static string[] get_button_info(PDFDict field) { string svalue; string sdefault_value; PDFObject entry; entry = field.Get("V"); if (entry is PDFName) { PDFName field_value_name = (PDFName)entry; svalue = "Value: " + field_value_name.Value; } else { svalue = ""; } entry = field.Get("DV"); if (entry is PDFName) { PDFName field_defvalue_name = (PDFName)entry; sdefault_value = "Default Value: " + field_defvalue_name.Value; } else { sdefault_value = ""; } return(new string[] { svalue, sdefault_value }); }
private void updateDictionaryKey(PDFDict pdfDict, string newKey, string oldKey) { PDFObject valueInDict = pdfDict.Get(oldKey); pdfDict.Remove(oldKey); pdfDict.Put(newKey, valueInDict); }
static string[] get_sig_info(PDFDict field) { String filterName = null; String signerName = null; String contactInfo = null; String location = null; String reason = null; String sigM = null; PDFObject entry; entry = field.Get("V"); if (entry is PDFDict) { // Extracting Signature Dictionary entries, as per Table 8.102 in the PDF (v1.7) Reference. var sigDict = entry as PDFDict; filterName = "Filter: " + (sigDict.Get("Filter") as PDFName).Value; //The following are optional. signerName = (sigDict.Contains("Name") ? "Name: " + (sigDict.Get("Name") as PDFString).Value : ""); reason = (sigDict.Contains("Reason") ? "Reason: " + (sigDict.Get("Reason") as PDFString).Value : ""); contactInfo = (sigDict.Contains("ContactInfo") ? "ContactInfo: " + (sigDict.Get("ContactInfo") as PDFString).Value : ""); location = (sigDict.Contains("Location") ? "Location: " + (sigDict.Get("Location") as PDFString).Value : ""); sigM = (sigDict.Contains("M") ? "M: " + (sigDict.Get("M") as PDFString).Value : ""); return(new string[] { filterName, signerName, contactInfo, location, reason, sigM }); } return(new string[] { "", }); }
private void editSelectedDictValue(PDFDict selectedDict, string key, object newValue) { PDFObject newPDFObject = createNewValueForSelectedScalar(selectedDict.Get(key), newValue.ToString()); updateDictionaryValue(selectedDict, key, newPDFObject); //refresh the tree selectedDict.EnumPDFObjects(new EnumObjectsForTree(selectedNodeBeforeEdit)); mainWindow.expandNode(selectedNodeBeforeEdit); }
static string[] get_text_info(PDFDict field) { string svalue; string sdefault_value; string sMax_Length; PDFObject entry; entry = field.Get("V"); if (entry is PDFString) { PDFString value = (PDFString)entry; svalue = "Value: " + value.Value; } else { svalue = ""; } entry = field.Get("DV"); if (entry is PDFString) { PDFString defvalue = (PDFString)entry; sdefault_value = "Default Value: " + defvalue.Value; } else { sdefault_value = ""; } entry = field.Get("MaxLen"); if (entry is PDFInteger) { PDFInteger int_entry = (PDFInteger)entry; int nMax_Length = 0; nMax_Length = int_entry.Value; sMax_Length = String.Format("Max Length: {0}", nMax_Length); } else { sMax_Length = ""; } return(new string[] { svalue, sdefault_value, sMax_Length }); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("FormWalker Sample:"); FileStream fs = new FileStream("FormWalkerOutput.log", FileMode.Create); // First, save the standard output. TextWriter tmp = Console.Out; StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(fs); Console.SetOut(sw); using (Library lib = new Library()) { Console.WriteLine("Initialized the library."); String sInput1 = Library.ResourceDirectory + "Sample_Input/MultipleSignatures.pdf"; if (args.Length > 0) { sInput1 = args[0]; } Document doc = new Document(sInput1); Console.WriteLine("Opened document " + sInput1); Console.WriteLine(""); PDFObject form_entry = doc.Root.Get("AcroForm"); if (form_entry is PDFDict) { PDFDict form_root = (PDFDict)form_entry; DisplayRootDictionary(form_root); PDFObject fields_entry = form_root.Get("Fields"); if (fields_entry is PDFArray) { PDFArray fields = (PDFArray)fields_entry; for (int i = 0; i < fields.Length; i++) { PDFObject field_entry = fields.Get(i); enumerate_field(field_entry, ""); } } } Console.SetOut(tmp); sw.Close(); Console.WriteLine("Done."); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("ModifyLinkAnnotDests