public override void Submit()
            // string redirectUrl = string.Concat(GetConfigEntry("paymentGatewayUrl"), "?process_id=");
            string redirectUrl          = _configHelper.GetConfigEntry("paymentGatewayUrl");
            string redirectUrlProcessId = _configHelper.GetConfigEntry("paymentGatewayProcessIdUrl");
            string returnUrlApproved    = string.Concat(RootUrl, _configHelper.GetConfigEntry("paymentGatewayReturnUrlApproved"));
            string approvedUrl          = string.Format("{0}?Agency=Bancard&OrderId={1}&rsp=rsprdtc", returnUrlApproved, this.OrderNumber);
            string returnUrlDeclined    = string.Concat(RootUrl, _configHelper.GetConfigEntry("paymentGatewayReturnUrlCanceled"));
            string declinedUrl          = string.Format("{0}?Agency=Bancard&OrderId={1}", returnUrlDeclined, this.OrderNumber);
            string publicKey            = _configHelper.GetConfigEntry("public_key");
            string privateKey           = _configHelper.GetConfigEntry("private_Key");
            string dataProcessId        = string.Empty;
            string processId            = string.Empty;
            string token = string.Empty;

            NumberFormatInfo nfi = new NumberFormatInfo();

            nfi.NumberDecimalSeparator = ".";
            nfi.NumberGroupSeparator   = "";
            string amount = this._orderAmount.ToString("0.00", nfi);

            token = GenetateMD5(privateKey, OrderNumber.Remove(0, 2).TrimStart('0'), amount);

            dataProcessId = PrepareProcessIdData(publicKey, token, OrderNumber.Remove(0, 2).TrimStart('0'), amount, approvedUrl, declinedUrl);

            processId = getProcessId(dataProcessId);

            // Post and redirect to WebPay website

            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            sb.AppendFormat(@"<body onload='document.forms[""form""].submit()'>");
            sb.AppendFormat("<form name='form' action='{0}' method='get'>", redirectUrl);
            sb.AppendFormat("<input type='hidden' name='process_id' value='{0}'>", processId);


            string response = sb.ToString();

            PaymentGatewayInvoker.LogMessage(PaymentGatewayLogEntryType.Request, this.OrderNumber, this._distributorId, this._gatewayName, PaymentGatewayRecordStatusType.Unknown, response);

예제 #2
        public override void OnReceiveConclusion(string[] param)
            if (param.Length == 0x2E && uint.TryParse(param[0xA], out uint order) && OrderNumber.Remove(order.ToString()) && param[0xD].Equals("2") && uint.TryParse(param[9], out uint number) && double.TryParse(param[0x10], out double price))
                OrderNumber[number.ToString()] = price;

            else if ((param[8].Equals(Enum.GetName(typeof(TR), TR.SONBT001)) || param[8].Equals(Enum.GetName(typeof(TR), TR.CONET801))) && double.TryParse(param[0x3C], out double nPrice))
                OrderNumber[param[0x2D]] = nPrice;
                SendBalance?.Invoke(this, new SendSecuritiesAPI(param[0x67], param[0x6C]));
            else if (uint.TryParse(param[0x2F], out uint oNum) && OrderNumber.Remove(oNum.ToString()) && param[0x38].Equals("1") && uint.TryParse(param[0x2D], out uint nNum) && double.TryParse(param[0x3C], out double oPrice))
                OrderNumber[nNum.ToString()] = oPrice;
예제 #3
        public override void OnReceiveBalance(string[] param)
            var cme = param.Length > 0x1C;

