예제 #1
    void ChangeCurrentRole(PD_CrewAssignment.Role role)
        // update the current position index
        m_currentRole = role;

        // get access to the crew assignment player data
        PD_CrewAssignment crewAssignment = DataController.m_instance.m_playerData.m_crewAssignment;

        // check if we have don't have someone assigned to this position
        if (!crewAssignment.IsAssigned(m_currentRole))
            // automatically select the first personnel file
            ChangeCurrentPersonnelId(0, true);
            // get the current file id for this position
            int fileId = crewAssignment.GetFileId(m_currentRole);

            // get access to the personnel player data
            PD_Personnel personnel = DataController.m_instance.m_playerData.m_personnel;

            // update the current personnel id
            m_currentPersonnelId = personnel.GetPersonnelId(fileId);

        // play a sound
예제 #2
    // update the assigned crewmember list
    void UpdateAssignedCrewmemberList()
        // get access to the crew assignment player data
        PD_CrewAssignment crewAssignment = DataController.m_instance.m_playerData.m_crewAssignment;

        // start with an empty text string
        m_positionValuesText.text = "";

        // go through each position
        for (PD_CrewAssignment.Role role = PD_CrewAssignment.Role.First; role < PD_CrewAssignment.Role.Count; role++)
            // get the file id for the assigned crewmember
            if (crewAssignment.IsAssigned(role))
                // get the personnel file for that role
                PD_Personnel.PD_PersonnelFile personnelFile = crewAssignment.GetPersonnelFile(role);

                // add the crewmember's name
                m_positionValuesText.text += personnelFile.m_name;
                // add the not assigned text
                m_positionValuesText.text += "[Not Assigned]";

            if (role < (PD_CrewAssignment.Role.Count - 1))
                m_positionValuesText.text += Environment.NewLine;