예제 #1
파일: OptionsOverlay.cs 프로젝트: yheno/osu
        private void load(OsuGame game, OsuColour colours)
            sections = new OptionsSection[]
                new GeneralSection(),
                new GraphicsSection(),
                new GameplaySection(),
                new AudioSection(),
                new SkinSection(),
                new InputSection(),
                new EditorSection(),
                new OnlineSection(),
                new MaintenanceSection(),
            Children = new Drawable[]
                new Box
                    RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both,
                    Colour = Color4.Black,
                    Alpha = 0.6f,
                scrollContainer = new ScrollContainer
                    ScrollDraggerVisible = false,
                    RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Y,
                    Width = width,
                    Margin = new MarginPadding { Left = SIDEBAR_WIDTH },
                    Children = new[]
                        new FlowContainer
                            AutoSizeAxes = Axes.Y,
                            RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.X,
                            Direction = FlowDirection.VerticalOnly,

                            Children = new Drawable[]
                                new SpriteText
                                    Text = "settings",
                                    TextSize = 40,
                                    Margin = new MarginPadding { Left = CONTENT_MARGINS, Top = 30 },
                                new SpriteText
                                    Colour = colours.Pink,
                                    Text = "Change the way osu! behaves",
                                    TextSize = 18,
                                    Margin = new MarginPadding { Left = CONTENT_MARGINS, Bottom = 30 },
                                new FlowContainer
                                    AutoSizeAxes = Axes.Y,
                                    RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.X,
                                    Direction = FlowDirection.VerticalOnly,
                                    Children = sections,
                sidebar = new OptionsSidebar
                    Width = SIDEBAR_WIDTH,
                    Children = sidebarButtons = sections.Select(section =>
                        new SidebarButton
                            Selected = sections[0] == section,
                            Section = section,
                            Action = () => scrollContainer.ScrollIntoView(section),
            scrollContainer.Padding = new MarginPadding { Top = game?.Toolbar.DrawHeight ?? 0 };
예제 #2
            private void load(OsuGame game, TextureStore textures)
                this.game = game;

                guestTexture = textures.Get(@"Online/avatar-guest@2x");
예제 #3
 private void load(AudioManager audio, OsuGame game)
     this.game  = game;
     sampleBack = audio.Sample.Get(@"Menu/button-back-select");
예제 #4
        private void load(BeatmapDatabase beatmaps, AudioManager audio, DialogOverlay dialog, OsuGame osu, OsuColour colours)
            if (Footer != null)
                Footer.AddButton(@"random", colours.Green, SelectRandom, Key.F2);
                Footer.AddButton(@"options", colours.Blue, BeatmapOptions.ToggleVisibility, Key.F3);

                BeatmapOptions.AddButton(@"Delete", @"Beatmap", FontAwesome.fa_trash, colours.Pink, promptDelete, Key.Number4, float.MaxValue);

            if (osu != null)
            playMode.ValueChanged += playMode_ValueChanged;

            if (database == null)
                database = beatmaps;

            database.BeatmapSetAdded   += onBeatmapSetAdded;
            database.BeatmapSetRemoved += onBeatmapSetRemoved;

            trackManager  = audio.Track;
            dialogOverlay = dialog;

            sampleChangeDifficulty = audio.Sample.Get(@"SongSelect/select-difficulty");
            sampleChangeBeatmap    = audio.Sample.Get(@"SongSelect/select-expand");

            initialAddSetsTask = new CancellationTokenSource();

            carousel.BeatmapsChanged = beatmapsLoaded;
            carousel.Beatmaps        = database.Query <BeatmapSetInfo>().Where(b => !b.DeletePending);
예제 #5
파일: ButtonSystem.cs 프로젝트: uosJad/osu
 private void load(AudioManager audio, OsuGame game = null)
     toolbar    = game?.Toolbar;
     sampleBack = audio.Sample.Get(@"Menu/select-4");
예제 #6
 private void load(OsuGame game)
예제 #7
        private void load(OsuGame game, OsuColour colours)
            (intro = new Intro()).LoadAsync(game);

            iconColour = colours.Yellow;
예제 #8
            private void load(OsuGame game, TextureStore textures)
                this.game = game;

                guestTexture = textures.Get(@"Online/avatar-guest");
예제 #9
        private void load(OsuGame game)

            buttons.OnSettings = game.ToggleOptions;
예제 #10
        private void load(AudioManager audio, OsuConfigManager config, OsuGame game)
            Mods.Value = base.Mods.Value.Select(m => m.CreateCopy()).ToArray();

            if (Beatmap.Value is DummyWorkingBeatmap)

