예제 #1
        //document header
        private void AddDocHeader()
                Table bankTransferTable = new Table(5);
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                Cell employernameCell = new Cell(new Phrase(_ViewModel.employername.ToUpper(), new Font(Font.TIMES_ROMAN, 12, Font.BOLD | Font.UNDERLINE, Color.BLACK)));
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                employernameCell.Colspan             = 5;
                employernameCell.Border = Cell.NO_BORDER;

                Cell employeraddressCell = new Cell(new Phrase(_ViewModel.employeraddress, new Font(Font.TIMES_ROMAN, 10, Font.BOLD | Font.UNDERLINE, Color.BLACK)));
                employeraddressCell.HorizontalAlignment = Cell.ALIGN_CENTER;
                employeraddressCell.Colspan             = 5;
                employeraddressCell.Border = Cell.NO_BORDER;

                Cell reportNameCell = new Cell(new Phrase(_ViewModel.ReportName, hFont1));
                reportNameCell.HorizontalAlignment = Cell.ALIGN_CENTER;
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                Cell reportdateCell = new Cell(new Phrase("Print Date:  " + _ViewModel.PrintedOn.ToString("dd-dddd-MMMM-yyyy"), tHfont1));
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                reportdateCell.Border = Cell.NO_BORDER;

                //create the logo
                PDFGen pdfgen = new PDFGen();
                Image  img0   = pdfgen.DoGetImageFile(_ViewModel.CompanyLogo);
                img0.Alignment = Image.ALIGN_MIDDLE;
                Cell logoCell = new Cell(img0);
                logoCell.HorizontalAlignment = Cell.ALIGN_LEFT;
                logoCell.Border = Cell.NO_BORDER;
                logoCell.Add(new Phrase(_ViewModel.CompanySlogan, new Font(Font.HELVETICA, 8, Font.ITALIC, Color.BLACK)));
            catch (Exception ex)
예제 #2
        private void AddDocHeader()
            PDFGen pdfgen = new PDFGen();
            Image  img0   = pdfgen.DoGetImageFile(_resourcePath + "kra2.jpg");

            img0.Alignment = Image.ALIGN_CENTER;

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            Cell c1 = new Cell(img0);// header1);

            c1.Border = Cell.NO_BORDER;
            c1.HorizontalAlignment = Cell.ALIGN_CENTER;
            // c1.Colspan = 3;

            empInfoTable.AddCell(c1, new System.Drawing.Point(0, 1));

            Chunk employerName = new Chunk("Employers Name ..." + _ViewModel.EmployerName.ToUpper().Trim() + "..", bFont1);
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            empCell.Border = Cell.NO_BORDER;
            empInfoTable.AddCell(empCell, new System.Drawing.Point(2, 0));

            Chunk employerPIN = new Chunk("Employer's PIN ..." + _ViewModel.EmployerPin.Trim() + "..", bFont1);
            Cell  empPINCell  = new Cell(employerPIN);

            empPINCell.Border = Cell.NO_BORDER;
            empInfoTable.AddCell(empPINCell, new System.Drawing.Point(2, 2));

            Chunk employeeName = new Chunk("Employee’s Main Name………" + _ViewModel.EmployeeMainName.Trim() + "……....", bFont1);
            Cell  empNameCell  = new Cell(employeeName);

            empNameCell.Border = Cell.NO_BORDER;
            empInfoTable.AddCell(empNameCell, new System.Drawing.Point(3, 0));

            Chunk employeeOName = new Chunk("Employee’s Other Names……" + _ViewModel.EmployeeOtherNames.Trim() + "……....", bFont1);
            Cell  empeONameCell = new Cell(employeeOName);

            empeONameCell.Border = Cell.NO_BORDER;
            empInfoTable.AddCell(empeONameCell, new System.Drawing.Point(4, 0));

            Chunk employeePIN = new Chunk("Employee’s PIN…………………" + _ViewModel.EmployeePin.Trim() + "………....", bFont1);
            Cell  empePINCell = new Cell(employeePIN);

            empePINCell.Border = Cell.NO_BORDER;
            empInfoTable.AddCell(empePINCell, new System.Drawing.Point(4, 2));

            document.Add(new Phrase("", new Font(Font.TIMES_ROMAN, 2, Font.NORMAL)));
예제 #3
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            EmployerNameCell.HorizontalAlignment = Cell.ALIGN_CENTER;
            EmployerNameCell.Colspan             = 5;
            EmployerNameCell.Border = Cell.NO_BORDER;