            if (param[cme ? 0x33 : 0xB].Length == 8 && int.TryParse(param[cme ? 0x53 : 0xE], out int quantity) &&
                double.TryParse(param[cme ? 0x52 : 0xD], out double current) &&
                int.TryParse(param[cme ? 0x2D : 9], out int number) && OrderNumber.Remove(number.ToString()))
                var gb = param[cme ? 0x37 : 0x14];
                Current = current;
                          = gb.Equals("2") && Quantity >= 0 ? ((Purchase ?? 0D) * Quantity + current * quantity) / (quantity + Quantity) : (gb.Equals("1") && Quantity <= 0 ? (current * quantity - (Purchase ?? 0D) * Quantity) / (quantity - Quantity) : (Purchase ?? 0D));
                Quantity += gb.Equals("1") ? -quantity : quantity;
                Revenue   = (long)(current - Purchase) * Quantity * TransactionMultiplier;
                Rate      = (Quantity > 0 ? current / (double)Purchase : Purchase / (double)current) - 1;
            SendBalance?.Invoke(this, new SendSecuritiesAPI(new Tuple <string, string, int, dynamic, dynamic, long, double>(param[cme ? 0x33 : 0xB], param[cme ? 0x34 : 0xB], Quantity, Purchase, Current, Revenue, Rate)));
            SendBalance?.Invoke(this, new SendSecuritiesAPI(true));
예제 #4
        public override void OnReceiveConclusion(string[] param)
            switch (param[param.Length - 1])
            case "EU0":
            case "EU1":
                switch (param[37])
                case "HO01":
                    Console.WriteLine(param[37] + "_" + param.Length);

                case "CH01":
                    Console.WriteLine(param[37] + "_" + param.Length);
            if (param.Length == 0x2E && uint.TryParse(param[0xA], out uint order) && OrderNumber.Remove(order.ToString()) &&
                param[0xD].Equals("2") && uint.TryParse(param[9], out uint number) && double.TryParse(param[0x10], out double price))
                OrderNumber[number.ToString()] = price;

            else if ((param[8].Equals(Enum.GetName(typeof(TR), TR.SONBT001)) || param[8].Equals(Enum.GetName(typeof(TR), TR.CONET801))) &&
                     double.TryParse(param[0x3C], out double nPrice))
                OrderNumber[param[0x2D]] = nPrice;
                SendBalance?.Invoke(this, new SendSecuritiesAPI(param[0x67], param[0x6C]));
                WaitOrder = true;
            else if (param.Length > 0x38 && uint.TryParse(param[0x2F], out uint oNum) && OrderNumber.Remove(oNum.ToString()) &&
                     param[0x38].Equals("1") && uint.TryParse(param[0x2D], out uint nNum) && double.TryParse(param[0x3C], out double oPrice))
                OrderNumber[nNum.ToString()] = oPrice;
예제 #5
        public override void OnReceiveDrawChart(object sender, SendConsecutive e)
            if (GetCheckOnDate(e.Date))
            Trend.Push(Trend.Count > 0 ? EMA.Make(Line.Item3, Trend.Count, e.Price, Trend.Peek()) : EMA.Make(e.Price));
            Short.Push(Short.Count > 0 ? EMA.Make(Line.Item1, Short.Count, e.Price, Short.Peek()) : EMA.Make(e.Price));
            Long.Push(Long.Count > 0 ? EMA.Make(Line.Item2, Long.Count, e.Price, Long.Peek()) : EMA.Make(e.Price));

            if (e.Volume != 0 && e.Date.Length > 8 && Short.Count > 1 && Long.Count > 1)
                double popShort = Short.Pop(), popLong = Long.Pop(), gap = popShort - popLong - (Short.Peek() - Long.Peek());
                var date = e.Date.Substring(6, 4);

                if (date.CompareTo(Base.Start) > 0 && date.CompareTo(Base.Transmit) < 0 && Strategics is Catalog.TrendsToCashflow tc &&
                    DateTime.TryParseExact(e.Date.Substring(0, 12), Base.FullDateFormat, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, DateTimeStyles.None, out DateTime cInterval))
                    if (Balance.Quantity > tc.ReservationQuantity - 1 && (Offer ?? int.MaxValue) < e.Price &&
                        OrderNumber.Any(o => o.Key[0] == '8' && o.Value == e.Price - GetQuoteUnit(e.Price, Market)))
                        CumulativeFee    += (uint)(e.Price * tc.ReservationQuantity * (Commission + Base.Tax));
                        Balance.Revenue  += (long)((e.Price - (Balance.Purchase ?? 0D)) * tc.ReservationQuantity);
                        Balance.Quantity -= tc.ReservationQuantity;
                        var profit = OrderNumber.First(o => o.Key.StartsWith("8") && o.Value == e.Price - GetQuoteUnit(e.Price, Market));

