public void SendNotice(TypedMailTemplate mailtempl, int organizationId, bool asOfficer) { OutboundMail mail = mailtempl.CreateFunctionalOutboundMail( asOfficer ? MailAuthorType.PirateWeb : MailAuthorType.Service, OutboundMail.PriorityNormal, Organization.FromIdentity(organizationId), Geography.Root, DateTime.Now); mail.AddRecipient(this, asOfficer); mail.SetRecipientCount(1); mail.SetResolved(); mail.SetReadyForPickup(); }
protected void ButtonSend_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (this.TextBody.Text.Length > 1) { ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "StartupMessage", "alert('Your mail has been placed on the outbound queue. You will receive status reports in e-mail as the transmission progresses.');", true); Person currentPerson = Person.FromIdentity(Convert.ToInt32(HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name)); Organization org = Organization.FromIdentity(Convert.ToInt32(this.DropOrganizations.SelectedValue)); if (this.DropGeographies.SelectedIndex < 0) { return; } Geography geo = Geography.FromIdentity(Convert.ToInt32(this.DropGeographies.SelectedValue)); TypedMailTemplate template; if (this.DropRecipients.SelectedValue == "Members") { MemberMail membermail = new MemberMail(); template = membermail; membermail.pSubject = this.TextSubject.Text; membermail.pBodyContent = this.TextBody.Text; membermail.pOrgName = org.MailPrefixInherited; membermail.pGeographyName = (geo.Identity == Geography.RootIdentity ? org.NameShort : geo.Name); } else { OfficerMail officermail = new OfficerMail(); template = officermail; officermail.pSubject = this.TextSubject.Text; officermail.pBodyContent = this.TextBody.Text; officermail.pOrgName = org.MailPrefixInherited; officermail.pGeographyName = (geo.Identity == Geography.RootIdentity ? org.NameShort : geo.Name); } OutboundMail mail = template.CreateOutboundMail(currentPerson, OutboundMail.PriorityNormal, org, geo); // We're not resolving recipients here, but deferring that to PirateBot after pickup mail.SetReadyForPickup(); } else { ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "StartupMessage", "alert('Nothing to do, the mail is empty...');", true); } }
protected void ButtonTest_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int actingOrgId = (int)ViewState["actingOrg"]; if (actingOrgId == 0) { ErrorMsg.Text = "No organisation!"; return; } Geography geography = this.GeographyTree.SelectedGeography; Organization actingOrg = Organization.FromIdentity(actingOrgId); if (this.CheckSms.Checked) { string smsText = this.TextSms.Text; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(smsText) && smsText.Trim().Length > 3) // 3 characters is too small message, should always be more { _currentUser.SendPhoneMessage("PP: " + smsText.Trim()); ChargeBudget(SelectBudget(geography), PhoneMessageTransmitter.SMSCost, "Test SMS"); } } if (this.CheckMail.Checked) { ActivistMail activistMail = new ActivistMail(); activistMail.pSubject = this.TextMailSubject.Text; activistMail.pBodyContent = this.TextMailBody.Text; activistMail.pOrgName = actingOrg.MailPrefixInherited; activistMail.pGeographyName = (geography.Identity == Geography.RootIdentity ? "" : geography.Name); OutboundMail mail = activistMail.CreateFunctionalOutboundMail(MailAuthorType.ActivistService, OutboundMail.PriorityNormal, actingOrg, geography); mail.AddRecipient(_currentUser, false); mail.SetRecipientCount(1); mail.SetResolved(); mail.SetReadyForPickup(); } PanelTestSent.Visible = true; }
