예제 #1
        private void HandleSelectCharacterRequest(string username, PacketBase p)
            CharacterSelectedPacket packet = (CharacterSelectedPacket)p;

            // If player is already added to the game world, we don't want to add another. Ignore this request.
            if (_pcs.ContainsKey(username))
                _logger.Info($"Player {username} is already added to the game world. Ignoring request.");

            string path = _pathService.ServerVaultDirectory + username + "/" + packet.PCGlobalID + ".pcf";

            if (!File.Exists(path))
                _logger.Error($"PC file '{packet.PCGlobalID}.pcf' does not exist for username {username}. Cannot select character. Ignoring request.");

            PCData pcData = _dataService.Load <PCData>(path);
            Entity player = _entityFactory.Create <Player, PCData>(pcData);

            _pcs.Add(username, player);

            ScriptGroup scripts = _gameModule.GetComponent <ScriptGroup>();
            string      script  = scripts[ScriptEvent.OnModulePlayerEnter];

            _scriptService.QueueScript(script, _gameModule);

            CharacterAddedToWorldPacket response = new CharacterAddedToWorldPacket();

            _networkService.SendMessage(PacketDeliveryMethod.ReliableUnordered, response, username);
예제 #2
    private void SaveWorkingRoomData()
        // 가라데이터
        // 나중에 PlayerPrefs로 저장된 Json 문자열로 대신한다.
        GamePlayData gameData = new GamePlayData();

        gameData.bitCoin  = "100";
        gameData.money    = "1000000";
        gameData.listRoom = new List <WorkingRoomData> ();

        WorkingRoomData roomData = new WorkingRoomData();

        roomData.idx    = 0;
        roomData.level  = 0;
        roomData.listPc = new List <PCData> ();

        PCData pcData = new PCData();

        pcData.idx   = 0;
        pcData.level = 2;
        pcData.type  = 0;
        pcData.gauge = 0.5f;



        string saveData = JsonUtility.ToJson(gameData, true);

        PlayerPrefs.SetString("playerinfo", saveData);
예제 #3
        private void OnCreateCharacterRequest(string username, PacketBase p)
            // TODO: Validate + sanitize packet

            CreateCharacterPacket packet = (CreateCharacterPacket)p;
            PCData pcData = new PCData
                LastName  = packet.LastName,
                FirstName = packet.FirstName

            string path = _pathService.ServerVaultDirectory + username + "/" + pcData.GlobalID + ".pcf";

            _dataService.Save(pcData, path);

            CharacterCreatedPacket response = new CharacterCreatedPacket
                Description = pcData.Description,
                LastName    = pcData.LastName,
                FirstName   = pcData.FirstName,
                Level       = pcData.Level,
                GlobalID    = pcData.GlobalID

            _networkService.SendMessage(PacketDeliveryMethod.ReliableUnordered, response, username);
예제 #4
        private static Dictionary <string, LinkModel> getLinkModel(string ip, out PCData pcdata, out double memCount)
            NetTcpBinding binging = new NetTcpBinding();

            binging.MaxBufferPoolSize      = 524288;
            binging.MaxBufferSize          = 2147483647;
            binging.MaxReceivedMessageSize = 2147483647;
            binging.MaxConnections         = 1000;
            binging.ListenBacklog          = 200;
            binging.OpenTimeout            = TimeSpan.Parse("00:10:00");
            binging.ReceiveTimeout         = TimeSpan.Parse("00:10:00");
            binging.TransferMode           = TransferMode.Buffered;
            binging.Security.Mode          = SecurityMode.None;

            binging.SendTimeout           = TimeSpan.Parse("00:10:00");
            binging.ReaderQuotas.MaxDepth = 64;
            binging.ReaderQuotas.MaxStringContentLength = 2147483647;
            binging.ReaderQuotas.MaxArrayLength         = 16384;
            binging.ReaderQuotas.MaxBytesPerRead        = 4096;
            binging.ReaderQuotas.MaxNameTableCharCount  = 16384;
            binging.ReliableSession.Ordered             = true;
            binging.ReliableSession.Enabled             = false;
            binging.ReliableSession.InactivityTimeout   = TimeSpan.Parse("00:10:00");

            Dictionary <string, LinkModel> modellist = new Dictionary <string, LinkModel>();

            using (MonitorClient client = MonitorClient.Instance)
                IMonitorControl proxy = client.getProxy(ip, binging);
                modellist = proxy.GetMonitorInfo(out pcdata, out memCount);