            IBeatmap playableBeatmap = loadPlayableBeatmap();

            if (playableBeatmap == null)

            sampleRestart = audio.Samples.Get(@"Gameplay/restart");

            mouseWheelDisabled = config.GetBindable <bool>(OsuSetting.MouseDisableWheel);

            if (game != null)

            DrawableRuleset = ruleset.CreateDrawableRulesetWith(playableBeatmap, Mods.Value);

            ScoreProcessor = ruleset.CreateScoreProcessor();

            HealthProcessor = ruleset.CreateHealthProcessor(playableBeatmap.HitObjects[0].StartTime);

            if (!ScoreProcessor.Mode.Disabled)
                config.BindWith(OsuSetting.ScoreDisplayMode, ScoreProcessor.Mode);

            InternalChild = GameplayClockContainer = CreateGameplayClockContainer(Beatmap.Value, DrawableRuleset.GameplayStartTime);

            AddInternal(gameplayBeatmap  = new GameplayBeatmap(playableBeatmap));
            AddInternal(screenSuspension = new ScreenSuspensionHandler(GameplayClockContainer));


            var beatmapSkinProvider = new BeatmapSkinProvidingContainer(Beatmap.Value.Skin);

            // the beatmapSkinProvider is used as the fallback source here to allow the ruleset-specific skin implementation
            // full access to all skin sources.
            var rulesetSkinProvider = new SkinProvidingContainer(ruleset.CreateLegacySkinProvider(beatmapSkinProvider, playableBeatmap));

            // load the skinning hierarchy first.
            // this is intentionally done in two stages to ensure things are in a loaded state before exposing the ruleset to skin sources.

                // underlay and gameplay should have access the to skinning sources.
                createGameplayComponents(Beatmap.Value, playableBeatmap)

            // also give the HUD a ruleset container to allow rulesets to potentially override HUD elements (used to disable combo counters etc.)
            // we may want to limit this in the future to disallow rulesets from outright replacing elements the user expects to be there.
            var hudRulesetContainer = new SkinProvidingContainer(ruleset.CreateLegacySkinProvider(beatmapSkinProvider, playableBeatmap));

            // add the overlay components as a separate step as they proxy some elements from the above underlay/gameplay components.

            if (!DrawableRuleset.AllowGameplayOverlays)
                HUDOverlay.ShowHud.Value    = false;
                HUDOverlay.ShowHud.Disabled = true;

            DrawableRuleset.FrameStableClock.WaitingOnFrames.BindValueChanged(waiting =>
                if (waiting.NewValue)

            DrawableRuleset.IsPaused.BindValueChanged(paused =>

            DrawableRuleset.FrameStableClock.IsCatchingUp.BindValueChanged(_ => updateSampleDisabledState());

            DrawableRuleset.HasReplayLoaded.BindValueChanged(_ => updateGameplayState());

            DrawableRuleset.HasReplayLoaded.BindValueChanged(_ => updatePauseOnFocusLostState(), true);

            // bind clock into components that require it

            DrawableRuleset.NewResult += r =>

            DrawableRuleset.RevertResult += r =>

            // Bind the judgement processors to ourselves
            ScoreProcessor.HasCompleted.ValueChanged += updateCompletionState;
            HealthProcessor.Failed += onFail;

            foreach (var mod in Mods.Value.OfType <IApplicableToScoreProcessor>())

            foreach (var mod in Mods.Value.OfType <IApplicableToHealthProcessor>())

