예제 #1
  * Returns all repetitions of Contact Identifiers (CTD-7).
 public PI[] getContactIdentifiers()
     PI[] ret = null;
     try {
         Type[] t = this.getField(7);
         ret = new PI[t.Length];
         for (int i = 0; i < ret.Length; i++)
             ret[i] = (PI)t[i];
     } catch (HL7Exception he) {
         HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(this.GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", he);
         throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", he);
     } catch (System.Exception cce) {
         HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected problem obtaining field value.  This is a bug.", cce);
         throw new System.Exception("An unexpected error ocurred", cce);
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Получить время последнего ввода пользователя
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Время в миллисекундах</returns>
        private static uint GetLastInputTime()
            uint idleTime = 0;

            PI.LASTINPUTINFO lastInputInfo = new PI.LASTINPUTINFO();
            lastInputInfo.cbSize = (uint)Marshal.SizeOf(lastInputInfo);
            lastInputInfo.dwTime = 0;

            uint envTicks = (uint)Environment.TickCount;

            if (PI.GetLastInputInfo(ref lastInputInfo))
                uint lastInputTick = lastInputInfo.dwTime;

                idleTime = envTicks - lastInputTick;

            return((idleTime > 0) ? idleTime : 0);
        public async void CreateNewPIAction()
            PI          pi;
            InputDialog inputDialog = new InputDialog("Ingrese el numero de PI:", "");

            if (inputDialog.ShowDialog() == true)
                pi = new PI(inputDialog.Answer, DateTime.Now);
                MessageBox.Show("Se requiere de un numero de PI para continuar", "Error", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error);

            WaitPlease w = new WaitPlease();


            Response r = await WebService.InsertData(pi, "http://localhost/costs_api/controller/pi/pi.php", PI.DataType.NewPI);

            if (r != null)
                int aux = -1;
                if (int.TryParse(r.message.ToString(), out aux))
                    pi.id = aux;
                    App.Current.Properties["IDPI"] = pi;
                    AddPIInfo p = new AddPIInfo();
                    MessageBox.Show("Error, " + r.message);
                MessageBox.Show("No se pudo establecer comunicacion con el servidor", "Error", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error);
예제 #4
        private void DoTheBlur()
            if (!_blurValues.BlurWhenFocusLost ||
                _parentForm.IsDisposed ||
                // Has blur been turned off ?
            _visualBlur = new VisualBlur(_blurValues);
            Rectangle clientRectangle = CommonHelper.RealClientRectangle(_parentForm.Handle);

            _visualBlur.SetTargetRect(_parentForm.DesktopLocation, clientRectangle);

            Rectangle targetRect = _visualBlur.TargetRect;

            // As UpdateBlur can take a few moments, then it is possible for the app to be closed before getting to the next line
            if ((_visualBlur == null) ||
                _parentForm.IsDisposed ||

            PI.SetWindowPos(_visualBlur.Handle, PI.HWND_TOP, //.HWND_TOPMOST,
                                                             //PI.SetWindowPos(_visualBlur.Handle, _parentForm.Handle,
                            targetRect.X, targetRect.Y, targetRect.Width, targetRect.Height,
                            | PI.SWP_.NOREDRAW
                            | PI.SWP_.SHOWWINDOW
                            | PI.SWP_.NOCOPYBITS
                            //| PI.SWP_.NOOWNERZORDER
            // Set parent form opacity afterwards to prevent flicker
            _parentBeforeOpacity ??= _parentForm.Opacity;

            _parentForm.Opacity          = _blurValues.Opacity / 100.0;
            _detectIsActiveTimer.Enabled = true;
        static void Main(string[] args)
            const double PI       = Math.PI;
            var          daysType = typeof(Days);

            Console.WriteLine("PI Type: " + PI.GetType());
            Console.WriteLine("Circumference: " + (PI * 3));

            Console.WriteLine("\nFirst Name:" + Days.Sat);
            Console.WriteLine("\n1st Index: " + (int)Days.Sat);

            string name = Enum.GetName(daysType, 1);

            Console.WriteLine("\n2nd Index: " + name);

            bool flag = Enum.IsDefined(daysType, "Mon");