예제 #5
파일: CPInfo.cs 프로젝트: khrpnv/PCData
        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            PCData main = new PCData();

예제 #6
        //Gets and sends PCData to a socket
        static void writeSocket(NetworkStream ns)
            while (true)
                AllPrograms = Mixer.Mixer.GetAllPrograms();
                List <ProgramData> program = new List <ProgramData>();
                for (int k = 0; k < GlobalPCData.Programs.Count; k++)
                    for (int i = 0; i < AllPrograms.Count; i++)
                        if (GlobalPCData.Programs[k].PID == AllPrograms[i].PID)

                GlobalPCData.Programs = program;
                PCData PCdata = GetPCData();
                PCdata = FixNames(PCdata);
                //Converts PCdata to a byte array
                Byte[] data = SerializeToByteArray(PCdata);
                SendBytes(data, ns);

예제 #7
            public static GameTargetPlatform Init()
                pc      = new PCData();
                mobile  = new MobileData();
                console = new ConsoleData();
                web     = new WebData();

예제 #8
    public PCData Save()
        PCData data = new PCData();

        data.IP      = IP;
        data.gate    = subnet.defaultGateway;
        data.mask    = subnet.mask;
        data.watched = watched;
예제 #9
 public void Load(PCData data)
     IP = data.IP;
     subnet.LoadFreshConfig(data.IP, data.mask, data.gate);
     watched = data.watched;
     //if we are being watched, add a task watcher
     if (watched)
         gameObject.GetComponent <TaskWatcher>().active = true;
예제 #10
 //Converts a name from it's "real" name to it's user friendly name
 private static PCData FixNames(PCData PCdata)
     for (int i = 0; i < DefaultDeviceNames.Count; i++)
         if (PCdata.defaultDevice.Name == DefaultDeviceNames[i].RealName)
             PCdata.defaultDevice.Name = DefaultDeviceNames[i].FriendlyName;
예제 #11
 private PCData SetMuteMaster(PCData pcdata)
     if (pcdata.defaultDevice.IsMute == true)
         for (int i = 0; i < pcdata.Programs.Count; i++)
             pcdata.Programs[i].IsMute = true;
     SetMute("DefaultDevice", pcdata.defaultDevice.IsMute);
예제 #12
        //Gets PCData and returns it
        private static PCData GetPCData()
            PCData data = new PCData();

            data.defaultDevice = Mixer.Mixer.GetPCDataDefaultDevice();
            List <int> PIDList = GetPIDList();

            PIDList = RemoveDuplicates(PIDList);

            data.Programs = Mixer.Mixer.GetPCDataPrograms(PIDList[0], PIDList[1], PIDList[2], AllPrograms);
예제 #13
        public static PCTransferObject Load(PCData data)
            PCTransferObject pcTO = new PCTransferObject
                FirstName   = data.FirstName,
                LastName    = data.LastName,
                GlobalID    = data.GlobalID,
                Level       = data.Level,
                Description = data.Description

예제 #14
 public void Copy(PCData from)
     currentHP = from.currentHP;
     maxHP = from.maxHP;
     for(int i = 0; i < Abilities.Length; i++)
         Abilities[i] = from.Abilities[i];
     continueSceneIndex = from.continueSceneIndex;
     x = from.x;
     y = from.y;
     z = from.z;
예제 #15
        private void readSocket(NetworkStream Networkstream, string ip)
            while (true)
                byte[] readMsgData = { 0 };
                    byte[] readMsgLen = new byte[4];
                    Networkstream.Read(readMsgLen, 0, 4);

                    int dataLen = BitConverter.ToInt32(readMsgLen, 0);
                    readMsgData = new byte[dataLen];
                    if (dataLen > 0)
                            if (Networkstream.CanRead)
                                byte[]       myReadBuffer      = new byte[1024];
                                MemoryStream ms                = new MemoryStream();
                                int          numberOfBytesRead = 0;
                                    numberOfBytesRead = Networkstream.Read(myReadBuffer, 0, myReadBuffer.Length);
                                    ms.Write(myReadBuffer, 0, myReadBuffer.Length);
                                }while (Networkstream.DataAvailable && ms.Length < dataLen);

