public override MuninnPageCache CreatePageCache(PageSwapperFactory swapperFactory, int maxPages, PageCacheTracer tracer, PageCursorTracerSupplier cursorTracerSupplier, VersionContextSupplier contextSupplier, JobScheduler jobScheduler) { long memory = MuninnPageCache.MemoryRequiredForPages(maxPages); _allocator = MemoryAllocator.createAllocator(memory.ToString(), new LocalMemoryTracker()); return(new MuninnPageCache(swapperFactory, _allocator, tracer, cursorTracerSupplier, contextSupplier, jobScheduler)); }
public static PageCache CreatePageCache(FileSystemAbstraction fileSystem, JobScheduler jobScheduler) { SingleFilePageSwapperFactory factory = new SingleFilePageSwapperFactory(); factory.Open(fileSystem, Configuration.EMPTY); PageCacheTracer cacheTracer = PageCacheTracer.NULL; DefaultPageCursorTracerSupplier cursorTracerSupplier = DefaultPageCursorTracerSupplier.INSTANCE; VersionContextSupplier versionContextSupplier = EmptyVersionContextSupplier.EMPTY; MemoryAllocator memoryAllocator = MemoryAllocator.createAllocator("8 MiB", GlobalMemoryTracker.INSTANCE); return(new MuninnPageCache(factory, memoryAllocator, cacheTracer, cursorTracerSupplier, versionContextSupplier, jobScheduler)); }
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes: //ORIGINAL LINE: @Test void veryLargePageListsMustBeFullyAccessible() internal virtual void VeryLargePageListsMustBeFullyAccessible() { // We need roughly 2 GiBs of memory for the meta-data here, which is why this is an IT and not a Test. // We add one extra page worth of data to the size here, to avoid ending up on a "convenient" boundary. int pageSize = ( int )ByteUnit.kibiBytes(8); long pageCacheSize = ByteUnit.gibiBytes(513) + pageSize; int pages = Math.toIntExact(pageCacheSize / pageSize); MemoryAllocator mman = MemoryAllocator.createAllocator("2 GiB", GlobalMemoryTracker.INSTANCE); SwapperSet swappers = new SwapperSet(); long victimPage = VictimPageReference.GetVictimPage(pageSize, GlobalMemoryTracker.INSTANCE); PageList pageList = new PageList(pages, pageSize, mman, swappers, victimPage, Long.BYTES); // Verify we end up with the correct number of pages. assertThat(pageList.PageCount, @is(pages)); // Spot-check the accessibility in the bulk of the pages. IntStream.range(0, pages / 32).parallel().forEach(id => verifyPageMetaDataIsAccessible(pageList, id * 32)); // Thoroughly check the accessibility around the tail end of the page list. IntStream.range(pages - 2000, pages).parallel().forEach(id => verifyPageMetaDataIsAccessible(pageList, id)); }