private static Bounds ComputeAABB(OrientedBoundingBox obb) { Vector3[] points = new Vector3[8]; Vector3 center = obb.Center; // already in world coordinates points[0] = center + obb.Rotation * new Vector3(obb.Extents.x, obb.Extents.y, obb.Extents.z); points[1] = center + obb.Rotation * new Vector3(obb.Extents.x, obb.Extents.y, -obb.Extents.z); points[2] = center + obb.Rotation * new Vector3(obb.Extents.x, -obb.Extents.y, obb.Extents.z); points[3] = center + obb.Rotation * new Vector3(obb.Extents.x, -obb.Extents.y, -obb.Extents.z); points[4] = center + obb.Rotation * new Vector3(-obb.Extents.x, obb.Extents.y, obb.Extents.z); points[5] = center + obb.Rotation * new Vector3(-obb.Extents.x, obb.Extents.y, -obb.Extents.z); points[6] = center + obb.Rotation * new Vector3(-obb.Extents.x, -obb.Extents.y, obb.Extents.z); points[7] = center + obb.Rotation * new Vector3(-obb.Extents.x, -obb.Extents.y, -obb.Extents.z); float minX = float.PositiveInfinity; float minY = float.PositiveInfinity; float minZ = float.PositiveInfinity; float maxX = float.NegativeInfinity; float maxY = float.NegativeInfinity; float maxZ = float.NegativeInfinity; foreach (Vector3 point in points) { minX = Mathf.Min(minX, point.x); maxX = Mathf.Max(maxX, point.x); minY = Mathf.Min(minY, point.y); maxY = Mathf.Max(maxY, point.y); minZ = Mathf.Min(minZ, point.z); maxZ = Mathf.Max(maxZ, point.z); } return(new Bounds(center, new Vector3(maxX - minX, maxY - minY, maxZ - minZ))); }
public static OrientedBoundingBox CameraFrameToScreenSpaceCoordinates(OrientedBoundingBox cameraFrameObb, Rect bgTextureViewPortRect, bool isTextureMirrored, CameraDevice.VideoModeData videoModeData) { bool flag = false; float num = 0f; switch (ScreenOrientation) { case UnityEngine.ScreenOrientation.Portrait: num += 90f; flag = true; break; case UnityEngine.ScreenOrientation.PortraitUpsideDown: num += 270f; flag = true; break; case UnityEngine.ScreenOrientation.LandscapeRight: num += 180f; break; } float num2 = bgTextureViewPortRect.width / (flag ? ((float)videoModeData.height) : ((float)videoModeData.width)); float num3 = bgTextureViewPortRect.height / (flag ? ((float)videoModeData.width) : ((float)videoModeData.height)); Vector2 center = CameraFrameToScreenSpaceCoordinates(cameraFrameObb.Center, bgTextureViewPortRect, isTextureMirrored, videoModeData); Vector2 halfExtents = new Vector2(cameraFrameObb.HalfExtents.x * num2, cameraFrameObb.HalfExtents.y * num3); float rotation = cameraFrameObb.Rotation; if (isTextureMirrored) { rotation = -rotation; } return(new OrientedBoundingBox(center, halfExtents, ((rotation * 180f) / 3.141593f) + num)); }
private static Vector3 TransformWorldToOBB(Vector3 point, OrientedBoundingBox obb) { // OBB is in world units (no scale applied) but with an arbitrary center // point and rotation. This function converts from absolute world space to // OBB-local space. return(Quaternion.Inverse(obb.Rotation) * (point - obb.Center)); }
public void Embed(GameObject embedded, OrientedBoundingBox obb, Vector3 position, System.Action OnComplete = null, bool tempHighPriorityRender = true) { // Temporarily make the embedded object render in front of spatial mesh if (tempHighPriorityRender) { MakeHighPriorityRenderOrder(embedded); } // Compute the front (pivot point of embedded object flush with surface) // and back planes of the object to be embedded Vector3 centerPointOnFrontPlane; Vector3 centerPointOnBackPlane; ComputeDepthBounds(out centerPointOnFrontPlane, out centerPointOnBackPlane, obb, position); // Deform the spatial mesh to create a margin volume large enough for the // embedded object m_requestQueue.Enqueue(new EmbedRequest(obb, centerPointOnFrontPlane, centerPointOnBackPlane, embedded, OnComplete, tempHighPriorityRender)); if (!m_working) { m_working = true; StartCoroutine(DeformSurfaceCoroutine()); } DebugVisualization(obb); }
private bool IntersectsChildContent(CanvasRootControl child, ref Ray ray, out Vector2 childSpaceLocation) { // Inline bounds calculations (it will reuse world matrix) OrientedBoundingBox bounds = new OrientedBoundingBox(); bounds.Extents = new Vector3(child.Size * 0.5f, Mathf.Epsilon); Matrix world; child.Canvas.GetWorldMatrix(out world); Matrix offset; Matrix.Translation(bounds.Extents.X, bounds.Extents.Y, 0, out offset); Matrix.Multiply(ref offset, ref world, out bounds.Transformation); // Hit test Vector3 hitPoint; if (bounds.Intersects(ref ray, out hitPoint)) { // Transform world-space hit point to canvas local-space Vector3 localHitPoint; world.Invert(); Vector3.Transform(ref hitPoint, ref world, out localHitPoint); childSpaceLocation = new Vector2(localHitPoint); return(child.ContainsPoint(ref childSpaceLocation)); } childSpaceLocation = Vector2.Zero; return(false); }