                                PCData data = Serialize.DeserializeFromByteArray <PCData>(ms.GetBuffer());
                                Console.WriteLine("Sorry.  You cannot read from this NetworkStream.");
                        catch (Exception e)
                catch (System.IO.IOException)
                    StartServer(ip);  //Catch Exception and restart the server
                catch (Exception e)
예제 #16
        private void ProcessData(PCData pcdata)
            SetText(this, this.DefaultDevice, pcdata.defaultDevice.Name);
            SetVolumeLevel(this, this.DefaultDeviceVolume, pcdata.defaultDevice.Volume);
            pcdata = SetMuteMaster(pcdata);

            for (int i = 0; i < pcdata.Programs.Count; i++)
                SetProgramImage(i, pcdata);
                SetProgramMute(i, pcdata);
                SetProgramVolume(i, pcdata);
                SetProgramName(i, pcdata);
예제 #17
 private void SetProgramName(int i, PCData pcdata)
     if (i == 0)
         SetText(this, this.Program1, pcdata.Programs[i].Name);
     else if (i == 1)
         SetText(this, this.Program2, pcdata.Programs[i].Name);
     else if (i == 2)
         SetText(this, this.Program3, pcdata.Programs[i].Name);
예제 #18
 private void SetProgramMute(int i, PCData pcdata)
     if (i == 0)
         SetMute("Program1", pcdata.Programs[i].IsMute);
     else if (i == 1)
         SetMute("Program2", pcdata.Programs[i].IsMute);
     else if (i == 2)
         SetMute("Program3", pcdata.Programs[i].IsMute);
예제 #19
 private void SetProgramVolume(int i, PCData pcdata)
     if (i == 0)
         SetVolumeLevel(this, this.Program1Volume, pcdata.Programs[i].Volume);
     else if (i == 1)
         SetVolumeLevel(this, this.Program2Volume, pcdata.Programs[i].Volume);
     else if (i == 2)
         SetVolumeLevel(this, this.Program3Volume, pcdata.Programs[i].Volume);
예제 #20
        private void HandleConnected(NetIncomingMessage message)
            string username = _connectionToUsername[message.SenderConnection];

            int serverNameLength             = _settingsService.ServerName.Length > 32 ? 32 : _settingsService.ServerName.Length;
            int announcementLength           = _settingsService.Announcement.Length > 255 ? 255 : _settingsService.Announcement.Length;
            ConnectedToServerPacket response = new ConnectedToServerPacket
                ServerName             = _settingsService.ServerName.Substring(0, serverNameLength),
                AllowCharacterDeletion = _settingsService.AllowCharacterDeletion,
                Announcement           = _settingsService.Announcement.Substring(0, announcementLength),
                Category              = _settingsService.GameCategory,
                CurrentPlayers        = _usernameToConnection.Count,
                MaxPlayers            = _settingsService.MaxPlayers,
                PVP                   = _settingsService.PVPType,
                RequiredResourcePacks = _moduleService.GetLoadedModuleData().ResourcePacks

            string directoryPath = _pathService.ServerVaultDirectory + "/" + username + "/";

            if (!Directory.Exists(directoryPath))

            string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(_pathService.ServerVaultDirectory + "/" + username + "/", "*.pcf");
            foreach (string pcFile in files)
                PCData           pc   = _dataService.Load <PCData>(pcFile);
                PCTransferObject pcTO = PCTransferObject.Load(pc);


            SendMessage(PacketDeliveryMethod.ReliableUnordered, response, username);

예제 #21
 private void SetProgramImage(int i, PCData pcdata)
     if (pcdata.Programs[i].Name == null)
         //Display blank audio device
     if (pcdata.Programs[i].Name == "System Sounds")
         pcdata.Programs[i].Icon = Properties.Resources.SystemSoundsIcon;
     if (i == 0)
         Program1Icon.Image = pcdata.Programs[i].Icon;
     else if (i == 1)
         Program2Icon.Image = pcdata.Programs[i].Icon;
     else if (i == 2)
         Program3Icon.Image = pcdata.Programs[i].Icon;
예제 #22
파일: PC.cs 프로젝트: bdddd86/mg
    public void SetState(PCData pcData)
        eState = (ePCState)pcData.state;

        if (listImg == null)
            listImg = new List <Image> ();

            listImg.Add(GetComponent <Image> ());

            if (transform.childCount == 0)
                eType = ePCType.eBasic;
                for (int i = 0; i < transform.childCount; i++)
                    listImg.Add(transform.GetChild(i).GetComponent <Image> ());