private static void CheckOneFeed(string readerUrl, string persistAsKey, int orgIdForTemplate) { string persistenceKey = String.Format("Pressrelease-Highwater-{0}", persistAsKey); DateTime highWaterMark = DateTime.MinValue; RssReader reader = null; try { string highWaterMarkString = Persistence.Key[persistenceKey]; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(highWaterMarkString)) { //Initialize highwatermark if never used highWaterMark = DateTime.Now; Persistence.Key[persistenceKey] = DateTime.Now.ToString(); } else { try { highWaterMark = DateTime.Parse(highWaterMarkString); } catch (Exception ex) { HeartBeater.Instance.SuggestRestart(); throw new Exception( "Triggered restart. Unable to read/parse old highwater mark from database in PressReleaseChecker.Run(), from key:" + persistenceKey + ", loaded string was '" + highWaterMarkString + "' expected format is " + DateTime.Now, ex); } } DateTime storedHighWaterMark = highWaterMark; reader = new RssReader(readerUrl); Rss rss = reader.Read(); foreach (RssChannelItem item in rss.Channel.Items) { // Ignore any items older than the highwater mark. // Also ignore if older than two days if (item.PubDate < highWaterMark || item.PubDate < DateTime.Now.AddDays(-2)) { continue; } // This is an item we should publish. // Set highwater datetime mark. We do this first, BEFORE processing, as a defense against mail floods, // if should something go wrong and unexpected exceptions happen. // We used to add 70 minutes as a defense against mistakes on DST switch in spring and fall (yes, it has happened), but have reduced to two. if (item.PubDate > storedHighWaterMark) { Persistence.Key[persistenceKey] = item.PubDate.AddMinutes(2).ToString(); storedHighWaterMark = item.PubDate.AddMinutes(2); // Verify that it was written correctly to database. This is defensive programming to avoid a mail flood, // in case we can't write to the database for some reason. string newStoredHighWaterString = ""; try { newStoredHighWaterString = Persistence.Key[persistenceKey]; DateTime temp = DateTime.Parse(newStoredHighWaterString); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception( "Unable to commit/parse new highwater mark to database in PressReleaseChecker.Run(), loaded string was '" + newStoredHighWaterString + "'", ex); } if (DateTime.Parse(Persistence.Key[persistenceKey]) < item.PubDate) { throw new Exception( "Unable to commit new highwater mark to database in PressReleaseChecker.Run()"); } } bool allReporters = false; bool international = false; MediaCategories categories = new MediaCategories(); foreach (RssCategory category in item.Categories) { if (category.Name == "Alla") { allReporters = true; } else if (category.Name == "Uncategorized") { } else { try { MediaCategory mediaCategory = MediaCategory.FromName(category.Name); categories.Add(mediaCategory); if (category.Name.StartsWith("International")) { international = true; } } catch (Exception) { ExceptionMail.Send( new Exception("Unrecognized media category in press release: " + category.Name)); } } } string mailText = Blog2Mail(item.Content); // Create recipient list of relevant reporters Reporters reporters = null; if (allReporters) { reporters = Reporters.GetAll(); } else { reporters = Reporters.FromMediaCategories(categories); } // Add officers if not int'l People officers = new People(); Dictionary <int, bool> officerLookup = new Dictionary <int, bool>(); if (!international) { int[] officerIds = Roles.GetAllDownwardRoles(1, 1); foreach (int officerId in officerIds) { officerLookup[officerId] = true; } } else { officerLookup[1] = true; } // Send press release //TODO: hardcoded geo ... using World Organization org = Organization.FromIdentity(orgIdForTemplate); Geography geo = Geography.Root; PressReleaseMail pressreleasemail = new PressReleaseMail(); pressreleasemail.pSubject = item.Title; pressreleasemail.pDate = DateTime.Now; pressreleasemail.pBodyContent = Blog2Mail(item.Content); pressreleasemail.pOrgName = org.MailPrefixInherited; if (allReporters) { pressreleasemail.pPostedToCategories = "Alla"; // TODO: TRANSLATE } else if (international) { pressreleasemail.pPostedToCategories = "International/English"; // TODO: THIS IS HARDCODED } else { pressreleasemail.pPostedToCategories = PressReleaseMail.GetConcatenatedCategoryString(categories); } OutboundMail newMail = pressreleasemail.CreateFunctionalOutboundMail(MailAuthorType.PressService, OutboundMail.PriorityHighest, org, geo); int recipientCount = 0; foreach (Reporter recipient in reporters) { if (!Formatting.ValidateEmailFormat(recipient.Email)) { continue; } ++recipientCount; newMail.AddRecipient(recipient); } foreach (int key in officerLookup.Keys) { Person recipient = Person.FromIdentity(key); if (!Formatting.ValidateEmailFormat(recipient.Mail)) { continue; } ++recipientCount; newMail.AddRecipient(recipient, true); } newMail.SetRecipientCount(recipientCount); newMail.SetResolved(); newMail.SetReadyForPickup(); } } catch (Exception ex) { ExceptionMail.Send( new Exception("PressReleaseChecker failed:" + ex.Message + "\r\nwhen checking " + readerUrl, ex)); } finally { reader.Close(); } }
public static string CreateWelcomeMail(Person person, Organization organization) { // for this person, iterate over all applicable geographies and organizations Organizations orgLine = organization.GetLine(); Geographies geoLine = person.Geography.GetLine(); orgLine.Reverse(); // Start at the most local org Dictionary <int, bool> orgMailedLookup = new Dictionary <int, bool>(); int delay = 0; string result = string.Empty; Random random = new Random(); foreach (Organization org in orgLine) { foreach (Geography geo in geoLine) // but at the top geography { AutoMail autoMail = AutoMail.FromTypeOrganizationAndGeography(AutoMailType.Welcome, org, geo); if (autoMail == null) { continue; } Person lead = null; string geoName = geo.Name; try { lead = Roles.GetLocalLead(org, geo); orgMailedLookup[org.Identity] = true; // Make sure that the chairman doesn't mail at a lower level } catch (ArgumentException) { } if (lead == null && !orgMailedLookup.ContainsKey(org.Identity)) { // If we get here, there is a mail template at the highest possible geo for this org, but no local lead. // That's usually the case with board-centric organizations rather than executive-centric. // Try to mail from chairman rather than the local lead. try { orgMailedLookup[org.Identity] = true; lead = Roles.GetChairman(org); geoName = "Chairman"; } catch (ArgumentException) { } } if (lead == null) { // ok, give up if there isn't a chairman either or if we've already mailed this org from the chairman continue; } // TODO: fetch lead from roles WelcomeMail welcomemail = new WelcomeMail(); welcomemail.pOrgName = org.MailPrefixInherited; welcomemail.pGeographyName = ""; if (geo.Identity != Geography.RootIdentity) { welcomemail.pGeographyName = geo.Name; } welcomemail.pBodyContent = autoMail.Body; welcomemail.pSubject = autoMail.Title; OutboundMail newMail = welcomemail.CreateOutboundMail(lead, OutboundMail.PriorityNormal, org, geo, DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(delay)); newMail.AddRecipient(person.Identity, false); newMail.SetRecipientCount(1); newMail.SetResolved(); newMail.SetReadyForPickup(); result += String.Format(" - {0}/{1} by {2} (", org.NameShort, geoName, lead.Canonical); if (delay == 0) { result += "sent now"; delay += 37; } else { result += "sending at " + DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(delay).ToString("HH:mm"); delay += 31 + random.Next(52); } result += ")\r\n"; } } if (result.Length < 4) { result = "none\r\n"; } return(result); }