Sample:"); using (Library lib = new Library()) { Console.WriteLine("Initialized the library."); // String sInput = Library.ResourceDirectory + "Sample_Input/Custom/IdexxJoeParzel/url_issue_1.pdf"; // Example of Action with javascript launch // String sOutput = "../url_issue_1-out.pdf"; // String sInput = Library.ResourceDirectory + "Sample_Input/Custom/IdexxJoeParzel/url_issue_2.pdf"; // Example of Actiom with URI (annot 2) String sOutput = "../url_issue_2-out.pdf"; // if (args.Length > 0) { sInput = args[0]; } if (args.Length > 1) { sOutput = args[1]; } Console.WriteLine("Input file: " + sInput); Document doc = new Document(sInput); int totalPages = doc.NumPages; int pageNum = 0; int annotNum = 0; int numReplaced = 0; for (pageNum = 0; pageNum < doc.NumPages; pageNum++) { Page pg = doc.GetPage(pageNum); for (annotNum = 0; annotNum < pg.NumAnnotations; annotNum++) { Annotation ann = pg.GetAnnotation(annotNum); Console.WriteLine("Page: " + pageNum + " Annot: " + annotNum + " Title: " + ann.Title); if (ann is LinkAnnotation) { if (ann.PDFDict.Contains("A")) { Console.WriteLine("Action found"); PDFDict actionDict = (PDFDict)ann.PDFDict.Get("A"); //Console.WriteLine("JS = " + jsPDFString.ToString()); if (actionDict.Contains("JS")) { PDFString jsPDFString = (PDFString)actionDict.Get("JS"); Console.WriteLine("JS = " + jsPDFString.Value); PDFString newvalue = new PDFString("app.launchURL(\"\", true);", doc, false, false); actionDict.Put("JS", newvalue); numReplaced++; } if (actionDict.Contains("URI")) { PDFString uriPDFString = (PDFString)actionDict.Get("URI"); Console.WriteLine("URI = " + uriPDFString.Value); PDFString newvalue = new PDFString("", doc, false, false); actionDict.Put("URI", newvalue); numReplaced++; } } } } } // for page loop if (numReplaced > 0) { Console.WriteLine("Replaced " + numReplaced + " link destinations."); doc.Save(SaveFlags.Full | SaveFlags.Linearized, sOutput); } } }
static void DisplayRootDictionary(PDFDict formsRoot) { PDFObject entry; bool bNeedAppearances = false; int nSigFlags = 0; bool bCalcOrder = false; bool bDefaultResource = false; bool bDefaultAppearance = false; bool bXFAForms = false; int QuadMode = -1; string sQuadMode = "unkown"; entry = formsRoot.Get("NeedAppearances"); if (entry is PDFBoolean) { PDFBoolean needAppearances = (PDFBoolean)entry; bNeedAppearances = needAppearances.Value; } Console.WriteLine("NeedAppearances: " + (bNeedAppearances ? "True" : "False")); entry = formsRoot.Get("SigFlags"); if (entry is PDFInteger) { PDFInteger sigFlags = (PDFInteger)entry; nSigFlags = sigFlags.Value; } if (nSigFlags == 0) { Console.WriteLine("Document has no signatures."); } else { if ((nSigFlags & 1) == 1) { Console.WriteLine("Document has signatures."); } if ((nSigFlags & 2) == 2) { Console.WriteLine("Signatures: Document may append only."); } } entry = formsRoot.Get("CO"); if (entry is PDFDict) { bCalcOrder = true; } Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Calculation Order Dictionary is {0}present.", (bCalcOrder?"":"not "))); entry = formsRoot.Get("DR"); if (entry is PDFDict) { bDefaultResource = true; } Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Default Resource Dictionary is {0}present.", (bDefaultResource? "" : "not "))); entry = formsRoot.Get("DA"); if (entry is PDFString) { bDefaultAppearance = true; } Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Default Appearance String is {0}present.", (bDefaultAppearance ? "" : "not "))); entry = formsRoot.Get("Q"); if (entry is PDFInteger) { PDFInteger quad_entry = (PDFInteger)entry; QuadMode = quad_entry.Value; } switch (QuadMode) { case -1: sQuadMode = "not present"; break; case 0: sQuadMode = "Left"; break; case 1: sQuadMode = "Centered"; break; case 2: sQuadMode = "Right"; break; } Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Default Quad Mode is {0}.", sQuadMode)); entry = formsRoot.Get("XFA"); if (entry is PDFString) { bXFAForms = true; } Console.WriteLine(String.Format("XFA Forms are {0}present.", (bXFAForms ? "" : "not "))); Console.WriteLine(""); }