                if (transform.childCount == 1)
                    eType = ePCType.ePro;
                    eType = ePCType.eSuper;

        switch (eState)
        case ePCState.eNone:
            for (int i = 0; i < listImg.Count; i++)
                listImg [i].color = new Color(0, 0, 0, 0.55f);

        case ePCState.eMining:
            for (int i = 0; i < listImg.Count; i++)
                listImg [i].color = Color.white;

        case ePCState.eEnoughCoin:
            for (int i = 0; i < listImg.Count; i++)
                listImg [i].color = Color.white;

        case ePCState.eBreak:
            for (int i = 0; i < listImg.Count; i++)
                listImg [i].color = Color.white;
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads data.
        /// </summary>
        private void Load()
            // try to load data from server
            if (!LoadRemote())
                // load data from local environment config file

            LogHelper.LogDebug("ColorPageCost " + ColorPageCost.ToString());
            LogHelper.LogDebug("BlackAndWhitePageCost " + BlackAndWhitePageCost.ToString());

            if (BlackAndWhitePageCost <= 0)
                BlackAndWhitePageCost = 1;

            if (ColorPageCost <= 0)
                ColorPageCost = 2;

            // check data and save
            if ((UserPCs != null && UserPCs.Count > 0) && (Printers != null && Printers.Count > 0))

            // check
            if (UserPCs == null || UserPCs.Count < 1)
                UserPCs = new PCData()
                    new PCDataEntry {
                        Name = "frontdesk1-pc", Margin = new Thickness(678, 18, 0, 0), MapPosition = MapPosition.Top
                    new PCDataEntry {
                        Name = "apiserver-pc", Margin = new Thickness(698, 18, 0, 0), MapPosition = MapPosition.Top
                    new PCDataEntry {
                        Name = "frontdesk2-pc", Margin = new Thickness(728, 18, 0, 0), MapPosition = MapPosition.Top
                    new PCDataEntry {
                        Name = "conference", Margin = new Thickness(66, 110, 0, 0), MapPosition = MapPosition.Top
                    new PCDataEntry {
                        Name = "backdesk-pc", Margin = new Thickness(90, 200, 0, 0), MapPosition = MapPosition.Side
                    new PCDataEntry {
                        Name = "printerleft-pc", Margin = new Thickness(760, 146, 0, 0), MapPosition = MapPosition.Top
                    new PCDataEntry {
                        Name = "printerright-pc", Margin = new Thickness(696, 146, 0, 0), MapPosition = MapPosition.Top
                    new PCDataEntry {
                        Name = "cubicle01-pc", Margin = new Thickness(628, 18, 0, 0), MapPosition = MapPosition.Top
                    new PCDataEntry {
                        Name = "cubicle02-pc", Margin = new Thickness(571, 18, 0, 0), MapPosition = MapPosition.Top
                    new PCDataEntry {
                        Name = "cubicle03-pc", Margin = new Thickness(514, 18, 0, 0), MapPosition = MapPosition.Top
                    new PCDataEntry {
                        Name = "cubicle04-pc", Margin = new Thickness(457, 18, 0, 0), MapPosition = MapPosition.Top
                    new PCDataEntry {
                        Name = "cubicle05-pc", Margin = new Thickness(400, 18, 0, 0), MapPosition = MapPosition.Top
                    new PCDataEntry {
                        Name = "cubicle06-pc", Margin = new Thickness(343, 18, 0, 0), MapPosition = MapPosition.Top
                    new PCDataEntry {
                        Name = "cubicle07-pc", Margin = new Thickness(286, 18, 0, 0), MapPosition = MapPosition.Top
                    new PCDataEntry {
                        Name = "cubicle08-pc", Margin = new Thickness(229, 18, 0, 0), MapPosition = MapPosition.Top
                    new PCDataEntry {
                        Name = "cubicle09-pc", Margin = new Thickness(172, 18, 0, 0), MapPosition = MapPosition.Top
                    new PCDataEntry {
                        Name = "cubicle10-pc", Margin = new Thickness(576, 172, 0, 0), MapPosition = MapPosition.Side
                    new PCDataEntry {
                        Name = "cubicle11-pc", Margin = new Thickness(526, 172, 0, 0), MapPosition = MapPosition.Side
                    new PCDataEntry {
                        Name = "cubicle12-pc", Margin = new Thickness(470, 172, 0, 0), MapPosition = MapPosition.Side
                    new PCDataEntry {
                        Name = "cubicle13-pc", Margin = new Thickness(418, 172, 0, 0), MapPosition = MapPosition.Side
                    new PCDataEntry {
                        Name = "cubicle14-pc", Margin = new Thickness(366, 172, 0, 0), MapPosition = MapPosition.Side
                    new PCDataEntry {
                        Name = "cubicle15-pc", Margin = new Thickness(314, 172, 0, 0), MapPosition = MapPosition.Side
                    new PCDataEntry {
                        Name = "cubicle16-pc", Margin = new Thickness(272, 172, 0, 0), MapPosition = MapPosition.Side
                    new PCDataEntry {
                        Name = "cubicle17-pc", Margin = new Thickness(210, 172, 0, 0), MapPosition = MapPosition.Side
                    new PCDataEntry {
                        Name = "cubicle18-pc", Margin = new Thickness(158, 172, 0, 0), MapPosition = MapPosition.Side
                    new PCDataEntry {
                        Name = "cubicle19-pc", Margin = new Thickness(176, 318, 0, 0), MapPosition = MapPosition.Bottom
                    new PCDataEntry {
                        Name = "cubicle20-pc", Margin = new Thickness(232, 318, 0, 0), MapPosition = MapPosition.Bottom
                    new PCDataEntry {
                        Name = "cubicle21-pc", Margin = new Thickness(288, 318, 0, 0), MapPosition = MapPosition.Bottom
                    new PCDataEntry {
                        Name = "cubicle22-pc", Margin = new Thickness(344, 318, 0, 0), MapPosition = MapPosition.Bottom
                    new PCDataEntry {
                        Name = "cubicle23-pc", Margin = new Thickness(400, 318, 0, 0), MapPosition = MapPosition.Bottom

