예제 #1
        private static PDFFlowContent BuildHeader(PDFAnsiTrueTypeFont verdana, PDFImage logoImage)
            PDFFlowTableContent headerTable = new PDFFlowTableContent(2);
            PDFFlowTableRow     row         = headerTable.Rows.AddRowWithCells("Invoice", logoImage);

            PDFAnsiTrueTypeFont headerFont = new PDFAnsiTrueTypeFont(verdana);

            headerFont.Size = 36;
            (row.Cells[0] as PDFFlowTableStringCell).Font = headerFont;
            row.Cells[0].VerticalAlign   = PDFGraphicAlign.Center;
            row.Cells[1].HorizontalAlign = PDFGraphicAlign.Far;
            (row.Cells[1] as PDFFlowTableImageCell).ImageWidth = 135;

예제 #2
        private void WriteImage(Path visual, ImageBrush brush)
            System.Windows.Media.Imaging.BitmapFrame frame = brush.ImageSource as System.Windows.Media.Imaging.BitmapFrame;

            PDFImage img = PDFDocument.CreateObject <PDFImage>();

            string key = "R" + Page.Resources.ID + "I" + img.ID;

            Page.Resources.XObject[key] = img;

            img.ColorSpace       = "DeviceRGB";
            img.BitsPerComponent = 8;

            System.Windows.Media.Imaging.JpegBitmapEncoder enc = new JpegBitmapEncoder();

            /*TransformedBitmap tb = new TransformedBitmap(frame, new ScaleTransform {
             *      ScaleX = brush.Viewport.Width / frame.Width ,
             *      ScaleY = brush.Viewport.Height / frame.Height
             * });*/

            var tb = frame;

            img.Width  = tb.PixelWidth;
            img.Height = tb.PixelHeight;

            enc.QualityLevel = 100;


            PathGeometry pg = PathGeometry.CreateFromGeometry(visual.Data);
            Point        p  = pg.Figures.First().StartPoint;

            p = TransformPoint(visual, p);

            Page.ContentStream.WriteLine("{0} 0 0 {1} {2} {3} cm", brush.Viewport.Width, brush.Viewport.Height, p.X, p.Y - brush.Viewport.Height);

            Page.ContentStream.WriteLine("/" + key + " Do");
예제 #3
        private void CopyIndexedMemoryBitmap(int bits /*, ref bool hasAlpha*/, ImageDataBitmap dest)
            int  firstMaskColor = -1, lastMaskColor = -1;
            bool segmentedColorMask = false;

            int bytesColorPaletteOffset = ((ImagePrivateDataBitmap)Image.Data).ColorPaletteOffset; // GDI+ always returns Windows bitmaps: sizeof BITMAPFILEHEADER + sizeof BITMAPINFOHEADER

            int  bytesFileOffset = ((ImagePrivateDataBitmap)Image.Data).Offset;
            uint paletteColors   = Image.Information.ColorsUsed;
            int  width           = (int)Image.Information.Width;
            int  height          = (int)Image.Information.Height;

            MonochromeMask mask = new MonochromeMask(width, height);

            bool isGray    = bits == 8 && (paletteColors == 256 || paletteColors == 0);
            int  isBitonal = 0; // 0: false; >0: true; <0: true (inverted)

            byte[] paletteData = new byte[3 * paletteColors];
            for (int color = 0; color < paletteColors; ++color)
                paletteData[3 * color]     = Data[bytesColorPaletteOffset + 4 * color + 2];
                paletteData[3 * color + 1] = Data[bytesColorPaletteOffset + 4 * color + 1];
                paletteData[3 * color + 2] = Data[bytesColorPaletteOffset + 4 * color + 0];
                if (isGray)
                    isGray = paletteData[3 * color] == paletteData[3 * color + 1] &&
                             paletteData[3 * color] == paletteData[3 * color + 2];

                if (Data[bytesColorPaletteOffset + 4 * color + 3] < 128)
                    // We treat this as transparency:
                    if (firstMaskColor == -1)
                        firstMaskColor = color;
                    if (lastMaskColor == -1 || lastMaskColor == color - 1)
                        lastMaskColor = color;
                    if (lastMaskColor != color)
                        segmentedColorMask = true;
                //  // We treat this as opacity:

            if (bits == 1)
                if (paletteColors == 0)
                    isBitonal = 1;
                if (paletteColors == 2)
                    if (paletteData[0] == 0 &&
                        paletteData[1] == 0 &&
                        paletteData[2] == 0 &&
                        paletteData[3] == 255 &&
                        paletteData[4] == 255 &&
                        paletteData[5] == 255)
                        isBitonal = 1; // Black on white
                    if (paletteData[5] == 0 &&
                        paletteData[4] == 0 &&
                        paletteData[3] == 0 &&
                        paletteData[2] == 255 &&
                        paletteData[1] == 255 &&
                        paletteData[0] == 255)
                        isBitonal = -1; // White on black