public static void SendReminderMail(Person person, Memberships memberships) { // First, determine the organization template to use. Prioritize a long ancestry. // This is a hack for the Swedish structure. ReminderMail remindermail = new ReminderMail(); int longestAncestry = 0; // "ancestry" as a length means distance to organization tree root int shortestAncestry = 999; Organization topOrg = null; Organization lowOrg = null; DateTime currentExpiry = DateTime.MinValue; foreach (Membership membership in memberships) { if (membership.Organization.AutoAssignNewMembers) { Organizations ancestry = membership.Organization.GetLine(); if (ancestry.Count > longestAncestry) { longestAncestry = ancestry.Count; lowOrg = membership.Organization; remindermail.pOrgName = lowOrg.MailPrefixInherited; } if (ancestry.Count < shortestAncestry) { shortestAncestry = ancestry.Count; topOrg = membership.Organization; } } if (membership.OrganizationId == Organization.PPSEid) { topOrg = membership.Organization; remindermail.pOrgName = membership.Organization.MailPrefixInherited; currentExpiry = membership.Expires; } } DateTime newExpiry = currentExpiry; if (newExpiry < DateTime.Today.AddYears(10)) { //do not mess with lifetime memberships newExpiry = newExpiry.AddYears(1); if (newExpiry > DateTime.Today.AddYears(1)) { newExpiry = DateTime.Today.AddYears(1).AddDays(1); } } //Person sender = Person.FromIdentity(1); //Rick remindermail.pExpirationDate = currentExpiry; remindermail.pNextDate = newExpiry; remindermail.pPreamble = "<p> Vi är glada att du vill <strong>förnya ditt medlemskap</strong> i Piratpartiet och/eller Ung Pirat.<br /><br />Använd en av länkarna nedan så genomförs förnyelsen.<br />"; string tokenBase = person.PasswordHash + "-" + currentExpiry.Year.ToString(); Organization expectedLowOrg = Organizations.GetMostLocalOrganization(person.GeographyId, Organization.UPSEid); int ageThisYear = DateTime.Now.Year - person.Birthdate.Year; //Hardcoded: age = 26 if (ageThisYear >= 26 && lowOrg.Inherits(Organization.UPSEid)) { // If this person is older than 26, suggest that they leave UP. remindermail.pCurrentAge = ageThisYear.ToString(); remindermail.pCurrentOrg = lowOrg.Name; remindermail.pOtherOrg = topOrg.Name; string link = "" + person.Identity.ToString() + "&Leave=" + lowOrg.Identity.ToString() + "&SecHash=" + SHA1.Hash(tokenBase + "-Leave" + lowOrg.Identity.ToString()). Replace(" ", "").Substring(0, 8); remindermail.pOtherRenewLink = link; remindermail.pWrongOrgSpan = " "; //clear the other span } else if (lowOrg.Inherits(Organization.UPSEid) && lowOrg.Identity != expectedLowOrg.Identity) { // Is this person in the wrong locale? remindermail.pCurrentOrg = lowOrg.Name; remindermail.pOtherOrg = expectedLowOrg.Name; remindermail.pGeographyName = person.Geography.Name; //mailBody += "Du är medlem i " + lowOrg.Name + ", men när du bor i [b]" + person.Geography.Name + // "[/b] så rekommenderar " + // "vi att du byter till din lokala organisation, [b]" + expectedLowOrg.Name + // "[/b]. Klicka här för att göra det:\r\n\r\n"; string link = "" + person.Identity.ToString() + "&Transfer=" + lowOrg.Identity.ToString() + "," + expectedLowOrg.Identity.ToString() + "&SecHash=" + SHA1.Hash(tokenBase + "-Transfer" + lowOrg.Identity.ToString() + "/" + expectedLowOrg.Identity.ToString()).Replace(" ", "").Substring(0, 8); remindermail.pOtherRenewLink = link; remindermail.pTooOldForYouthOrgSpan = " "; //clear the other span //mailBody += "[a href=\"" + link + "\"]" + link + "[/a]\r\n\r\n" + // "Det är naturligtvis inget krav, utan du kan fortsätta precis som förut om du vill. " + // "För att fortsätta i dina befintliga föreningar, klicka här:\r\n\r\n"; } else { remindermail.pTooOldForYouthOrgSpan = " "; //clear the other span remindermail.pWrongOrgSpan = " "; //clear the other