            Console.WriteLine("Contains Mon?: " + flag);
예제 #6
        static FlashWindowExListener()
            int processId = PI.GetCurrentThreadId();

            // create an instance of the delegate that
            // won't be garbage collected to avoid:
            //   Managed Debugging Assistant 'CallbackOnCollectedDelegate' :**
            //   'A callback was made on a garbage collected delegate of type
            //   'WpfApp1!WpfApp1.MainWindow+NativeMethods+CBTProc::Invoke'.
            //   This may cause application crashes, corruption and data loss.
            //   When passing delegates to unmanaged code, they must be
            //   kept alive by the managed application until it is guaranteed
            //   that they will never be called.'
            _hookProc = ShellProc;

            // we are interested in listening to WH_SHELL events, mainly the HSHELL_REDRAW event.
            _hHook = PI.SetWindowsHookEx(PI.WH_.SHELL, _hookProc, IntPtr.Zero, processId);

            Application.ApplicationExit += delegate { PI.UnhookWindowsHookEx(_hHook); };
예제 #7
        public static bool deviceIsShown = false; // Показано ли окно.

        /// <summary>
        /// Показать окно в формой
        /// </summary>
        public void ShowDlg()
            System.Diagnostics.Process oCurrent =

            // Идентификатор команды вызова окна "Основные данные изделия"
            const int wndWmCommand = 35357;
            string    windowName   = "Основные данные изделия";

            if (deviceIsShown == true)
                                                        wndDevVisibilePtr, wndWmCommand);

            StaticHelper.GUIHelper.SearchWindowDescriptor(oCurrent, windowName,
                                                          wndWmCommand, ref dialogHandle, ref wndDevVisibilePtr);
            if (wndDevVisibilePtr != IntPtr.Zero)
                                                        wndDevVisibilePtr, wndWmCommand);
                StaticHelper.GUIHelper.ChangeWindowMainPanels(ref dialogHandle,
                                                              ref panelPtr);


                // Переносим на найденное окно свои элементы (SetParent) и
                // подгоняем их размеры и позицию.
                PI.SetParent(devicesTreeViewAdv.Handle, dialogHandle);
                PI.SetParent(toolStrip.Handle, dialogHandle);

                // Устанавливаем свой хук для найденного окна
                // (для изменения размеров своих элементов, сохранения
                // изменений при закрытии и отключения хука).

                deviceIsShown = true;
예제 #8
        /// <summary>
        /// 根据实体类生成SqlParameter集合,用于大量参数(返回自增后的主键时使用)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mouob">实体类</param>
        /// <returns>SqlParameter[]</returns>
        public static SqlParameter[] ParmsByModuleAddId(object mouob)
            PropertyInfo[] Fields = mouob.GetType().GetProperties();
            SqlParameter[] parms  = new SqlParameter[Fields.Length + 1];
            int            i      = 0;

            foreach (PropertyInfo PI in Fields)
                parms[i] = new SqlParameter();
                parms[i].ParameterName = "@" + PI.Name;
                if (PI.PropertyType == typeof(System.Int32))
                    parms[i].SqlDbType = SqlDbType.Int;
                else if (PI.PropertyType == typeof(System.String))
                    parms[i].SqlDbType = SqlDbType.VarChar;
                else if (PI.PropertyType == typeof(System.DateTime))
                    parms[i].SqlDbType = SqlDbType.DateTime;
                else if (PI.PropertyType == typeof(System.Double))
                    parms[i].SqlDbType = SqlDbType.Float;
                else if (PI.PropertyType == typeof(System.Boolean))
                    parms[i].SqlDbType = SqlDbType.Bit;
                parms[i].Value = PI.GetValue(mouob, null);
            parms[i] = new SqlParameter();
            parms[i].ParameterName = "@InsertId";
            parms[i].SqlDbType     = SqlDbType.Int;
            parms[i].Value         = 0;
            parms[i].Direction     = ParameterDirection.Output;
예제 #9
		public static bool ContainsFileDropPaths( IntPtr hwnd = default )
			if( ( hwnd != IntPtr.Zero ) && PI.OpenClipboard( hwnd ) )
					for( uint i = PI.EnumClipboardFormats( 0 ); i != 0; i = PI.EnumClipboardFormats( i ) )
						if( i == PI.CF_HDROP )
							return true;
			return false;
예제 #10
        public object GetMocks()
            Mocker        mock            = new Mocker();
            List <object> list            = new List <object>();
            var           generatedObject = _builder.CreateDynamicClass(PropertyNames, TypesString);
            Type          TP = generatedObject.GetType();