public override void Draw(DeviceContext deviceContext) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(IsFullyLoaded); if (ShowBoundingBox > 0) { BoundingBox transformedBox = m_mesh.BoundingBox.TransformBoundingBox(m_transform.WorldMatrix); CRenderer.Instance.ActiveScene.DebugRenderer.DrawBox(transformedBox.Center, Quaternion.Identity, transformedBox.Size, Color.Red.ToColor4(), 0.0f, EDebugDrawCommandFlags.Wireframe); } if (ShowOrientedBoundingBox > 0) { OrientedBoundingBox obb = new OrientedBoundingBox(m_mesh.BoundingBox); obb.Transform(m_transform.WorldMatrix); obb.Transformation.Decompose(out Vector3 scale, out Quaternion rotation, out Vector3 translation); CRenderer.Instance.ActiveScene.DebugRenderer.DrawBox(translation, rotation, obb.Size * scale, Color.Green.ToColor4(), 0.0f, EDebugDrawCommandFlags.Wireframe); } if (m_overrideMaterial != null) { if (m_overrideMaterial.IsLoaded) { m_mesh.RenderWithMaterial(deviceContext, m_overrideMaterial, m_transform); } } else { m_mesh.Render(deviceContext, m_transform); } }
public OrientedBoundingBox(Vector2 center, Vector2 halfExtents, float rotation) { this = new OrientedBoundingBox(); this.Center = center; this.HalfExtents = halfExtents; this.Rotation = rotation; }
/// <summary> /// Checks if given ray intersects with the oriented bounding wire box. /// </summary> /// <param name="box">The box.</param> /// <param name="ray">The ray.</param> /// <param name="distance">The result intersection distance.</param> /// <param name="viewPosition">The view position used to scale the wires thickness depending on the wire distance from the view.</param> /// <returns>True ray hits bounds, otherwise false.</returns> public static unsafe bool RayCastWire(ref OrientedBoundingBox box, ref Ray ray, out float distance, ref Vector3 viewPosition) { var corners = stackalloc Vector3[8]; box.GetCorners(corners); var minDistance = Vector3.DistanceSquared(ref viewPosition, ref corners[0]); for (int i = 1; i < 8; i++) { minDistance = Mathf.Min(minDistance, Vector3.DistanceSquared(ref viewPosition, ref corners[i])); } minDistance = Mathf.Sqrt(minDistance); var margin = Mathf.Clamp(minDistance / 80.0f, 0.1f, 100.0f); if (GetWriteBox(ref corners[0], ref corners[1], margin).Intersects(ref ray, out distance) || GetWriteBox(ref corners[0], ref corners[3], margin).Intersects(ref ray, out distance) || GetWriteBox(ref corners[0], ref corners[4], margin).Intersects(ref ray, out distance) || GetWriteBox(ref corners[1], ref corners[2], margin).Intersects(ref ray, out distance) || GetWriteBox(ref corners[1], ref corners[5], margin).Intersects(ref ray, out distance) || GetWriteBox(ref corners[2], ref corners[3], margin).Intersects(ref ray, out distance) || GetWriteBox(ref corners[2], ref corners[6], margin).Intersects(ref ray, out distance) || GetWriteBox(ref corners[3], ref corners[7], margin).Intersects(ref ray, out distance) || GetWriteBox(ref corners[4], ref corners[5], margin).Intersects(ref ray, out distance) || GetWriteBox(ref corners[4], ref corners[7], margin).Intersects(ref ray, out distance) || GetWriteBox(ref corners[5], ref corners[6], margin).Intersects(ref ray, out distance) || GetWriteBox(ref corners[6], ref corners[7], margin).Intersects(ref ray, out distance)) return(true); }
private static OrientedBoundingBox GetWriteBox(ref Vector3 min, ref Vector3 max, float margin) { var box = new OrientedBoundingBox(); Vector3 vec = max - min; Vector3 dir = Vector3.Normalize(vec); Quaternion orientation; if (Vector3.Dot(dir, Vector3.Up) >= 0.999f) { orientation = Quaternion.RotationAxis(Vector3.Left, Mathf.PiOverTwo); } else { orientation = Quaternion.LookRotation(dir, Vector3.Cross(Vector3.Cross(dir, Vector3.Up), dir)); } Vector3 up = Vector3.Up * orientation; box.Transformation = Matrix.CreateWorld(min + vec * 0.5f, dir, up); Matrix.Invert(ref box.Transformation, out Matrix inv); Vector3 vecLocal = Vector3.TransformNormal(vec * 0.5f, inv); box.Extents.X = margin; box.Extents.Y = margin; box.Extents.Z = vecLocal.Z; return(box); }