span } string stdLink = "" + person.Identity.ToString() + "&SecHash=" + SHA1.Hash(tokenBase).Replace(" ", "").Substring(0, 8); remindermail.pStdRenewLink = stdLink; OutboundMail mail = remindermail.CreateFunctionalOutboundMail(MailAuthorType.MemberService, OutboundMail.PriorityNormal, topOrg, Geography.Root); if (mail.Body.Trim() == "") { throw new Exception("Failed to create a mailBody"); } else { mail.AddRecipient(person.Identity, false); mail.SetRecipientCount(1); mail.SetResolved(); mail.SetReadyForPickup(); PWLog.Write(PWLogItem.Person, person.Identity, PWLogAction.MembershipRenewReminder, "Mail was sent to " + person.Email + " on request to renew membership.", string.Empty); } }
private static void CheckOneBlog(string readerFeedUrl, int personId) { try { Person sender = Person.FromIdentity(personId); string senderName = sender.Name + " (Piratpartiet)"; string senderAddress = sender.PartyEmail; if (personId == 5) { senderName = "=?utf-8?Q?Christian_Engstr=C3=B6m_(Piratpartiet)?="; // compensate for Mono bug } if (personId == 1) { senderAddress = "*****@*****.**"; } RssReader reader = new RssReader(readerFeedUrl); People recipients = null; DateTime highWaterMark = DateTime.MinValue; string persistenceKey = "Newsletter-Highwater-" + personId.ToString(); string highWaterMarkString = Persistence.Key[persistenceKey]; try { highWaterMark = DateTime.Parse(highWaterMarkString); } catch (FormatException) { highWaterMark = DateTime.MinValue; } catch (Exception e) { throw new ReaderException("feed:" + readerFeedUrl, e); } try { Rss rss = reader.Read(); // TODO: Read the high water mark from db foreach (RssChannelItem item in rss.Channel.Items) { // Ignore any items older than the highwater mark. if (item.PubDate < highWaterMark) { continue; } // For each item, look for the "Nyhetsbrev" category. bool publish = false; foreach (RssCategory category in item.Categories) { if (category.Name.ToLowerInvariant() == "nyhetsbrev") { publish = true; } } if (publish) { // Set highwater datetime mark. We do this first as a defense against mail floods, should something go wrong. Persistence.Key[persistenceKey] = item.PubDate.AddMinutes(5).ToString(); // Verify that it was written correctly to database. This is defensive programming to avoid a mail flood. if (DateTime.Parse(Persistence.Key[persistenceKey]) < item.PubDate) { throw new Exception( "Unable to commit new highwater mark to database in NewsletterChecker.Run()"); } bool testMode = false; if (item.Title.ToLower().Contains("test")) { // Newsletter blog entry contains "test" in title -> testmode testMode = true; } // Post to forum string forumText = Blog2Forum(item.Content); string mailText = Blog2Mail(item.Content); int forumPostId = 0; try { forumPostId = SwedishForumDatabase.GetDatabase().CreateNewPost( testMode ? ForumIdTestPost : ForumIdNewsletter, sender, "Nyhetsbrev " + DateTime.Today.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"), item.Title, forumText); } catch (Exception ex) { if (!System.Diagnostics.Debugger.IsAttached) { // ignore when debugging throw ex; } } // Establish people to send to, if not already done. if (recipients == null || recipients.Count == 1) { recipients = People.FromNewsletterFeed(NewsletterFeed.TypeID.ChairmanBlog); } /* * Disabled sending to activists -- this was done leading up to the election in 2009 */ // Add activists (HACK) // Should probably be better to select by organization, not geography. /* * People activists = Activists.FromGeography(Country.FromCode("SE").Geography).People; * * recipients = recipients.LogicalOr(activists);*/ // OVERRIDE: If this is a TEST newsletter, send ONLY to the originator if (testMode) { recipients = People.FromSingle(sender); item.Title += " [TEST