                        if (OrderNumber.Remove(profit.Key))
                            Capital -= profit.Value * tc.ReservationQuantity;
                            Offer    = profit.Value;
                    else if ((Bid ?? int.MinValue) > e.Price && OrderNumber.Any(o => o.Key[0] == '7' && o.Value == e.Price + GetQuoteUnit(e.Price, Market)))
                        CumulativeFee += (uint)(e.Price * Commission * tc.ReservationQuantity);
                            = (double)((e.Price * tc.ReservationQuantity + (Balance.Purchase ?? 0D) * Balance.Quantity) / (Balance.Quantity + tc.ReservationQuantity));
                        Balance.Quantity += tc.ReservationQuantity;
                        var profit = OrderNumber.First(o => o.Key.StartsWith("7") && o.Value == e.Price + GetQuoteUnit(e.Price, Market));

                        if (OrderNumber.Remove(profit.Key))
                            Capital += profit.Value * tc.ReservationQuantity;
                            Bid      = profit.Value;
                    else if (Balance.Quantity > tc.TradingQuantity - 1 && OrderNumber.Any(o => o.Key[0] == '2' && o.Value == e.Price - GetQuoteUnit(e.Price, Market)))
                        CumulativeFee    += (uint)(e.Price * tc.TradingQuantity * (Commission + Base.Tax));
                        Balance.Revenue  += (long)((e.Price - (Balance.Purchase ?? 0D)) * tc.TradingQuantity);
                        Balance.Quantity -= tc.TradingQuantity;
                        var profit = OrderNumber.First(o => o.Key.StartsWith("2") && o.Value == e.Price - GetQuoteUnit(e.Price, Market));

                        if (OrderNumber.Remove(profit.Key))
                            Capital -= profit.Value * tc.TradingQuantity;
                    else if (OrderNumber.Any(o => o.Key.StartsWith("1") && o.Value == e.Price + GetQuoteUnit(e.Price, Market)))
                        CumulativeFee    += (uint)(e.Price * Commission * tc.TradingQuantity);
                        Balance.Purchase  = (double)((e.Price * tc.TradingQuantity + (Balance.Purchase ?? 0D) * Balance.Quantity) / (Balance.Quantity + tc.TradingQuantity));
                        Balance.Quantity += tc.TradingQuantity;
                        var profit = OrderNumber.First(o => o.Key.StartsWith("1") && o.Value == e.Price + GetQuoteUnit(e.Price, Market));

                        if (OrderNumber.Remove(profit.Key))
                            Capital += profit.Value * tc.TradingQuantity;
                    else if (Balance.Quantity > tc.TradingQuantity - 1 && OrderNumber.ContainsValue(e.Price) == false &&
                             e.Price > Trend.Peek() * (1 + tc.PositionRevenue) && e.Price > (Balance.Purchase ?? 0D) &&
                             gap < 0 && (tc.Interval == 0 || tc.Interval > 0 && cInterval.CompareTo(NextOrderTime) > 0))
                        var unit = GetQuoteUnit(e.Price, Market);

                        if (OrderNumber.ContainsValue(e.Price + unit) == false)
                            OrderNumber[Base.GetOrderNumber((int)OrderType.신규매도)] = e.Price + unit;

                        if (tc.Interval > 0)
                            NextOrderTime = Base.MeasureTheDelayTime(tc.Interval, cInterval);
                    else if (tc.TradingQuantity > 0 && OrderNumber.ContainsValue(e.Price) == false && e.Price < Trend.Peek() * (1 - tc.PositionAddition) &&
                             gap > 0 && (tc.Interval == 0 || tc.Interval > 0 && cInterval.CompareTo(NextOrderTime) > 0))
                        var unit = GetQuoteUnit(e.Price, Market);

