public void SetTextSpacing(PDFUnit?wordSpacingOffset, PDFUnit?charSpacingOffset, PDFUnit fontSize)
            if (charSpacingOffset.HasValue)
                this.Writer.WriteOpCodeS(PDFOpCode.TxtCharSpacing, (PDFReal)charSpacingOffset.Value.PointsValue);
            if (wordSpacingOffset.HasValue)
                PDFFontDefinition defn = this.CurrentFontResource.Definition;

                //calculate the required width of a space in PDF Text units
                double spaceOffsetPDFUnits = ((wordSpacingOffset.Value.PointsValue) * (double)PDFFontDefinition.PDFGlyphUnits) / fontSize.PointsValue;

                //caclulate the normal width of a space in PDF Text units
                double spaceWidthPDFUnits = (defn.SpaceWidthFontUnits / defn.FontUnitsPerEm) * (double)PDFFontDefinition.PDFGlyphUnits;

                //calculate the actual space size (normal width + offset) in PDFTextUnits
                double spaceActualPDFUnits = spaceWidthPDFUnits + spaceOffsetPDFUnits;

                //calculate the factor (1 = normal size, 2 = double size, etc)
                double spaceFactor = spaceActualPDFUnits / spaceWidthPDFUnits;

                this.CustomWordSpace = spaceActualPDFUnits;

                this.Writer.WriteOpCodeS(PDFOpCode.TxtWordSpacing, (PDFReal)spaceFactor);
예제 #2
 public virtual void SetResourceFont(string name, PDFFontDefinition definition)
     this._familyName    = name;
     this._cachedmetrics = definition.GetFontMetrics(this.Size);
     //var style = this.GetDrawingStyle();
     //var sys = PDFFontFactory.GetSystemFont(this._familyName, this.GetDrawingStyle(), (float)this.Size.PointsValue);
     //int line = sys.FontFamily.GetLineSpacing(style);
예제 #3
        // .ctor

        #region private PDFFontResource(PDFFontDefinition defn, string resourceName)

        private PDFFontResource(PDFFontDefinition defn, PDFFontWidths widths, string resourceName)
            : base(PDFObjectTypes.FontResource)
            if (null == defn)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("defn");

            _defn     = defn;
            _widths   = widths;
            _fontName = defn.FullName;

            this.Name = (Native.PDFName)resourceName;
예제 #4
        // static methods

        #region public static PDFFontResource Load(PDFFontDefinition defn, string resourceName)

        /// <summary>
        /// Loads a PDFFontResource based on the definition and name
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="defn"></param>
        /// <param name="resourceName"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static PDFFontResource Load(PDFFontDefinition defn, string resourceName)
            if (null == defn)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("defn");

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(resourceName))
                throw new ArgumentNullException("resourceName");

            PDFFontWidths   widths = defn.GetWidths();
            PDFFontResource rsrc   = new PDFFontResource(defn, widths, resourceName);

예제 #5
        private bool TryGetFont(IPDFDocument doc, PDFContextBase context, out PDFFontDefinition definition)
            System.Drawing.FontStyle style = System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular;
            if (this.FontBold)
                style |= System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold;
            if (this.FontItalic)
                style |= System.Drawing.FontStyle.Italic;

            string name = this.FontFamily.FamilyName;

            PDFFontFactory.TryEnsureFont(doc, context, this.Source, name, style, out definition);

            return(null != definition);
        public void SetTextSpacing(PDFUnit?wordSpacingOffset, PDFUnit?charSpacingOffset, PDFUnit fontSize)
            if (charSpacingOffset.HasValue)
                this.Writer.WriteOpCodeS(PDFOpCode.TxtCharSpacing, (PDFReal)charSpacingOffset.Value.PointsValue);

            if (wordSpacingOffset.HasValue)
                if (null == this.CurrentFontResource || null == this.CurrentFontResource.Definition)
                    this.Context.TraceLog.Add(TraceLevel.Warning, "Graphics", "Could not load the current font definition to set word spacing");
                    PDFFontDefinition defn = this.CurrentFontResource.Definition;

