예제 #1
        public ActionResult Create1(int id, int storeid, int localid, Orderedpizzas ordpizz)
            storeid = storeidy;
            id      = idy;
            localid = localidy;
                DateTime newtime = DateTime.Now;

                PizzaWebApp.Models.Orderdetails neworder = new PizzaWebApp.Models.Orderdetails()
                    Customerid = id,
                    Storeid    = storeid,
                    Locationid = localid,
                    Dateplaced = newtime,
                    Totalcost  = ordpizz.Pizzascost,
                PizzaWebApp.Models.Orderdetails order = Repo.Getorderbytime(newtime);
                ordpizz.Orderid = order.Orderid;

        static void Main(string[] args)
            var optionsBuilder = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <PPDA.PizzaDBContext>();


            var options   = optionsBuilder.Options;
            var dbContext = new PPDA.PizzaDBContext(options);
            IPizzaRepository PizzaRepository = new PPDA.PizzaRepository(dbContext);

            Console.WriteLine("Customer(C or c) or Employee(E or e)?:");
            var core = Console.ReadLine();

            if (core == "C" || core == "c")
                Console.WriteLine("What is your username?:");
                var custname = Console.ReadLine();

                var custuser = new Customer();
                var custlist = PizzaRepository.Getcustomers().ToList();     //grabs customers
                for (var i = 0; i < custlist.Count(); i++)
                    //throw excpetion
                    if (custname == custlist[i].Username)
                        custuser = custlist[i];
                        //throw exception
                custuser.Deflocation = PizzaRepository.Grablocation(custuser.Deflocationid);

                Console.WriteLine("Would you like to place an order(O or o):");
                Console.WriteLine("Would you like to display your history(S or s):");
                var custinput = Console.ReadLine();
                if (custinput == "O" || custinput == "o")
                    var neworder = new Orderdetails();                    //new order
                    var local2   = new Location();

                    neworder.Customerid = custuser.Userid;                  //custid for order
                    Console.WriteLine("Use default location(D or d):");
                    Console.WriteLine("New location?(N or n):");
                    var localinput = Console.ReadLine();
                    if (localinput == "D" || localinput == "d")
                        neworder.Locationid = custuser.Deflocationid;       // localid for order
                        local2 = PizzaRepository.Grablocation(neworder.Locationid);
                        var newlocal = new Location();
                        Console.WriteLine("Enter street:");
                        var newstreet = Console.ReadLine();
                        Console.WriteLine("Enter City");
                        var newcity = Console.ReadLine();
                        Console.WriteLine("Enter State");
                        var newstate = Console.ReadLine();
                        newlocal.Street = newstreet;
                        newlocal.State  = newstate;
                        newlocal.City   = newcity;

                        PizzaRepository.Save();                         //new local
                        local2 = PizzaRepository.Getlocations().Last();

                        neworder.Locationid = local2.Locationid;        //localid fro order
                    Console.WriteLine("Which Store?");
                    Console.WriteLine("Pizza Palace North(N or n):");
                    Console.WriteLine("Pizza Palace Central(C or c):");
                    var storeinput = Console.ReadLine();

                    var storelist  = PizzaRepository.Getpizzastores().ToList();
                    var pizzastore = new Pizzastore();
                    var ppinput    = "";
                    if (storeinput == "N" || storeinput == "n")
                        ppinput = "Pizza Palace North";
                        for (var i = 0; i < storelist.Count(); i++)
                            if (ppinput == storelist[i].Name)
                                pizzastore = storelist[i];
                        ppinput = "Pizza Palace Central";
                        for (var i = 0; i < storelist.Count(); i++)
                            if (ppinput == storelist[i].Name)
                                pizzastore = storelist[i];
                    neworder.Storeid = pizzastore.Storeid;          //store id for order

                    Console.WriteLine("How many pizzas would you like Pizzas($6.75 each)(less than 12):");
                    int pizzacount = Int32.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
                    while (pizzacount > 12 || pizzacount < 1)
                        Console.WriteLine("Quit messing, how many would you really like:");
                        pizzacount = Int32.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