            IsBreakTime.BindValueChanged(onBreakTimeChanged, true);
예제 #11
파일: Player.cs 프로젝트: logchan/osu
        private void load(AudioManager audio, BeatmapDatabase beatmaps, OsuConfigManager config, OsuGame osu)
            dimLevel           = config.GetBindable <double>(OsuSetting.DimLevel);
            mouseWheelDisabled = config.GetBindable <bool>(OsuSetting.MouseDisableWheel);

            Ruleset rulesetInstance;

                if (Beatmap == null)
                    Beatmap = beatmaps.GetWorkingBeatmap(BeatmapInfo, withStoryboard: true);

                if (Beatmap?.Beatmap == null)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Beatmap was not loaded");

                ruleset         = osu?.Ruleset.Value ?? Beatmap.BeatmapInfo.Ruleset;
                rulesetInstance = ruleset.CreateInstance();

                    HitRenderer = rulesetInstance.CreateHitRendererWith(Beatmap, ruleset.ID == Beatmap.BeatmapInfo.Ruleset.ID);
                catch (BeatmapInvalidForRulesetException)
                    // we may fail to create a HitRenderer if the beatmap cannot be loaded with the user's preferred ruleset
                    // let's try again forcing the beatmap's ruleset.
                    ruleset         = Beatmap.BeatmapInfo.Ruleset;
                    rulesetInstance = ruleset.CreateInstance();
                    HitRenderer     = rulesetInstance.CreateHitRendererWith(Beatmap, true);

                if (!HitRenderer.Objects.Any())
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Beatmap contains no hit objects!");
            catch (Exception e)
                Logger.Log($"Could not load this beatmap sucessfully ({e})!", LoggingTarget.Runtime, LogLevel.Error);

                //couldn't load, hard abort!

            Track track = Beatmap.Track;

            if (track != null)
                adjustableSourceClock = track;

            adjustableSourceClock = (IAdjustableClock)track ?? new StopwatchClock();

            decoupledClock = new DecoupleableInterpolatingFramedClock {
                IsCoupled = false

            var firstObjectTime = HitRenderer.Objects.First().StartTime;

            decoupledClock.Seek(Math.Min(0, firstObjectTime - Math.Max(Beatmap.Beatmap.ControlPointInfo.TimingPointAt(firstObjectTime).BeatLength * 4, Beatmap.BeatmapInfo.AudioLeadIn)));

            offsetClock = new FramedOffsetClock(decoupledClock);

            userAudioOffset = config.GetBindable <double>(OsuSetting.AudioOffset);
            userAudioOffset.ValueChanged += v => offsetClock.Offset = v;

            Schedule(() =>

                foreach (var mod in Beatmap.Mods.Value.OfType <IApplicableToClock>())


            Children = new Drawable[]
                pauseContainer = new PauseContainer
                    AudioClock    = decoupledClock,
                    FramedClock   = offsetClock,
                    OnRetry       = Restart,
                    OnQuit        = Exit,
                    CheckCanPause = () => ValidForResume && !HasFailed && !HitRenderer.HasReplayLoaded,
                    Retries       = RestartCount,
                    OnPause       = () => {
                        hudOverlay.KeyCounter.IsCounting = pauseContainer.IsPaused;
                    OnResume = () => {
                        hudOverlay.KeyCounter.IsCounting = true;
                    Children = new Drawable[]
                        new SkipButton(firstObjectTime)
                            AudioClock = decoupledClock
                        new Container
                            RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both,
                            Clock            = offsetClock,
                            Children         = new Drawable[]
                        hudOverlay = new StandardHUDOverlay
                            Anchor = Anchor.Centre,
                            Origin = Anchor.Centre
                failOverlay = new FailOverlay
                    OnRetry = Restart,
                    OnQuit  = Exit,
                new HotkeyRetryOverlay
                    Action = () => {
                        //we want to hide the hitrenderer immediately (looks better).
                        //we may be able to remove this once the mouse cursor trail is improved.

            scoreProcessor = HitRenderer.CreateScoreProcessor();


            hudOverlay.Progress.Objects      = HitRenderer.Objects;
            hudOverlay.Progress.AudioClock   = decoupledClock;
            hudOverlay.Progress.AllowSeeking = HitRenderer.HasReplayLoaded;
            hudOverlay.Progress.OnSeek       = pos => decoupledClock.Seek(pos);