// SpatialMapping pathway only public void DrawFloorSpawnPoints(Vector3 requiredSize, float clearance, SurfacePlane plane) { OrientedBoundingBox bb = plane.Plane.Bounds; Quaternion orientation = (plane.transform.forward.y < 0) ? (plane.transform.rotation * Quaternion.FromToRotation(-Vector3.forward, Vector3.forward)) : plane.transform.rotation; // Note that xy in local plane coordinate system correspond to what would be xz in global space Vector3 halfExtents = new Vector3(requiredSize.x, requiredSize.z, requiredSize.y) * 0.5f; for (float y = -bb.Extents.y + halfExtents.y; y <= bb.Extents.y - halfExtents.y; y += 2 * halfExtents.y) { for (float x = -bb.Extents.x + halfExtents.x; x <= bb.Extents.x - halfExtents.x; x += 2 * halfExtents.x) { Vector3 center = plane.transform.position + orientation * new Vector3(x, y, halfExtents.z + clearance); Collider[] colliders = Physics.OverlapBox(center, halfExtents, orientation, Layers.Instance.spatialMeshLayerMask); if (colliders.Length == 0) { GameObject cube = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Cube); cube.transform.parent = gameObject.transform; // level manager will be parent cube.transform.localScale = 2 * halfExtents; cube.transform.position = center; cube.transform.transform.rotation = orientation; cube.GetComponent <Renderer>().material = flatMaterial; cube.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.color =; cube.SetActive(true); } } } }
private void UpdateWordResultPoses(Camera arCamera, IEnumerable <QCARManagerImpl.WordResultData> wordResults) { QCARAbstractBehaviour behaviour = (QCARAbstractBehaviour)UnityEngine.Object.FindObjectOfType(typeof(QCARAbstractBehaviour)); if (behaviour == null) { Debug.LogError("QCAR Behaviour could not be found"); } else { Rect viewportRectangle = behaviour.GetViewportRectangle(); bool videoBackGroundMirrored = behaviour.VideoBackGroundMirrored; CameraDevice.VideoModeData videoMode = behaviour.GetVideoMode(); foreach (QCARManagerImpl.WordResultData data2 in wordResults) { WordResultImpl impl = (WordResultImpl)this.mTrackedWords[]; Vector3 position = arCamera.transform.TransformPoint(data2.pose.position); Quaternion orientation = data2.pose.orientation; Quaternion quaternion2 = (arCamera.transform.rotation * orientation) * Quaternion.AngleAxis(270f, Vector3.left); impl.SetPose(position, quaternion2); impl.SetStatus(data2.status); OrientedBoundingBox cameraFrameObb = new OrientedBoundingBox(, data2.orientedBoundingBox.halfExtents, data2.orientedBoundingBox.rotation); impl.SetObb(QCARRuntimeUtilities.CameraFrameToScreenSpaceCoordinates(cameraFrameObb, viewportRectangle, videoBackGroundMirrored, videoMode)); } if (this.mWordPrefabCreationMode == WordPrefabCreationMode.DUPLICATE) { this.UpdateWordBehaviourPoses(); } } }
private OrientedBoundingBox GetBounds() { var obb = new OrientedBoundingBox(-Vector3.One / 2, Vector3.One / 2); obb.Scale(kCharacterSize); obb.Translate(position + kCharacterSize.Z * Vector3.UnitZ / 2); return obb; }
private bool IntersectsChildContent(CanvasRootControl child, ref Ray ray, out Float2 childSpaceLocation) { // Inline bounds calculations (it will reuse world matrix) var bounds = new OrientedBoundingBox { Extents = new Vector3(child.Size * 0.5f, Mathf.Epsilon) }; child.Canvas.GetWorldMatrix(out var world); Matrix.Translation((float)bounds.Extents.X, (float)bounds.Extents.Y, 0, out var offset); Matrix.Multiply(ref offset, ref world, out var boxWorld); boxWorld.Decompose(out bounds.Transformation); // Hit test if (bounds.Intersects(ref ray, out Vector3 hitPoint)) { // Transform world-space hit point to canvas local-space world.Invert(); Vector3.Transform(ref hitPoint, ref world, out Vector3 localHitPoint); childSpaceLocation = new Float2(localHitPoint); return(child.ContainsPoint(ref childSpaceLocation)); } childSpaceLocation = Float2.Zero; return(false); }
public TileBlock(Int16 topHeight, Int16 bottomHeight, Int32 index, OrientedBoundingBox topBoundingBox, OrientedBoundingBox bottomBoundingBox) { TopHeight = topHeight; BottomHeight = bottomHeight; Index = index; TopBoundingBox = topBoundingBox; BottomBoundingBox = bottomBoundingBox; }