                    var orderedpizzas = new Orderedpizzas();
                    orderedpizzas.Pizzascost = pizzacount * 6.75;
                    neworder.Totalcost       = orderedpizzas.Pizzascost;
                    Console.WriteLine("How many Meatlovers would you like:");
                    int mlscount = Int32.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
                    while (mlscount > pizzacount)
                        Console.WriteLine("Too many! Try again.");
                        mlscount = Int32.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
                    if (mlscount > 0)
                        orderedpizzas.Meatlover    = "meatlover";
                        orderedpizzas.Meatloverqty = mlscount;
                    pizzacount = pizzacount - mlscount;
                    if (pizzacount > 0)
                        Console.WriteLine("How many Supreme would you like:");
                        int supcount = Int32.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
                        while (supcount > pizzacount)
                            Console.WriteLine("Too many! Try again.");
                            supcount = Int32.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
                        if (supcount > 0)
                            orderedpizzas.Supreme    = "supreme";
                            orderedpizzas.Supremeqty = supcount;
                        pizzacount = pizzacount - supcount;
                        if (pizzacount > 0)
                            Console.WriteLine("How many Hawaiian would you like:");
                            int hawcount = Int32.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
                            while (hawcount > pizzacount)
                                Console.WriteLine("Too many! Try again.");
                                hawcount = Int32.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
                            if (hawcount > 0)
                                orderedpizzas.Hawaiian    = "hawaiian";
                                orderedpizzas.Hawaiianqty = hawcount;
                            pizzacount = pizzacount - hawcount;
                        if (pizzacount > 0)
                            Console.WriteLine("How many Margherita would you like:");
                            int marcount = Int32.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
                            while (marcount > pizzacount)
                                Console.WriteLine("Too many! Try again.");
                                marcount = Int32.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
                            if (marcount > 0)
                                orderedpizzas.Margherita    = "margherita";
                                orderedpizzas.Margheritaqty = marcount;
                            pizzacount = pizzacount - marcount;
                    neworder.Dateplaced = DateTime.Now;

                    orderedpizzas = PizzaRepository.Getopids().Last();
                    neworder.Opid = orderedpizzas.Orderedpizzasid;
                    neworder = PizzaRepository.Getorders().Last();
                    // neworder.Opid = orderedpizzas.Orderedpizzasid;

                    var newhistory = new History();
                    newhistory.Userid  = custuser.Userid;
                    newhistory.Storeid = pizzastore.Storeid;        ////////////////////////////////////
                    newhistory.Orderid = neworder.Orderid;
                    /////display order
                    Console.WriteLine("\nYour Receipt:\n");
                    Console.WriteLine($"{local2.Street}, {local2.City}, {local2.State}\n");
                    Console.WriteLine($"Courtesy of {pizzastore.Name}\n");
                    Console.WriteLine($"You ordered: {orderedpizzas.Meatloverqty} Meatlovers," +
                                      $" {orderedpizzas.Hawaiianqty} Hawaiian, {orderedpizzas.Supremeqty} Supreme, " +
                                      $"{orderedpizzas.Margheritaqty}, Margherita\n");
                    Console.WriteLine($"Total: {neworder.Totalcost}\n");
                    Console.WriteLine($"Date Placed: {neworder.Dateplaced}");
                    /////display order
                    var historylist = PizzaRepository.Gethistory().ToList();
                    var userhistory = new List <History>();
                    for (var i = 0; i < historylist.Count(); i++)
                        if (custuser.Userid == historylist[i].Userid)
                    Console.WriteLine("\nYour history:\n");

                    for (var i = 0; i < userhistory.Count(); i++)
                        var userstore = PizzaRepository.Grabstore(userhistory[i].Storeid);
                        Console.WriteLine($"Ordered from: {userstore.Name}\n");
                        var userorder    = PizzaRepository.Graborder(userhistory[i].Orderid);
                        var userlocation = PizzaRepository.Grablocation(userorder.Locationid);
                        Console.WriteLine($"Ordered to {userlocation.Street}, {userlocation.City}, {userlocation.State}\n");
                        double pizzasnum = userorder.Totalcost / 6.75;
                        Console.WriteLine($"Placed {pizzasnum} # of Pizzas at a cost of {userorder.Totalcost}\n\n");
            else                // if your an employee
                Console.WriteLine("Which location?:");
                Console.WriteLine("Pizza Palace North (N or n) or Pizza Palace Central(C or c):");
                var    empinput = Console.ReadLine();
                var    newstore = new Pizzastore();
                string storename;

                if (empinput == "N" || empinput == "n")
                    storename = "Pizza Palace North";
                    var storelist = PizzaRepository.Getpizzastores().ToList();
                    for (var i = 0; i < storelist.Count(); i++)
                        if (storename == storelist[i].Name)
                            newstore = storelist[i];