            Cell employerAdressCell = new Cell(new Phrase(_ViewModel.EmpAddress, new Font(Font.TIMES_ROMAN, 9, Font.BOLD | Font.UNDERLINE, Color.BLACK)));

            employerAdressCell.HorizontalAlignment = Cell.ALIGN_CENTER;
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            Cell reportNameCell = new Cell(new Phrase(_ViewModel.ReportName, hFont2));

            reportNameCell.HorizontalAlignment = Cell.ALIGN_CENTER;
            reportNameCell.Colspan             = 5;
            reportNameCell.Border = Cell.NO_BORDER;

            Cell employerNSSFCell = new Cell(new Phrase("NSSF No: " + _ViewModel.EmployerCode.Trim(), hFont2));

            employerNSSFCell.HorizontalAlignment = Cell.ALIGN_CENTER;
            employerNSSFCell.Border  = Cell.NO_BORDER;
            employerNSSFCell.Colspan = 5;

            Cell PrintedonCell = new Cell(new Phrase("Printed on: " + _ViewModel.PrintedOn.ToString("dd-dddd-MMMM-yyyy"), hFont2));

            PrintedonCell.HorizontalAlignment = Cell.ALIGN_LEFT;
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            //create the logo
            PDFGen pdfgen = new PDFGen();
            Image  img0   = pdfgen.DoGetImageFile(_ViewModel.CompanyLogo);

            img0.Alignment = Image.ALIGN_MIDDLE;
            Cell logoCell = new Cell(img0);

            logoCell.HorizontalAlignment = Cell.ALIGN_LEFT;
            logoCell.Border = Cell.NO_BORDER;
            logoCell.Add(new Phrase(_ViewModel.CompanySlogan, new Font(Font.HELVETICA, 8, Font.ITALIC, Color.BLACK)));

        //document header
        private void AddDocHeader()
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            Cell employernameCell = new Cell(new Phrase(_ViewModel.employername.ToUpper(), new Font(Font.TIMES_ROMAN, 12, Font.BOLD | Font.UNDERLINE, Color.BLACK)));

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            Cell employeraddressCell = new Cell(new Phrase(_ViewModel.employeraddress, new Font(Font.TIMES_ROMAN, 10, Font.BOLD | Font.UNDERLINE, Color.BLACK)));

            employeraddressCell.HorizontalAlignment = Cell.ALIGN_CENTER;
            employeraddressCell.Colspan             = 5;
            employeraddressCell.Border = Cell.NO_BORDER;

            Cell reportNameCell = new Cell(new Phrase(_ViewModel.ReportName, hFont1));

            reportNameCell.HorizontalAlignment = Cell.ALIGN_CENTER;
            reportNameCell.Colspan             = 5;
            reportNameCell.Border = Cell.NO_BORDER;

            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            sb.AppendLine("The Manager");
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            salutationCell.Border = Cell.NO_BORDER;
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            Cell reportdateCell = new Cell(new Phrase("Print Date:  " + _ViewModel.PrintedOn.ToString("dd-dddd-MMMM-yyyy"), tHfont1));

            reportdateCell.HorizontalAlignment = Cell.ALIGN_LEFT;
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            //create the logo
            PDFGen pdfgen = new PDFGen();
            Image  img0   = pdfgen.DoGetImageFile(_ViewModel.CompanyLogo);

            img0.Alignment = Image.ALIGN_MIDDLE;
            Cell logoCell = new Cell(img0);

            logoCell.HorizontalAlignment = Cell.ALIGN_LEFT;
            logoCell.Border = Cell.NO_BORDER;
            logoCell.Add(new Phrase(_ViewModel.CompanySlogan, new Font(Font.HELVETICA, 8, Font.ITALIC, Color.BLACK)));


            document.Add(new Phrase("\n\nDear Sir/Madam", new Font(Font.TIMES_ROMAN, 8, Font.NORMAL)));

            document.Add(new Phrase("\nRE: CREDIT TRANSFER - SALARY PROCESSING", new Font(Font.TIMES_ROMAN, 8, Font.BOLD | Font.UNDERLINE)));

            document.Add(new Phrase("\n\nBelow is a list of Names, Banks, Branches, Account and Amounts to be credited in their respective Accounts", new Font(Font.TIMES_ROMAN, 8, Font.NORMAL)));
예제 #5
        //document header
        private void AddDocHeader()
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            employernameCell.Border = Cell.NO_BORDER;

