(p, psmcPurchase, psmcCustomer, sPSM1)
                Name = "cust", Interpretation = pimaMakes
            PSMAssociation psmaItems = new PSMAssociation(p, psmcPurchase, psmcItems, sPSM1)
                Name = "items"

            PSMClass psmcContact = new PSMClass(p, sPSM1)
                Name = "Contact"

            PSMAttribute psmattContactEmail = new PSMAttribute(p, psmcContact, sPSM1)
                Name = "email", Lower = 1, Upper = UnlimitedInt.Infinity, Interpretation = pimattCustomer_email, Element = true
            PSMAttribute psmattContactPhone = new PSMAttribute(p, psmcContact, sPSM1)
                Name = "phone", Lower = 0, Upper = UnlimitedInt.Infinity, Interpretation = pimattCustomer_phone, Element = true

            PSMAssociation psmaCustomerContact = new PSMAssociation(p, psmcCustomer, psmcContact, sPSM1);

            PSMClass psmcItem = new PSMClass(p, sPSM1)
                Name = "Item", Interpretation = pimcItem
            PSMAssociation psmaItemsItem = new PSMAssociation(p, psmcItems, psmcItem, sPSM1)
                Name = "item", Lower = 1, Upper = UnlimitedInt.Infinity, Interpretation = pimaItem_Purchase

            PSMContentModel psmcm1 = new PSMContentModel(p, sPSM1)
                Type = PSMContentModelType.Choice
            PSMAssociation psmaPSMC1 = new PSMAssociation(p, psmcItem, psmcm1, sPSM1);

            PSMClass psmcProduct = new PSMClass(p, sPSM1)
                Name = "Product", Interpretation = pimcProduct
            PSMAttribute psmattProduct_code = new PSMAttribute(p, psmcProduct, sPSM1)
                Name = "code", Element = true, Interpretation = pimattProduct_title
            PSMAssociation psmaPSMC1Product = new PSMAssociation(p, psmcm1, psmcProduct, sPSM1)
                Interpretation = pimaProduct_Item

            PSMClass psmcItemTester = new PSMClass(p, sPSM1)
                Name = "ItemTester"
            PSMAttribute psmattItemTester_tester = new PSMAttribute(p, psmcItemTester, sPSM1)
                Name = "tester", Element = false, Interpretation = pimattItem_tester
            PSMAssociation psmaPSMC1ItemTester = new PSMAssociation(p, psmcm1, psmcItemTester, sPSM1);

            PSMClass psmcItemPricing = new PSMClass(p, sPSM1)
                Name = "ItemPricing"
            PSMAttribute psmattItemPricing_price = new PSMAttribute(p, psmcItemPricing, sPSM1)
                Name = "price", Element = true, Interpretation = pimattItem_itemprice
            PSMAttribute psmattItemPricing_amount = new PSMAttribute(p, psmcItemPricing, sPSM1)
                Name = "amount", Element = true, Interpretation = pimattItem_amount
            PSMAssociation psmaPSMC1ItemPricing = new PSMAssociation(p, psmcm1, psmcItemPricing, sPSM1);

            PSMSchema sPSM2 = new PSMSchema(p);

            p.HasUnsavedChanges = true;

            Controller.Controller c = new Controller.Controller(p);

            Guid sPSM1Guid = sPSM1;


            //Exolutio.Controller.Commands.Atomic.PIM.MacroWrappers.cmdDeletePIMClass command = new Exolutio.Controller.Commands.Atomic.PIM.MacroWrappers.cmdDeletePIMClass(c);

            Exolutio.Controller.Commands.UndoCommand undo = new Exolutio.Controller.Commands.UndoCommand(c);

            Exolutio.Controller.Commands.RedoCommand redo = new Exolutio.Controller.Commands.RedoCommand(c);

            /*cmdDeletePSMSchema command = new cmdDeletePSMSchema(c);
             * command.Set(sPSM1);
             * command.Execute();
             * ModelConsistency.CheckProject(p);
             * try
             * {
             *      p.TranslateComponent<PSMSchema>(sPSM1Guid);
             * }
             * catch {  }
             * command.UnExecute();
             * sPSM1 = p.TranslateComponent<PSMSchema>(sPSM1Guid);
             * ModelConsistency.CheckProject(p);
             * command.ExecuteAsRedo();*/
예제 #17
        public IList <ClassifierConstraintBlock> FindSuitableConstraints(PIMSchema pimSchema, PSMSchema psmSchema)
            List <ClassifierConstraintBlock> result = new List <ClassifierConstraintBlock>();

            foreach (OCLScript oclScript in pimSchema.OCLScripts)
                OclCompilerResult compilerResult = oclScript.CompileToAst();
                if (!compilerResult.Errors.HasError)
                    ConstraintSuitabilityChecker constraintSuitabilityChecker = new ConstraintSuitabilityChecker
                        TargetPSMSchema = psmSchema,
                        Bridge          = compilerResult.Bridge
                    ConstraintConvertor constraintConvertor = new ConstraintConvertor
                        TargetPSMSchema = psmSchema,
                        Bridge          = compilerResult.Bridge

                    foreach (ClassifierConstraintBlock classifierConstraint in compilerResult.Constraints.ClassifierConstraintBlocks)
                        /* constraints from one PIM context can be distributed amont several
                         * PSM contexts (different PSM classes with identical interpretation) */
                        Dictionary <Classifier, ClassifierConstraintBlock> translatedInvariants =
                            new Dictionary <Classifier, ClassifierConstraintBlock>();

