/// <summary> /// Upgrades oriented brush (v1.x) into an oriented brush (v2.x). /// </summary> /// <param name="record">Record for existing v1.x brush.</param> private void UpgradeOrientedBrush(RtsBrushAssetRecordWrapper record) { if (useNewAssets) { // Is this the original "Smooth Platform" master brushes? if (record.assetPath == "Assets/Rotorz Tile System/Brushes/Smooth Platform.prefab" || record.assetPath == "Assets/Rotorz Tile System/Brushes/Smooth Platform (Join).prefab" || record.assetPath == "Assets/Rotorz Tile System/Brushes/Smooth Platform (Small).prefab") { // This is a special case that can be switched to new version // if it was imported. OrientedBrush newMasterBrush = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath("Assets/Rotorz/Tile System/TileBrushes/Master/" + record.displayName + ".brush.asset", typeof(OrientedBrush)) as OrientedBrush; if (newMasterBrush != null) { RtsUpgradedBrushMap.BrushMappings.SetMapping(record.brush, newMasterBrush); return; } // If new version was not found then just proceed to upgrade // existing version. } // Is this one of the original demo brushes? else if (record.assetPath == "Assets/Rotorz Tile System/_Demos/TilePrefabs/Diamond.prefab" || record.assetPath == "Assets/Rotorz Tile System/_Demos/TilePrefabs/Hat Guy.prefab" || record.assetPath == "Assets/Rotorz Tile System/_Demos/TilePrefabs/Steel Brick.prefab") { // This is a special case that can be switched to new version // if it was imported. OrientedBrush newDemoBrush = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath("Assets/Rotorz/Tile System/Demo/Hat Guy/TileBrushes/" + record.displayName + ".brush.asset", typeof(OrientedBrush)) as OrientedBrush; if (newDemoBrush != null) { RtsUpgradedBrushMap.BrushMappings.SetMapping(record.brush, newDemoBrush); return; } // If new version was not found then just proceed to upgrade // existing version. } } Transform oldBrushTransform = record.brush.transform; OrientedBrush newBrush = BrushUtility.CreateOrientedBrush(record.displayName); newBrush.RemoveOrientation(newBrush.DefaultOrientationMask); List <Object> variations = new List <Object>(); RtsUpgradedBrushMap map = RtsUpgradedBrushMap.BrushMappings; // Copy orientations from old brush. for (int ti = 0; ti < oldBrushTransform.childCount; ++ti) { MonoBehaviour oldOrientation = oldBrushTransform.GetChild(ti).GetComponent(_tyTileBrushOrientation) as MonoBehaviour; if (oldOrientation == null) { continue; } Object[] oldVariations = (Object[])_fiTileBrushOrientation_variations.GetValue(oldOrientation); BrushOrientation newOrientation = newBrush.AddOrientation(OrientationUtility.MaskFromName(oldOrientation.name)); variations.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < oldVariations.Length; ++i) { if (oldVariations[i] == null) { continue; } Type variationType = oldVariations[i].GetType(); GameObject variationGO = oldVariations[i] as GameObject; Object variationBrush = null; // If game object is nested, check if it is a tile brush prefab! if (variationGO != null) { variationBrush = variationGO.GetComponent(_tyTileBrush); } // If variation is a tile brush then... else if (_tyTileBrush.IsAssignableFrom(variationType)) { variationBrush = oldVariations[i]; } // Need to isolate nested brushes! if (variationBrush != null) { // Note: This only works because oriented brushes are processed last, // and it is not possible to nest oriented brushes. // Use new version of brush! Brush replacementBrush = map.Lookup(variationBrush); if (replacementBrush != null) { variations.Add(replacementBrush); } } else if (variationGO != null) { variations.Add(variationGO); } } newOrientation.variations = variations.ToArray(); } newBrush.DefaultOrientationMask = OrientationUtility.MaskFromName((string)_fiOrientedTileBrush_defaultOrientation.GetValue(record.brush)); newBrush.FallbackMode = (FallbackMode)_fiOrientedTileBrush_fallbackMode.GetValue(record.brush); if (_fiTileBrush_coalesce != null) { newBrush.Coalesce = (Coalesce)_fiTileBrush_coalesce.GetValue(record.brush); } if (_fiTileBrush_coalesceTileGroup != null) { newBrush.CoalesceBrushGroup = (int)_fiTileBrush_coalesceTileGroup.GetValue(record.brush); } if (_fiOrientedTileBrush_forceOverrideFlags != null) { newBrush.forceOverrideFlags = (bool)_fiOrientedTileBrush_forceOverrideFlags.GetValue(record.brush); } FinalizeStandaloneBrush(record, newBrush); }
/// <summary> /// Upgrade tile system from v1.0.0-v1.0.8 to v2.0.0. /// </summary> /// <remarks> /// <para>Replicates upgrade process that was included in v1.0.9+ but converts straight /// to v2.0.0 instead of v1.0.9.</para> /// </remarks> /// <param name="v1">Old tile system.</param> public static void UpgradeTileSystemA(MonoBehaviour v1) { RtsUpgradedBrushMap map = RtsBrushUpgradeUtility.BrushMappings; EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("Upgrade Tile System", "Initializing new data structure...", 0.0f); try { PropertyInfo piTileData_hasGameObject = typeof(TileData).GetProperty("HasGameObject", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic); Vector3 tileSize = (Vector3)_fiTileSystem_tileSize.GetValue(v1); int rows = (int)_fiTileSystem_rows.GetValue(v1); int columns = (int)_fiTileSystem_columns.GetValue(v1); // Create v2.x tile system. TileSystem v2 = v1.gameObject.AddComponent <TileSystem>(); v2.CreateSystem(tileSize.x, tileSize.y, tileSize.z, rows, columns, 30, 30); CopyProperties(v1, v2); // Assume value that was consistent with original default settings v2.applyRuntimeStripping = true; v2.StrippingPreset = StrippingPreset.NoStripping; v2.BeginBulkEdit(); Component[] instanceComponents = v1.GetComponentsInChildren(_tyTileInstance, true); float task = 0.0f; float taskCount = instanceComponents.Length; float taskRatio = 1.0f / taskCount; TileData tile = new TileData(); // Retrieve all tile instance components foreach (MonoBehaviour instance in instanceComponents) { EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("Upgrade Tile System", "Processing tile data...", (task++) * taskRatio); int row = (int)_fiTileInstance_row.GetValue(instance); int column = (int)_fiTileInstance_column.GetValue(instance); tile.Clear(); // Create and assign tile data tile.brush = map.Lookup((Object)_piTileInstance_brush.GetValue(instance, null)); tile.orientationMask = (byte)OrientationUtility.MaskFromName((string)_fiTileInstance_orientationName.GetValue(instance)); tile.variationIndex = (byte)(int)_fiTileInstance_variationIndex.GetValue(instance); tile.Empty = false; tile.gameObject = instance.gameObject; piTileData_hasGameObject.SetValue(tile, true, null); v2.SetTileFrom(row, column, tile); Chunk chunk = v2.GetChunkFromTileIndex(row, column); ForceRepaintForAtlasTiles(v2.GetTile(row, column), chunk); if (instance == null) { continue; } // Cleanup original tile instance? if (!StrippingUtility.StripEmptyGameObject(instance.transform)) { // Reparent game object to its shiny new chunk! instance.gameObject.transform.parent = chunk.transform; } // Destroy unwanted tile instance component Object.DestroyImmediate(instance); } int count = v2.EndBulkEdit(); RemoveTileSystem(v1); if (count > 0) { Debug.Log(string.Format("Upgrade of tile system '{0}' completed and {1} tile(s) were force refreshed.", v2.name, count)); } else { Debug.Log(string.Format("Upgrade of tile system '{0}' completed.", v2.name)); } } finally { EditorUtility.ClearProgressBar(); } }