                    Console.WriteLine("\nWould you like to search users(U or u):");
                    Console.WriteLine("Would you like to search history(H or h):");
                    Console.WriteLine("Would you like to check inventory(I or i):\n");
                    empinput = Console.ReadLine();
                    if (empinput == "U" || empinput == "u")
                        var user = new Customer();
                        Console.WriteLine("what is their username?:");
                        var username = Console.ReadLine();
                        user = PizzaRepository.Grabcustomer(username);
                        var deflocation = PizzaRepository.Grablocation(user.Deflocationid);
                        Console.WriteLine("\nTheir default location: ");
                        Console.WriteLine($"{deflocation.Street}, {deflocation.City}, {deflocation.State}\n");
                        var allhistory  = PizzaRepository.Gethistory().ToList();
                        var userhistory = new List <History>();
                        for (var i = 0; i < allhistory.Count(); i++)
                            if (user.Userid == allhistory[i].Userid && newstore.Storeid == allhistory[i].Storeid)
                        Console.WriteLine($"And they've ordered from {storename}: {userhistory.Count()} times");
                    else if (empinput == "H" || empinput == "h")
                        var allhistory      = PizzaRepository.Gethistory().ToList();
                        var locationhistory = new List <History>();

                        for (var i = 0; i < allhistory.Count(); i++)
                            if (newstore.Storeid == allhistory[i].Storeid)

                        Console.WriteLine("How would you like to display history?");
                        Console.WriteLine("By earliest(E or e), by latest(L or l)");
                        Console.WriteLine("by cheapest(C or c), or by most expensive(M or m)");
                        var dispinput        = Console.ReadLine();
                        var locationdelivery = new Location();
                        var storeuser        = new Customer();
                        var storeorder       = new Orderdetails();
                        if (dispinput == "E" || dispinput == "e")
                            Console.WriteLine($"\n{storename} history by Earliest:\n");
                            for (var i = 0; i < locationhistory.Count(); i++)
                                storeuser        = PizzaRepository.Grabcustomerbyid(locationhistory[i].Userid);
                                storeorder       = PizzaRepository.Graborder(locationhistory[i].Orderid);
                                locationdelivery = PizzaRepository.Grablocation(storeorder.Locationid);
                                Console.WriteLine($"Delivered to: {locationdelivery.Street}, " +
                                                  $"{locationdelivery.City}, {locationdelivery.State}\n");
                                double count = storeorder.Totalcost / 6.75;
                                Console.WriteLine($"{storeuser.Username} ordered {count} pizzas at a cost " +
                                                  $"of {storeorder.Totalcost} on {storeorder.Dateplaced}\n");
                        else if (dispinput == "L" || dispinput == "l")
                            Console.WriteLine($"\n{storename} history by Latest:\n");
                            for (var i = locationhistory.Count() - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                                storeuser        = PizzaRepository.Grabcustomerbyid(locationhistory[i].Userid);
                                storeorder       = PizzaRepository.Graborder(locationhistory[i].Orderid);
                                locationdelivery = PizzaRepository.Grablocation(storeorder.Locationid);
                                Console.WriteLine($"Delivered to: {locationdelivery.Street}, " +
                                                  $"{locationdelivery.City}, {locationdelivery.State}\n");
                                double count = storeorder.Totalcost / 6.75;
                                Console.WriteLine($"{storeuser.Username} ordered {count} pizzas at a cost " +
                                                  $"of {storeorder.Totalcost} on {storeorder.Dateplaced}\n");
                        else if (dispinput == "C" || dispinput == "c")
                            //have location history
                            var orderlist = new List <Orderdetails>();
                            //var historybycheap = new List<>
                            for (var i = 0; i < locationhistory.Count(); i++)
                                //  Console.WriteLine("\n added order to order list\n");
                            var neworderlist = new List <Orderdetails>();
                            for (var i = 0; i < orderlist.Count(); i++)
                                // Console.WriteLine("loop of orderlist");
                                if (neworderlist.Count() == 0)
                                    var k = neworderlist.Count() - 1;

                                    for (var j = 0; j < neworderlist.Count(); j++)
                                        // Console.WriteLine("loop of neworderlist");