                        if (OrderNumber.ContainsValue(e.Price - unit) == false)
                            OrderNumber[Base.GetOrderNumber((int)OrderType.신규매수)] = e.Price - unit;

                        if (tc.Interval > 0)
                            NextOrderTime = Base.MeasureTheDelayTime(tc.Interval, cInterval);
                else if (date.CompareTo(Base.Transmit) > 0 && Strategics is Catalog.TrendsToCashflow cf)
                    long revenue = Balance.Revenue - CumulativeFee, unrealize = (long)((e.Price - (Balance.Purchase ?? 0D)) * Balance.Quantity);
                    var  avg = EMA.Make(++Accumulative, revenue - TodayRevenue + unrealize - TodayUnrealize, Before);

                    if (cf.ReservationQuantity > 0 && Balance.Quantity > cf.ReservationQuantity - 1)
                        var stock = Market;
                        int quantity = Balance.Quantity / cf.ReservationQuantity, price = e.Price, sell = (int)((Balance.Purchase ?? 0D) * (1 + cf.ReservationRevenue)),
                            buy = (int)((Balance.Purchase ?? 0D) * (1 - cf.Addition)), upper = (int)(price * 1.3), lower = (int)(price * 0.7),
                            bPrice = Base.GetStartingPrice(lower, stock), sPrice = Base.GetStartingPrice(sell, stock);
                        sPrice = sPrice < lower ? lower + GetQuoteUnit(sPrice, stock) : sPrice;

                        while (sPrice < upper && quantity-- > 0)
                            OrderNumber[Base.GetOrderNumber((int)OrderType.예약매도)] = sPrice;

                            for (int i = 0; i < cf.Unit; i++)
                                sPrice += GetQuoteUnit(sPrice, stock);
                        while (bPrice < upper && bPrice < buy)
                            OrderNumber[Base.GetOrderNumber((int)OrderType.예약매수)] = bPrice;

                            for (int i = 0; i < cf.Unit; i++)
                                bPrice += GetQuoteUnit(bPrice, stock);
                        Bid   = OrderNumber.Count > 0 && OrderNumber.Any(o => o.Key.StartsWith("7")) ? OrderNumber.Where(o => o.Key.StartsWith("7")).Max(o => o.Value) : 0;
                        Offer = OrderNumber.Count > 0 && OrderNumber.Any(o => o.Key.StartsWith("8")) ? OrderNumber.Where(o => o.Key.StartsWith("8")).Min(o => o.Value) : 0;
                    SendMessage = new Catalog.Strategics.Statistics
                        Key        = string.Concat("TC.", cf.AnalysisType),
                        Date       = e.Date.Substring(0, 6),
                        Cumulative = revenue + unrealize,
                        Base       = SendMessage.Base > Capital ? SendMessage.Base : Capital,
                        Statistic  = (int)avg,
                        Price      = (int)Trend.Peek()
                    Before         = avg;
                    TodayRevenue   = revenue;
                    TodayUnrealize = unrealize;
예제 #6
        internal void OnReceiveTrendsInPrices(SendConsecutive e, double gap, double sShort, double sLong, double trend)
            var date = e.Date.Substring(6, 4);

            switch (strategics)
            case ScenarioAccordingToTrend st:
                if (e.Date.Length > 8 && date.CompareTo(start) > 0 && date.CompareTo(transmit) < 0 && DateTime.TryParseExact(e.Date.Substring(0, 12), format, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, DateTimeStyles.None, out DateTime interval))
                    if (NextOrderTime == null)
                        NextOrderTime = interval;

                    else if (Quantity > st.Quantity - 1 && OrderNumber.Any(o => o.Key.StartsWith("2") && o.Value == e.Price - GetQuoteUnit(e.Price, Market)))
                        CumulativeFee += (uint)(e.Price * st.Quantity * (Commission + tax));
                        Revenue       += (long)((e.Price - (Purchase ?? 0D)) * st.Quantity);
                        Quantity      -= st.Quantity;
                        var profit = OrderNumber.First(o => o.Key.StartsWith("2") && o.Value == e.Price - GetQuoteUnit(e.Price, Market));