            Cell employeraddressCell = new Cell(new Phrase(_ViewModel.employeraddress, new Font(Font.TIMES_ROMAN, 10, Font.BOLD | Font.UNDERLINE, Color.BLACK)));

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            sidCell.HorizontalAlignment = Cell.ALIGN_CENTER;
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            sidCell.Colspan = 5;

            Cell reportCell = new Cell(new Phrase(_ViewModel.ReportName, hFont1));

            reportCell.HorizontalAlignment = Cell.ALIGN_CENTER;
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            reportCell.Border = Cell.NO_BORDER;

            Cell PrintedonCell = new Cell(new Phrase("Printed on: " + _ViewModel.PrintedOn.ToString("dd-dddd-MMMM-yyyy"), hFont2));

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            //create the logo
            PDFGen pdfgen = new PDFGen();
            Image  img0   = pdfgen.DoGetImageFile(_ViewModel.CompanyLogo);

            img0.Alignment = Image.ALIGN_MIDDLE;
            Cell logoCell = new Cell(img0);

            logoCell.HorizontalAlignment = Cell.ALIGN_LEFT;
            logoCell.Border = Cell.NO_BORDER;
            logoCell.Add(new Phrase(_ViewModel.CompanySlogan, new Font(Font.HELVETICA, 8, Font.ITALIC, Color.BLACK)));

        private void BuildPDF()
                // step 1: creation of a document-object
                document = new Document(PageSize.A4.Rotate());

                // step 2: we create a writer that listens to the document
                PdfWriter.GetInstance(document, new FileStream(sFilePDF, FileMode.Create));


                PDFGen pdfgen = new PDFGen();

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                empCell.Border = Cell.NO_BORDER;
                empInfoTable.AddCell(empCell, new System.Drawing.Point(2, 0));

                Chunk employerPIN = new Chunk("Employer's PIN ..." + _ViewModel.EmployerPin.Trim() + "..", bFont1);
                Cell  empPINCell  = new Cell(employerPIN);
                empPINCell.Border = Cell.NO_BORDER;
                empInfoTable.AddCell(empPINCell, new System.Drawing.Point(2, 2));

                Chunk employeeName = new Chunk("Employee’s Main Name………" + _ViewModel.EmployeeMainName.Trim() + "……....", bFont1);
                Cell  empNameCell  = new Cell(employeeName);
                empNameCell.Border = Cell.NO_BORDER;
                empInfoTable.AddCell(empNameCell, new System.Drawing.Point(3, 0));

                Chunk employeeOName = new Chunk("Employee’s Other Names……" + _ViewModel.EmployeeOtherNames.Trim() + "……....", bFont1);
                Cell  empeONameCell = new Cell(employeeOName);
                empeONameCell.Border = Cell.NO_BORDER;
                empInfoTable.AddCell(empeONameCell, new System.Drawing.Point(4, 0));

                Chunk employeePIN = new Chunk("Employee’s PIN…………………" + _ViewModel.EmployeePin.Trim() + "………....", bFont1);
                Cell  empePINCell = new Cell(employeePIN);
                empePINCell.Border = Cell.NO_BORDER;
                empInfoTable.AddCell(empePINCell, new System.Drawing.Point(4, 2));

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                taxTable.WidthPercentage = 100;

                //Add table headers

                for (int i = 1; i <= 12; i++)
                    var monthRecs = (from mr in _ViewModel.P9AHospEmpList
                                     where mr.MonthInt == i
                                     select mr).SingleOrDefault();
                    AddTableRow(i, taxTable, monthRecs);

                //Add totals



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                this.Message = de.Message;
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                this.Message = ioe.Message;
            catch (Exception ex)
예제 #7
        //document header
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            empserialno.Border = Cell.NO_BORDER;
            p11taxInfoTable.AddCell(empserialno, new System.Drawing.Point(4, 2));

            Cell emppayrollmonth = new Cell(new Phrase("Pay Roll Month..." + _ViewModel.payrollmonth, tcFont2));

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            p11taxInfoTable.AddCell(empemployerpin, new System.Drawing.Point(6, 2));


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            Cell empemployername = new Cell(new Phrase("Employer's Name..." + _ViewModel.employername.ToUpper() + "\nTo...........................................Bank. \nPlease pay the Central Bank of Kenya , for the credit of the Paymaster -  General, PAYE Account No.   05-010-0056 \n " + "Amount..........." + _ViewModel.totalpayee.ToString("C2") + "\n(In words)  Kenya Shillings...........................................................................................................................................\n", tcFont2));

            empemployername.HorizontalAlignment = Cell.ALIGN_LEFT;
            empemployername.Border = Cell.NO_BORDER;
            p11taxInfoTable.AddCell(empemployername, new System.Drawing.Point(0, 0));