MODE]"; } //TODO: hardcoded Org & geo ... using PP & World Organization org = Organization.PPSE; Geography geo = Geography.Root; NewsletterMail newslettermail = new NewsletterMail(); newslettermail.pSubject = item.Title; newslettermail.pDate = DateTime.Now; newslettermail.pForumPostUrl = String.Format("{0}", forumPostId); newslettermail.pBodyContent = Blog2Mail(item.Content); newslettermail.pOrgName = org.MailPrefixInherited; OutboundMail newMail = newslettermail.CreateOutboundMail(sender, OutboundMail.PriorityLow, org, geo); int recipientCount = 0; foreach (Person recipient in recipients) { if (!Formatting.ValidateEmailFormat(recipient.Mail) || recipient.MailUnreachable || recipient.NeverMail) { continue; } ++recipientCount; newMail.AddRecipient(recipient, false); } newMail.SetRecipientCount(recipientCount); newMail.SetResolved(); newMail.SetReadyForPickup(); } } } finally { reader.Close(); } } catch (Exception ex) { lock (feedErrorSignaled) { if (!feedErrorSignaled.ContainsKey(readerFeedUrl) || feedErrorSignaled[readerFeedUrl].AddMinutes(60) < DateTime.Now) { feedErrorSignaled[readerFeedUrl] = DateTime.Now; throw new ReaderException("NewsletterChecker got error " + ex.Message + "\n when checking feed:" + readerFeedUrl + "\n(feed will be continually checked, bu will not signal error again for an hour)", ex); } } } }
public static void SendChangeOrgMail(Person person, Membership membership, Organization newOrg) { // HACK for UPSE // This is a hack for the Swedish structure. ChangeOrgMail changeorgmail = new ChangeOrgMail(); Organization topOrg = Organization.FromIdentity(Organization.UPSEid); Organization lowOrg = membership.Organization; DateTime currentExpiry = membership.Expires; DateTime newExpiry = DateTime.Today.AddYears(1); changeorgmail.pCurrentOrg = lowOrg.Name; changeorgmail.pCurrentGeo = person.Geography.Name; changeorgmail.pNextDate = newExpiry; string tokenBase = person.PasswordHash + "-" + membership.Identity.ToString() + "-" + currentExpiry.Year.ToString(); if (newOrg.AnchorGeographyId == Geography.RootIdentity && newOrg.AutoAssignNewMembers) {//Fallback org changeorgmail.pNoLocalOrg = newOrg.Name; changeorgmail.pChangeOrg = ""; } else { changeorgmail.pNoLocalOrg = ""; changeorgmail.pChangeOrg = newOrg.Name; } if (lowOrg.AcceptsMembers) { changeorgmail.pInactiveOrg = ""; changeorgmail.pInactiveEnding = " "; } else { changeorgmail.pInactiveOrg = newOrg.Name; } changeorgmail.pStdRenewLink = "" + person.Identity.ToString() + "&Transfer=" + lowOrg.Identity.ToString() + "," + newOrg.Identity.ToString() + "&MembershipId=" + membership.Identity.ToString() + "&SecHash=" + SHA1.Hash(tokenBase + "-Transfer" + lowOrg.Identity.ToString() + "/" + newOrg.Identity.ToString()).Replace(" ", "").Substring(0, 8); OutboundMail mail = changeorgmail.CreateFunctionalOutboundMail(MailAuthorType.MemberService, OutboundMail.PriorityNormal, topOrg, Geography.Root); string test = mail.RenderHtml(person, person.PreferredCulture); test = mail.RenderText(person, person.PreferredCulture); if (mail.Body.Trim() == "") { throw new InvalidOperationException("Failed to create a mailBody"); } else { //mail.AddRecipient(7838, true); mail.AddRecipient(person.Identity, false); mail.SetRecipientCount(1); mail.SetResolved(); mail.SetReadyForPickup(); } }