            foreach (PropertyInfo PI in TP.GetProperties())
                var businessObjectPropValue = PI.GetValue(generatedObject, null);
                PI.SetValue(generatedObject, mock.Name.FirstName(), null);
                //PI.SetValue("FirstName", mock.Name.FirstName());
            //var testEmployee = new MockerGeneric<TempEmployee>()
            //    .Condition(o => o.FirstName, m => m.Name.FirstName())
            //    .Condition(o => o.LastName, m => m.Name.LastName())
            //    .Condition(o => o.id, m => m.Random.Number(1, 100));
            //var user = testEmployee.Mock(1000);
예제 #11
        protected override T PerformInsert <T>(T ValueToInsert) //where T:PersistentBase
            Type type = ValueToInsert.GetType();

            string TableName = type.GetCustomAttribute <PersistentTableName>().TableName;
            string query     = "INSERT INTO [" + TableName + "](";
            string values    = " OUTPUT INSERTED.ID VALUES(";
            bool   first     = true;

            int        i          = 1;
            SqlCommand tmpCommand = new SqlCommand();

            foreach (PropertyInfo PI in type.GetProperties())
                if (!PI.PropertyType.IsArray && PI.Name.ToLower() != "id" && !Attribute.IsDefined(PI, typeof(NonPersistent)))
                    if (!first)
                        query  += ", ";
                        values += ",";
                    first   = false;
                    query  += "[" + PI.Name + "]";
                    values += "@" + i.ToString();
                    object val = (PI.GetValue(ValueToInsert));

                    /*if (val is decimal)
                     *  tmpCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@"+i++.ToString(), ((decimal)val).ToString("#############00.0000000000#####"));
                     * else*/
                    tmpCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@" + i++.ToString(), val ?? DBNull.Value);
            query  += ") ";
            values += ")";
            tmpCommand.CommandText = query + values;
            tmpCommand.Connection  = Connection;
            ValueToInsert.Id       = (int)tmpCommand.ExecuteScalar();
예제 #12
 /// <summary> Returns all repetitions of Provider Identifiers (PRD-7).</summary>
 public virtual PI[] getProviderIdentifiers()
     PI[] ret = null;
         Type[] t = this.getField(7);
         ret = new PI[t.Length];
         for (int i = 0; i < ret.Length; i++)
             ret[i] = (PI)t[i];
     catch (System.InvalidCastException)
         throw new Exception();
     catch (NuGenHL7Exception)
         throw new Exception();
예제 #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Show the window relative to provided screen rectangle.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="screenRect">Screen rectangle.</param>
        public void ShowRelative(Rectangle screenRect)
            // Find screen middle points
            int yMid = screenRect.Y + (screenRect.Height / 2);
            int xMid = screenRect.X + (screenRect.Width / 2);

            // Find docking size middle points
            int yHalf = _dragData.DockWindowSize.Height / 2;
            int xHalf = _dragData.DockWindowSize.Width / 2;

            Point location;

            if (_dragData.ShowLeft && !_dragData.ShowRight && !_dragData.ShowMiddle && !_dragData.ShowTop && !_dragData.ShowBottom)
                location = new Point(screenRect.Left + 10, yMid - yHalf);
            else if (!_dragData.ShowLeft && _dragData.ShowRight && !_dragData.ShowMiddle && !_dragData.ShowTop && !_dragData.ShowBottom)
                location = new Point(screenRect.Right - _dragData.DockWindowSize.Width - 10, yMid - yHalf);
            else if (!_dragData.ShowLeft && !_dragData.ShowRight && !_dragData.ShowMiddle && _dragData.ShowTop && !_dragData.ShowBottom)
                location = new Point(xMid - xHalf, screenRect.Top + 10);
            else if (!_dragData.ShowLeft && !_dragData.ShowRight && !_dragData.ShowMiddle && !_dragData.ShowTop && _dragData.ShowBottom)
                location = new Point(xMid - xHalf, screenRect.Bottom - _dragData.DockWindowSize.Height - 10);
                location = new Point(xMid - xHalf, yMid - yHalf);