            Cell emppayment = new Cell(new Phrase("NATURE  OF  PAYMENT.", new Font(Font.TIMES_ROMAN, 8, Font.BOLD | Font.UNDERLINE)));

            emppayment.HorizontalAlignment = Cell.ALIGN_LEFT;
            emppayment.Border = Cell.NO_BORDER;
            p11taxInfoTable.AddCell(emppayment, new System.Drawing.Point(1, 0));

            Cell payment = new Cell(new Phrase("1...................................................................\n2.....................................................................", tcFont2));

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            payment.Border = Cell.NO_BORDER;
            p11taxInfoTable.AddCell(payment, new System.Drawing.Point(2, 0));

            Cell pay = new Cell(new Phrase(".", bFont2));

            pay.HorizontalAlignment = Cell.ALIGN_LEFT;
            pay.Border = Cell.NO_BORDER;
            p11taxInfoTable.AddCell(pay, new System.Drawing.Point(3, 0));

예제 #8
        protected void ApproveFormBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            FormResult.Visible = false;
            //updating a form not, creating it
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                Project       p      = ProjectUtil.GetProject(f.ProjectId);
                WorkflowModel w      = WorkflowUtil.GetWorkflow(p.WorkflowId);

                User user = (User)Session["User"];
                FormUtil.ApproveForm(formId, user.RoleId);
                Log.Info(user.Identity + " approved " + CompanyUtil.GetCompanyName(p.CompanyId) + "'s form " + f.FormName + " - " + p.Name);
                FormResult.CssClass = "success";
                FormResult.Text     = "Approved form " + f.FormName;
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                //prep html for pdf generation
                HtmlDocument doc     = new HtmlDocument();
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                //pdf gen
                PDFGen.CreateHTMLPDF(html, pdfName);
                Response.Redirect("Forms.aspx?pfid=" + formId);
예제 #9
        private void BuildP10PDF()
                document = new Document(PageSize.A4.Rotate());
                PdfWriter.GetInstance(document, new FileStream(sFilePDF, FileMode.Create));

                PDFGen pdfgen = new PDFGen();
                Image  img0   = pdfgen.DoGetImageFile(_resourcePath + "kra2.jpg");
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                Table empInfoTable = new Table(3, 3);
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                empInfoTable.Border          = Table.NO_BORDER;

                Phrase header1 = new Phrase(_ViewModel.ReportName, hFont2);
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                c2.Border = Cell.NO_BORDER;
                c2.HorizontalAlignment = Cell.ALIGN_CENTER;
                // c1.Colspan = 3;
                empInfoTable.AddCell(c2, new System.Drawing.Point(1, 1));

                // Phrase header1 = new Phrase(p9A.ReportName, hFont2);
                Cell c1 = new Cell(img0);// header1);
                c1.Border = Cell.NO_BORDER;
                c1.HorizontalAlignment = Cell.ALIGN_CENTER;
                // c1.Colspan = 3;

                empInfoTable.AddCell(c1, new System.Drawing.Point(0, 1));

                Chunk name        = new Chunk("_ViewModel", bFont1);
                Cell  empPINCell1 = new Cell(name);
                empPINCell1.Border = Cell.NO_BORDER;
                empInfoTable.AddCell(empPINCell1, new System.Drawing.Point(1, 0));

                Chunk employerPIN = new Chunk("Employer's PIN ..." + _ViewModel.EmployerPin.Trim() + "...", bFont1);
                Cell  empPINCell  = new Cell(employerPIN);
                empPINCell.Border = Cell.NO_BORDER;
                empInfoTable.AddCell(empPINCell, new System.Drawing.Point(1, 2));


                Table empInfoTable2 = new Table(1, 4);
                empInfoTable2.WidthPercentage = 100;
                empInfoTable2.Border          = Table.NO_BORDER;

                Phrase header2 = new Phrase("To Senior Assistant Commissioner...........\n", bFont1);

                Cell c3 = new Cell(header2);
                c3.Border = Cell.NO_BORDER;
                c3.HorizontalAlignment = Cell.ALIGN_LEFT;
                c3.VerticalAlignment   = Cell.ALIGN_CENTER;
                empInfoTable2.AddCell(c3, new System.Drawing.Point(1, 0));