                    //calculate the required width of a space in PDF Text units
                    double spaceOffsetPDFUnits = ((wordSpacingOffset.Value.PointsValue) * (double)PDFFontDefinition.PDFGlyphUnits) / fontSize.PointsValue;

                    //caclulate the normal width of a space in PDF Text units
                    double spaceWidthPDFUnits = (defn.SpaceWidthFontUnits / defn.FontUnitsPerEm) * (double)PDFFontDefinition.PDFGlyphUnits;

                    //calculate the actual space size (normal width + offset) in PDFTextUnits
                    double spaceActualPDFUnits = spaceWidthPDFUnits + spaceOffsetPDFUnits;

                    //calculate the factor (1 = normal size, 2 = double size, etc)
                    double spaceFactor = spaceActualPDFUnits / spaceWidthPDFUnits;

                    this.CustomWordSpace = spaceActualPDFUnits;

                    this.Writer.WriteOpCodeS(PDFOpCode.TxtWordSpacing, (PDFReal)spaceFactor);
        /// <summary>
        /// Measures a single line of text (no wrapping) and returns the size required,
        /// and the number of characters fitted into that line. Uses the current font and size.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="chars"></param>
        /// <param name="startIndex"></param>
        /// <param name="available"></param>
        /// <param name="options"></param>
        /// <param name="charsfitted"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// <remarks>Uses the TTFFontFile if available, otherwise will default to using the GDI+ measure,
        /// which is slower but supports postscript fonts</remarks>
        public PDFSize MeasureString(string chars, int startIndex, PDFSize available, PDFTextRenderOptions options, out int charsfitted)
            PDFFontResource frsc  = this.CurrentFontResource;
            PDFUnit         fsize = this.CurrentFont.Size;

            if (null == frsc)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Current font has not be set on the graphics class, so strings cannot be measured");

            PDFFontDefinition defn = frsc.Definition;
            PDFSize           measured;

            if (defn.CanMeasureStrings)
                bool trimtoword = true;
                if (options.WrapText.HasValue)
                    if (options.WrapText == WordWrap.NoWrap)
                        available.Width = new PDFUnit(int.MaxValue, PageUnits.Points);
                    else if (options.WrapText == WordWrap.Character)
                        trimtoword = false;
                bool vertical = false; // Not currently supported.

                //inspect the spacing values - if any are set then we must use them in the calculations
                bool   complexSpacing = false;
                double?wordSpace      = null;
                double charSpace      = Scryber.OpenType.TTFFile.NoCharacterSpace;
                double hScale         = Scryber.OpenType.TTFFile.NoHorizontalScale;

                if (options.WordSpacing.HasValue)
                    complexSpacing = true;
                    wordSpace      = options.WordSpacing.Value.PointsValue;
                if (options.CharacterSpacing.HasValue)
                    complexSpacing = true;
                    charSpace      = options.CharacterSpacing.Value.PointsValue;
                if (options.CharacterHScale.HasValue)
                    complexSpacing = true;
                    hScale         = options.CharacterHScale.Value;
                if (complexSpacing)
                    //TODO: Check if we can do this on the widths rather than the ttfile.
                    measured = defn.MeasureStringWidth(chars, startIndex, fsize.PointsValue, available.Width.PointsValue, wordSpace, charSpace, hScale, vertical, trimtoword, out charsfitted);
                    //TODO: Check if we can do this on the widths rather than the ttfile.
                    measured = defn.MeasureStringWidth(chars, startIndex, fsize.PointsValue, available.Width.PointsValue, trimtoword, out charsfitted);

                if (charsfitted > 0)
                    this.RegisterStringUse(chars, startIndex, charsfitted);
                throw new NotSupportedException("The font definition cannot measure strings");

                //if (startIndex > 0)
                //   chars = chars.Substring(startIndex);
                //measured = this.MeasureGraphicsString(chars, available, options.WrapText.HasValue ? options.WrapText.Value : WordWrap.Auto, out charsfitted);