public static bool Contains(this OrientedBoundingBox thisBox, Vector3 pos) { Vector3 adjustedPos = Quaternion.Inverse(thisBox.Rotation) * (pos - thisBox.Center); return(adjustedPos.x <= thisBox.Extents.x && adjustedPos.x >= -thisBox.Extents.x && adjustedPos.y <= thisBox.Extents.y && adjustedPos.y >= -thisBox.Extents.y && adjustedPos.z <= thisBox.Extents.z && adjustedPos.z >= -thisBox.Extents.z); }
protected override void UpdateHandles() { base.UpdateHandles(); var boundingBox = new OrientedBoundingBox(Vector3.Zero, Vector3.Zero); //PVInstance.ComputeBoundingBoxFromCollection(SelectionService.Selection); _marker.Size = boundingBox.GetdEngineSize(); _marker.CFrame = boundingBox.GetCFrame(); }
private bool CreateMarginVolumeObject(out GameObject marginVolume, out Vector3 centerPointOnFrontPlane, out Vector3 centerPointOnBackPlane, GameObject embedded, SurfacePlane plane) { BoxCollider embeddedOBB = embedded.GetComponent <BoxCollider>(); if (null == embeddedOBB) { Debug.Log("ERROR: Embedded object " + + " lacks a box collider"); marginVolume = null; centerPointOnFrontPlane =; centerPointOnBackPlane =; return(true); } OrientedBoundingBox surfaceBounds = plane.Plane.Bounds; /* * Compute margin volume front (i.e., the actual surface) and back (onto * which spatial mesh triangles will be projected) planes based on embedded * object thickness. * * Note that the embedded object position is not in the center of the * object but rather at a point flush with the surface it will be embedded * in. */ Vector3 intoSurfaceNormal = -Vector3.Normalize(embeddedOBB.transform.forward); float embeddedThickness = embeddedOBB.size.z * embeddedOBB.transform.lossyScale.z + extraDisplacement; Vector3 embeddedPosOnPlane = plane.transform.InverseTransformPoint(embedded.transform.position); embeddedPosOnPlane.x = 0; embeddedPosOnPlane.y = 0; centerPointOnFrontPlane = plane.transform.TransformPoint(embeddedPosOnPlane); centerPointOnBackPlane = centerPointOnFrontPlane + intoSurfaceNormal * embeddedThickness; Vector3 centerPoint = 0.5f * (centerPointOnFrontPlane + centerPointOnBackPlane); //Debug.Log("*** PlanePos: " + plane.transform.position + ", PlaneFwd: " + plane.transform.forward + ", Embed Point: " + embedded.transform.position.ToString("F2") + ", IntoNorm: " + intoSurfaceNormal.ToString("F2") + ", thick: " + embeddedThickness + ", embeddedPosOnPlane: " + embeddedPosOnPlane.ToString("F2") + ", centerFront: " + centerPointOnFrontPlane.ToString("F2") + ", centerBack: " + centerPointOnBackPlane.ToString("F2")); /* * Create a game object to describe the size, position, and orientation of * the margin volume we want to create. * * The box collider is something of a formality. The surface mesh * deformation procedure and OBB/mesh intersection tests use box colliders * to describe OBBs. Here, the box collider is made the same size as the * game object to which it is parented. The downstream intersection testing * code knows to properly scale the box based on its parent. */ marginVolume = new GameObject("deformation-" +; marginVolume.transform.position = centerPoint; marginVolume.transform.localScale = new Vector3(2 * surfaceBounds.Extents.x, 2 * surfaceBounds.Extents.y, embeddedThickness); marginVolume.transform.rotation = surfaceBounds.Rotation; // need to use surface plane rotation because x, y differ from obj's BoxCollider obb = marginVolume.AddComponent <BoxCollider>(); =; obb.size =; obb.enabled = false; // we do not actually want collision detection return(false); }
private void CreateBulletHole(Vector3 position, Vector3 normal) { GameObject bulletHole = Instantiate(m_bulletHolePrefab, position, Quaternion.LookRotation(normal)) as GameObject; bulletHole.transform.parent = this.transform; OrientedBoundingBox obb = OBBMeshIntersection.CreateWorldSpaceOBB(bulletHole.GetComponent <BoxCollider>()); SurfacePlaneDeformationManager.Instance.Embed(bulletHole, obb, position, () => { Debug.Log("Embed complete"); }, true); }
public static void DrawBox(Color color, OrientedBoundingBox oob) { #if DEBUG boxes.Add(new Box() { oob = oob, color = color }); #endif }
public EmbedRequest(OrientedBoundingBox pObb, Vector3 pCenterPointOnFrontPlane, Vector3 pCenterPointOnBackPlane, GameObject pEmbedded, System.Action pOnComplete, bool pTempHighPriorityRender) { obb = pObb; centerPointOnFrontPlane = pCenterPointOnFrontPlane; centerPointOnBackPlane = pCenterPointOnBackPlane; embedded = pEmbedded; OnComplete = pOnComplete; tempHighPriorityRender = pTempHighPriorityRender; }