            // NYI: (no sample found where this was required)
            // if (segmentedColorMask = true)
            // { ... }

            bool isFaxEncoding = false;

            byte[] imageData    = new byte[(width * bits + 7) / 8 * height];
            byte[] imageDataFax = null;
            int    k            = 0;

            if (bits == 1 && dest._document.Options.EnableCcittCompressionForBilevelImages)
                // TODO: flag/option?
                // We try Group 3 1D and Group 4 (2D) encoding here and keep the smaller byte array.
                //byte[] temp = new byte[imageData.Length];
                //int ccittSize = DoFaxEncoding(ref temp, imageBits, (uint)bytesFileOffset, (uint)width, (uint)height);

                // It seems that Group 3 2D encoding never beats both other encodings, therefore we don't call it here.
                //byte[] temp2D = new byte[imageData.Length];
                //uint dpiY = (uint)image.VerticalResolution;
                //uint kTmp = 0;
                //int ccittSize2D = DoFaxEncoding2D((uint)bytesFileOffset, ref temp2D, imageBits, (uint)width, (uint)height, dpiY, out kTmp);
                //k = (int) kTmp;

                byte[] tempG4      = new byte[imageData.Length];
                int    ccittSizeG4 = PDFImage.DoFaxEncodingGroup4(ref tempG4, Data, (uint)bytesFileOffset, (uint)width, (uint)height);

                isFaxEncoding = /*ccittSize > 0 ||*/ ccittSizeG4 > 0;
                if (isFaxEncoding)
                    //if (ccittSize == 0)
                    //  ccittSize = 0x7fffffff;
                    if (ccittSizeG4 == 0)
                        ccittSizeG4 = 0x7fffffff;
                    //if (ccittSize <= ccittSizeG4)
                    //  Array.Resize(ref temp, ccittSize);
                    //  imageDataFax = temp;
                    //  k = 0;
                        Array.Resize(ref tempG4, ccittSizeG4);
                        imageDataFax = tempG4;
                        k            = -1;

            //if (!isFaxEncoding)
                int bytesOffsetRead = 0;
                if (bits == 8 || bits == 4 || bits == 1)
                    int bytesPerLine = (width * bits + 7) / 8;
                    for (int y = 0; y < height; ++y)
                        int bytesOffsetWrite = (height - 1 - y) * ((width * bits + 7) / 8);
                        for (int x = 0; x < bytesPerLine; ++x)
                            if (isGray)
                                // Lookup the gray value from the palette:
                                imageData[bytesOffsetWrite] = paletteData[3 * Data[bytesFileOffset + bytesOffsetRead]];
                                // Store the palette index.
                                imageData[bytesOffsetWrite] = Data[bytesFileOffset + bytesOffsetRead];
                            if (firstMaskColor != -1)
                                int n = Data[bytesFileOffset + bytesOffsetRead];
                                if (bits == 8)
                                    // TODO???: segmentedColorMask == true => bad mask NYI
                                    mask.AddPel(n >= firstMaskColor && n <= lastMaskColor);
                                else if (bits == 4)
                                    // TODO???: segmentedColorMask == true => bad mask NYI
                                    int n1 = (n & 0xf0) / 16;
                                    int n2 = n & 0x0f;
                                    mask.AddPel(n1 >= firstMaskColor && n1 <= lastMaskColor);
                                    mask.AddPel(n2 >= firstMaskColor && n2 <= lastMaskColor);
                                else if (bits == 1)
                                    // TODO???: segmentedColorMask == true => bad mask NYI
                                    for (int bit = 1; bit <= 8; ++bit)
                                        int n1 = (n & 0x80) / 128;
                                        mask.AddPel(n1 >= firstMaskColor && n1 <= lastMaskColor);
                                        n *= 2;
                            bytesOffsetRead  += 1;
                            bytesOffsetWrite += 1;
                        bytesOffsetRead = 4 * ((bytesOffsetRead + 3) / 4); // Align to 32 bit boundary
                    throw new NotImplementedException("ReadIndexedMemoryBitmap: unsupported format #3");

            dest.Data   = imageData;
            dest.Length = imageData.Length;

            if (imageDataFax != null)
                dest.DataFax   = imageDataFax;
                dest.LengthFax = imageDataFax.Length;

            dest.IsGray    = isGray;
            dest.K         = k;
            dest.IsBitonal = isBitonal;

            dest.PaletteData        = paletteData;
            dest.PaletteDataLength  = paletteData.Length;
            dest.SegmentedColorMask = segmentedColorMask;