            //bind HitRenderer to ScoreProcessor and ourselves (for a pass situation)
            HitRenderer.OnAllJudged += onCompletion;

            //bind ScoreProcessor to ourselves (for a fail situation)
            scoreProcessor.Failed += onFail;
예제 #12
 private void load(FrameworkDebugConfigManager config, FrameworkConfigManager frameworkConfig, OsuGame game)
     Children = new Drawable[]
         new SettingsCheckbox
             LabelText = DebugSettingsStrings.ShowLogOverlay,
             Current = frameworkConfig.GetBindable<bool>(FrameworkSetting.ShowLogOverlay)
         new SettingsCheckbox
             LabelText = DebugSettingsStrings.BypassFrontToBackPass,
             Current = config.GetBindable<bool>(DebugSetting.BypassFrontToBackPass)
     Add(new SettingsButton
         Text = DebugSettingsStrings.ImportFiles,
         Action = () => game?.PerformFromScreen(menu => menu.Push(new FileImportScreen()))
        private void load(OsuGame game)
            var config            = (KaraokeRulesetConfigManager)Config;
            var microphoneManager = new MicrophoneManager();

            Children = new Drawable[]
                // Visual
                new SettingsEnumDropdown <KaraokeScrollingDirection>
                    LabelText = "Scrolling direction",
                    Bindable  = config.GetBindable <KaraokeScrollingDirection>(KaraokeRulesetSetting.ScrollDirection)
                new SettingsSlider <double, TimeSlider>
                    LabelText = "Scroll speed",
                    Bindable  = config.GetBindable <double>(KaraokeRulesetSetting.ScrollTime)
                new SettingsCheckbox
                    LabelText = "Display alternative text",
                    Bindable  = config.GetBindable <bool>(KaraokeRulesetSetting.DisplayAlternativeText)
                new SettingsCheckbox
                    LabelText = "Show cursor while playing",
                    Bindable  = config.GetBindable <bool>(KaraokeRulesetSetting.ShowCursor)
                // Translate
                new SettingsCheckbox
                    LabelText = "Translate",
                    Bindable  = config.GetBindable <bool>(KaraokeRulesetSetting.UseTranslate)
                new SettingsTextBox
                    LabelText = "Prefer language",
                    Bindable  = config.GetBindable <string>(KaraokeRulesetSetting.PreferLanguage)
                // Pitch
                new SettingsCheckbox
                    LabelText = "Override pitch at gameplay",
                    Bindable  = config.GetBindable <bool>(KaraokeRulesetSetting.OverridePitchAtGameplay)
                new MicrophoneDeviceSettingsDropdown
                    LabelText = "Microphone devices",
                    Items     = microphoneManager.MicrophoneDeviceNames,
                    Bindable  = config.GetBindable <string>(KaraokeRulesetSetting.MicrophoneDevice)
                new SettingsSlider <int, PitchSlider>
                    LabelText = "Pitch",
                    Bindable  = config.GetBindable <int>(KaraokeRulesetSetting.Pitch)
                new SettingsCheckbox
                    LabelText = "Override vocal pitch at gameplay",
                    Bindable  = config.GetBindable <bool>(KaraokeRulesetSetting.OverrideVocalPitchAtGameplay)
                new SettingsSlider <int, PitchSlider>
                    LabelText = "Vocal pitch",
                    Bindable  = config.GetBindable <int>(KaraokeRulesetSetting.VocalPitch)
                new SettingsCheckbox
                    LabelText = "Override saiten pitch at gameplay",
                    Bindable  = config.GetBindable <bool>(KaraokeRulesetSetting.OverrideSaitenPitchAtGameplay)
                new SettingsSlider <int, PitchSlider>
                    LabelText = "Saiten pitch",
                    Bindable  = config.GetBindable <int>(KaraokeRulesetSetting.SaitenPitch)
                // Practice
                new SettingsSlider <double, TimeSlider>
                    LabelText = "Practice preempt time",
                    Bindable  = config.GetBindable <double>(KaraokeRulesetSetting.PracticePreemptTime)
                new SettingsButton
                    Text        = "Change log",
                    TooltipText = "Let's see what karaoke! changed.",
                    Action      = () =>
                        var overlayContent = game.Children[3] as Container;