            // Update the image for display
            UpdateLayeredWindow(new Rectangle(location, _showRect.Size));

            // Show the window without activating it (i.e. do not take focus)
            PI.ShowWindow(Handle, PI.ShowWindowCommands.SW_SHOWNOACTIVATE);
예제 #14
        private bool compare(Virus a, Virus b)
            var virusAprop = typeof(Virus).GetProperties();

            foreach (PropertyInfo PI in virusAprop)
                //object? is een var die null mag zijn
                object?valueA = PI.GetValue(a);
                object?valueB = PI.GetValue(b);
                if (PI.PropertyType.Name == "double")
                {// als double afronden
                    valueA = Math.Round((double)PI.GetValue(a), 1);
                    valueB = Math.Round((double)PI.GetValue(b), 1);

                if (valueA != valueB)
예제 #15
        //установить данные объекта для модификации БД
        public bool SetDataForModify(ApplicationContext db,
                                     RowContainer RC,
                                     DataProvider ParentNode)
            int nSetVal = 0;

            RC.ValueCellContainer.ForEach(Cell =>
                foreach (PropertyInfo PI in GetType().GetProperties())
                    //перебор атрибутов (false - без родителей)
                    foreach (ColumnAttribute Column in
                             PI.GetCustomAttributes <ColumnAttribute>(false))
                        //поиск по имени атрибута
                        if (Column.headerPropName == Cell.CI.headerPropName)
                            //установить значение свойства
                            PI.SetValue(this, Cell.value);
            if (RC.ValueCellContainer.Count != nSetVal)

            //установить специфические данные для строки таблицы
            bool bSet = SetSecificDataForModify(db, ParentNode);

            if (!bSet)
예제 #16
    public override void OnInteract()
        if (!PI.IsFull())
            if (hasRandom)
                randomItem = Random.Range(0, item.Count);

            Invoke("reset", ResetTime);
        else if (PI.IsFull())
예제 #17
            public void SubmittedByCustomerToProgressAllowed_ByCaseOfficer()
                //Get The Additional Information Object
                AdditionalInformation_ProgressAllowed AdditionalInformation = new AdditionalInformation_ProgressAllowed((int)BOPermitInfo.PermitStatusTypes.ProgressAllowed);

                Assert.IsTrue(Common.IsInRole(_ssoCaseOfficerUserId, Common.RolesList.CaseOfficer), "You need to change your Role in SSO to be a Case Officer");


                PI.PermitStatus = new BO.ReferenceData.BOPermitStatus((int)BOPermitInfo.PermitStatusTypes.SubmittedByCustomer);
                PI.AssignedTo   = new BO.ReferenceData.BOStatusAssignedToGroup((int)Common.AssignedToList.CaseOfficer);

                Console.WriteLine("Saved PI");

                bool Success = BOPermitInfo.ChangeStatus(PI.PermitInfoId, (int)Common.AssignedToList.CaseOfficer,
                                                         _ssoCaseOfficerUserId, AdditionalInformation);

                Assert.IsTrue(Success, "Status change Failed");
                PI = new uk.gov.defra.Phoenix.BO.Application.BOPermitInfo(5);
                Assert.IsTrue((PI.AssignedTo.ID == (int)Common.AssignedToList.CaseOfficer && PI.PermitStatus.ID == (int)BOPermitInfo.PermitStatusTypes.ProgressAllowed), "State Has not Changed Correctly");
        /// <summary>
        /// Enumerates the properties of an object (of a type it supports).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Object">Object</param>
        /// <returns>Property enumeration as a script element.</returns>
        public IElement EnumerateProperties(object Object)
            List <IElement> Elements = new List <IElement>();
            Type            T        = Object.GetType();

            foreach (PropertyInfo PI in T.GetRuntimeProperties())
                if (PI.GetIndexParameters().Length > 0)

                Elements.Add(new StringValue(PI.Name));

            ObjectMatrix M = new ObjectMatrix(Elements.Count / 2, 2, Elements)
                ColumnNames = new string[] { "Name", "Value" }

