예제 #1
 /// <summary>
 /// Called when device orientation is changed.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="displayRotation">Orientation of current activity. Index enum is same as Android screen
 /// rotation standard.</param>
 /// <param name="colorCameraRotation">Orientation of current color camera sensor. Index enum is same as Android
 /// camera rotation standard.</param>
 private void _OnDisplayChanged(OrientationManager.Rotation displayRotation,
                                OrientationManager.Rotation colorCameraRotation)
     if (IsRendering)
         _SetRenderAndCamera(displayRotation, colorCameraRotation);
예제 #2
 public static extern int TangoSupport_getDepthAtPointNearestNeighbor(
     ref TangoPointCloudIntPtr point_cloud,
     ref DVector3 poitnCloudTranslation,
     ref DVector4 pointCloudOrientation,
     ref Vector2 uvCoordinatesInColorCamera,
     OrientationManager.Rotation display_rotation,
     ref DVector3 colorCameraTranslation,
     ref DVector4 colorCameraOrientation,
     out Vector3 outputPoint);
예제 #3
 public static extern int TangoSupport_fitPlaneModelNearPoint(
     ref TangoPointCloudIntPtr pointCloud,
     ref DVector3 pointCloudTranslation,
     ref DVector4 pointCloundOrientation,
     ref Vector2 uvCoordinates,
     OrientationManager.Rotation rotation,
     ref DVector3 cameraTranslation,
     ref DVector4 cameraOrientation,
     out DVector3 intersectionPoint,
     out DVector4 planeModel);
예제 #4
 public static int TangoSupport_getDepthAtPointNearestNeighbor(
     ref TangoPointCloudIntPtr point_cloud,
     ref DVector3 poitnCloudTranslation,
     ref DVector4 pointCloudOrientation,
     ref Vector2 uvCoordinatesInColorCamera,
     OrientationManager.Rotation display_rotation,
     ref DVector3 colorCameraTranslation,
     ref DVector4 colorCameraOrientation,
     out Vector3 outputPoint)
     outputPoint = Vector3.zero;
예제 #5
 public static int TangoSupport_fitPlaneModelNearPoint(
     ref TangoPointCloudIntPtr pointCloud,
     ref DVector3 pointCloudTranslation,
     ref DVector4 pointCloundOrientation,
     ref Vector2 uvCoordinates,
     OrientationManager.Rotation rotation,
     ref DVector3 cameraTranslation,
     ref DVector4 cameraOrientation,
     out DVector3 intersectionPoint,
     out DVector4 planeModel)
     intersectionPoint = new DVector3();
     planeModel        = new DVector4();
예제 #6
    /// <summary>
    /// Update AR screen material with camera texture size data
    /// (and distortion parameters if using distortion post-process filter).
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="uOffset">U texcoord offset.</param>
    /// <param name="vOffset">V texcoord offset.</param>
    /// <param name="colorCameraRDisplay">Rotation of the display with respect to the color camera.</param>
    private static void _MaterialUpdateForIntrinsics(
        float uOffset, float vOffset, OrientationManager.Rotation colorCameraRDisplay)
        Vector2[] uvs = new Vector2[4];
        uvs[0] = new Vector2(0 + uOffset, 0 + vOffset);
        uvs[1] = new Vector2(0 + uOffset, 1 - vOffset);
        uvs[2] = new Vector2(1 - uOffset, 0 + vOffset);
        uvs[3] = new Vector2(1 - uOffset, 1 - vOffset);

        for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
            uvs[i] = _GetUnityUvBasedOnRotation(uvs[i], colorCameraRDisplay);

예제 #7
    /// @endcond
    /// <summary>
    /// Rotate color camera render material's UV based on the color camera orientation and current activity orientation.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="uv">Input UV.</param>
    /// <param name="colorCamerRDisplay">Combined rotation index with color camera sensor and activity rotation.</param>
    /// <returns>Converted UV in Vector2.</returns>
    private static Vector2 _GetUnityUvBasedOnRotation(Vector2 uv, OrientationManager.Rotation colorCamerRDisplay)
        switch (colorCamerRDisplay)
        case OrientationManager.Rotation.ROTATION_270:
            return(new Vector2(1 - uv.y, 1 - uv.x));

        case OrientationManager.Rotation.ROTATION_180:
            return(new Vector2(1 - uv.x, 0 + uv.y));

        case OrientationManager.Rotation.ROTATION_90:
            return(new Vector2(0 + uv.y, 0 + uv.x));