static void enumerate_field(PDFObject field_entry, string prefix) { string name_part; string field_name; string alternate_name = null; string mapping_name = null; string field_type; string[] field_info = null; int field_flags = 0; bool additional_actions = false; bool javascript_formatting = false; bool javascript_calculation = false; bool javascript_validation = false; PDFObject entry; if (field_entry is PDFDict) { PDFDict field = (PDFDict)field_entry; entry = (PDFString)field.Get("T"); if (entry is PDFString) { PDFString t = (PDFString)entry; name_part = t.Value; } else { return; } if (prefix == "") { field_name = name_part; } else { field_name = string.Format("{0}.{1}", prefix, name_part); } entry = field.Get("Kids"); if (entry is PDFArray) { PDFArray kids = (PDFArray)entry; for (int i = 0; i < kids.Length; i++) { PDFObject kid_entry = kids.Get(i); enumerate_field(kid_entry, field_name); } } else //no kids, so we are at an end-node. { Console.WriteLine("Name: " + field_name); entry = field.Get("TU"); if (entry is PDFString) { PDFString tu = (PDFString)entry; alternate_name = tu.Value; } entry = field.Get("TM"); if (entry is PDFString) { PDFString tm = (PDFString)entry; mapping_name = tm.Value; } entry = field.Get("Ff"); if (entry is PDFInteger) { PDFInteger ff = (PDFInteger)entry; field_flags = ff.Value; } entry = field.Get("AA"); if (entry is PDFDict) { additional_actions = true; var aadict = entry as PDFDict; javascript_formatting = aadict.Contains("F"); javascript_calculation = aadict.Contains("C"); javascript_validation = aadict.Contains("V"); } entry = field.Get("FT"); if (entry is PDFName) { PDFName field_type_name = (PDFName)entry; switch (field_type_name.Value) { case "Btn": field_type = "Button"; field_info = get_button_info(field); break; case "Tx": field_type = "Text"; field_info = get_text_info(field); break; case "Ch": field_type = "Choice"; field_info = get_choice_info(field); break; case "Sig": field_type = "Signature"; field_info = get_sig_info(field); break; default: field_type = field_type_name.Value; return; } } else { field_type = "None"; } if (alternate_name != null) { Console.WriteLine("Alternate Name: " + alternate_name); } if (mapping_name != null) { Console.WriteLine("Mapping Name: " + mapping_name); } if (additional_actions) { Console.WriteLine("Additional Actions: Javascript {0}{1}{2}.", javascript_validation?"Validation, ":"", javascript_calculation?"Calculation, ":"", javascript_formatting?"Formatting":""); } Console.WriteLine("Type: " + field_type); if (field_flags != 0) { bool[] flags = new bool[28]; for (int bitpos = 1; bitpos < flags.Length; bitpos++) { flags[bitpos] = (0 != (field_flags & (0x1 << bitpos - 1))); } if (field_type == "Signature") { Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Signature Flags: {0:x8}: requires {1}{2}{3}{4}{5}{6}{7}", field_flags, flags[1]?"Filter, ":"", flags[2]?"SubFilter, ":"", flags[3]?"V, ":"", flags[4]?"Reason, ":"", flags[5]?"LegalAttestation, ":"", flags[6]?"AddRevInfo, ":"", flags[7]?"DigestMethod":"" )); } else { Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Format Flags: {0:x8}: {1}{2}{3}{4}{5}{6}{7}{8}{9}{10}{11}{12}{13}{14}{15}{16}{17}{18}", field_flags, flags[1]?"ReadOnly ":"", flags[2]?"Required ":"", flags[3]?"NoExport ":"", flags[13]?"MultiLine ":"", flags[14]?"Password ":"", flags[15]?"NoToggleToOff ":"", flags[16]?"Radio ":"", flags[17]?"PushButton ":"", flags[18]?"Combo ":"", flags[19]?"Edit ":"", flags[20]?"Sort ":"", flags[21]?"FileSelect ":"", flags[22]?"MultiSelect ":"", flags[23]?"DoNotSpellCheck ":"", flags[24]?"DoNotScroll ":"", flags[25]?"Comb ":"", flags[26]?(field_type == "Text"?"RichText":(field_type == "Button"?"RadiosInUnison":"?")):"", flags[27]?"CommitOnSelChange ":"" )); } } foreach (string item in field_info) { if (item != "") { Console.WriteLine(item); } } Console.WriteLine(""); } } }