예제 #19
 internal void WndProc(ref Message m)
     switch (m.Msg)
     case PI.WM_.ACTIVATE:
         if ((PI.LOWORD(m.WParam) == 0) &&  // WA_INACTIVE
             (PI.HIWORD(m.WParam) == 0)
             if (_blurValues.BlurWhenFocusLost ||
                 (Form.ActiveForm != null)
예제 #20
        private double CalculateNOfX(double x)
            if (x < 0)
                return(1 - (CalculateNOfX(-x)));

            const double alpha = 0.2316419;
            const double a1    = 0.31938153;
            const double a2    = -0.356563782;
            const double a3    = 1.781477937;
            const double a4    = -1.821255978;
            const double a5    = 1.330274429;

            double k   = 1.0 / (1.0 + alpha * x);
            double nX1 = (Exp(-(x * x / 2))) /
                         Sqrt((2 * Convert.ToDouble(PI.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture))));
            double result = 1 - (nX1 * (a1 * k + a2 * k * k + a3 * k * k * k + a4 * Pow(k, 4.0) + a5 * Pow(k, 5.0)));

예제 #21
        protected override T PerformUpdate <T>(T ValueToUpdate)// where T : PersistentBase
            if (ValueToUpdate.Id <= 0)
                return(PerformInsert <T>(ValueToUpdate));
            Type   type      = ValueToUpdate.GetType();
            string TableName = type.GetCustomAttribute <PersistentTableName>().TableName;

            string query = "UPDATE [" + TableName + "] set";
            bool   first = true;

            int          i          = 1;
            MySqlCommand tmpCommand = new MySqlCommand();

            foreach (PropertyInfo PI in type.GetProperties())
                if (!PI.PropertyType.IsArray && PI.Name.ToLower() != "id")
                    if (!first)
                        query += ", ";
                    first  = false;
                    query += "[" + PI.Name + "] = @" + i.ToString();

                    tmpCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@" + i++.ToString(), PI.GetValue(ValueToUpdate));
            query += " WHERE [" + TableName + "].Id = @" + i.ToString();
            tmpCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@" + i++.ToString(), ValueToUpdate.Id);
            tmpCommand.CommandText = query;
            //tmpCommand.Connection = SqlConnection //Set sql connection here
            ValueToUpdate.Id = (int)tmpCommand.ExecuteScalar();

예제 #22
        private void OnRibbonMdiChildActivate(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Cast to correct type
            Form topForm = sender as Form;

            // Unhook from watching any previous mdi child
            if (_activeMdiChild != null)
                _activeMdiChild.SizeChanged -= OnRibbonMdiChildSizeChanged;

            _activeMdiChild = topForm.ActiveMdiChild;

            // Start watching any new mdi child
            if (_activeMdiChild != null)
                _activeMdiChild.SizeChanged += OnRibbonMdiChildSizeChanged;

            // Update the pendant buttons with reference to new child
            _buttonSpecClose.MdiChild   = _activeMdiChild;
            _buttonSpecRestore.MdiChild = _activeMdiChild;
            _buttonSpecMin.MdiChild     = _activeMdiChild;

            // We never want the mdi child window to have a system menu, we provide the
            // pendant buttons as part of the ribbon and so replace the need for it.
            PI.SetMenu(new HandleRef(_ribbon, topForm.Handle), NullHandleRef);

            if (_activeMdiChild != null)
                uint windowStyle = PI.GetWindowLong(_activeMdiChild.Handle, PI.GWL_.STYLE);
                windowStyle |= PI.WS_.SYSMENU;
                PI.SetWindowLong(_activeMdiChild.Handle, PI.GWL_.STYLE, windowStyle);
예제 #23
        /// <summary>
        /// Should a mouse down at the provided point cause an end to popup tracking.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="m">Original message.</param>
        /// <param name="pt">Client coordinates point.</param>
        /// <returns>True to end tracking; otherwise false.</returns>
        public virtual bool DoesCurrentMouseDownEndAllTracking(Message m, Point pt)
            bool endTracking = !ClientRectangle.Contains(pt);