                Chunk info  = new Chunk("We/I forward herewith...................Tax Deduction Cards(P9A/P9B)showing the Total tax deducted\n (as listed on P10A) amounting to Kshs........" + _ViewModel.TotalPAYETax.ToString("#,##0") + "\n This Total tax has been paid as follows:-    ", bFont1);
                Cell  info1 = new Cell(info);
                info1.Border = Cell.NO_BORDER;
                info1.HorizontalAlignment = Cell.ALIGN_LEFT;
                empInfoTable2.AddCell(info1, new System.Drawing.Point(2, 0));

                Chunk info2 = new Chunk(".", bFont1);
                Cell  info3 = new Cell(info2);
                info3.Border = Cell.NO_BORDER;
                info3.HorizontalAlignment = Cell.ALIGN_LEFT;

                empInfoTable2.AddCell(info3, new System.Drawing.Point(3, 0));


                Table taxTable = new Table(5, 14);
                taxTable.Padding         = 1;
                taxTable.Spacing         = 1;
                taxTable.WidthPercentage = 100;

                //Add table headers

                for (int i = 1; i <= 12; i++)
                    var monthRecs = (from mr in _ViewModel.P10tax
                                     where mr.MonthInt == i
                                     select mr).SingleOrDefault();
                    AddTableRow(i, taxTable, monthRecs);

                //Add totals

            catch (DocumentException de)
                this.Message = de.Message;
            catch (IOException ioe)
                this.Message = ioe.Message;
            catch (Exception ex)
예제 #10
        private void BuildPDF()
                // step 1: creation of a document-object
                document = new Document(PageSize.A4);

                // step 2: we create a writer that listens to the document
                PdfWriter.GetInstance(document, new FileStream(sFilePDF, FileMode.Create));


                PDFGen pdfgen = new PDFGen();

                Image img0 = pdfgen.DoGetImageFile(_resourcePath + "kra2.jpg");
                img0.Alignment = Image.ALIGN_LEFT;

                Table empInfoTable = new Table(1);
                empInfoTable.WidthPercentage = 100;
                empInfoTable.Border          = Table.NO_BORDER;

                Phrase header1 = new Phrase(_ViewModel.ReportName, hFont2);
                Cell   c2      = new Cell(header1);
                c2.Border = Cell.NO_BORDER;
                c2.HorizontalAlignment = Cell.ALIGN_CENTER;
                // c1.Colspan = 3;
                empInfoTable.AddCell(c2, new System.Drawing.Point(1, 0));

                Cell c1 = new Cell(img0);// header1);
                c1.Border = Cell.NO_BORDER;
                c1.HorizontalAlignment = Cell.ALIGN_CENTER;
                // c1.Colspan = 3;

                empInfoTable.AddCell(c1, new System.Drawing.Point(0, 0));

                Chunk name     = new Chunk("P.A.Y.E SUPPORTING LIST FOR END OF YEAR CERTIFICATE: YEAR.." + _ViewModel.Year.ToString() + "..", bFont2);
                Cell  emp2Cell = new Cell(name);
                emp2Cell.Border = Cell.NO_BORDER;
                empInfoTable.AddCell(emp2Cell, new System.Drawing.Point(2, 0));

                Chunk formname = new Chunk("P10A", bFont1);
                Cell  emp1Cell = new Cell(formname);
                emp1Cell.Border = Cell.NO_BORDER;
                emp1Cell.HorizontalAlignment = Cell.ALIGN_LEFT;
                empInfoTable.AddCell(emp1Cell, new System.Drawing.Point(3, 0));

                Chunk employerName = new Chunk("Employer's Name ..." + _ViewModel.EmployerName.ToUpper().Trim() + "..........                                                   Employer's PIN ..." + _ViewModel.EmployerPin.Trim() + "..", bFont1);
                Cell  empCell      = new Cell(employerName);
                empCell.Border = Cell.NO_BORDER;
                empInfoTable.AddCell(empCell, new System.Drawing.Point(4, 0));

                document.Add(new Phrase("", new Font(Font.TIMES_ROMAN, 2, Font.NORMAL)));

                Table taxTable = new Table(4);
                taxTable.Padding         = 1;
                taxTable.Spacing         = 1;
                taxTable.WidthPercentage = 100;

                //Add table headers

                //Add table details
                foreach (var tr in _ViewModel.P10AList)
                    AddTableRow(taxTable, tr);

                //Add totals



            catch (DocumentException de)
                this.Message = de.Message;
            catch (IOException ioe)
                this.Message = ioe.Message;
            catch (Exception ex)