public IHttpActionResult UpdateAdminUserForParent(JObject jsonResult) { var data = ""; var identity = MyAuthorizationServerProvider.AuthenticateUser(); if (identity != null) { string Message = string.Empty; UserBO objUser = new UserBO(); if (identity.Role == ConstantMessages.Roles.companyadmin || identity.Role == ConstantMessages.Roles.superadmin) { int ChildUserID = 0; if (jsonResult.SelectToken("UserID") != null && jsonResult.SelectToken("UserID").ToString().Trim() != "") { ChildUserID = (int)jsonResult.SelectToken("UserID"); if (ValidateUserDetails(identity.Role, identity.CompId, jsonResult, out Message, out objUser, "update", ChildUserID)) { objUser.UserID = identity.UserID; objUser.CompId = identity.CompId; objUser.Role = identity.Role; var ds = OrganizationBL.CreateUpdateAdminUser(objUser, 2, ChildUserID); if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0 && ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["ReturnCode"].ToString() == "1") { data = Utility.ConvertDataSetToJSONString(ds.Tables[0]); data = Utility.Successful(data); } else if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { data = Utility.ConvertDataSetToJSONString(ds.Tables[0]); data = Utility.Failed(data); } else { data = Utility.API_Status("0", ConstantMessages.WebServiceLog.GenericErrorMsg); } } else { data = Utility.API_Status("2", Message); } } else { data = Utility.API_Status("2", "Please provide UserID"); } } else { data = Utility.API_Status("3", "You do not have access for this functionality"); } } else { data = Utility.AuthenticationError(); } return(new APIResult(Request, data)); }
public IHttpActionResult CreateAdminUser(JObject jsonResult) { var data = ""; var identity = MyAuthorizationServerProvider.AuthenticateUser(); if (identity != null) { string Message = string.Empty; UserBO objUser = new UserBO(); if (identity.Role == ConstantMessages.Roles.superadmin)//identity.Role == ConstantMessages.Roles.companyadmin || { if (ValidateUserDetails(identity.Role, identity.CompId, jsonResult, out Message, out objUser, "create", Convert.ToInt32(identity.UserID))) { objUser.UserID = identity.UserID; objUser.CompId = identity.CompId; objUser.Role = identity.Role; var ds = OrganizationBL.CreateUpdateAdminUser(objUser, 1, 0); if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0 && ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["ReturnCode"].ToString() == "1") { data = Utility.ConvertDataSetToJSONString(ds.Tables[0]); data = Utility.Successful(data); EmailHelper.GetEmailContent(Convert.ToInt32(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["InsertedID"]), 0, EmailHelper.Functionality.CREATE_ORG, "", ""); } else if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { data = Utility.ConvertDataSetToJSONString(ds.Tables[0]); data = Utility.Failed(data); } else { data = Utility.API_Status("0", "No data found"); } } else { data = Utility.API_Status("2", Message); } } else { data = Utility.API_Status("3", "You do not have access for this functionality"); } } else { data = Utility.AuthenticationError(); } return(new APIResult(Request, data)); }