            // The mouse is not over our client area but the focus is
            if (endTracking && ContainsFocus)
                // Get the window handle of the window under this screen point
                Point    screenPt   = PointToScreen(pt);
                PI.POINT screenPIPt = new PI.POINT
                    X = screenPt.X,
                    Y = screenPt.Y
                IntPtr hWnd = PI.WindowFromPoint(screenPIPt);

                // Assuming we got back a valid window handle
                if (hWnd != IntPtr.Zero)
                    StringBuilder className = new StringBuilder(256);
                    int           length    = PI.GetClassName(hWnd, className, className.Capacity);

                    // If we got back a valid name
                    if (length > 0)
                        // If let the message occur as it is being pressed on a combo box
                        // drop down list and so it will process the message appropriately
                        if (className.ToString() == "ComboLBox")
                            endTracking = false;

예제 #24
        private void UpdateRepoItemGuids(RepositoryItemBase item, List <GuidMapper> guidMappingList)
            foreach (FieldInfo PI in item.GetType().GetFields())
                var token = PI.GetCustomAttribute(typeof(IsSerializedForLocalRepositoryAttribute));
                if (token == null)

                // we drill down to ObservableList
                if (typeof(IObservableList).IsAssignableFrom(PI.FieldType))
                    IObservableList obj = (IObservableList)PI.GetValue(item);
                    if (obj == null)
                    List <object> items = ((IObservableList)obj).ListItems;

                    if ((items != null) && (items.Count > 0) && (items[0].GetType().IsSubclassOf(typeof(RepositoryItemBase))))
                        foreach (RepositoryItemBase ri in items.Cast <RepositoryItemBase>())
                            GuidMapper mapping = new GuidMapper();
                            mapping.Original = ri.Guid;
                            ri.Guid          = Guid.NewGuid();
                            mapping.newGuid  = ri.Guid;


                            UpdateRepoItemGuids(ri, guidMappingList);
예제 #25
        /// <summary>
        /// Поиск закрепленного представления окна в процессе.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="currentProcess">Текущий процесс</param>
        /// <param name="stringBuffer">Буфер</param>
        /// <param name="windowName">Имя окна</param>
        /// <param name="dialogHandle">Handle диалога выходной</param>
        /// <param name="wndVisiblePtr">Найденный дескриптор окна</param>
        private static void SearchStaticWindow(Process currentProcess,
                                               StringBuilder stringBuffer, string windowName,
                                               ref IntPtr dialogHandle, ref IntPtr wndVisiblePtr)
            List <IntPtr> resW = PI.GetChildWindows(currentProcess.MainWindowHandle);

            foreach (IntPtr panel in resW)
                PI.GetWindowText(panel, stringBuffer, stringBuffer.Capacity);
                if (stringBuffer.ToString().Contains(windowName) == true)
                    if (PI.IsWindowVisible(panel) == true)
                        var resList = PI.GetChildWindows(panel);
                        if (resList.Count > 0)
                            dialogHandle  = resList[0];
                            wndVisiblePtr = dialogHandle;
예제 #26
        /// <summary>
        /// Заменить панели заданного окна.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dialogHandle">Дескриптор нового диалога</param>
        /// <param name="panelPtr">Дескриптор старого диалога</param>
        public static void ChangeWindowMainPanels(ref IntPtr dialogHandle,
                                                  ref IntPtr panelPtr)
            var panelList = PI.GetChildWindows(dialogHandle);

            if (panelList.Count > 0)
                panelPtr = panelList[0];

            if (panelPtr == IntPtr.Zero)
                MessageBox.Show("Не удалось скрыть окно!");

            // Проверка, скрыт ли элемент управления с редактором.
            if (PI.IsWindowVisible(dialogHandle) == false)
                PI.ShowWindow(dialogHandle, 1);