            return(new Vector2(0 + uv.x, 1 - uv.y));
예제 #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Update current additional rotation matrix based on the display orientation and color camera orientation.
        /// Not that m_colorCameraPoseRotation will need to compensate the rotation with physical color camera.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="displayRotation">Orientation of current activity. Index enum is same same as Android screen
        /// orientation standard.</param>
        /// <param name="colorCameraRotation">Orientation of current color camera sensor. Index enum is same as Android
        /// camera orientation standard.</param>
        public static void UpdatePoseMatrixFromDeviceRotation(OrientationManager.Rotation displayRotation,
                                                              OrientationManager.Rotation colorCameraRotation)
            Tango.OrientationManager.Rotation r = RotateFromAToB(displayRotation, colorCameraRotation);

            switch (r)
            case Tango.OrientationManager.Rotation.ROTATION_90:
                m_colorCameraPoseRotation = ROTATION90_T_DEFAULT;

            case Tango.OrientationManager.Rotation.ROTATION_180:
                m_colorCameraPoseRotation = ROTATION180_T_DEFAULT;

            case Tango.OrientationManager.Rotation.ROTATION_270:
                m_colorCameraPoseRotation = ROTATION270_T_DEFAULT;

                m_colorCameraPoseRotation = Matrix4x4.identity;

            switch (displayRotation)
            case Tango.OrientationManager.Rotation.ROTATION_90:
                m_devicePoseRotation = ROTATION90_T_DEFAULT;

            case Tango.OrientationManager.Rotation.ROTATION_180:
                m_devicePoseRotation = ROTATION180_T_DEFAULT;

            case Tango.OrientationManager.Rotation.ROTATION_270:
                m_devicePoseRotation = ROTATION270_T_DEFAULT;

                m_devicePoseRotation = Matrix4x4.identity;
예제 #9
    /// <summary>
    /// Update AR screen rendering and attached Camera's projection matrix.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="displayRotation">Activity (screen) rotation.</param>
    /// <param name="colorCameraRotation">Color camera sensor rotation.</param>
    private void _SetRenderAndCamera(OrientationManager.Rotation displayRotation,
                                     OrientationManager.Rotation colorCameraRotation)
        float cameraWidth  = (float)Screen.width;
        float cameraHeight = (float)Screen.height;

        #pragma warning disable 0219
        // Here we are computing if current display orientation is landscape or portrait.
        // AndroidHelper.GetAndroidDefaultOrientation() returns 1 if device default orientation is in portrait,
        // returns 2 if device default orientation is landscape. Adding device default orientation with
        // how much the display is rotated from default orientation will get us the result of current display
        // orientation. (landscape vs. portrait)
        bool  isLandscape           = (AndroidHelper.GetDefaultOrientation() + (int)displayRotation) % 2 == 0;
        bool  needToFlipCameraRatio = false;
        float cameraRatio           = (float)Screen.width / (float)Screen.height;
        #pragma warning restore 0219

        // In most cases, we don't need to flip the camera width and height. However, in some cases Unity camera
        // only updates a couple of frames after the display changed callback from Android; thus, we need to flip the width
        // and height in this case.
        // This does not happen in the editor, because the emulated device does not ever rotate.
        needToFlipCameraRatio = (!isLandscape & (cameraRatio > 1.0f)) || (isLandscape & (cameraRatio < 1.0f));

        if (needToFlipCameraRatio)
            cameraRatio = 1.0f / cameraRatio;
            float tmp = cameraWidth;
            cameraWidth  = cameraHeight;
            cameraHeight = tmp;

        TangoCameraIntrinsics alignedIntrinsics = new TangoCameraIntrinsics();
        TangoCameraIntrinsics intrinsics        = new TangoCameraIntrinsics();

        if (alignedIntrinsics.width != 0 && alignedIntrinsics.height != 0)
            // The camera to which this script is attached is an Augmented Reality camera.  The color camera
            // image must fill that camera's viewport.  That means we must clip the color camera image to make
            // its ratio the same as the Unity camera.  If we don't do this the color camera image will be
            // stretched non-uniformly, making a circle into an ellipse.
            float widthRatio  = (float)cameraWidth / (float)alignedIntrinsics.width;
            float heightRatio = (float)cameraHeight / (float)alignedIntrinsics.height;

            if (widthRatio >= heightRatio)
                m_uOffset = 0;
                m_vOffset = (1 - (heightRatio / widthRatio)) / 2;
                m_uOffset = (1 - (widthRatio / heightRatio)) / 2;
                m_vOffset = 0;

            // Note that here we are passing in non-inverted intrinsics, because the YUV conversion is still operating
            // on native buffer layout.
            OrientationManager.Rotation rotation = TangoSupport.RotateFromAToB(displayRotation, colorCameraRotation);
            _MaterialUpdateForIntrinsics(m_uOffset, m_vOffset, rotation);
            _CameraUpdateForIntrinsics(m_camera, alignedIntrinsics, m_uOffset, m_vOffset);
            if (m_arCameraPostProcess != null)
            Debug.LogError("AR Camera intrinsic is not valid.");