예제 #1
 public void RemoveFromWorld(Dyn.World world)
     PBody = PBody.Clone(world: DummyWorld);
예제 #2
 /// <summary>
 /// AddToWorld() and RemoveFromWorld() are necessary to make a square peg fit in a round hole, essentially.
 /// See, we're going to want to have actors with Body's attached to them that aren't in the current World.
 /// For instance, when they're representing a room that hasn't been entered yet.
 /// Or when they've just been loaded and we're about to create them but still need to know where the heck
 /// they are.
 /// Since Farseer makes it impossible to have a Body that doesn't have a World attached to it, we make a dummy
 /// World and use that to initialize Body's, then replace it with a copy that refers to the real game's World
 /// when the actor goes live.
 /// OPT: This allocates, irritatingly, but won't be happening every frame.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="world">World.</param>
 public void AddToWorld(Dyn.World world)
     PBody   = PBody.Clone(world: world);
     Fixture = PBody.CreateFixture(Shape);
     Log.Message("Added body to world, type {0}, actor {1}", PBody.BodyType, Owner);