            PI.ShowWindow(panelPtr, 0);
        /// <summary>
        /// Internals the show.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="owner">The owner.</param>
        /// <param name="messageContent">Content of the message.</param>
        /// <param name="caption">The caption.</param>
        /// <param name="iconVisibility">The icon visibility.</param>
        /// <param name="borderType">Type of the border.</param>
        /// <param name="buttonCount">The button count.</param>
        /// <param name="buttons">The buttons.</param>
        /// <param name="options">The options.</param>
        /// <param name="helpInfo">The help information.</param>
        /// <param name="defaultButton">The default button.</param>
        /// <param name="icon">The icon.</param>
        /// <param name="result">The result.</param>
        /// <param name="buttonTextCollection">The button text collection.</param>
        /// <param name="customIcon">The custom icon.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// <exception cref="InvalidOperationException">Cannot show modal dialog when non-interactive</exception>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">
        /// Cannot show message box from a service with an owner specified - options
        /// or
        /// Cannot show message box from a service with help specified - options
        /// </exception>
        private static KryptonMessageBoxExtendedResult InternalShow(IWin32Window owner, string messageContent, string caption, KryptonMessageBoxExtendedApplicationIconVisibility iconVisibility, KryptonMessageBoxExtendedBorderType borderType, KryptonMessageBoxExtendedBoxButtonCount buttonCount, KryptonMessageBoxExtendedButtons buttons, KryptonMessageBoxExtendedBoxOptions options, HelpInformation helpInfo = null, KryptonMessageBoxExtendedDefaultButton defaultButton = KryptonMessageBoxExtendedDefaultButton.BUTTON1, KryptonMessageBoxExtendedIcon icon = KryptonMessageBoxExtendedIcon.NONE, string[] buttonTextCollection = null, string checkBoxText = null, Image customIcon = null) // KryptonMessageBoxExtendedResult result = KryptonMessageBoxExtendedResult.OK,
            // Check if trying to show a message box from a non-interactive process, this is not possible
            if (!SystemInformation.UserInteractive && ((options & (KryptonMessageBoxExtendedBoxOptions.SERVICENOTIFICATION | KryptonMessageBoxExtendedBoxOptions.DEFAULTDESKTOPONLY)) == 0))
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot show modal dialog when non-interactive");

            // Check if trying to show a message box from a service and the owner has been specified, this is not possible
            if ((owner != null) && ((options & (KryptonMessageBoxExtendedBoxOptions.SERVICENOTIFICATION | KryptonMessageBoxExtendedBoxOptions.DEFAULTDESKTOPONLY)) != 0))
                throw new ArgumentException(@"Cannot show message box from a service with an owner specified", nameof(options));

            // Check if trying to show a message box from a service and help information is specified, this is not possible
            if ((helpInfo != null) && ((options & (KryptonMessageBoxExtendedBoxOptions.SERVICENOTIFICATION | KryptonMessageBoxExtendedBoxOptions.DEFAULTDESKTOPONLY)) != 0))
                throw new ArgumentException(@"Cannot show message box from a service with help specified", nameof(options));

            // If help information provided or we are not a service/default desktop application then grab an owner for showing the message box
            IWin32Window showOwner = null;

            if ((helpInfo != null) || ((options & (KryptonMessageBoxExtendedBoxOptions.SERVICENOTIFICATION | KryptonMessageBoxExtendedBoxOptions.DEFAULTDESKTOPONLY)) == 0))
                // If do not have an owner passed in then get the active window and use that instead
                showOwner = owner ?? FromHandle(PI.GetActiveWindow());

            using (ExtendedKryptonMessageboxOld ekmb = new ExtendedKryptonMessageboxOld(showOwner, messageContent, caption, iconVisibility, borderType, buttonCount, buttons, options, helpInfo, defaultButton, icon, buttonTextCollection, checkBoxText, customIcon))
                ekmb.StartPosition = showOwner == null ? FormStartPosition.CenterScreen : FormStartPosition.CenterParent;

        internal void UpdateObjectFromPayLoad(NewPayLoad PL, Attribute attr)
            List <PropertyInfo> list = GetProperties(attr);

            //TODO: unpack the Payload and update the obj
            foreach (PropertyInfo PI in list)
                object v = PI.GetValue(mObj);

