public void AddOutingToRepoTest() { Outing outing = new Outing(Outing.TypeOfOuting.Golf, 16, new DateTime(2019, 7, 10), 3000); OutingRepo repo = new OutingRepo(); Console.WriteLine(repo._outingRepo.Count); repo.AddOutingToRepo(outing); Console.WriteLine(repo._outingRepo.Count); Assert.AreEqual(1, repo._outingRepo.Count); Console.WriteLine(repo._outingRepo[0].OutingType); }
public void GetAllOutingsTest() { Outing outing = new Outing(Outing.TypeOfOuting.Golf, 16, new DateTime(2019, 7, 10), 3000); OutingRepo repo = new OutingRepo(); repo.AddOutingToRepo(outing); Outing outingTwo = new Outing(Outing.TypeOfOuting.Bowling, 10, new DateTime(2019, 10, 31), 500); repo.AddOutingToRepo(outing); Console.WriteLine(repo.GetAllOutings()[1].OutingAttendance); Assert.AreEqual(2, repo.GetAllOutings().Count); }
public void AddToListTest() { OutingRepo outingRepo = new OutingRepo(); List <OutingContent> outingList = outingRepo.GetOutingList(); OutingContent content = new OutingContent(OutingType.Concert, 10, DateTime.Today, 10m); int expected = 1; outingRepo.AddToList(content); Assert.AreEqual(expected, outingList.Count); }
public void CostAllEvent_Test() { Outing outing = new Outing(Event.Golf, 2, DateTime.Now, 10, 200); Outing outingTwo = new Outing(Event.Golf, 3, DateTime.Now, 15, 600); Outing outingThree = new Outing(Event.Concert, 10, DateTime.Now, 20, 2000); OutingRepo repo = new OutingRepo(); repo.AddOuting(outing); repo.AddOuting(outingTwo); repo.AddOuting(outingThree); decimal amount = repo.CostEvent(); decimal actual = amount; decimal expected = 2800; Assert.AreEqual(actual, expected); }
public void AddCostShouldReturnCorrectValue() { OutingRepo _outingRepo = new OutingRepo(); OutingInfo outing = new OutingInfo(OutingType.Golf, 10, "03/01/18", 20.00m, 200.00m); OutingInfo outingTwo = new OutingInfo(OutingType.Golf, 10, "03/01/18", 20.00m, 200.00m); OutingInfo outingThree = new OutingInfo(OutingType.Golf, 10, "03/01/18", 20.00m, 200.00m); _outingRepo.AddOutingToList(outing); _outingRepo.AddOutingToList(outingTwo); _outingRepo.AddOutingToList(outingThree); decimal actual = _outingRepo.AddCostofOneType(OutingType.Golf); decimal expected = 600m; Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual); }
public void AddOutingsShouldReturnCorrectCount() { //Arrange OutingRepo _outingRepo = new OutingRepo(); OutingInfo outing = new OutingInfo(); OutingInfo outingTwo = new OutingInfo(); OutingInfo outingThree = new OutingInfo(); _outingRepo.AddOutingToList(outing); _outingRepo.AddOutingToList(outingTwo); _outingRepo.AddOutingToList(outingThree); //Act int actual = _outingRepo.GetOutingInfo().Count; int expected = 3; //Assert Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual); }
public void AddGetList_Test() { //Arrange Outing outing = new Outing(); Outing outingTwo = new Outing(Event.Concert, 10, DateTime.Now, 20, 2000); Outing outingThree = new Outing(Event.Golf, 2, DateTime.Now, 10, 200); OutingRepo repo = new OutingRepo(); //Act repo.AddOuting(outing); repo.AddOuting(outingTwo); repo.AddOuting(outingThree); int actual = repo.GetOutings().Count(); int expected = 3; //Assert Assert.AreEqual(actual, expected); }
public void CombineCostAllTest() { OutingRepo outingRepo = new OutingRepo(); OutingContent content = new OutingContent(); content.CostForEvent = 100m; OutingContent contentOne = new OutingContent(); contentOne.CostForEvent = 100m; outingRepo.AddToList(content); outingRepo.AddToList(contentOne); decimal expected = 200m; decimal actual = outingRepo.CombinedCostOfAllOutingsGet(); Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual); }
public void CombinedCostAmusementParkTest() { OutingRepo outingRepo = new OutingRepo(); OutingContent content = new OutingContent(); content.CostForEvent = 100m; content.Type = OutingType.AmusementPark; OutingContent contentOne = new OutingContent(); contentOne.CostForEvent = 100m; contentOne.Type = OutingType.AmusementPark; outingRepo.AddToList(content); outingRepo.AddToList(contentOne); decimal expected = 200m; decimal actual = outingRepo.CombinedTypeCostAmusementParks(); Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual); }
static void Main(string[] args) { string userInput; OutingRepo repo = new OutingRepo(); do { Console.WriteLine("Please choose a menu item\n" + "1. Display a list of all outings\n" + "2. Add outing\n" + "3. Cost Statistics\n" + "4. Exit"); userInput = Console.ReadLine(); switch (userInput) { case "1": Console.Clear(); repo.DisplayAll(); Console.WriteLine("Press any key to continue..."); Console.ReadKey(); Console.Clear(); break; case "2": Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("Please enter the event type (Golf, Bowling, Amusement Park, Concert)"); string eventSTR; Outing.Events events = Outing.Events.Golf; do { eventSTR = Console.ReadLine().ToLower().Replace(" ", ""); switch (eventSTR) { case "golf": events = Outing.Events.Golf; break; case "bowling": events = Outing.Events.Bowling; break; case "amusementpark": events = Outing.Events.AmusementPark; break; case "concert": events = Outing.Events.Concert; break; default: Console.WriteLine("Please enter one of the options"); break; } } while (eventSTR != "golf" && eventSTR != "bowling" && eventSTR != "amusementpark" && eventSTR != "concert"); Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("Please enter the number of people that attended"); int numberAttended; bool isNumber; do { if (int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out numberAttended)) { isNumber = true; } else { Console.WriteLine("Please enter a whole number"); isNumber = false; } } while (!isNumber); Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("Please enter the date of the event (Format MM/DD/YY)"); DateTime date; bool isDate; do { if (DateTime.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out date)) { isDate = true; } else { Console.WriteLine("Please enter a date with the correct format"); isDate = false; } } while (!isDate); Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("Please enter the cost per person for the event."); decimal costPerPerson; bool isCost; do { string costSTR = Console.ReadLine().Replace("$", ""); decimal.TryParse(costSTR, out costPerPerson); if (decimal.Round(costPerPerson, 2) != costPerPerson || costSTR != Convert.ToString(costPerPerson)) { Console.WriteLine("Please enter a valid number"); isCost = false; } else { isCost = true; } } while (!isCost); Console.Clear(); Outing outing = new Outing(events, numberAttended, date, costPerPerson); repo.AddOuting(outing); Console.WriteLine("Outing added.\n" + "Press any key to continue..."); Console.ReadKey(); Console.Clear(); break; case "3": Console.Clear(); repo.CombinedCosts(); Console.WriteLine("Press any key to continue..."); Console.ReadKey(); Console.Clear(); break; case "4": break; default: Console.WriteLine("Please choose a number between 1-4"); break; } } while (userInput != "4"); }