            //if (alphaMask != null)
            //    dest.AlphaMask = alphaMask;
            //    dest.AlphaMaskLength = alphaMask.Length;

            if (mask != null && firstMaskColor != -1)
                dest.BitmapMask       = mask.MaskData;
                dest.BitmapMaskLength = mask.MaskData.Length;
        public static bool Tiff2PDFPageByPage(string _tiffFilePath, string _pdfFilePath)

                // Create the pdf document
                PDFDocument doc = new PDFDocument();
                //Serial number goes here
                doc.SerialNumber = "PDF4NET-AYBAM-8ARRR-B4EX2-OXGCC-KN2Q5";

                // Load TIFF file 
                Bitmap bitmap = new Bitmap(_tiffFilePath);

                // Calculate number of pages/images used in TIFF file 
                FrameDimension frameDimension = new FrameDimension(bitmap.FrameDimensionsList[0]);
                int framesCount = bitmap.GetFrameCount(frameDimension);

                for (int i = 0; i < framesCount; i++)
                    // Create a new page 
                    PDFPage page = doc.AddPage();

                    // draw the current tiff frame on the page
                    PDFImage image = new PDFImage(bitmap, i);
                    page.Canvas.DrawImage(image, 0, 0, page.Width, page.Height, 0, PDFKeepAspectRatio.KeepNone);

                return true;
                return false;
예제 #5
        private void btnPrint_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                ExportData exportdata = new ExportData();
                byte[]     pdfOutput  = null;
                byte[]     pdfInput   = File.ReadAllBytes("Template.pdf");
                using (var ms = new MemoryStream(pdfInput))
                    using (var outputMs = new MemoryStream())
                        var options = new PDFCreationOptions();
                        options.Viewer.ViewerPreferences = ViewerPreference.CenterWindow;
                        var document = new PDFDocument(outputMs, options);
                        document.LoadPdf(ms, "");

                        #region Logo
                        TypeConverter tc      = TypeDescriptor.GetConverter(typeof(Bitmap));
                        Bitmap        bitmap1 = (Bitmap)tc.ConvertFrom(Convert.FromBase64String(_settings.LogoBase64));
                        PDFImage      logo    = new PDFImage(bitmap1);
                        logo.Width           = 100;
                        logo.Height          = 100;
                        logo.KeepAspectRatio = true;
                        document.CurrentPage.Body.AddImage(logo, -50, -20);

                        #region Company Details
                        document.CurrentPage.Body.SetActiveFont("Tahoma", PDFFontStyles.Regular, 8.25);
                        document.CurrentPage.Body.AddTextArea(new RectangleF(-50, 50, 200, 200), _settings.CompanyDetails, true);

                        #region Driver
                        document.CurrentPage.Body.SetActiveFont("Tahoma", PDFFontStyles.Regular, 14.25);
                        document.CurrentPage.Body.AddTextArea(new RectangleF(480, -40, 200, 200), "Statement #" + txtStatement.Text, true);
                        document.CurrentPage.Body.AddTextArea(new RectangleF(450, -20, 200, 200), _settings.LastDriver.Name, true);
                        document.CurrentPage.Body.AddTextArea(new RectangleF(490, 0, 200, 200), datCurrentDate.Value.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"), true);
                        document.CurrentPage.Body.AddTextArea(new RectangleF(430, 25, 200, 200), "Unit# " + cmbUnits.Text, true);

                        document.CurrentPage.Body.SetActiveFont("Tahoma", PDFFontStyles.Bold, 10);
                        document.CurrentPage.Body.AddTextArea(new RectangleF(-27, 150, 200, 200), _settings.LastDriver.Name, true);
                        document.CurrentPage.Body.AddTextArea(new RectangleF(-27, 165, 200, 200), _settings.LastDriver.Address, true);

                        double lastHeigth            = 270;
                        double totalGridWidth        = 0;
                        double totalTableEndX        = 0;
                        int    totalRowsCount        = 0;
                        float  totalCheckAmount      = 0;
                        int    tabelIndex            = 0;
                        int    currentPage           = 0;
                        int    tableXStart           = -60;
                        double checkAmountWidth      = 0;
                        double checkAmountValueWidth = 0;