                        foreach (InvariantWithMessage pimInvariant in classifierConstraint.Invariants)
                            bool suitable = constraintSuitabilityChecker.CheckConstraintSuitability(
                                classifierConstraint, pimInvariant.Constraint);
                            if (suitable)
                                Classifier psmContextSuggestion = null;
                                    OclExpression psmInvariant = constraintConvertor.TranslateConstraint(classifierConstraint, pimInvariant.Constraint, constraintSuitabilityChecker.VariableClassMappings,
                                                                                                         constraintSuitabilityChecker.PathMappings, constraintSuitabilityChecker.VariableTranslations, out psmContextSuggestion);

                                    if (!translatedInvariants.ContainsKey(psmContextSuggestion))
                                        translatedInvariants[psmContextSuggestion] = new ClassifierConstraintBlock(psmContextSuggestion,
                                                                                                                   new List <InvariantWithMessage>(), constraintConvertor.SelfVariableDeclaration);
                                    translatedInvariants[psmContextSuggestion].Invariants.Add(new InvariantWithMessage(psmInvariant));

                        foreach (KeyValuePair <Classifier, ClassifierConstraintBlock> kvp in translatedInvariants)
예제 #18
        private static void RelationsCorrespond(IVersionedItem versionedItem, IVersionedItem other)
            #region PIMSchema
                PIMSchema PIMSchema1 = versionedItem as PIMSchema;
                if (PIMSchema1 != null)
                    SubcollectionCheck(PIMSchema1, other, owner => owner.PIMAttributes);
                    SubcollectionCheck(PIMSchema1, other, owner => owner.PIMAssociationEnds);
                    SubcollectionCheck(PIMSchema1, other, owner => owner.PIMClasses);
                    SubcollectionCheck(PIMSchema1, other, owner => owner.PIMAssociations);

            #region PIMClass
                PIMClass pimClass1 = versionedItem as PIMClass;
                if (pimClass1 != null)
                    SubcollectionCheck(pimClass1, other, owner => owner.PIMAttributes);
                    SubcollectionCheck(pimClass1, other, owner => owner.PIMAssociationEnds);

            #region PIMAttribute
                PIMAttribute PIMAttribute1 = versionedItem as PIMAttribute;
                if (PIMAttribute1 != null)
                    ReferenceCheck(PIMAttribute1, other, owner => owner.PIMClass);
                    ReferenceCheck(PIMAttribute1, other, owner => owner.AttributeType);

            #region PIMAssociation
                PIMAssociation PIMAssociation1 = versionedItem as PIMAssociation;
                if (PIMAssociation1 != null)
                    SubcollectionCheck(PIMAssociation1, other, owner => owner.PIMClasses);
                    SubcollectionCheck(PIMAssociation1, other, owner => owner.PIMAssociationEnds);

            #region PSMClass
                PSMClass PSMClass1 = versionedItem as PSMClass;
                if (PSMClass1 != null)
                    SubcollectionCheck(PSMClass1, other, owner => owner.PSMAttributes);
                    SubcollectionCheck(PSMClass1, other, owner => owner.ChildPSMAssociations);
                    ReferenceCheck(PSMClass1, other, owner => owner.RepresentedClass);
                    ReferenceCheck(PSMClass1, other, owner => owner.ParentAssociation);

            #region PSMAttribute
                PSMAttribute PSMAttribute1 = versionedItem as PSMAttribute;
                if (PSMAttribute1 != null)
                    ReferenceCheck(PSMAttribute1, other, owner => owner.PSMClass);
                    ReferenceCheck(PSMAttribute1, other, owner => owner.AttributeType);

            #region PSMAssociation
                PSMAssociation PSMAssociation1 = versionedItem as PSMAssociation;
                if (PSMAssociation1 != null)
                    ReferenceCheck(PSMAssociation1, other, owner => owner.Parent);
                    ReferenceCheck(PSMAssociation1, other, owner => owner.Child);

            #region PSMContentModel
                PSMContentModel PSMContentModel1 = versionedItem as PSMContentModel;
                if (PSMContentModel1 != null)
                    SubcollectionCheck(PSMContentModel1, other, owner => owner.ChildPSMAssociations);
                    ReferenceCheck(PSMContentModel1, other, owner => owner.ParentAssociation);

            #region PSMSchema
                PSMSchema PSMSchema1 = versionedItem as PSMSchema;
                if (PSMSchema1 != null)
                    SubcollectionCheck(PSMSchema1, other, owner => owner.PSMAttributes);
                    SubcollectionCheck(PSMSchema1, other, owner => owner.PSMContentModels);
                    SubcollectionCheck(PSMSchema1, other, owner => owner.PSMClasses);
                    SubcollectionCheck(PSMSchema1, other, owner => owner.PSMAssociations);
                    SubcollectionCheck(PSMSchema1, other, owner => owner.PSMSchemaReferences);
                    SubcollectionCheck(PSMSchema1, other, owner => owner.Roots);

                    ReferenceCheck(PSMSchema1, other, owner => owner.PSMSchemaClass);