                        if (OrderNumber.Remove(profit.Key) && Verify)
                            OnReceiveBalance(new string[]
                                string.Concat(interval.ToShortDateString(), " ", interval.ToLongTimeString()),
                        Base -= profit.Value * st.Quantity;
                    else if (OrderNumber.Any(o => o.Key.StartsWith("1") && o.Value == e.Price + GetQuoteUnit(e.Price, Market)))
                        CumulativeFee += (uint)(e.Price * Commission * st.Quantity);
                        Purchase       = (double)((e.Price * st.Quantity + (Purchase ?? 0D) * Quantity) / (Quantity + st.Quantity));
                        Quantity      += st.Quantity;
                        var profit = OrderNumber.First(o => o.Key.StartsWith("1") && o.Value == e.Price + GetQuoteUnit(e.Price, Market));

                        if (OrderNumber.Remove(profit.Key) && Verify)
                            OnReceiveBalance(new string[]
                                string.Concat(interval.ToShortDateString(), " ", interval.ToLongTimeString()),
                        Base += profit.Value * st.Quantity;
                    else if (Quantity > st.Quantity - 1 && OrderNumber.ContainsValue(e.Price) == false && e.Price > trend * (1 + st.ErrorRange) && e.Price > (Purchase ?? 0D) && gap < 0 && (st.IntervalInSeconds == 0 || st.IntervalInSeconds > 0 && interval.CompareTo(NextOrderTime) > 0))
                        var unit = GetQuoteUnit(e.Price, Market);

                        if (Verify && VerifyAmount > Quantity && DateTime.TryParseExact(e.Date.Substring(0, 12), format, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, DateTimeStyles.None, out DateTime dt))
                            OnReceiveConclusion(new string[]
                                string.Concat(OpenOrderType.신규매도, " ", dt.ToShortDateString(), " ", dt.ToLongTimeString(), " ", NextOrderTime),
                                (Purchase ?? 0D).ToString("N2"),
                                (e.Price + unit).ToString("N0"),
                                (Revenue - CumulativeFee).ToString("C0"),
                                OrderNumber.Max(o => o.Key)
                            VerifyAmount = Quantity;
                        if (OrderNumber.ContainsValue(e.Price + unit) == false)
                            OrderNumber[GetOrderNumber((int)OpenOrderType.신규매도)] = e.Price + unit;

                        if (st.IntervalInSeconds > 0)
                            NextOrderTime = MeasureTheDelayTime(st.IntervalInSeconds, interval);
                    else if (OrderNumber.ContainsValue(e.Price) == false && e.Price < trend * (1 - st.ErrorRange) && gap > 0 && (st.IntervalInSeconds == 0 || st.IntervalInSeconds > 0 && interval.CompareTo(NextOrderTime) > 0))
                        var unit = GetQuoteUnit(e.Price, Market);

                        if (Verify && VerifyAmount < Quantity && DateTime.TryParseExact(e.Date.Substring(0, 12), format, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, DateTimeStyles.None, out DateTime dt))
                            OnReceiveConclusion(new string[]
                                string.Concat(OpenOrderType.신규매수, " ", dt.ToShortDateString(), " ", dt.ToLongTimeString(), " ", NextOrderTime),
                                (Purchase ?? 0D).ToString("N2"),
                                (e.Price - unit).ToString("N0"),
                                (Revenue - CumulativeFee).ToString("C0"),
                                OrderNumber.Where(o => o.Key.StartsWith("1")).Max(o => o.Key)
                            VerifyAmount = Quantity;
                        if (OrderNumber.ContainsValue(e.Price - unit) == false)
                            OrderNumber[GetOrderNumber((int)OpenOrderType.신규매수)] = e.Price - unit;