                        for (int j = panelMain.Controls.Count - 1; j >= 0; j--)
                            var control = panelMain.Controls[j];
                            if (control is ucTable)
                                string header = (control as ucTable).GetHeader();
                                List <ColumnSettings>  columns     = (control as ucTable).GetColumns();
                                List <List <string> >  rows        = (control as ucTable).GetRowsValues();
                                ExportData.ExportTable exportTabel = new ExportData.ExportTable();
                                exportTabel.Rows = rows;
                                if (rows == null || rows.Count == 0)

                                Table table = new Table(columns.Count);
                                table.width                  = 700;
                                table.DisplayHeader          = true;
                                table.style.borderBottomType = borderType.none;
                                table.style.borderLeftType   = borderType.none;
                                table.style.borderRightType  = borderType.none;

                                table.headerStyle.borderType      = borderType.solid;
                                table.headerStyle.borderColor     = Color.Black;
                                table.headerStyle.borderWidth     = 1;
                                table.headerStyle.fontStyle       = TableFontStyle.bold;
                                table.headerStyle.fontSize        = 8.5;
                                table.headerStyle.fontName        = "Tahoma";
                                table.headerStyle.backgroundColor = Color.LightGray;

                                float totalTable = 0;
                                for (int row = 0; row < rows.Count; row++)
                                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(rows[row][columns.Count - 1]))
                                    for (int column = 0; column < columns.Count; column++)
                                        Cell cell = table.cell(row, column);
                                        cell.style.borderType  = borderType.solid;
                                        cell.style.fontName    = "Tahoma";
                                        cell.style.borderWidth = 1;
                                        cell.style.borderColor = Color.Black;
                                        if (row == 0)
                                            table.column(column).width = table.width * (double)columns[column].Percentage / 100;
                                            table.column(column).header.style.textAlign = TextAlignment.center;
                                            if (column == columns.Count - 2)
                                                checkAmountWidth = table.column(column).width;
                                            if (column == columns.Count - 1)
                                                checkAmountValueWidth = table.column(column).width;
                                        if (columns[column].Name.Equals("Amount"))
                                            var cel = table.cell(row, column);
                                            cel.style.fontStyle = TableFontStyle.bold;
                                            cel.style.fontName  = "Tahoma";
                                            totalTable         += float.Parse(rows[row][column]);
                                            cel.SetValue("$" + float.Parse(rows[row][column]).ToString("N"));
                                            cel.style.textAlign    = TextAlignment.center;
                                            cel.style.fontColor    = Color.Black;
                                            cell.style.borderColor = Color.Black;
                                            var cel = table.cell(row, column);
                                            cel.style.textAlign    = TextAlignment.center;
                                            cel.style.fontName     = "Tahoma";
                                            cell.style.borderColor = Color.Black;

                                #region Add row for total
                                for (int column = 0; column < columns.Count; column++)
                                    var cell = table.cell(table.rowCount - 1, column);
                                    cell.style.fontStyle = TableFontStyle.bold;
                                    cell.style.fontName  = "Tahoma";
                                    if (column == columns.Count - 2)
                                        cell.style.textAlign   = TextAlignment.right;
                                        cell.style.borderType  = borderType.solid;
                                        cell.style.borderType  = borderType.solid;
                                        cell.style.borderWidth = 1;
                                        cell.style.borderColor = Color.Black;
                                    else if (column == columns.Count - 1)
                                        cell.SetValue("$" + totalTable.ToString("N"));
                                        cell.style.textAlign   = TextAlignment.center;
                                        cell.style.borderType  = borderType.solid;
                                        cell.style.borderWidth = 1;
                                        cell.style.borderColor = Color.Black;
                                        cell.style.fontColor   = Color.DarkRed;
                                        cell.style.borderType  = borderType.solid;
                                        cell.style.borderType = borderType.none;
                                        // cell.style.borderBottomColor = Color.White;
                                //for (int column = 0; column < columns.Count; column++)
                                //    var cell = table.cell(table.rowCount - 1, column);
                                //    cell.style.borderType = borderType.none;

                                #region Add Check Amount

                                if ((control as ucTable).SeScade())
                                    totalCheckAmount -= totalTable;
                                    totalCheckAmount += totalTable;

                                totalRowsCount += table.rowCount;
                                if (totalRowsCount > 15 && currentPage == 0)
                                    currentPage = 1;
                                    lastHeigth  = 0;

