public Example_73() { PDF pdf = new PDF(new BufferedStream( new FileStream("Example_73.pdf", FileMode.Create))); BufferedStream bis = new BufferedStream( new FileStream("data/testPDFs/PDF32000_2008.pdf", FileMode.Open)); List <PDFobj> objects1 = pdf.Read(bis); bis.Close(); bis = new BufferedStream( new FileStream("data/testPDFs/50008-RON.pdf", FileMode.Open)); List <PDFobj> objects2 = pdf.Read(bis); bis.Close(); pdf.AddObjects(objects1); pdf.AddObjects(objects2); pdf.Complete(); }
public Example_79(String fileNumber, String fileName) { PDF pdf = new PDF(new BufferedStream( new FileStream("Example_79_" + fileNumber + ".pdf", FileMode.Create))); BufferedStream bis = new BufferedStream( new FileStream("data/testPDFs/" + fileName, FileMode.Open)); List <PDFobj> objects = pdf.Read(bis); bis.Close(); Image image = new Image( objects, new BufferedStream(new FileStream( "images/qrcode.png", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)), ImageType.PNG); image.SetLocation(100f, 300f); Font f1 = new Font( objects, new FileStream("fonts/Droid/", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read), Font.STREAM); f1.SetSize(12f); List <PDFobj> pages = pdf.GetPageObjects(objects); Page page = null; for (int i = 0; i < pages.Count; i++) { page = new Page(pdf, pages[i]); page.AddResource(image, objects); image.DrawOn(page); page.AddResource(f1, objects); page.SetBrushColor(; page.DrawString(f1, "John Smith", 100f, 270f); page.Complete(objects); } pdf.AddObjects(objects); pdf.Complete(); }
public Example_37() { PDF pdf = new PDF(new BufferedStream( new FileStream("Example_37.pdf", FileMode.Create))); FileStream fis = new FileStream("data/testPDFs/wirth.pdf", FileMode.Open); // FileStream fis = new FileStream("data/testPDFs/Smalltalk-and-OO.pdf", FileMode.Open); // FileStream fis = new FileStream("data/testPDFs/InsideSmalltalk1.pdf", FileMode.Open); // FileStream fis = new FileStream("data/testPDFs/InsideSmalltalk2.pdf", FileMode.Open); // FileStream fis = new FileStream("data/testPDFs/Greenbook.pdf", FileMode.Open); // FileStream fis = new FileStream("data/testPDFs/Bluebook.pdf", FileMode.Open); // FileStream fis = new FileStream("data/testPDFs/Orangebook.pdf", FileMode.Open); List <PDFobj> objects = pdf.Read(fis); fis.Close(); Font f1 = new Font( objects, new FileStream("fonts/OpenSans/", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read), Font.STREAM); f1.SetSize(72f); TextLine line = new TextLine(f1, "This is a test!"); line.SetLocation(50f, 350f); line.SetColor(Color.peru); List <PDFobj> pages = pdf.GetPageObjects(objects); foreach (PDFobj pageObj in pages) { GraphicsState gs = new GraphicsState(); gs.SetAlphaStroking(0.75f); // Set alpha for stroking operations gs.SetAlphaNonStroking(0.75f); // Set alpha for nonstroking operations pageObj.SetGraphicsState(gs, objects); Page page = new Page(pdf, pageObj); page.AddResource(f1, objects); page.SetBrushColor(; page.DrawString(f1, "Hello, World!", 50f, 200f); line.DrawOn(page); page.Complete(objects); // The graphics stack is unwinded automatically } pdf.AddObjects(objects); /* * List<Image> images = new List<Image>(); * foreach (PDFobj obj in objects.Values) { * if (obj.GetValue("/Subtype").Equals("/Image")) { * float w = float.Parse(obj.GetValue("/Width")); * float h = float.Parse(obj.GetValue("/Height")); * if (w > 500f && h > 500f) { * images.Add(new Image(pdf, obj)); * } * } * } * * Font f1 = new Font(pdf, CoreFont.HELVETICA); * f1.SetSize(72f); * * Page page = null; * foreach (Image image in images) { * page = new Page(pdf, A4.PORTRAIT); * * GraphicsState gs = new GraphicsState(); * gs.Set_CA(0.7f); // Stroking alpha * gs.Set_ca(0.7f); // Nonstroking alpha * page.SetGraphicsState(gs); * * image.ResizeToFit(page, true); * * // image.FlipUpsideDown(true); * // image.SetLocation(0f, -image.GetHeight()); * * // image.SetRotate(ClockWise._180_degrees); * // image.SetLocation(0f, 0f); * * image.DrawOn(page); * * TextLine text = new TextLine(f1, "Hello, World!"); * text.SetColor(; * text.SetLocation(150f, 150f); * text.DrawOn(page); * * page.SetGraphicsState(new GraphicsState()); * } */ pdf.Complete(); }