                                        if (orderlist[i].Totalcost < neworderlist[j].Totalcost)
                                            neworderlist.Insert(j, orderlist[i]);
                                            // Console.WriteLine("\n inserted order to neworderlist\n");
                                        else if (j == k)
                                            // Console.WriteLine("\n added order to neworderlist\n");
                            Console.WriteLine($"\n{storename} history by Cheapest:\n");
                            for (var i = 0; i < neworderlist.Count(); i++)
                                storeuser = PizzaRepository.Grabcustomerbyid(neworderlist[i].Customerid);
                                //   storeorder = PizzaRepository.Graborder(neworderlist[i].);
                                locationdelivery = PizzaRepository.Grablocation(neworderlist[i].Locationid);
                                Console.WriteLine($"Delivered to: {locationdelivery.Street}, " +
                                                  $"{locationdelivery.City}, {locationdelivery.State}\n");
                                double count = neworderlist[i].Totalcost / 6.75;
                                Console.WriteLine($"{storeuser.Username} ordered {count} pizzas at a cost " +
                                                  $"of {neworderlist[i].Totalcost} on {neworderlist[i].Dateplaced}\n");
                        else if (dispinput == "M" || dispinput == "m")
                            //have location history
                            var orderlist = new List <Orderdetails>();
                            //var historybycheap = new List<>
                            for (var i = 0; i < locationhistory.Count(); i++)
                            var neworderlist = new List <Orderdetails>();
                            for (var i = 0; i < orderlist.Count(); i++)
                                if (neworderlist.Count() == 0)
                                    for (var j = 0; j < neworderlist.Count(); j++)
                                        if (orderlist[i].Totalcost > neworderlist[j].Totalcost)
                                            neworderlist.Insert(j, orderlist[i]);
                                        else if (j == (neworderlist.Count() - 1))
                            Console.WriteLine($"\n{storename} history by Most Expensive:\n");
                            for (var i = 0; i < neworderlist.Count(); i++)
                                storeuser = PizzaRepository.Grabcustomerbyid(neworderlist[i].Customerid);
                                //   storeorder = PizzaRepository.Graborder(neworderlist[i].);
                                locationdelivery = PizzaRepository.Grablocation(neworderlist[i].Locationid);
                                Console.WriteLine($"Delivered to: {locationdelivery.Street}, " +
                                                  $"{locationdelivery.City}, {locationdelivery.State}\n");
                                double count = neworderlist[i].Totalcost / 6.75;
                                Console.WriteLine($"{storeuser.Username} ordered {count} pizzas at a cost " +
                                                  $"of {neworderlist[i].Totalcost} on {neworderlist[i].Dateplaced}\n");
                    else if (empinput == "I" || empinput == "i")
                        Console.WriteLine("Function not availabe (coming soon)");
                else if (empinput == "C" || empinput == "c")
                    storename = "Pizza Palace Central";
                    var storelist = PizzaRepository.Getpizzastores().ToList();
                    for (var i = 0; i < storelist.Count(); i++)
                        if (storename == storelist[i].Name)
                            newstore = storelist[i];

                    Console.WriteLine("\nWould you like to search users(U or u):");
                    Console.WriteLine("Would you like to search history(H or h):");
                    Console.WriteLine("Would you like to check inventory(I or i):\n");
                    empinput = Console.ReadLine();
                    if (empinput == "U" || empinput == "u")
                        var user = new Customer();
                        Console.WriteLine("what is their username?:");
                        var username = Console.ReadLine();
                        user = PizzaRepository.Grabcustomer(username);
                        var deflocation = PizzaRepository.Grablocation(user.Deflocationid);
                        Console.WriteLine("\nTheir default location: ");
                        Console.WriteLine($"{deflocation.Street}, {deflocation.City}, {deflocation.State}\n");
                        var allhistory  = PizzaRepository.Gethistory().ToList();
                        var userhistory = new List <History>();
                        for (var i = 0; i < allhistory.Count(); i++)
                            if (user.Userid == allhistory[i].Userid && newstore.Storeid == allhistory[i].Storeid)
                        Console.WriteLine($"And they've ordered from {storename}: {userhistory.Count()} times");
                    else if (empinput == "H" || empinput == "h")
                        var allhistory      = PizzaRepository.Gethistory().ToList();
                        var locationhistory = new List <History>();

                        for (var i = 0; i < allhistory.Count(); i++)
                            if (newstore.Storeid == allhistory[i].Storeid)