                        if (overlayContent == null)

                        if (changelogOverlay == null && !overlayContent.Children.OfType <KaraokeChangelogOverlay>().Any())
                            overlayContent.Add(changelogOverlay = new KaraokeChangelogOverlay("karaoke-dev"));

예제 #14
파일: MainMenu.cs 프로젝트: yheno/osu
        private void load(OsuGame game)

            buttons.OnSettings = game.ToggleOptions;
예제 #15
        private void load(OsuGame game, OsuColour colours)
            sections = new OptionsSection[]
                new GeneralSection(),
                new GraphicsSection(),
                new GameplaySection(),
                new AudioSection(),
                new SkinSection(),
                new InputSection(),
                new EditorSection(),
                new OnlineSection(),
                new MaintenanceSection(),
                new DebugSection(),
            Children = new Drawable[]
                new Box
                    RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both,
                    Colour           = Color4.Black,
                    Alpha            = 0.6f,
                scrollContainer = new ScrollContainer
                    ScrollDraggerVisible = false,
                    RelativeSizeAxes     = Axes.Y,
                    Width  = width,
                    Margin = new MarginPadding {
                        Left = SIDEBAR_WIDTH
                    Children = new[]
                        new FillFlowContainer
                            AutoSizeAxes     = Axes.Y,
                            RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.X,
                            Direction        = FillDirection.Vertical,

                            Children = new Drawable[]
                                new OsuSpriteText
                                    Text     = "settings",
                                    TextSize = 40,
                                    Margin   = new MarginPadding {
                                        Left = CONTENT_MARGINS, Top = Toolbar.Toolbar.TOOLTIP_HEIGHT
                                new OsuSpriteText
                                    Colour   = colours.Pink,
                                    Text     = "Change the way osu! behaves",
                                    TextSize = 18,
                                    Margin   = new MarginPadding {
                                        Left = CONTENT_MARGINS, Bottom = 30
                                new FillFlowContainer
                                    AutoSizeAxes     = Axes.Y,
                                    RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.X,
                                    Direction        = FillDirection.Vertical,
                                    Children         = sections,
                                new OptionsFooter()
                sidebar = new Sidebar
                    Width    = SIDEBAR_WIDTH,
                    Children = sidebarButtons = sections.Select(section =>
                                                                new SidebarButton
                        Selected = sections[0] == section,
                        Section  = section,
                        Action   = () => scrollContainer.ScrollIntoView(section),

            scrollContainer.Padding = new MarginPadding {
                Top = game?.Toolbar.DrawHeight ?? 0
예제 #16
파일: PlaySongSelect.cs 프로젝트: yheno/osu
        private void load(BeatmapDatabase beatmaps, AudioManager audio, BaseGame game,
            OsuGame osuGame, OsuColour colours)
            const float carouselWidth = 640;
            const float bottomToolHeight = 50;
            Children = new Drawable[]
                new ParallaxContainer
                    ParallaxAmount = 0.005f,
                    RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both,
                    Children = new []
                        new WedgeBackground
                            RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both,
                            Padding = new MarginPadding { Right = carouselWidth * 0.76f },
                carousel = new CarouselContainer
                    RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Y,
                    Size = new Vector2(carouselWidth, 1),
                    Anchor = Anchor.CentreRight,
                    Origin = Anchor.CentreRight,
                beatmapInfoWedge = new BeatmapInfoWedge
                    Alpha = 0,
                    Position = wedged_container_start_position,
                    Size = wedged_container_size,
                    RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.X,
                    Margin = new MarginPadding { Top = 20, Right = 20, },
                new Container
                    RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.X,
                    Height = bottomToolHeight,
                    Anchor = Anchor.BottomCentre,
                    Origin = Anchor.BottomCentre,
                    Children = new Drawable[]
                        new Box
                            RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both,
                            Size = Vector2.One,
                            Colour = Color4.Black.Opacity(0.5f),
                        new BackButton
                            Anchor = Anchor.BottomLeft,
                            Origin = Anchor.BottomLeft,
                            //RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Y,
                            Action = () => Exit()
                        new Button
                            Anchor = Anchor.CentreRight,
                            Origin = Anchor.CentreRight,
                            RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Y,
                            Width = 100,
                            Text = "Play",
                            Colour = colours.Pink,
                            Action = start
            if (osuGame != null)
                playMode = osuGame.PlayMode;
                playMode.ValueChanged += playMode_ValueChanged;

