예제 #1
        public SqlExpressionTranslator(SqlDialect sqlDialect, OrmSchema schema, string tableAlias)
            _schema = schema;
            _tableAlias = tableAlias;
            _sqlDialect = sqlDialect;

            _subQueries.Push(new SubQuery());
예제 #2
        public static HashSet<OrmSchema.Relation> FindRelations(LambdaExpression expression, OrmSchema schema)
            var finder = new LambdaRelationFinder(schema.Repository.Context);


            return finder._relations;
예제 #3
        private static LambdaExpression CreateToManyFilterExpression(OrmSchema.Relation relation, Expression localExpression, LambdaExpression filterLambda, ParameterExpression lambdaParameter)
            var expression = Expression.Equal(
                Expression.MakeMemberAccess(localExpression, relation.LocalField.FieldInfo.AsMember),
                Expression.MakeMemberAccess(lambdaParameter, relation.ForeignField.FieldInfo.AsMember)

            if (filterLambda != null)
                expression = Expression.AndAlso(filterLambda.Body, expression);

            return Expression.Lambda(expression, lambdaParameter);
예제 #4
        public bool DeleteObject(SerializedEntity o, OrmSchema schema)
            using (var bucket = GetBucket(schema))
                for (int i = 0; i < bucket.Objects.Count; i++)
                    if (schema.PrimaryKeys.All(primaryKey => Equals(bucket.Objects[i][primaryKey.MappedName], o[primaryKey.MappedName])))
                        bucket.IndexedObjects.Remove(bucket.IndexedObjects.First(kv => kv.Value == bucket.Objects[i]).Key);
                        return true;

            return false;
예제 #5
        public static HashSet<OrmSchema.Relation> FindRelations(IEnumerable<LambdaExpression> expressions, OrmSchema schema)
            if (expressions == null)
                return null;

            HashSet<OrmSchema.Relation> relations = null;

            foreach (var lambdaExpression in expressions)
                if (relations == null)
                    relations = new HashSet<OrmSchema.Relation>(FindRelations(lambdaExpression,schema));
                    relations.UnionWith(FindRelations(lambdaExpression, schema));

            return relations;
예제 #6
        protected Repository(Type type, Vx.Context context)
            Context = context;

            Schema = new OrmSchema(type, this);
예제 #7
        protected internal IEnumerable<object> GetRelationObjects(QuerySpec filter, OrmSchema.Relation parentRelation, object parentObject)
            var objects = from o in DataProvider.GetObjects(filter.Native,Schema)
                          select Vx.WithLoadedRelations(Schema.UpdateObject(Activator.CreateInstance(Schema.ObjectType), o),Schema.DatasetRelations) ;

            if (parentRelation?.ReverseRelation != null)
                objects = from o in objects select parentRelation.ReverseRelation.SetField(o, parentObject);

            if (filter.Code != null)
                objects = from o in objects where filter.Code.IsFilterMatch(o) select o;

            return objects;
예제 #8
        public override void CreateOrUpdateTable(OrmSchema schema, bool recreateTable, bool recreateIndexes, SqlDataProvider dataProvider)
            const string longTextType = "TEXT";

            var columnMappings = new[]
                new {Flags = TypeFlags.Boolean, ColumnType = "TINYINT"},
                new {Flags = TypeFlags.Integer, ColumnType = "INTEGER"},
                new {Flags = TypeFlags.Decimal, ColumnType = "DECIMAL({0},{1})"},
                new {Flags = TypeFlags.FloatingPoint, ColumnType = "REAL"},
                new {Flags = TypeFlags.String, ColumnType = "VARCHAR({0})"},
                new {Flags = TypeFlags.Array | TypeFlags.Byte, ColumnType = "LONGBLOB"},
                new {Flags = TypeFlags.DateTime, ColumnType = "DATETIME"}

            if (recreateTable)
                recreateIndexes = true;