            // check valid printer destinations
            if (Printers == null || Printers.Count < 1)
                // load defaults
                Printers = new PrinterData()
                    new PrinterDataEntry()
                        Name = "backprinter", InternalName = "backprinter", MarginGlow = new Thickness(207.5, 226, 0, 0), MarginLabel = new Thickness(141, 245, 0, 0), ExcludedPCNames = new List <string>()
                            "backdesk-pc", "frontdesk1-pc", "frontdesk2-pc", "apiserver-pc"

                    // COLOR PRINTER $.75 CENTS PER PAGE
                    new PrinterDataEntry()
                        Name = "COLOR PRINTER $.75 CENTS PER PAGE", InternalName = "colorprinter", MarginGlow = new Thickness(761, 190, 0, 0), MarginLabel = new Thickness(695, 212, 0, 0), ExcludedPCNames = new List <string>()
                            "printerleft-pc", "printerright-pc", "frontdesk1-pc", "frontdesk2-pc", "apiserver-pc"
                    // BLACK & WHITE $.25 CENTS PER PAGE
                    new PrinterDataEntry()
                        Name = "BLACK & WHITE $.25 CENTS PER PAGE", InternalName = "black-whiteprinter", MarginGlow = new Thickness(787.5, 190, 0, 0), MarginLabel = new Thickness(720, 212, 0, 0), ExcludedPCNames = new List <string>()
                            "printerleft-pc", "printerright-pc", "frontdesk1-pc", "frontdesk2-pc", "apiserver-pc"

                    new PrinterDataEntry()
                        Name = "cubicle01_printer", InternalName = "cubicle01_printer", MarginGlow = new Thickness(685, 68.5, 0, 0), MarginLabel = new Thickness(618, 92, 0, 0), DoNotShowFootsteps = true
                    new PrinterDataEntry()
                        Name = "cubicle02_printer", InternalName = "cubicle02_printer", MarginGlow = new Thickness(629.5, 68.5, 0, 0), MarginLabel = new Thickness(563, 92, 0, 0), DoNotShowFootsteps = true
                    new PrinterDataEntry()
                        Name = "cubicle05_printer", InternalName = "cubicle05_printer", MarginGlow = new Thickness(464.5, 69, 0, 0), MarginLabel = new Thickness(398, 92, 0, 0), DoNotShowFootsteps = true

             * LogHelper.Log("Environment Data Printers");
             * foreach (var item in Printers)
             *  LogHelper.Log(item.ToString());
             * LogHelper.Log("Environment Data UserPCs");
             * foreach (var item in UserPCs)
             *  LogHelper.Log(item.ToString());*/