            if (database == null)
                database = beatmaps;

            database.BeatmapSetAdded += onDatabaseOnBeatmapSetAdded;

            trackManager = audio.Track;

            sampleChangeDifficulty = audio.Sample.Get(@"SongSelect/select-difficulty");
            sampleChangeBeatmap = audio.Sample.Get(@"SongSelect/select-expand");

            initialAddSetsTask = new CancellationTokenSource();

            Task.Factory.StartNew(() => addBeatmapSets(game, initialAddSetsTask.Token), initialAddSetsTask.Token);
        private void load(OsuColour colours, OsuGame game, TextureStore textures)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(api.ProvidedUsername))

            InternalChildren = new Drawable[]
                new Sprite
                    Anchor  = Anchor.TopCentre,
                    Origin  = Anchor.TopCentre,
                    Texture = textures.Get(@"Menu/dev-build-footer"),
                new Sprite
                    Anchor  = Anchor.BottomCentre,
                    Origin  = Anchor.BottomCentre,
                    Texture = textures.Get(@"Menu/dev-build-footer"),
                new FillFlowContainer
                    RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both,
                    Direction        = FillDirection.Vertical,
                    Anchor           = Anchor.TopCentre,
                    Origin           = Anchor.TopCentre,
                    Padding          = new MarginPadding(20),
                    Spacing          = new Vector2(0, 5),
                    Children         = new Drawable[]
                        new Container
                            RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.X,
                            Height           = 150,
                            Child            = new OsuLogo
                                Scale     = new Vector2(0.1f),
                                Anchor    = Anchor.Centre,
                                Triangles = false,
                        new OsuSpriteText
                            Anchor = Anchor.TopCentre,
                            Origin = Anchor.TopCentre,
                            Colour = Color4.Red,
                            Font   = OsuFont.GetFont(size: 28, weight: FontWeight.Light),
                            Text   = "Warning! 注意!",
                        multiAccountExplanationText = new OsuTextFlowContainer(cp => cp.Font = cp.Font.With(size: 12))
                            RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.X,
                            AutoSizeAxes     = Axes.Y
                        new SettingsButton
                            Text   = "Help, I can't access my account!",
                            Margin = new MarginPadding {
                                Top = 50
                            Action = () => game?.OpenUrlExternally(help_centre_url)
                        new DangerousSettingsButton
                            Text   = "I understand. This account isn't for me.",
                            Action = () => this.Push(new ScreenEntry())
                        furtherAssistance = new LinkFlowContainer(cp => cp.Font = cp.Font.With(size: 12))
                            Margin = new MarginPadding {
                                Top = 20
                            Anchor       = Anchor.TopCentre,
                            Origin       = Anchor.TopCentre,
                            AutoSizeAxes = Axes.Both

            multiAccountExplanationText.AddText("Are you ");
            multiAccountExplanationText.AddText(api.ProvidedUsername, cp => cp.Colour = colours.BlueLight);
            multiAccountExplanationText.AddText("? osu! has a policy of ");
            multiAccountExplanationText.AddText("one account per person!", cp => cp.Colour = colours.Yellow);
            multiAccountExplanationText.AddText(" Please be aware that creating more than one account per person may result in ");
            multiAccountExplanationText.AddText("permanent deactivation of accounts", cp => cp.Colour = colours.Yellow);

            furtherAssistance.AddText("Need further assistance? Contact us via our ");
            furtherAssistance.AddLink("support system", help_centre_url);