            HashSet<string> tableNames = new HashSet<string>(dataProvider.ExecuteSqlReader("SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table'", null).Select(rec => rec["name"].ToString()),StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

            if (tableNames.Contains(schema.MappedName) && recreateTable)
                dataProvider.ExecuteSql("DROP TABLE " + QuoteTable(schema.MappedName), null);

            var existingColumns = dataProvider.ExecuteSqlReader("pragma table_info(" + QuoteTable(schema.MappedName) + ")", null).ToLookup(rec => rec["name"].ToString());

            var parts = new List<string>();

            bool createNew = true;

            foreach (var field in schema.Fields)
                var columnMapping = columnMappings.FirstOrDefault(mapping => field.FieldInfo.TypeInspector.Is(mapping.Flags));

                if (columnMapping == null)

                if (existingColumns.Contains(field.MappedName) && !recreateTable)
                    createNew = false;

                if (columnMapping.Flags == TypeFlags.String && field.ColumnSize == int.MaxValue)
                    columnMapping = new { columnMapping.Flags, ColumnType = longTextType };

                var part = string.Format("{0} {1}", QuoteField(field.MappedName), string.Format(columnMapping.ColumnType, field.ColumnSize, field.ColumnScale));

                if (!field.ColumnNullable || field.PrimaryKey)
                    part += " NOT";

                part += " NULL";

                if (field.PrimaryKey && schema.PrimaryKeys.Length == 1)
                    part += " PRIMARY KEY";

                    if (field.AutoIncrement)
                        part += " AUTOINCREMENT";


            if (parts.Any() && schema.PrimaryKeys.Length > 1)
                parts.Add("PRIMARY KEY (" + string.Join(",", schema.PrimaryKeys.Select(pk => QuoteField(pk.MappedName))) + ")");

            if (parts.Any())
                if (createNew)
                    dataProvider.ExecuteSql("CREATE TABLE " + QuoteTable(schema.MappedName) + " (" + string.Join(",", parts) + ")", null);
                    foreach (var part in parts)
                        dataProvider.ExecuteSql("ALTER TABLE " + QuoteTable(schema.MappedName) + " ADD COLUMN " + part + ";", null);


            var existingIndexes = dataProvider.ExecuteSqlReader("PRAGMA INDEX_LIST(' " + schema.MappedName + "')", null).ToLookup(rec => rec["name"].ToString());

            foreach (var index in schema.Indexes)
                if (existingIndexes[index.Name].Any())
                    if (recreateIndexes)
                        dataProvider.ExecuteSql("DROP INDEX " + QuoteTable(index.Name) + " ON " + QuoteTable(schema.MappedName), null);

                string createIndexSql = "CREATE INDEX " + QuoteTable(index.Name) + " ON " + QuoteTable(schema.MappedName) + " (";

                createIndexSql += string.Join(",", index.FieldsWithOrder.Select(field => QuoteField(field.Item1.MappedName) + " " + (field.Item2 == SortOrder.Ascending ? "ASC" : "DESC")));

                createIndexSql += ")";

                dataProvider.ExecuteSql(createIndexSql, null);
예제 #9
        public virtual FieldProperties GetFieldProperties(OrmSchema schema, OrmSchema.Field field)
            var fieldProperties = new FieldProperties();

            if (Regex.IsMatch(field.FieldName, IsFieldIndexedRegex, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase))
                fieldProperties.Indexed = true;

            string pkName = PrimaryKeyName.Replace(CLASS_NAME, schema.ObjectType.Name);

            if (field.FieldName.Equals(pkName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                fieldProperties.PrimaryKey = true;
                fieldProperties.AutoIncrement = UseAutoIncrement && field.FieldInfo.TypeInspector.Is(TypeFlags.Integer);
                fieldProperties.Indexed = false;

            return fieldProperties;
예제 #10
        public virtual OrmSchema.Field GetRelationField(OrmSchema.Relation relation)
            //if (relation.LocalSchema.PrimaryKeys.Length < 1 || relation.ForeignSchema.PrimaryKeys.Length < 1)
            //    return null;

            string relationKeyName = (relation.IsToOne ? ManyToOneLocalKeyName : OneToManyForeignKeyName)
                .Replace(RELATION_CLASS_PRIMARYKEY, relation.ForeignSchema.PrimaryKeys.Length > 0 ? relation.ForeignSchema.PrimaryKeys[0].FieldName : "?")
                .Replace(RELATION_CLASS_NAME, relation.ForeignSchema.ObjectType.Name)
                .Replace(CLASS_PRIMARYKEY, relation.LocalSchema.PrimaryKeys.Length > 0 ? relation.LocalSchema.PrimaryKeys[0].FieldName : "?")
                .Replace(CLASS_NAME, relation.LocalSchema.ObjectType.Name);