                if (PI.PropertyType.IsEnum)
                    string s = PL.GetValueEnum();
                    object o = Enum.Parse(PI.PropertyType, s);
                    PI.SetValue(mObj, o);
                else if (v is IObservableList)
                    List <NewPayLoad> lst = PL.GetListPayLoad();
                    foreach (NewPayLoad PL1 in lst)
                        ObjectReflectionHelper ORH1 = new ObjectReflectionHelper();
                        ORH1.CreateObjectFromPayLoad(PL1, attr);
                else if (PI.PropertyType.Name == "String")
                    string s = PL.GetValueString();
                    PI.SetValue(mObj, s);
                    throw new Exception("Unknown type to handle - " + PI.PropertyType);
예제 #29
        public ActionResult Uploaded()
            if (TempData["fileName"] != null && TempData["DepartmentID"] != null)
                string fileName     = (string)TempData["fileName"];
                int    DepartmentID = (int)TempData["DepartmentID"];
                var    engine       = new FileHelperEngine <PIVM>();
                var    records      = engine.ReadFile(fileName);
                int    LOId;
                foreach (var rec in records)
                    LOId = db.LOs.Where(x => x.DepartmentID == DepartmentID && x.LearningOutcome == rec.SO).FirstOrDefault().LOID;
                    var pi = new PI()
                        LOID = LOId, PILetter = rec.PI, PIDesc = rec.desc, PINo = rec.Number

예제 #30
        /// <summary>
        /// Draw text without a glowing background, for use on a composition element.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="g">Graphics reference.</param>
        /// <param name="text">Text to be drawn.</param>
        /// <param name="font">Font to use for text.</param>
        /// <param name="bounds">Bounding area for the text.</param>
        /// <param name="state">State of the source element.</param>
        /// <param name="color"><see cref="Color"/> of the text.</param>
        /// <param name="copyBackground">Should existing background be copied into the bitmap.</param>
        /// <param name="sf">StringFormat of the memento.</param>
        public static void DrawCompositionText(Graphics g,
                                               string text,
                                               Font font,
                                               Rectangle bounds,
                                               PaletteState state,
                                               Color color,
                                               bool copyBackground,
                                               StringFormat sf)
            // Get the hDC for the graphics instance and create a memory DC
            IntPtr gDC = g.GetHdc();

                IntPtr mDC = PI.CreateCompatibleDC(gDC);

                PI.BITMAPINFO bmi = new()
                    biWidth       = bounds.Width,
                    biHeight      = -bounds.Height,
                    biCompression = 0,
                    biBitCount    = 32,
                    biPlanes      = 1
                bmi.biSize = (uint)Marshal.SizeOf(bmi);

                // Create a device independent bitmap and select into the memory DC
                IntPtr hDIB = PI.CreateDIBSection(gDC, ref bmi, 0, out _, IntPtr.Zero, 0);
                PI.SelectObject(mDC, hDIB);

                if (copyBackground)
                    // Copy existing background into the bitmap
                    PI.BitBlt(mDC, 0, 0, bounds.Width, bounds.Height,
                              gDC, bounds.X, bounds.Y, 0x00CC0020);

                // Select the font for use when drawing
                IntPtr hFont = font.ToHfont();
                PI.SelectObject(mDC, hFont);

                // Get renderer for the correct state
                VisualStyleRenderer renderer = new(state == PaletteState.Normal ? VisualStyleElement.Window.Caption.Active :

                // Create structures needed for theme drawing call
                PI.RECT textBounds = new()
                    left   = 0,
                    top    = 0,
                    right  = bounds.Right - bounds.Left,
                    bottom = bounds.Bottom - bounds.Top
                PI.DTTOPTS dttOpts = new()
                    dwSize  = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(PI.DTTOPTS)),
                    dwFlags = PI.DTT_COMPOSITED | PI.DTT_TEXTCOLOR,
                    crText  = ColorTranslator.ToWin32(color)

                // Always draw text centered
                TextFormatFlags textFormat = TextFormatFlags.SingleLine |
                                             TextFormatFlags.HorizontalCenter |
                ////Seb   |  TextFormatFlags.EndEllipsis;

                // Perform actual drawing
                //                   mDC, 0, 0,
                //                   text, -1, (int)StringFormatToFlags(sf),
                //                   ref textBounds, ref dttOpts);
                                   mDC, 0, 0,
                                   text, -1, (int)textFormat,
                                   ref textBounds, ref dttOpts);

                // Copy to foreground
                          bounds.Left, bounds.Top,
                          bounds.Width, bounds.Height,
                          mDC, 0, 0, 0x00CC0020);

                // Dispose of allocated objects
                // ignored
                // Must remember to release the hDC
예제 #31
 public int CompareTo(PI b)
     return first * b.second - second * b.first;