public bool Intersects(OrientedBoundingBox oob) { Matrix invoob = Matrix.Invert(oob.Transformation); BoundingFrustum frustum = new BoundingFrustum(oob.Transformation * View * Projection); BoundingBox bbox = new BoundingBox(-oob.Extents, oob.Extents); return(frustum.Intersects(ref bbox)); }
public static void Write(this NetOutgoingMessage message, OrientedBoundingBox volume) { message.Write((byte)volume.BoundingType); message.Write(volume.Center); message.Write(volume.XAxis); message.Write(volume.YAxis); message.Write(volume.ZAxis); message.Write(volume.Extents); }
private static void Main(string[] args) { var random = new Random(1234); Vector3 GetPoint() { float Get() { return((float)Math.Round((1.0d - 2.0d * random.NextDouble()) * 10)); } return(new Vector3(Get(), Get(), Get())); } var points = Enumerable.Range(0, 10000).Select(s => GetPoint()).ToArray(); var numEdges = OrientedBoundingBox.NumEdges; var numFaces = OrientedBoundingBox.NumFaces; var numVertices = OrientedBoundingBox.NumVertices; var box = new OrientedBoundingBox(Vector3.Zero, Vector3.Zero, Vector3.Right, Vector3.Up, Vector3.Forward); foreach (var point in points) { box.Enclose(point); } var b1 = box.Contains(Vector3.Zero); var b2 = box.Contains(new Vector3(100, 100, 100)); var c1 = box.CornerPoint(0); var c2 = box.CornerPoint(7); var f1 = box.FacePoint(0, 0.0f, 0.0f); var f2 = box.FacePoint(0, 1.0f, 1.0f); var p1 = box.PointInside(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); var p2 = box.PointInside(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); var p3 = box.PointInside(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f); box.Translate(Vector3.One * +2); box.Translate(Vector3.One * -2); box.Scale(Vector3.Zero, Vector3.One * 0.5f); box.Scale(Vector3.Zero, Vector3.One * 2.0f); var d1 = box.Distance(Vector3.One * 20.0f); var d2 = box.Distance(Vector3.One * 30.0f); var e1 = box.PointOnEdge(0, 0.0f); var e2 = box.PointOnEdge(0, 1.0f); var e3 = box.PointOnEdge(0, 0.5f); var l1 = box.Edge(0); var l2 = box.Edge(1); var m1 = box.WorldToLocal(); var m2 = box.LocalToWorld(); var n1 = box.FacePlane(0); var n2 = box.FacePlane(1); var x1 = OrientedBoundingBox.OptimalEnclosing(points); var x2 = OrientedBoundingBox.BruteEnclosing(points); }
private void CreateBulletHole(Vector3 position, Vector3 normal, SurfacePlane plane) { GameObject bulletHole = Instantiate(m_bulletHolePrefab, position, Quaternion.LookRotation(normal)) as GameObject; bulletHole.AddComponent <WorldAnchor>(); // does this do anything? bulletHole.transform.parent = this.transform; OrientedBoundingBox obb = OBBMeshIntersection.CreateWorldSpaceOBB(bulletHole.GetComponent <BoxCollider>()); SurfacePlaneDeformationManager.Instance.Embed(bulletHole, obb, plane); }
private void CalculateShape() { if (!Definition.RequiredSupport.HasValue) { return; } var shape = Definition.RequiredSupport.Value; var edge = _bendy.Edges.FirstOrDefault(); var curve = edge?.Curve; if (curve == null) { return; } _shapeDirty = false; _localBox = BoundingBoxD.CreateInvalid(); for (var i = 0; i < shape.Segments; i++) { Matrix matrix; { var t = (i + 0.5f) / shape.Segments; var pos = (Vector3)Vector3D.Transform(curve.Sample(t), Entity.PositionComp.WorldMatrixNormalizedInv); var up = Vector3.TransformNormal(Vector3.Lerp((Vector3)edge.From.Up, (Vector3)edge.To.Up, t), Entity.PositionComp.WorldMatrixNormalizedInv); var tan = Vector3.TransformNormal((Vector3)curve.SampleDerivative(t), Entity.PositionComp.WorldMatrixNormalizedInv); tan.Normalize(); up.Normalize(); matrix = Matrix.CreateWorld(Vector3.Zero, tan, up); } var box = BoundingBox.CreateInvalid(); var mi = Entity.PositionComp.WorldMatrixNormalizedInv * (MatrixD)Matrix.Invert(ref matrix); for (var j = 0; j <= 1; j++) { var t = (i + j) / (float)shape.Segments; var pos = curve.Sample(t); var up = Vector3.Lerp((Vector3)edge.From.Up, (Vector3)edge.To.Up, t); var tan = (Vector3)curve.SampleDerivative(t); var norm = Vector3.Cross(up, tan); norm.Normalize(); var nl = (Vector3)Vector3D.TransformNormal(norm, ref mi); var ul = (Vector3)Vector3D.TransformNormal(up, ref mi); var pl = (Vector3)Vector3D.Transform(pos, ref mi); box.Include(pl + nl * shape.HalfWidth + ul * shape.VerticalOffset); box.Include(pl - nl * shape.HalfWidth + ul * shape.VerticalOffset); } var obb = new OrientedBoundingBox(Vector3.Transform(box.Center, matrix), box.HalfExtents, Quaternion.CreateFromRotationMatrix(matrix)); _localBox = _localBox.Include(obb.GetAABB()); } }