                                document.CurrentPage.Body.SetActiveFont("Tahoma", PDFFontStyles.Bold, 10);
                                document.CurrentPage.Body.AddTextArea(new RectangleF(-60, (int)lastHeigth - 20, 700, 20), header, true);

                                document.Pages[currentPage].Body.DrawTable(table, tableXStart, lastHeigth);
                                lastHeigth    += table.rowCount * 25 + 65;
                                totalGridWidth = table.column(table.columnCount - 1).width + table.column(table.columnCount - 2).width;
                                totalTableEndX = 0;
                                for (int i = 0; i <= table.columnCount - 3; i++)
                                    totalTableEndX += table.column(i).width;

                        Table tableTOTAL = new Table(2);
                        tableTOTAL.width                       = totalGridWidth;
                        tableTOTAL.DisplayHeader               = false;
                        tableTOTAL.headerStyle.fontStyle       = TableFontStyle.bold;
                        tableTOTAL.headerStyle.fontSize        = 8.5;
                        tableTOTAL.headerStyle.fontName        = "Tahoma";
                        tableTOTAL.headerStyle.fontStyle       = TableFontStyle.bold;
                        tableTOTAL.headerStyle.backgroundColor = Color.LightGray;
                        tableTOTAL.column(0).width             = checkAmountWidth;
                        tableTOTAL.column(1).width             = checkAmountValueWidth;


                        var cellTotalAmount = tableTOTAL.cell(tableTOTAL.rowCount - 1, 0);
                        cellTotalAmount.style.fontStyle = TableFontStyle.bold;
                        cellTotalAmount.style.fontName  = "Tahoma";
                        cellTotalAmount.SetValue("Check Amount:");
                        cellTotalAmount.style.textAlign   = TextAlignment.right;
                        cellTotalAmount.style.borderColor = Color.Black;

                        var cellTotalValue = tableTOTAL.cell(tableTOTAL.rowCount - 1, 1);
                        cellTotalValue.style.fontStyle   = TableFontStyle.bold;
                        cellTotalValue.style.fontName    = "Tahoma";
                        cellTotalValue.style.fontColor   = Color.DarkRed;
                        cellTotalValue.style.textAlign   = TextAlignment.center;
                        cellTotalValue.style.borderColor = Color.Black;
                        cellTotalValue.SetValue("$" + totalCheckAmount.ToString("N"));
                        cellTotalValue.style.fontColor = Color.DarkRed;

                        lastHeigth -= 28;

                        //double pageHeigth = document.PageSetupInfo.PageHeight - document.PageSetupInfo.TopMargin - document.PageSetupInfo.BottomMargin;
                        //if (totalRowsCount <= 15)
                        document.CurrentPage.Body.DrawTable(tableTOTAL, totalTableEndX + tableXStart, lastHeigth);
                        //else if (totalRowsCount > 15 && totalRowsCount <= 18)
                        //    document.Pages[1].Body.DrawTable(tableTOTAL, totalTableEndX, 300);
                        //else //count >15
                        //    double yPosition = (totalRowsCount - 15) * 24 + 20;
                        //    document.Pages[1].Body.DrawTable(tableTOTAL, totalTableEndX, yPosition);


                        //end table
                        #region footer
                        for (int i = 0; i < document.PageCount; i++)
                            document.Pages[i].Footer.SetActiveFont("Tahoma", PDFFontStyles.Regular, 9);
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_settings.CompanyDetails))
                                var    lines   = _settings.CompanyDetails.Split(new string[] { Environment.NewLine }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                                string display = string.Empty;
                                if (lines.Length > 0)
                                    display = lines[0];
                                    display = _settings.CompanyDetails;
                                display += System.Environment.NewLine + datCurrentDate.Value.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy");
                                document.Pages[i].Footer.AddTextArea(new RectangleF(0, 0, 150, 30), display, false);
                            document.Pages[i].Footer.AddTextArea(new RectangleF(240, 0, 250, 50), _settings.SoftwareProvider, false);
                            document.Pages[i].Footer.AddTextArea(new RectangleF(513, 0, 100, 30), string.Format("page {0} of {1}", i + 1, document.PageCount), false);

                        pdfOutput = outputMs.ToArray();
                string filename = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy_MM_dd_hh_mm_ss");
                    File.WriteAllBytes(filename + ".pdf", pdfOutput);
                    Process.Start(filename + ".pdf");
                catch (Exception ex)
                    MessageBox.Show("The file is already open!");

                string exportString = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(exportdata);
                if (!Directory.Exists("Export"))
                File.WriteAllText(string.Format("Export/{0}.txt", filename), exportString);
            catch (Exception ex)