                        if (st.IntervalInSeconds > 0)
                            NextOrderTime = MeasureTheDelayTime(st.IntervalInSeconds, interval);
                else if (date.CompareTo(transmit) > 0)
                    Count = 0;
                    long revenue = Revenue - CumulativeFee, unrealize = (long)((e.Price - (Purchase ?? 0D)) * Quantity);
                    var  avg = EMA.Make(++Accumulative, revenue - TodayRevenue + unrealize - TodayUnrealize, Before);
                    SendMessage = new Statistics
                        Date       = e.Date.Substring(0, 6),
                        Cumulative = (revenue + unrealize) / st.Quantity,
                        Base       = SendMessage.Base > Base / st.Quantity ? SendMessage.Base : Base / st.Quantity,
                        Statistic  = (int)(avg / st.Quantity),
                        Price      = e.Price
                    SendStocks?.Invoke(this, new SendHoldingStocks(e.Date, e.Price, sShort, sLong, trend, revenue + unrealize, (long)(Base > 0 ? Base : 0)));
                    Before         = avg;
                    TodayRevenue   = revenue;
                    TodayUnrealize = unrealize;

            case TrendsInStockPrices ts:
                if (e.Date.Length > 8 && date.CompareTo(start) > 0 && date.CompareTo(transmit) < 0)
                    if (Quantity > ts.Quantity - 1 && OrderNumber.Any(o => o.Key.StartsWith("2") && o.Value == e.Price - GetQuoteUnit(e.Price, Market)))
                        CumulativeFee += (uint)(e.Price * ts.Quantity * (Commission + tax));
                        Revenue       += (long)((e.Price - (Purchase ?? 0D)) * ts.Quantity);
                        Quantity      -= ts.Quantity;
                        var profit = OrderNumber.First(o => o.Key.StartsWith("2") && o.Value == e.Price - GetQuoteUnit(e.Price, Market));

                        if (OrderNumber.Remove(profit.Key) && Verify && DateTime.TryParseExact(e.Date.Substring(0, 12), format, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, DateTimeStyles.None, out DateTime dt))
                            OnReceiveBalance(new string[]
                                string.Concat(dt.ToShortDateString(), " ", dt.ToLongTimeString()),
                        Base -= profit.Value * ts.Quantity;
                    else if (OrderNumber.Any(o => o.Key.StartsWith("1") && o.Value == e.Price + GetQuoteUnit(e.Price, Market)))
                        CumulativeFee += (uint)(e.Price * Commission * ts.Quantity);
                        Purchase       = (double)((e.Price * ts.Quantity + (Purchase ?? 0D) * Quantity) / (Quantity + ts.Quantity));
                        Quantity      += ts.Quantity;
                        var profit = OrderNumber.First(o => o.Key.StartsWith("1") && o.Value == e.Price + GetQuoteUnit(e.Price, Market));

                        if (OrderNumber.Remove(profit.Key) && Verify && DateTime.TryParseExact(e.Date.Substring(0, 12), format, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, DateTimeStyles.None, out DateTime dt))
                            OnReceiveBalance(new string[]
                                string.Concat(dt.ToShortDateString(), " ", dt.ToLongTimeString()),
                        Base += profit.Value * ts.Quantity;
                    else if (Quantity > ts.Quantity - 1 && OrderNumber.ContainsValue(e.Price) == false && e.Price > trend * (1 + ts.RealizeProfit) && e.Price > (Purchase ?? 0D) && gap < 0)
                        var quote = 0;

                        for (int i = 0; i < ts.QuoteUnit; i++)
                            quote += GetQuoteUnit(e.Price, Market);

                        if (Verify && VerifyAmount > Quantity && DateTime.TryParseExact(e.Date.Substring(0, 12), format, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, DateTimeStyles.None, out DateTime dt))
                            OnReceiveConclusion(new string[]
                                string.Concat(OpenOrderType.신규매도, " ", dt.ToShortDateString(), " ", dt.ToLongTimeString()),
                                (Purchase ?? 0D).ToString("N2"),
                                (e.Price + quote).ToString("N0"),
                                (Revenue - CumulativeFee).ToString("C0"),
                                OrderNumber.Max(o => o.Key)
                            VerifyAmount = Quantity;
                        if (OrderNumber.ContainsValue(e.Price + quote) == false)
                            OrderNumber[GetOrderNumber((int)OpenOrderType.신규매도)] = e.Price + quote;
                    else if (OrderNumber.ContainsValue(e.Price) == false && e.Price < trend * (1 - ts.AdditionalPurchase) && gap > 0)
                        var quote = 0;