public bool IsInTrench(OrientedBoundingBox element) { var hit = false; foreach (var box in orientedBoundingBoxes) { hit |= box.Intersects(element); } return(hit); }
public BoundedPlane(Transform xform) { Plane = new Plane(xform.forward, xform.position); Bounds = new OrientedBoundingBox() { Center = xform.position, Extents = xform.localScale / 2, Rotation = xform.rotation }; Area = Bounds.Extents.x * Bounds.Extents.y; }
// Creates an oriented bounding box from the box collider in *world* coordinates public static OrientedBoundingBox CreateWorldSpaceOBB(BoxCollider collider) { OrientedBoundingBox obb = new OrientedBoundingBox() { Center = collider.transform.TransformPoint(, Rotation = collider.transform.rotation, Extents = 0.5f * new Vector3(collider.transform.lossyScale.x * collider.size.x, collider.transform.lossyScale.y * collider.size.y, collider.transform.lossyScale.z * collider.size.z) }; return(obb); }
public SurfacePlane(PlaneTypes type, Plane plane, OrientedBoundingBox bounds, TextMeshPro tag, Transform parent) { Type = type; Plane = plane; Bounds = bounds; Area = ((bounds.Extents.x * 2) * (bounds.Extents.y * 2)); Tag = GameObject.Instantiate(tag, parent); Tag.text = Type.ToString(); Tag.transform.localPosition = bounds.Center; Tag.transform.eulerAngles = new Vector3(bounds.Rotation.eulerAngles.x, bounds.Rotation.eulerAngles.y, 0); }
public static void Encapsulate(this OrientedBoundingBox thisBox, Vector3 pos) { if (!Contains(thisBox, pos)) { Vector3 adjustedPos = (pos - thisBox.Center); Vector3 newCenter = thisBox.Center; Vector3 newExtents = thisBox.Extents; float diff; if (adjustedPos.x > thisBox.Extents.x) { diff = adjustedPos.x - thisBox.Extents.x; newExtents.x += diff / 2; newCenter.x += diff / 2; } else if (adjustedPos.x < -thisBox.Extents.x) { diff = Mathf.Abs(-thisBox.Extents.x - adjustedPos.x); newExtents.x += diff / 2; newCenter.x -= diff / 2; } if (adjustedPos.y > thisBox.Extents.y) { diff = adjustedPos.y - thisBox.Extents.y; newExtents.y += diff / 2; newCenter.y += diff / 2; } else if (adjustedPos.y < -thisBox.Extents.y) { diff = Mathf.Abs(-thisBox.Extents.y - adjustedPos.y); newExtents.y += diff / 2; newCenter.y -= diff / 2; } if (adjustedPos.z > thisBox.Extents.z) { diff = adjustedPos.z - thisBox.Extents.z; newExtents.z += diff / 2; newCenter.z += diff / 2; } else if (adjustedPos.z < -thisBox.Extents.z) { diff = Mathf.Abs(-thisBox.Extents.z - adjustedPos.z); newExtents.z += diff / 2; newCenter.z -= diff / 2; } thisBox.Center = newCenter; thisBox.Extents = newExtents; } }
public void GenerateGameBoard(Vector3 requiredSize, float clearance, SurfacePlane plane) { OrientedBoundingBox bb = plane.Plane.Bounds; Quaternion orientation = (plane.transform.forward.y < 0) ? (plane.transform.rotation * Quaternion.FromToRotation(-Vector3.forward, Vector3.forward)) : plane.transform.rotation; // Note that xy in local plane coordinate system correspond to what would be xz in global space Vector3 halfExtents = new Vector3(requiredSize.x, requiredSize.z, requiredSize.y) * 0.5f; int xpos = 0; for (float y = -bb.Extents.y + halfExtents.y; y <= bb.Extents.y - halfExtents.y; y += 2 * halfExtents.y) { int ypos = 0; for (float x = -bb.Extents.x + halfExtents.x; x <= bb.Extents.x - halfExtents.x; x += 2 * halfExtents.x) { Vector3 center = plane.transform.position + orientation * new Vector3(x, y, halfExtents.z + clearance); Collider[] colliders = Physics.OverlapBox(center, halfExtents, orientation); if (colliders.Length == 0) { int cellsFromCamera = 2; GameObject cell; if ((Math.Abs(Camera.main.transform.position.x - center.x) <= (2 * halfExtents.x) * cellsFromCamera) || (Math.Abs(Camera.main.transform.position.z - center.z) <= (2 * halfExtents.z) * cellsFromCamera)) { Debug.Log("Within camera range, placing GamePiece"); cell = Instantiate(GamePiece, gameObject.transform, true); } else { //replace with fisher yates int isMine = getrandom.Next(1, 3); if (isMine == 1) { Debug.Log("Placing mine"); cell = Instantiate(Mine, gameObject.transform, true); } else { Debug.Log("Placing GamePiece"); cell = Instantiate(GamePiece, gameObject.transform, true); } } //cell.transform.localScale = 2 * halfExtents; cell.transform.position = center; // might be more effecient to use a dictionary to locate cells than the gameObject.find = "cell:" + xpos.ToString() + "," + ypos.ToString(); cell.transform.transform.rotation = orientation; cell.SetActive(true); } ypos++; } xpos++; } }
public void Serialize(ref OrientedBoundingBox value) { Serialize(ref value.Extents); Serialize(ref value.Transformation); }
void Start() { orientedBoundingBox = new OrientedBoundingBox(transform, GetComponent<Collider>()); }
public void Initialize() { var obb = new OrientedBoundingBox(-Vector3.One / 2, Vector3.One / 2); var gridletHeight = Cells.Max(c => c.Height); obb.Scale(new Vector3(XLength, YLength, gridletHeight)); obb.Transform(Orientation); obb.Translate(new Vector3(X, Y, Z + gridletHeight / 2)); this.OrientedBoundingBox = obb; // Setup Grid for (var x = 0; x < XLength; x++) { for (var y = 0; y < YLength; y++) { var cellIndex = x + y * XLength; var cellHeight = Cells[cellIndex].Height; var cellTransform = Matrix.Translation(0, 0, 0.5f) * Matrix.Scaling(1, 1, cellHeight) * Matrix.Translation(-XLength * 0.5f + x + 0.5f, -YLength * 0.5f + y + 0.5f, 0) * Orientation * Matrix.Translation(X, Y, Z); Cells[cellIndex].OrientedBoundingBox = new OrientedBoundingBox { Extents = Vector3.One / 2, Transformation = cellTransform }; } } EdgeCells = Cells.Where(x => x.Flags.HasFlag(CellFlags.Edge)).ToArray(); }
/// <summary> /// Calculates the screen space parameters for an oriented bounding box (center, half extents, rotation) specified in camera frame coordinates. /// The calculation is based on the current screen orientation. /// </summary> public static OrientedBoundingBox CameraFrameToScreenSpaceCoordinates(OrientedBoundingBox cameraFrameObb, Rect bgTextureViewPortRect, bool isTextureMirrored, CameraDevice.VideoModeData videoModeData) { bool isPortrait = false; float obbRotation = 0.0f; switch (QCARRuntimeUtilities.ScreenOrientation) { case ScreenOrientation.Portrait: obbRotation += 90.0f; isPortrait = true; break; case ScreenOrientation.LandscapeRight: obbRotation += 180.0f; break; case ScreenOrientation.PortraitUpsideDown: obbRotation += 270.0f; isPortrait = true; break; } var scaleX = bgTextureViewPortRect.width / (isPortrait ? videoModeData.height : videoModeData.width); var scaleY = bgTextureViewPortRect.height / (isPortrait ? videoModeData.width : videoModeData.height); var center = CameraFrameToScreenSpaceCoordinates(cameraFrameObb.Center, bgTextureViewPortRect, isTextureMirrored, videoModeData); var halfExtents = new Vector2(cameraFrameObb.HalfExtents.x * scaleX, cameraFrameObb.HalfExtents.y * scaleY); var rotation = cameraFrameObb.Rotation; if (isTextureMirrored) rotation = -rotation; rotation = rotation*180.0f/Mathf.PI + obbRotation; return new OrientedBoundingBox(center, halfExtents, rotation); }
private void UpdateWordResultPoses(Camera arCamera, IEnumerable<QCARManagerImpl.WordResultData> wordResults) { QCARBehaviour qcarbehaviour = (QCARBehaviour) Object.FindObjectOfType(typeof (QCARBehaviour)); if (qcarbehaviour == null) { Debug.LogError("QCAR Behaviour could not be found"); return; } // required information to transform camera frame coordinates into screen space coordinates: Rect bgTextureViewPortRect = qcarbehaviour.GetViewportRectangle(); bool isMirrored = qcarbehaviour.VideoBackGroundMirrored; CameraDevice.VideoModeData videoModeData = qcarbehaviour.GetVideoMode(); foreach (var wrd in wordResults) { var wordResult = (WordResultImpl) mTrackedWords[]; var position = arCamera.transform.TransformPoint(wrd.pose.position); var wrdOrientation = wrd.pose.orientation; var rotation = arCamera.transform.rotation* wrdOrientation* Quaternion.AngleAxis(270, Vector3.left); wordResult.SetPose(position, rotation); wordResult.SetStatus(wrd.status); var obb = new OrientedBoundingBox(, wrd.orientedBoundingBox.halfExtents, wrd.orientedBoundingBox.rotation); wordResult.SetObb(QCARRuntimeUtilities.CameraFrameToScreenSpaceCoordinates(obb, bgTextureViewPortRect, isMirrored, videoModeData)); } // update word behaviours if enabled: if (mWordPrefabCreationMode == WordPrefabCreationMode.DUPLICATE) UpdateWordBehaviourPoses(); }
public void SetObb(OrientedBoundingBox obb) { mObb = obb; }