            return relation.IsToOne ? relation.LocalSchema.FieldsByFieldName[relationKeyName] : relation.ForeignSchema.FieldsByFieldName[relationKeyName];
예제 #11
 public void Purge(OrmSchema schema)
     using (var bucket = GetBucket(schema))
예제 #12
 public QuerySpec CreateQuerySpec(FilterSpec filter, ScalarSpec expression, SortOrderSpec sortOrder, int? skip, int? take, OrmSchema schema)
     throw new NotSupportedException();
예제 #13
 public IEnumerable<SerializedEntity> GetObjectsWithPrefetch(INativeQuerySpec filter, OrmSchema schema, IEnumerable<OrmSchema.Relation> prefetchRelations, out IEnumerable<Dictionary<OrmSchema.Relation, SerializedEntity>> relatedEntities)
     throw new NotSupportedException();
예제 #14
 public CompositeKey(OrmSchema schema, SerializedEntity o)
     _keyValues = schema.PrimaryKeys.ToDictionary(pk => pk.MappedName, pk => o[pk.MappedName]);
예제 #15
 public bool CreateOrUpdateTable(OrmSchema schema, bool recreateTable, bool recreateIndexes)
     return true; // NOP
예제 #16
 private StorageBucket.BucketAccessor GetBucket(OrmSchema schema)
     return (_buckets[schema] ?? (_buckets[schema] = new StorageBucket())).Accessor();
예제 #17
        public ObjectWriteResult WriteObject(SerializedEntity o, bool createNew, OrmSchema schema)
            var result = new ObjectWriteResult();

            using (var bucket = GetBucket(schema))
                if (createNew)
                    foreach (var incrementKey in schema.IncrementKeys.Where(incrementKey => o[incrementKey.MappedName].Convert<long>() == 0))
                        o[incrementKey.MappedName] = bucket.NextIncrementCounter(incrementKey.FieldName).Convert(incrementKey.FieldType);

                        result.OriginalUpdated = true;

                    var storedObject = o.AsDictionary();

                    bucket.IndexedObjects[new CompositeKey(schema,o)] = storedObject;

                    result.Added = true;
                    result.Success = true;
                    if (schema.PrimaryKeys.Length > 0)
                        for (int i = 0; i < bucket.Objects.Count; i++)
                            if (schema.PrimaryKeys.All(primaryKey => Equals(bucket.Objects[i][primaryKey.MappedName], o[primaryKey.MappedName])))
                                var compositeKey = new CompositeKey(schema, o);

                                var storedObject = o.AsDictionary();

                                bucket.Objects[i] = storedObject;
                                bucket.IndexedObjects[compositeKey] = storedObject;
                                result.Success = true;
                        result.Success = false;

            return result;
예제 #18
        public SerializedEntity ReadObject(Dictionary<string,object> keys, OrmSchema schema)
            using (var bucket = GetBucket(schema))
                var compositeKey = new CompositeKey(keys);

                if (!bucket.IndexedObjects.ContainsKey(compositeKey))
                    return null;

                var storedObject = bucket.IndexedObjects[compositeKey];

                return new SerializedEntity(storedObject);
예제 #19
        public override void CreateOrUpdateTable(OrmSchema schema, bool recreateTable, bool recreateIndexes, SqlDataProvider dataProvider)
            const string longTextType = "TEXT";

            var columnMappings = new[]
                new {Flags = TypeFlags.Boolean, ColumnType = "BIT"},
                new {Flags = TypeFlags.Integer8, ColumnType = "TINYINT"},
                new {Flags = TypeFlags.Integer16, ColumnType = "SMALLINT"},
                new {Flags = TypeFlags.Integer32, ColumnType = "INT"},
                new {Flags = TypeFlags.Integer64, ColumnType = "BIGINT"},
                new {Flags = TypeFlags.Decimal, ColumnType = "DECIMAL({0},{1})"},
                new {Flags = TypeFlags.Double, ColumnType = "FLOAT"},
                new {Flags = TypeFlags.Single, ColumnType = "REAL"},
                new {Flags = TypeFlags.String, ColumnType = "VARCHAR({0})"},
                new {Flags = TypeFlags.Array | TypeFlags.Byte, ColumnType = "IMAGE"},
                new {Flags = TypeFlags.DateTime, ColumnType = "DATETIME"}

            string[] tableNameParts = schema.MappedName.Split('.');
            string tableSchemaName = tableNameParts.Length == 1 ? "dbo" : tableNameParts[0];
            string tableName = tableNameParts.Length == 1 ? tableNameParts[0] : tableNameParts[1];

            var existingColumns = dataProvider.ExecuteSqlReader("select * from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS where TABLE_SCHEMA=@schema and TABLE_NAME=@name",
                new QueryParameterCollection(new { schema = tableSchemaName, name = tableName })).ToLookup(rec => rec["COLUMN_NAME"].ToString());

            var tableExists = dataProvider.ExecuteSqlReader("select count(*) from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES where TABLE_SCHEMA=@schema and TABLE_NAME=@name",
                new QueryParameterCollection(new {schema = tableSchemaName, name = tableName})).Select(rec => rec.First().Value.Convert<int>()).First() == 1;

            var parts = new List<string>();

            bool createNew = true;

            foreach (var field in schema.Fields)
                var columnMapping = columnMappings.FirstOrDefault(mapping => field.FieldInfo.TypeInspector.Is(mapping.Flags));

                if (columnMapping == null)

                if (existingColumns.Contains(field.MappedName) && !recreateTable)
                    createNew = false;

                if (columnMapping.Flags == TypeFlags.String && field.ColumnSize == int.MaxValue)
                    columnMapping = new { columnMapping.Flags, ColumnType = longTextType };

                var part = string.Format("{0} {1}", QuoteField(field.MappedName), string.Format(columnMapping.ColumnType, field.ColumnSize, field.ColumnScale));

                if (!field.ColumnNullable || field.PrimaryKey)
                    part += " NOT";

                part += " NULL";

                if (field.AutoIncrement)
                    part += " IDENTITY(1,1)";


            if (parts.Any() && schema.PrimaryKeys.Length > 0)
                parts.Add("PRIMARY KEY (" + string.Join(",", schema.PrimaryKeys.Select(pk => QuoteField(pk.MappedName))) + ")");

            if (recreateTable && tableExists)
                dataProvider.ExecuteSql("DROP TABLE " + QuoteTable(schema.MappedName), null);

            if (parts.Any())
                string sql = (createNew ? "CREATE TABLE " : "ALTER TABLE ") + QuoteTable(schema.MappedName);

                sql += createNew ? " (" : " ADD ";

                sql += string.Join(",", parts);

                if (createNew)
                    sql += ")";

                dataProvider.ExecuteSql(sql, null);

            var existingIndexes = dataProvider.ExecuteSqlReader("SELECT ind.name as IndexName FROM sys.indexes ind INNER JOIN sys.tables t ON ind.object_id = t.object_id WHERE ind.name is not null and ind.is_primary_key = 0 AND t.is_ms_shipped = 0 AND t.name=@tableName",
                 new QueryParameterCollection(new { tableName })).ToLookup(rec => rec["IndexName"].ToString());

            foreach (var index in schema.Indexes)
                if (existingIndexes["IX_" + index.Name].Any())
                    if (recreateIndexes || recreateTable)
                        dataProvider.ExecuteSql($"DROP INDEX {QuoteTable("IX_" + index.Name)} ON {QuoteTable(schema.MappedName)}", null);

                string createIndexSql = $"CREATE INDEX {QuoteTable("IX_" + index.Name)} ON {QuoteTable(schema.MappedName)} (";

                createIndexSql += string.Join(",", index.FieldsWithOrder.Select(field => QuoteField(field.Item1.MappedName) + " " + (field.Item2 == SortOrder.Ascending ? "ASC" : "DESC")));

                createIndexSql += ")";

                dataProvider.ExecuteSql(createIndexSql, null);
예제 #20
파일: SqlDialect.cs 프로젝트: abrobston/DB
 public abstract void CreateOrUpdateTable(OrmSchema schema, bool recreateTable, bool recreateIndexes, SqlDataProvider dataProvider);
예제 #21
 public override HashSet<OrmSchema.Relation> FindRelations(OrmSchema schema)
     return LambdaRelationFinder.FindRelations(Expression, schema);
예제 #22
        public IEnumerable<SerializedEntity> GetObjects(INativeQuerySpec querySpec, OrmSchema schema)
            if (querySpec != null)
                throw new NotSupportedException();

            using (var bucket = GetBucket(schema))
                return from o in bucket.Objects select new SerializedEntity(o);
예제 #23
        private void PrepareForNewExpression(ParameterExpression rootIterator, string tableAlias, OrmSchema schema)
            if (_rootIterator == null)
                _rootIterator = rootIterator;

