public static bool Add(Account a, Order o) { o.OrderTable = new Table(); o.OrderAccount = new Account(); int tableid; Console.WriteLine("|| id table || table name || table status ||"); foreach (var item in tbl.display()) { if (item.Status == 0) { string stt = "empty"; Console.WriteLine("||{0,10}||{1,20}||{2,20}||", item.Table_Id, item.TableName, stt); } else if (item.Status == 1) { string stt = "has some one"; Console.WriteLine("||{0,10}||{1,20}||{2,20}||", item.Table_Id, item.TableName, stt); } } while (true) { Console.WriteLine("Input table Id: "); tableid = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); while (tableid == 0 || tableid > 36) { Console.Write("Pre-enter: "); try { tableid = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); } catch (Exception) { // Console.WriteLine("error"+ e); // Console.Clear(); Console.Write(""); } } var result = tbl.CheckTableById(tableid); if (result == true) { t = (tbl.GetTableById(tableid)); break; } else { Console.WriteLine("Cant find this table or table is not empty!!!"); continue; } } o.OrderTable.Table_Id = tableid; o.OrderAccount.Account_Id = a.Account_Id; Console.WriteLine("|| item id || Item name || item price ||"); foreach (var item in itbl.display()) { Console.WriteLine("||{0,10}||{1,20}||{2,20}||", item.ItemId, item.ItemName, item.ItemPrice); } while (true) { Console.WriteLine(" Input Item Id: "); int itemid; while (!int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out itemid) && itemid < 100 && itemid > 0) { Console.WriteLine("Invalid entry. Please enter a number."); } Console.WriteLine("Input quantity item: "); int quantity = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); while (quantity <= 0 || quantity > 100) { Console.WriteLine("Dont try to test my system :)!!"); Console.Write("Pre-enter: "); try { quantity = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); } catch (Exception) { // Console.WriteLine("error"+ e); // Console.Clear(); Console.Write(""); } // obl.AddItemToOrder(itemid, quantity, o); } obl.AddItemToOrder(itemid, quantity, o); //it = itbl.GetItemById(itemid); Console.WriteLine("Do you want to continue Add Item? "); string choice2 = Console.ReadLine(); if (choice2 == "Y" || choice2 == "y") { continue; } else if (choice2 == "N" || choice2 == "n") { break; } } Console.WriteLine("Do you want to create order: "); char choice3 = Convert.ToChar(Console.ReadLine()); switch (choice3) { case 'y': Console.WriteLine("Create Order: " + (obl.CreateOrder(o) ? "completed!" : "not complete!")); o.ItemsList.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("Order ID: " + o.OrderId); Console.WriteLine("Order Date: " + o.OrderDate); foreach (var item in o.ItemsList) { Console.WriteLine("Item Name: " + item.ItemName + " - " + "Quantity: " + item.Amount + " pecie"); } Console.WriteLine("Order By: " + a.StaffName); Console.Write("Press any key to back the menu: "); Console.ReadKey(); break; case 'Y': Console.WriteLine("Create Order: " + (obl.CreateOrder(o) ? "completed!" : "not complete!")); foreach (var item in o.ItemsList) { Console.WriteLine("Item Name: " + item.ItemName + " - " + "Quantity: " + item.Amount + " pecie"); } Console.WriteLine("Order By: " + a.StaffName); Console.Write("Press any key to back the menu: "); Console.ReadKey(); break; case 'n': Console.Write("Press any key to back the menu: "); Console.ReadKey(); break; case 'N': Console.Write("Press any key to back the menu: "); Console.ReadKey(); break; default: Console.Write("Press any key to back the menu: "); Console.ReadKey(); break; } return(true); }