public void Initialize() { cube = GeometricPrimitive.Cube.New(graphicsDevice); var cubeBounds = new OrientedBoundingBox(new Vector3(-0.5f, -0.5f, -0.5f), new Vector3(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f)); cubeMesh = new RenderMesh { BoundingBox = cubeBounds, IndexBuffer = cube.IndexBuffer, IsIndex32Bits = cube.IsIndex32Bits, InputLayout = VertexInputLayout.New<VertexPositionNormalTexture>(0), ModelTransform = Matrix.Identity, VertexBuffer = cube.VertexBuffer }; basicEffect = new BasicEffect(graphicsDevice); basicEffect.EnableDefaultLighting(); // enable default lightning, useful for quick prototyping var debugEffectCompilerResult = new EffectCompiler().CompileFromFile("shaders/debug_solid.hlsl", EffectCompilerFlags.Debug); debugEffect = new Effect(graphicsDevice, debugEffectCompilerResult.EffectData, graphicsDevice.DefaultEffectPool); debugBatch = new PrimitiveBatch<VertexPositionColor>(graphicsDevice); }
public void DrawOrientedBoundingBox(OrientedBoundingBox obb, Vector4 color, float scale = 1.01f) { var worldMatrix = Matrix.Scaling(obb.Extents * 2) * Matrix.Scaling(scale) * obb.Transformation; DrawCube(worldMatrix, color, true); }
public void SetVertices(OrientedBoundingBox boundingBox, GraphicsDevice Graphics) { //BoundingBoxBuffers boundingBoxBuffers = new BoundingBoxBuffers(); this.device = Graphics; this.PrimitiveCount = 24; this.VertexCount = 48; VertexBuffer vertexBuffer = new VertexBuffer(device, typeof(VertexPositionColor), this.VertexCount, BufferUsage.WriteOnly); const float ratio = 5.0f; Vector3 xOffset = new Vector3((boundingBox.HalfExtent.X) / ratio, 0, 0); Vector3 yOffset = new Vector3(0, (boundingBox.HalfExtent.Y) / ratio, 0); Vector3 zOffset = new Vector3(0, 0, (boundingBox.HalfExtent.Z) / ratio); Vector3[] corners = boundingBox.GetRotatedCorners(); // Corner 1. AddVertex(verticesList, corners[0]); AddVertex(verticesList, corners[1]); AddVertex(verticesList, corners[0]); AddVertex(verticesList, corners[4]); AddVertex(verticesList, corners[0]); AddVertex(verticesList, corners[3]); // Corner 2. AddVertex(verticesList, corners[1]); AddVertex(verticesList, corners[2]); AddVertex(verticesList, corners[1]); AddVertex(verticesList, corners[5]); AddVertex(verticesList, corners[1]); AddVertex(verticesList, corners[0]); // Corner 3. AddVertex(verticesList, corners[2]); AddVertex(verticesList, corners[3]); AddVertex(verticesList, corners[2]); AddVertex(verticesList, corners[6]); AddVertex(verticesList, corners[2]); AddVertex(verticesList, corners[1]); // Corner 4. AddVertex(verticesList, corners[3]); AddVertex(verticesList, corners[0]); AddVertex(verticesList, corners[3]); AddVertex(verticesList, corners[7]); AddVertex(verticesList, corners[3]); AddVertex(verticesList, corners[2]); // Corner 5. AddVertex(verticesList, corners[4]); AddVertex(verticesList, corners[5]); AddVertex(verticesList, corners[4]); AddVertex(verticesList, corners[0]); AddVertex(verticesList, corners[4]); AddVertex(verticesList, corners[7]); // Corner 6. AddVertex(verticesList, corners[5]); AddVertex(verticesList, corners[6]); AddVertex(verticesList, corners[5]); AddVertex(verticesList, corners[1]); AddVertex(verticesList, corners[5]); AddVertex(verticesList, corners[4]); // Corner 7. AddVertex(verticesList, corners[6]); AddVertex(verticesList, corners[7]); AddVertex(verticesList, corners[6]); AddVertex(verticesList, corners[2]); AddVertex(verticesList, corners[6]); AddVertex(verticesList, corners[5]); // Corner 8. AddVertex(verticesList, corners[7]); AddVertex(verticesList, corners[4]); AddVertex(verticesList, corners[7]); AddVertex(verticesList, corners[3]); AddVertex(verticesList, corners[7]); AddVertex(verticesList, corners[6]); vertexBuffer.SetData(verticesList.ToArray()); this.Vertices = vertexBuffer; IndexBuffer indexBuffer = new IndexBuffer(device, IndexElementSize.SixteenBits, this.VertexCount, BufferUsage.WriteOnly); indexBuffer.SetData(Enumerable.Range(0, this.VertexCount).Select(i => (short)i).ToArray()); this.Indices = indexBuffer; }
public BoundingBoxBuffers(OrientedBoundingBox boundingBox, GraphicsDevice Graphics, Color LineColor) { this.LineColor = LineColor; SetVertices(boundingBox, Graphics); }
public void Initialize() { bounds = new OrientedBoundingBox(-Vector3.One / 2, Vector3.One / 2); bounds.Translate(new Vector3(0, 0, 2)); }
protected void IntersectionModule_Intialize() { Collider collider = GetComponentInChildren<Collider>(); orientedBoundingBox = new OrientedBoundingBox(transform, collider); GenerateQuickCastTriangles(); }
public BoundingBoxBuffers(OrientedBoundingBox boundingBox, GraphicsDevice Graphics) { SetVertices(boundingBox, Graphics); }