public Task Invoke(IDictionary <string, object> env) { var request = new OwinRequest(env); var response = new OwinResponse(env); // The forms auth module has a bug where it null refs on a null Extra var headers = request.Get <IDictionary <string, string[]> >(Owin.Types.OwinConstants.RequestHeaders); var cookies = request.GetCookies(); string cookieValue; if (cookies != null && cookies.TryGetValue("", out cookieValue)) { AuthenticationTicket ticket = _ticketHandler.Unprotect(cookieValue); if (ticket != null && ticket.Extra == null) { var extra = new AuthenticationExtra(); extra.IsPersistent = true; extra.IssuedUtc = DateTime.UtcNow; extra.ExpiresUtc = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(30); var newTicket = new AuthenticationTicket(ticket.Identity, extra); var cookieBuilder = new StringBuilder(); foreach (var cookie in cookies) { string value = cookie.Value; if (cookie.Key == "") { // Create a new ticket preserving the identity of the user // so they don't get logged out value = _ticketHandler.Protect(newTicket); response.AddCookie("", value, new CookieOptions { Expires = extra.ExpiresUtc.Value.UtcDateTime, HttpOnly = true }); } if (cookieBuilder.Length > 0) { cookieBuilder.Append(";"); } cookieBuilder.Append(cookie.Key) .Append("=") .Append(Uri.EscapeDataString(value)); } headers["Cookie"] = new[] { cookieBuilder.ToString() }; } } return(_next(env)); }
protected void GenerateCorrelationId(AuthenticationExtra extra) { var correlationKey = Constants.CorrelationPrefix + BaseOptions.AuthenticationType; var nonceBytes = new byte[32]; Random.GetBytes(nonceBytes); var correlationId = TextEncodings.Base64Url.Encode(nonceBytes); var cookieOptions = new CookieOptions { HttpOnly = true, Secure = Request.IsSecure }; extra.Properties[correlationKey] = correlationId; Response.AddCookie(correlationKey, correlationId, cookieOptions); }
public void ResponseSignIn(FormsResponseSignInContext context) { var authResult = new AuthenticationResult { Success = true }; ChatUser loggedInUser = GetLoggedInUser(context.Environment); var principal = new ClaimsPrincipal(context.Identity); // Do nothing if it's authenticated if (principal.IsAuthenticated()) { EnsurePersistentCookie(context); return; } ChatUser user = _repository.GetUser(principal); authResult.ProviderName = principal.GetIdentityProvider(); // The user exists so add the claim if (user != null) { if (loggedInUser != null && user != loggedInUser) { // Set an error message authResult.Message = String.Format("This {0} account has already been linked to another user.", authResult.ProviderName); authResult.Success = false; // Keep the old user logged in context.Identity.AddClaim(new Claim(JabbRClaimTypes.Identifier, loggedInUser.Id)); } else { // Login this user AddClaim(context, user); } } else if (principal.HasRequiredClaims()) { ChatUser targetUser = null; // The user doesn't exist but the claims to create the user do exist if (loggedInUser == null) { // New user so add them user = _membershipService.AddUser(principal); targetUser = user; } else { // If the user is logged in then link _membershipService.LinkIdentity(loggedInUser, principal); _repository.CommitChanges(); authResult.Message = String.Format("Successfully linked {0} account.", authResult.ProviderName); targetUser = loggedInUser; } AddClaim(context, targetUser); } else if (!principal.HasPartialIdentity()) { // A partial identity means the user needs to add more claims to login context.Identity.AddClaim(new Claim(JabbRClaimTypes.PartialIdentity, "true")); } var response = new OwinResponse(context.Environment); var cookieOptions = new CookieOptions { HttpOnly = true }; response.AddCookie(Constants.AuthResultCookie, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(authResult), cookieOptions); }