public static void SendReminderMail(Membership membership) { // First, determine the organization template to use. Prioritize a long ancestry. // This is a hack for the Swedish structure. ReminderMail remindermail = new ReminderMail(); // NEW December 2010: Organizations are separated as per common agreement, there are no common reminder mails. Every membership renews on its own. Organization lowOrg = membership.Organization; DateTime currentExpiry = membership.Expires; Person person = membership.Person; DateTime newExpiry = currentExpiry; //do not mess with lifetime memberships (100 years) if (newExpiry < DateTime.Today.AddYears(10)) { newExpiry = newExpiry.AddYears(1); } remindermail.pPreamble = "<p> Nu är det dags att <strong>förnya ditt medlemskap</strong> i " + membership.Organization.Name + "."; remindermail.pExpirationDate = currentExpiry; remindermail.pNextDate = newExpiry; remindermail.pOrgName = membership.Organization.MailPrefixInherited; string tokenBase = person.PasswordHash + "-" + membership.Identity.ToString() + "-" + currentExpiry.Year.ToString(); // REMOVED DEC2010: suggestion that people older than 25 may leave UP, as renewal mails are separated // HACK for UPSE: Organization expectedLowOrg = Organizations.GetMostLocalOrganization(person.GeographyId, Organization.UPSEid); if (expectedLowOrg != null && lowOrg.Inherits(Organization.UPSEid) && lowOrg.Identity != expectedLowOrg.Identity) { // Is this person in the wrong locale? remindermail.pCurrentOrg = lowOrg.Name; remindermail.pOtherOrg = expectedLowOrg.Name; remindermail.pGeographyName = person.Geography.Name; //mailBody += "Du är medlem i " + lowOrg.Name + ", men när du bor i [b]" + person.Geography.Name + // "[/b] så rekommenderar " + // "vi att du byter till din lokala organisation, [b]" + expectedLowOrg.Name + // "[/b]. Klicka här för att göra det:\r\n\r\n"; string link = "" + person.Identity.ToString() + "&Transfer=" + lowOrg.Identity.ToString() + "," + expectedLowOrg.Identity.ToString() + "&MembershipId=" + membership.Identity.ToString() + "&SecHash=" + SHA1.Hash(tokenBase + "-Transfer" + lowOrg.Identity.ToString() + "/" + expectedLowOrg.Identity.ToString()).Replace(" ", "").Substring(0, 8); remindermail.pOtherRenewLink = link; remindermail.pTooOldForYouthOrgSpan = " "; //clear the other span //mailBody += "[a href=\"" + link + "\"]" + link + "[/a]\r\n\r\n" + // "Det är naturligtvis inget krav, utan du kan fortsätta precis som förut om du vill. " + // "För att fortsätta i dina befintliga föreningar, klicka här:\r\n\r\n"; } else { remindermail.pTooOldForYouthOrgSpan = " "; //clear the other span remindermail.pWrongOrgSpan = " "; //clear the other span //mailBody += "Klicka på den här länken för att förnya för ett år till:\r\n\r\n"; } string stdLink = "" + person.Identity.ToString() + "&MembershipId=" + membership.Identity.ToString() + "&SecHash=" + SHA1.Hash(tokenBase).Replace(" ", "").Substring(0, 8); remindermail.pStdRenewLink = stdLink; tokenBase = person.PasswordHash + "-" + membership.Identity.ToString(); string terminateLink = "" + person.Identity.ToString() + "&SecHash=" + SHA1.Hash(tokenBase).Replace(" ", "").Substring(0, 8) + "&MID=" + membership.Identity.ToString(); remindermail.pTerminateLink = terminateLink; //mailBody += "[a href=\"" + stdLink + "\"]" + stdLink + "[/a]\r\n\r\n" + // "[br]Välkommen att vara med oss i [b]ett år till![/b]\r\n\r\n" + // "Hälsningar,[br]Medlemsservice\r\n\r\n"; // + /*"PS: [b]Du fick ett likadant mail alldeles nyss. Om du har å, ä eller ö i ditt namn fungerade " + * "inte länken i det mailet. Tack till alla som hörde av sig om det; felet är fixat nu och länken ovan ska fungera.[/b]\r\n\r\n";*/ //OutboundMail mail = remindermail.CreateOutboundMail(sender, OutboundMail.PriorityNormal, topOrg, Geography.Root); OutboundMail mail = remindermail.CreateFunctionalOutboundMail(MailAuthorType.MemberService, OutboundMail.PriorityNormal, membership.Organization, Geography.Root); if (mail.Body.Trim() == "") { throw new InvalidOperationException("Failed to create a mailBody"); } else { mail.AddRecipient(person.Identity, false); mail.SetRecipientCount(2); mail.SetResolved(); mail.SetReadyForPickup(); } }