                        for (int i = 0; i < ts.QuoteUnit; i++)
                            quote += GetQuoteUnit(e.Price, Market);

                        if (Verify && VerifyAmount < Quantity && DateTime.TryParseExact(e.Date.Substring(0, 12), format, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, DateTimeStyles.None, out DateTime dt))
                            OnReceiveConclusion(new string[]
                                string.Concat(OpenOrderType.신규매수, " ", dt.ToShortDateString(), " ", dt.ToLongTimeString()),
                                (Purchase ?? 0D).ToString("N2"),
                                (e.Price - quote).ToString("N0"),
                                (Revenue - CumulativeFee).ToString("C0"),
                                OrderNumber.Where(o => o.Key.StartsWith("1")).Max(o => o.Key)
                            VerifyAmount = Quantity;
                        if (OrderNumber.ContainsValue(e.Price - quote) == false)
                            OrderNumber[GetOrderNumber((int)OpenOrderType.신규매수)] = e.Price - quote;
                else if (date.CompareTo(transmit) > 0)
                    Count = 0;
                    long revenue = Revenue - CumulativeFee, unrealize = (long)((e.Price - (Purchase ?? 0D)) * Quantity);
                    var  avg = EMA.Make(++Accumulative, revenue - TodayRevenue + unrealize - TodayUnrealize, Before);

                    if (ts.Setting.Equals(Setting.Reservation) && Quantity > ts.Quantity - 1)
                        var stock = Market;
                        int quantity = Quantity / ts.Quantity, price = e.Price, sell = (int)((Purchase ?? 0D) * (1 + ts.RealizeProfit)), buy = (int)((Purchase ?? 0D) * (1 - ts.AdditionalPurchase)), upper = (int)(price * 1.3), lower = (int)(price * 0.7), bPrice = GetStartingPrice(lower, stock), sPrice = GetStartingPrice(sell, stock);
                        sPrice = sPrice < lower ? lower + GetQuoteUnit(sPrice, stock) : sPrice;

                        while (sPrice < upper && quantity-- > 0)
                            OrderNumber[GetOrderNumber((int)OpenOrderType.신규매도)] = sPrice;

                            for (int i = 0; i < ts.QuoteUnit; i++)
                                sPrice += GetQuoteUnit(sPrice, stock);
                        while (bPrice < upper && bPrice < buy)
                            OrderNumber[GetOrderNumber((int)OpenOrderType.신규매수)] = bPrice;

                            for (int i = 0; i < ts.QuoteUnit; i++)
                                bPrice += GetQuoteUnit(bPrice, stock);
                        if (Verify && DateTime.TryParseExact(e.Date.Substring(0, 12), format, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, DateTimeStyles.None, out DateTime dt))
                            OnReceiveEvent(new string[]
                                string.Concat(dt.ToShortDateString(), " ", dt.ToLongTimeString()),
                                OrderNumber.Where(o => o.Key.StartsWith("1")).Max(o => o.Key),
                                OrderNumber.Where(o => o.Key.StartsWith("2")).Max(o => o.Key)
                    SendMessage = new Statistics
                        Date       = e.Date.Substring(0, 6),
                        Cumulative = (revenue + unrealize) / ts.Quantity,
                        Base       = SendMessage.Base > Base / ts.Quantity ? SendMessage.Base : Base / ts.Quantity,
                        Statistic  = (int)(avg / ts.Quantity)
                    SendStocks?.Invoke(this, new SendHoldingStocks(e.Date, e.Price, sShort, sLong, trend, revenue + unrealize, (long)(Base > 0 ? Base : 0)));
                    Before         = avg;
                    TodayRevenue   = revenue;
                    TodayUnrealize = unrealize;

            case TrendFollowingBasicFutures tf: