internal virtual PDFEncrypterFactory GetEncrypterFactory()
            PDFEncrypterFactory factory = PDFEncrypterFactory.CreateFactory(this.Version, this.Revision);

            if (null == factory)
                throw new PDFSecurityException(string.Format("There is no available encryptor for the version and revision " + this.Version + "." + this.Revision));
        //implementation methods

        protected override PDFWriter DoGetInstance(Document forDoc, Stream stream, int generation, PDFDocumentRenderOptions options, PDFTraceLog log)
            if (null == forDoc.DocumentID)
                forDoc.DocumentID = PDFDocumentID.Create();

            PDFEncrypterFactory factory = this.GetEncrypterFactory();

            IDocumentPasswordSettings settings;
            string          path = forDoc.LoadedSource;
            SecureString    owner;
            SecureString    user;
            PermissionFlags protection;

            if (Options.SecurityOptions.TryGetPasswordSettings(path, out settings))
                owner      = settings.OwnerPassword;
                user       = settings.UserPassword;
                protection = settings.DefaultPermissions;

                if (settings.AllowDocumentOverrides)
                    if (null != this.OwnerPassword)
                        owner = this.OwnerPassword;
                    if (null != this.UserPassword)
                        user = this.UserPassword;
                    protection |= this.GetRestrictions();
                protection = this.GetRestrictions();
                owner      = this.OwnerPassword;
                user       = this.UserPassword;

            PDFEncryter       enc    = factory.InitEncrypter(owner, user, forDoc.DocumentID, protection);
            PDFSecureWriter14 writer = new PDFSecureWriter14(stream, log, enc);