                        Console.WriteLine("How would you like to display history?");
                        Console.WriteLine("By earliest(E or e), by latest(L or l)");
                        Console.WriteLine("by cheapest(C or c), or by most expensive(M or m)");
                        var dispinput        = Console.ReadLine();
                        var locationdelivery = new Location();
                        var storeuser        = new Customer();
                        var storeorder       = new Orderdetails();
                        if (dispinput == "E" || dispinput == "e")
                            Console.WriteLine($"\n{storename} history by Earliest:\n");
                            for (var i = 0; i < locationhistory.Count(); i++)
                                storeuser        = PizzaRepository.Grabcustomerbyid(locationhistory[i].Userid);
                                storeorder       = PizzaRepository.Graborder(locationhistory[i].Orderid);
                                locationdelivery = PizzaRepository.Grablocation(storeorder.Locationid);
                                Console.WriteLine($"Delivered to: {locationdelivery.Street}, " +
                                                  $"{locationdelivery.City}, {locationdelivery.State}\n");
                                double count = storeorder.Totalcost / 6.75;
                                Console.WriteLine($"{storeuser.Username} ordered {count} pizzas at a cost " +
                                                  $"of {storeorder.Totalcost} on {storeorder.Dateplaced}\n");
                        else if (dispinput == "L" || dispinput == "l")
                            Console.WriteLine($"\n{storename} history by Latest:\n");
                            for (var i = locationhistory.Count() - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                                storeuser        = PizzaRepository.Grabcustomerbyid(locationhistory[i].Userid);
                                storeorder       = PizzaRepository.Graborder(locationhistory[i].Orderid);
                                locationdelivery = PizzaRepository.Grablocation(storeorder.Locationid);
                                Console.WriteLine($"Delivered to: {locationdelivery.Street}, " +
                                                  $"{locationdelivery.City}, {locationdelivery.State}\n");
                                double count = storeorder.Totalcost / 6.75;
                                Console.WriteLine($"{storeuser.Username} ordered {count} pizzas at a cost " +
                                                  $"of {storeorder.Totalcost} on {storeorder.Dateplaced}\n");
                        else if (dispinput == "C" || dispinput == "c")
                            //have location history
                            var orderlist = new List <Orderdetails>();
                            //var historybycheap = new List<>
                            for (var i = 0; i < locationhistory.Count(); i++)
                                Console.WriteLine("\n added order to order list\n");
                            var neworderlist = new List <Orderdetails>();
                            for (var i = 0; i < orderlist.Count(); i++)
                                Console.WriteLine("loop of orderlist");
                                if (neworderlist.Count() == 0)
                                    var k = neworderlist.Count() - 1;

                                    for (var j = 0; j < neworderlist.Count(); j++)
                                        Console.WriteLine("loop of neworderlist");

                                        if (orderlist[i].Totalcost < neworderlist[j].Totalcost)
                                            neworderlist.Insert(j, orderlist[i]);
                                            Console.WriteLine("\n inserted order to neworderlist\n");
                                        else if (j == k)
                                            Console.WriteLine("\n added order to neworderlist\n");
                            Console.WriteLine($"\n{storename} history by Cheapest:\n");
                            for (var i = 0; i < neworderlist.Count(); i++)
                                storeuser = PizzaRepository.Grabcustomerbyid(neworderlist[i].Customerid);
                                //   storeorder = PizzaRepository.Graborder(neworderlist[i].);
                                locationdelivery = PizzaRepository.Grablocation(neworderlist[i].Locationid);
                                Console.WriteLine($"Delivered to: {locationdelivery.Street}, " +
                                                  $"{locationdelivery.City}, {locationdelivery.State}\n");
                                double count = neworderlist[i].Totalcost / 6.75;
                                Console.WriteLine($"{storeuser.Username} ordered {count} pizzas at a cost " +
                                                  $"of {neworderlist[i].Totalcost} on {neworderlist[i].Dateplaced}\n");
                        else if (dispinput == "M" || dispinput == "m")
                            //have location history
                            var orderlist = new List <Orderdetails>();
                            //var historybycheap = new List<>
                            for (var i = 0; i < locationhistory.Count(); i++)
                            var neworderlist = new List <Orderdetails>();
                            for (var i = 0; i < orderlist.Count(); i++)
                                if (neworderlist.Count() == 0)
                                    for (var j = 0; j < neworderlist.Count(); j++)
                                        if (orderlist[i].Totalcost > neworderlist[j].Totalcost)
                                            neworderlist.Insert(j, orderlist[i]);
                                        else if (j == (neworderlist.Count() - 1))
                            Console.WriteLine($"\n{storename} history by Most Expensive:\n");
                            for (var i = 0; i < neworderlist.Count(); i++)
                                storeuser = PizzaRepository.Grabcustomerbyid(neworderlist[i].Customerid);
                                //   storeorder = PizzaRepository.Graborder(neworderlist[i].);
                                locationdelivery = PizzaRepository.Grablocation(neworderlist[i].Locationid);
                                Console.WriteLine($"Delivered to: {locationdelivery.Street}, " +
                                                  $"{locationdelivery.City}, {locationdelivery.State}\n");
                                double count = neworderlist[i].Totalcost / 6.75;
                                Console.WriteLine($"{storeuser.Username} ordered {count} pizzas at a cost " +
                                                  $"of {neworderlist[i].Totalcost} on {neworderlist[i].Dateplaced}\n");
                    else if (empinput == "I" || empinput == "i")
                        Console.WriteLine("Function not availabe (coming soon)");