                _relationAliases[rootIterator] = new Dictionary<object, string> { { schema, tableAlias } };

            _metaData[rootIterator] = new ExpressionMetaData
                Relation = null,
                Iterator = rootIterator,
                Schema = schema

            _rootIterators[rootIterator] = _rootIterator; // make additional root iterators equivalent to first one
예제 #24
 public object GetScalar(Aggregate aggregate, INativeQuerySpec nativeQuerySpec, OrmSchema schema)
     throw new NotSupportedException();
예제 #25
 public bool DeleteObjects(INativeQuerySpec filter, OrmSchema schema)
     throw new NotSupportedException();
예제 #26
        public override void CreateOrUpdateTable(OrmSchema schema, bool recreateTable, bool recreateIndexes, SqlDataProvider datProvider)
            const string longTextType = "LONGTEXT";

            var columnMappings = new[]
                new {Flags = TypeFlags.Boolean, ColumnType = "BOOLEAN"},
                new {Flags = TypeFlags.Byte, ColumnType = "TINYINT UNSIGNED"},
                new {Flags = TypeFlags.SByte, ColumnType = "TINYINT"},
                new {Flags = TypeFlags.Int16, ColumnType = "SMALLINT"},
                new {Flags = TypeFlags.UInt16, ColumnType = "SMALLINT UNSIGNED"},
                new {Flags = TypeFlags.Int32, ColumnType = "INT"},
                new {Flags = TypeFlags.UInt32, ColumnType = "INT UNSIGNED"},
                new {Flags = TypeFlags.Int64, ColumnType = "BIGINT"},
                new {Flags = TypeFlags.UInt64, ColumnType = "BIGINT UNSIGNED"},
                new {Flags = TypeFlags.Decimal, ColumnType = "DECIMAL({0},{1})"},
                new {Flags = TypeFlags.Double, ColumnType = "DOUBLE"},
                new {Flags = TypeFlags.Single, ColumnType = "FLOAT"},
                new {Flags = TypeFlags.String, ColumnType = "VARCHAR({0})"},
                new {Flags = TypeFlags.Array | TypeFlags.Byte, ColumnType = "LONGBLOB"},
                new {Flags = TypeFlags.DateTime, ColumnType = "DATETIME"}

            if (recreateTable)
                recreateIndexes = true;

            var existingColumns = datProvider.ExecuteSqlReader("select * from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS where TABLE_SCHEMA=DATABASE() and TABLE_NAME=@name", new QueryParameterCollection(new { name = schema.MappedName })).ToLookup(rec => rec["COLUMN_NAME"].ToString());

            var parts = new List<string>();

            bool createNew = true;

            foreach (var field in schema.Fields)
                var columnMapping = columnMappings.FirstOrDefault(mapping => field.FieldInfo.TypeInspector.Is(mapping.Flags));

                if (columnMapping == null)

                if (existingColumns.Contains(field.MappedName)/* && !recreateTable*/)
                    createNew = false;

                if (columnMapping.Flags == TypeFlags.String && field.ColumnSize == int.MaxValue)
                    columnMapping = new { columnMapping.Flags, ColumnType = longTextType };

                var part = string.Format("{0} {1}", QuoteField(field.MappedName), string.Format(columnMapping.ColumnType, field.ColumnSize, field.ColumnScale));

                if (!field.ColumnNullable)
                    part += " NOT";

                part += " NULL";

            //                if (field.PrimaryKey)
            //                    part += " PRIMARY KEY";

                if (field.AutoIncrement)
                    part += " AUTO_INCREMENT";


            if (parts.Any() && schema.PrimaryKeys.Length > 0 && createNew)
                parts.Add("PRIMARY KEY (" + string.Join(",", schema.PrimaryKeys.Select(pk => QuoteField(pk.MappedName))) + ")");

            if (!parts.Any())

            string sql = (createNew ? "CREATE TABLE " : "ALTER TABLE ") + QuoteTable(schema.MappedName);

            if (createNew)
                sql += " (";

            if (createNew)
                sql += string.Join(",", parts);
                sql += string.Join(",", parts.Select(s => "ADD COLUMN " + s));

            if (createNew)
                sql += ")";

            datProvider.ExecuteSql(sql, null);