public Example_50(String fileNumber, String fileName) { PDF pdf = new PDF(new BufferedStream( new FileStream("Example_" + fileNumber + ".pdf", FileMode.Create))); BufferedStream bis = new BufferedStream( new FileStream("data/testPDFs/" + fileName, FileMode.Open)); List <PDFobj> objects = pdf.Read(bis); bis.Close(); Image image = new Image( objects, new BufferedStream(new FileStream( "images/qrcode.png", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)), ImageType.PNG); image.SetLocation(495f, 65f); image.ScaleBy(0.40f); Font f1 = new Font( objects, new FileStream("fonts/Droid/", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read), Font.STREAM); f1.SetSize(12f); Font f2 = new Font( objects, new FileStream("fonts/Droid/", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read), Font.STREAM); f2.SetSize(12f); List <PDFobj> pages = pdf.GetPageObjects(objects); Page page = new Page(pdf, pages[0]); // page.InvertYAxis(); page.AddResource(image, objects); page.AddResource(f1, objects); page.AddResource(f2, objects); Font f3 = page.AddResource(CoreFont.HELVETICA, objects).SetSize(12f); image.DrawOn(page); float x = 23f; float y = 185f; float dx = 15f; float dy = 24f; page.SetBrushColor(; // First Name and Initial page.DrawString(f2, "Иван", x, y); // Last Name page.DrawString(f3, "Jones", x + 258f, y); // Social Insurance Number page.DrawString(f1, StripSpacesAndDashes("243-590-129"), x + 437f, y, dx); // Last Name at Birth page.DrawString(f1, "Culverton", x, y += dy); // Mailing Address page.DrawString(f1, "10 Elm Street", x, y += dy); // City page.DrawString(f1, "Toronto", x, y + dy); // Province or Territory page.DrawString(f1, "Ontario", x + 365f, y += dy); // Postal Code page.DrawString(f1, StripSpacesAndDashes("L7B 2E9"), x + 482f, y, dx); // Home Address page.DrawString(f1, "10 Oak Road", x, y += dy); // City y += dy; page.DrawString(f1, "Toronto", x, y); // Previous Province or Territory page.DrawString(f1, "Ontario", x + 365f, y); // Postal Code page.DrawString(f1, StripSpacesAndDashes("L7B 2E9"), x + 482f, y, dx); // Home telephone number page.DrawString(f1, "905-222-3333", x, y + dy); // Work telephone number page.DrawString(f1, "416-567-9903", x + 279f, y += dy); // Previous province or territory page.DrawString(f1, "British Columbia", x + 452f, y += dy); // Move date from previous province or territory y += dy; page.DrawString(f1, StripSpacesAndDashes("2016-04-12"), x + 452f, y, dx); // Date new marital status began page.DrawString(f1, StripSpacesAndDashes("2014-11-02"), x + 452f, 467f, dx); // First name of spouse y = 521f; page.DrawString(f1, "Melanie", x, y); // Last name of spouse page.DrawString(f1, "Jones", x + 258f, y); // Social Insurance number of spouse page.DrawString(f1, StripSpacesAndDashes("192-760-427"), x + 437f, y, dx); // Spouse or common-law partner's address page.DrawString(f1, "12 Smithfield Drive", x, 554f); // Signature Date page.DrawString(f1, "2016-08-07", x + 475f, 615f); // Signature Date of spouse page.DrawString(f1, "2016-08-07", x + 475f, 651f); // Female Checkbox 1 // xMarkCheckBox(page, 477.5f, 197.5f, 7f); // Male Checkbox 1 XMarkCheckBox(page, 534.5f, 197.5f, 7f); // Married XMarkCheckBox(page, 34.5f, 424f, 7f); // Living common-law // XMarkCheckBox(page, 121.5f, 424f, 7f); // Widowed // XMarkCheckBox(page, 235.5f, 424f, 7f); // Divorced // XMarkCheckBox(page, 325.5f, 424f, 7f); // Separated // XMarkCheckBox(page, 415.5f, 424f, 7f); // Single // XMarkCheckBox(page, 505.5f, 424f, 7f); // Female Checkbox 2 XMarkCheckBox(page, 478.5f, 536.5f, 7f); // Male Checkbox 2 // XMarkCheckBox(page, 535.5f, 536.5f, 7f); page.Complete(objects); pdf.AddObjects(objects); pdf.Complete(); }